Brodie Fisher vs Alex Waters
Regular price $21.95The rookie Alex Waters steps into the ring to make his debut against one of the most popular up-and-coming wrestlers on the Rock Hard roster, Brodie Fisher. Alex is ready to get this match started, as he is waiting in the ring for his opponent, clad in blue sapphire and black trunks with white boots. He’s stretching out, warming up, and flexing his fitness model muscles, proud of the way he looks. His opponent Brodie has quickly become a fan favorite and is carving out a leading position on the roster. Thus far, Brodie has had success with victories over Josh Steel, Jason Kane, and a tag team victory with Austin Cooper over Will Stanley & Jason Kane. His lone defeat was a muscle domination beating at the hands of the bad boy, street punk Ethan Andrews. As Alex is flexing, Brodie climbs into the ring asking what is this, you’re new and you’re already pulling this shit?, referring to Alex flexing his muscles in the ring. Brodie scoffs at him declaring he’s got no legs, he has an injured knee, and he’s so disproportionate it's ridiculous! Brodie climbs through the ropes, steps in front of the rookie and starts his own flexing and posing, laying claim to his turf. The baby faced, muscle stud Alex seizes the opportunity to strike first with a cheap shot to the side of Brodie's ribs, and then takes him to the mat with a side headlock. Its a surprising start to this match between two vivacious, young muscle studs. Alex starts working him over with several stomps to his abs and back, then backs him up into the corner turnbuckle and connects with punches to Brodie's chiseled pecs. This rookie ain’t acting like a rookie, he’s putting a beating on Brodie and taunting him by telling him to flex those biceps now man! Alex continues the onslaught, whipping the teen bodybuilder into the opposite corner, then dragging him along the mat before clamping on a tight camel clutch which inflicts pain on the lower back and stretches his perfectly muscled body out to the max. Alex is having his way with Brodie, but when he gets cocky and pauses to flex his own double bicep shot for the cameras, he makes a rookie mistake and provides an opening for his more experienced opponent to take advantage. Brodie sneaks up from behind, wraps his massive arms around Alex's 29 inch waist and hoists him up into a tight bear-hug. He squeezes Alex with all his might, wanting to sap his strength and wear him down some. Brodie makes the frat-boy pay, placing him in a bow and arrow on the mat, stretching his muscles to their limits. Brodie then drags him to his feet, slips in a full nelson then tosses the rookie into the corner and starts a mini flexing session. Alex, not impressed, tells him he’s small as shit which doesn’t go over well with the teen bodybuilder. Brodie whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and goes for a high risk, high reward move that doesn’t end well for him. Alex is able to plant his boot in Brodie's gut as he’s racing toward him, which sends the teen bodybuilder crumbling to the mat. Alex regains the momentum, sending Brodie into the corner for a face full of turnbuckle, which nearly knocks him out. Alex sensing this is his moment, drags the teen bodybuilder out of the corner and then locks on a full nelson and grapevines his legs. He stretches and extends the teen bodybuilders muscle in all directions, making him suffer in pain, before giving a super thrust with his hips, stretching him out even further until Brodie is forced to say I submit. Alex finally releases the hold, pops up to his feet, and gives his opponent one final stomp before the cocky rookie claims an impressive win in round one.
Round two opens and Alex picks up right where he left off, scooping Brodie off his feet, lifting him up, then telling him he’s going to break his back before dropping him down hard across his knee into an over the knee back-breaker. As he has Brodie's well-muscled frame draped over his knee, Alex starts raining down punches into the bodybuilders perfect six pack abs. Alex continues to deliver the punishment with a series of stomps, chokes and leg scissors, until Brodie has finally had enough and uses his incredible strength to pry Alex's leg scissors off of him and change the course of this round. Brodie is steaming mad, and takes charge of the rookie frat-boy. He suplexes him down to the mat, then makes him suffer in a head scissors as Brodie flexes his baseball sized bicep in Alex's face while taunting him. The teen bodybuilder then lifts him to his feet, scoops him up to power slam him to the mat, then stretches him out in a variation of a camel clutch which has Alex gasping for air face down on the mat. Brodie gets in his face and proclaims Im going to make this easy for you, your legs wont even have to touch the ground. Alex has to be wondering whats in store for him next! The teen bodybuilder lifts him up, carries him over to the corner, then places him upside down in a tree of woe that has the frat-boy in a heap of trouble. Brodie scoots around him, wraps his massive thighs around his throat, locks his ankles together, then starts squeezing the hell out of the brash frat-boy. With nowhere to escape and immense pressure around his throat, Alex finally succumbs to the torture, and moans out a submission before crumbling down onto the mat to end round two. The third and deciding round starts with Alex's neck still smarting, and Brodie as fresh as ever, ready to go bouncing around in his corner. Can the teen bodybuilder tame the cocky, muscular frat-boy and keep his winning ways going as he attempts to work his way up to the top of the roster? Or, will Alex be able to out-muscle his opponent and show that he’s a rookie rising within the ranks here at Rock Hard? All the thrilling action between these two muscle studs leads up to one of them being choked out in a submission hold, while the victor humiliates his conquest in a never seen before fashion while exiting the ring with a hard fought victory!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Austin Cooper vs Jason Kane
Regular price $21.95This head-to-head battle opens with both of these warriors in the ring, stretching their fine muscular physiques out before doing battle. The teen sensation Jason is first to peel off his gym gear, revealing his sensational teen muscles and massive biceps. Austin, not one to back down from anybody, is then quick to reveal his brawny muscles. The two of them meet in the center of the ring, each eager to show off their hard work in the gym, and show up each other. The sight of these two muscle studs comparing bulging biceps has to be seen to believe, and Jason's massive peaking biceps might just have the edge over Austin's huge arms! But, will that translate to an advantage for the teen sensation, considering he is going up against one of the more seasoned veterans on the Rock Hard roster. After they exchange flexes and taunts, Coop shoves the teen sensation to the side to get things going in round one. He takes the early control over Jason, showing off his raw power with a reverse bearhug, then flings him to the mat and starts stomping away at the teens body. Coop lifts him up into a camel clutch, and cranks back on his chin to apply pressure on Jason's back. After Coop dishes out the pain in that hold, he places Jason's tall, lean, muscular body in a double leg Boston crab, continuing to work over his back and make it suffer. He then scoops Jason up over his head and slams him to the mat, before placing him in a bow and arrow hold, which stretches the teens long legs, massive arms, and well-built back out along the ring floor. Austin is determined to dominate the less experienced teen, and makes him ache again in a second camel clutch, really applying immense pressure to Jason's lower back. Coop then forces the teen sensation back into the corner turnbuckle and starts delivering a series of should blocks into his ripped midsection, then starts pounding away with his fists on Jason's chest. It appears that Austin is going to dominate all the action in round one, but Jason is able to reverse a whip across the ring, and instead it is Coop who collides into the far corner turnbuckle.Jason starts bashing and stomping away at Coop's brawny muscles, wanting to make him pay for the beating that he just endured. Jason drags the red head up to his feet, walks him over to the ropes, then starts choking him out over the top rope. Jason flings Austin back into the center of the ring and starts dragging him up to his feet by his hair, but his inexperience leaves an opening for Coop, and he connects with a jab to the teens abs that rocks him.Coop regains the advantage, places several heavy black boots into Jason's back, then hangs him upside down in a tree of woe in the corner then starts bashing away at his six pack abs. Coop continues to soften the teen muscle boy up, hoisting up into a crucifix that has Jason's incredible body draped across Coop's massive back, stretching him out and making him suffer. With Jason face down on the mat, Coop goes in for the kill. He laces his arms around one of the teens longs legs, rolls him over and scissors Jason's other leg in a split and spladle hold that has Jason's legs and crotch stretched to the limits with nowhere to go. The teen stud tries to fight out of it, but eventually succumbs to the severe pain and cries out a submission to end the torment in round one. Coop celebrates his victory, kneeing on top of his opponents back and flexing his huge biceps with a huge grin on his face.
As the studs come out of their respective corners to start round two, Coop asks hows that crotch feeling? with a sly grin on his face, and as Jason hobbles around the ring, proclaims Im going to kick your ass. That doesn’t seem likely as Coop backs the teen sensation against the far ropes and starts bashing away at his six pack, then drags him over to the near ropes and laces his tall, muscular body thru the ring ropes and inflicts more punishment. It appears that Coop is going to make short work of Jason in this match, especially when he has him draped over his broad, muscle bound shoulders in a backbreaker. But somehow, Jason is able to endure the pain until Coop drops him to the mat and admires his dominance. Jason is no slouch these days, and he’s learned his own arsenal of moves, so when Austin is pulling him up to his feet, the teen muscle stud connects with a fist to Coop's gut, which stuns the big guy. Jason takes control, shoving him into the corner and connecting with a series of stomps, jabs, and shoulder thrusts into his midsection. Jason attacks Coop's body, stomping on him while he lay face down on the mat, then chokes him out over the top rope, before placing him in a surfboard and stretching his brawny red headed body out in all directions.When Coop doesn’t submit, Jason releases the hold and goes back to stomping away and wearing him down. The teen sensation puts a good beating on Austin before locking him in another surfboard, this time forcing him to his feet for maximum pressure that compels him to belt out a submission to end round two. Jason places his boot on Coop's massive chest and flexes a double bicep pose for the camera, with his bulging peaked biceps nearly popping out of his skin. What a sight! In round three, the teen muscle stud takes the early control over Coop, but will he have enough fire power and grit to grind another submission out of the beefy red head? Or will Coop regain the momentum and inflict more pain and suffering on Jason's exquisite physique, showing him he’s the boss in this ring? All the thrilling action in round three leads up to a breathtaking, backbreaking finishing hold which has one of the muscle studs body is stretched to the max in the center of the ring, with all of his glorious muscles on full display until he succumbs to the pain and his opponent! A stimulating finish to a terrific match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Josh Steel vs Luke Harrison
Regular price $21.95The match opens with Luke Harrison in the ring, going through a series of amateur warm ups in preparation for his debut match. Luke is a former high school wrestler from the South, with extensive amateur background, who contacted Rock Hard with an interest in joining the roster. He is smaller than the typical fitness models and bodybuilders that rule the ring, but he thinks he can make up for his size difference with his tenacity and arsenal of amateur moves. He requested his debut match be set up to take on Josh, since both of these guys sort of know each other from their other video work on the net. With that backdrop, this match was set up as a high stakes loser gets stripped match! Josh has previous experience in the ring, and since his early matches has put on a considerable amount of muscle and weight. He’s as big as ever, and his body has never looked better! Josh sits on the apron and watches Luke go through his warm-ups, nearly salivating to get his hands on Luke's innocence and much smaller physique.The blond stud climbs through the ropes, asking "you trying to be a wrestler now boy?", and ridicules him saying "interesting, what you got then?" Luke, not backing down, retorts enough to take you down, which initiates the action for round one. They lock up, and shockingly, the smaller Luke scoops Josh up and tosses him to the mat, following up with a stomp to his gut. The slim rookie rolls the blond muscle boy over to his back, kicks him a few times for good measure, then slaps on a full nelson and grapevine which has Josh stretched out and wondering what the hell is happening! Luke is off to a quick, impressive start, controlling Josh's bigger, muscular body, even making him eat some mat within the first few minutes. Who would have guessed this was going to happen between these two porn star rivals? Luke lets the blond muscle boy get to his feet, then sends him across the ring and delivers a clothesline against Josh's massive pecs.He drops to the mat, and Luke stays on the attack applying a bow and arrow, spreading the surfer boys impressive new muscles out on display. Luke is in total control of the more experienced muscle boy, and seems somewhat unimpressed with his wrestling skills, as he lifts him to his feet into a full nelson, and parades his ass around the ring. But Josh's fury finally awakens when he uses his brute force to break free from the full nelson, reverses Luke, then picks him up and slams him down to the mat. Josh starts to use his superior size advantage and ring savvy to start delivering a beating on his rival. He connects with several stomps on Luke, saying I must have underestimated you a little bit as he towers over him on the mat. Josh kicks him into the corner, then begins to reign down on him with a flurry of fists into Luke's abs. As Josh connects with every shot, the amateur wrestler cries out in pain. The blond muscle boy is now in control, and he drags Luke to his feet by a fistful of hair, before throwing him into the corner turnbuckle, then stomping away with his white boots on his smaller opponent. Josh sends him off the ropes and delivers his own clothesline across Luke's chest, proclaiming, thats for earlier bitch! Josh then begins to stomp away on Luke's legs, making him suffer and wearing him down, before setting him up to finish him off. The blond muscle stud locks a figure four leg lock on Luke's long, lanky legs and also bashes away at his abs as he screams out in pain. Little Luke cant bear the immense pressure and pain, and is forced to tap out a submission to his rival to end round one.
Round two opens and Luke's ego is a little bruised, along with his body, as he comes out of his corner claiming he can still take Josh down. Josh takes control and clamps his huge bicep around Luke's head in a show of who’s got the real muscle in this match up. He hip tosses Luke to the mat, then wraps his well-developed thighs around Luke's 28 waist and starts squeezing the shit out of him while bashing away on his abs. Josh tortures him some more, lacing his body through the ring ropes, extending him and applying the pain with a full nelson. But Luke has been in wrestling matches before, and is able to fend off the attack. Just when you thought this match was going to end in two straight falls for the blond muscle boy, Luke is able to take advantage of an opening and goes on the offensive. Shockingly, he hoists Josh of his feet and slams his beautiful body to the mat. Josh is stunned, and Luke stays on the attack. He stomps away on Josh's muscles, then lifts him up into a full nelson, parades him around the mat before decking him with a clothesline and taunting no pain, no gain! Luke commands Josh to get to his feet, and once he does, Luke suplexes him back to down to the mat. Luke is feeling it, and he knows he’s in total control of the blond muscle boy. He stomps Josh in his abs to soften him up, then lifts him to his feet, only to pick him back up and slam him to the mat. Once more he helps his rival to his feet, scoops him up, walks him around the ring, and then drops him across his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. With Josh's beautifully muscled body draped across his knee, he stretches him to the extreme. Luke inflicts severe pain, pushing down with all his might on Josh's chin until he finally succumbs and cries out a submission. Luke bashes him in the abs for good measure, and then stomps on his back claiming victory in round two.The third and deciding round begins with Luke full of energy in his corner, anxious to get his hands back on his rivals muscles. But Josh has a huge size advantage and intends to use it. Both of these porn star rivals know that the loser is getting stripped in the end, and both will do whatever it takes to be the one doing the stripping. Huge egos and reputations are on the line, as these two battle to the end until one of these guys is left lying on the mat, stripped out of his gear! A must see match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Ethan Andrews vs Will Stanley
Regular price $21.95The brit boxer Will has been steaming mad as of late, enduring two beatings in different fashion from the hands of Rock Hards resident bad boy, Ethan. In one of those matches, Ethan helped coach Aaron Travers in a double team beating on Will, and in the other match, Ethan teamed up with Aaron to destroy Will and Jason Kane in a tag team showdown. Will seems to have shown some good skills in his matches, and he surely has a fine tuned, muscular body to compete in the ring, but he just hasn’t been able to chalk up a victory. He’s demanded a match against the resident bad boy, wanting to prove he has what it takes to stay on the roster. Ethan isn’t afraid of anybody, and sees this as an opportunity to whip on the brit muscle boy again, and force him back across the pond with his tail between his legs. This showdown starts with Will jumping rope in the ring, sporting a navy blue singlet and white boots. Ethan climbs thru the ropes in a shiny white singlet and white boots, seemingly trying to change his dark, bad boy image with this attire.Ethan starts the taunting right away, telling Will he sucks and suggesting he should drop his tag team partner. He proceeds telling Will that he can leave now, and when Will doesn’t listen, the bad boy delivers a fist to his abs and backs him into the corner and starts bashing away. Will is caught by surprise, and is staggered in the corner. Ethan whips him to the opposite corner, places his boot across the brits throat and starts choking him out. Ethan is just getting warmed up as he drags Will to his feet by his head, connects with a knee to his gut, then sends him through the ropes. The street punk places Will's throat across the middle rope and starts choking him out, then jumps across his neck, sits on top of him and chokes him out some more by bouncing his weight up and down while Will is trapped in the ropes. When he’s threw with that torture, he brings Will back into the ring, places him in an inverted choke, drops Will's back down onto his knee, and Ethan starts pounding away at the fitness models abs. He drops Will to the mat and follows up with some heavy stomps to his torso. Ethan is known to taking great pleasure with bashing, clawing, and pummeling any muscle boys abs, maybe as a sign of envy or part of a jealous streak he has bottled up inside? Whatever the reason, Ethan pretty much dominates the action in round one, having his way with the fitness model. Will does get a few shots in on the street punk, but Ethan just has too much for the less experienced brit boxer. As the action heats up, each wrestler does rip the singlet straps down of the other, exposing their torsos for direct punishment. Bad boy Ethan stretches Will's muscles out in a surfboard, forcing his knee into the back of Will's neck for added pressure and pain. He follows that up with a double leg boston crab, placing immense pressure on the brits back. Ethan knows when to go for the kill, and at this point he senses Will is ripe for the taking. He drags Will's limp body over to the ropes, laces it thru the ropes, pulls him back arched against the top rope and pounds away on Will's massive chest. He then starts yanking back on his chin like he was a Gumby, stretching Will's body to the extreme. Will is squealing in pain as hes stretched thru the ropes with nowhere to escape. Will finally yells out a submission and then crumbles to the mat in agony. Ethan, satisfied with his beating, proclaims God save the Queen, God save You! as he places his boot on Will's chest and flexes a double bicep shot claiming victory in round one.
Round two begins and Ethan is chomping at the bit to get his hands back on the tall brit, eager to dish out more punishment. They lock up, all the while taunting and tossing barbs at each other, and the bad boy uses his ring experience to catch Will with a drop down ankle hold that sends him to the mat. Ethan quickly clamps on a reverse ankle lock and continues his attack on Will's body, stretching him out and splitting him apart every chance that he gets. He continues to dominate the brit boxer, making him suffer in a rear naked choke and leg grapevine on the mat, then scissors his long legs around Will's hips and begins bashing away at his six pack abs, before dragging him to his feet, throwing him into the corner turnbuckle, then running across the ring and landing a big body splash across Will's brawny chest. Just when you think Will is going to go down in two straight falls, hes able to leap over the bad boy on an attempt at a clothesline and gain the upper hand in this round. With the bad boy stunned and laying across the ropes, Will places his foot on Ethans neck and starts choking him out against the ring rope. He laces Ethans tall, lanky body thru the ropes and dishes out some of his own payback, stretching Ethans arms back in a standing surfboard, then delivers several heavy forearm smashes across his chest.Will has summoned enough strength to stay on the attack, and while the sweat drips off his muscles, he continues to do damage on the bad boys body. Will uses his superior strength to pick Ethan up off the mat into a bearhug, drive him into the corner and connects with a series of shoulder blasts into his gut. Will pulls out all the stops, even using the red jump rope in his corner to choke and strangle the bad boy from behind, draining all the wind from Ethans body. Will seizes the opportunity to secure a seated surfboard on Ethan, pulling him back and stretching him out, placing extreme pressure on the bad boys lower back. When Ethan doesn’t submit, Will inflicts even more pain by pulling Ethan back even further, yanking on his hair and telling him to submit. Ethan cant withstand the pain any longer and finally succumbs to Will's force, crying out a submission to even this match at one round a piece. Does the bad boy Ethan turn the momentum in round three and stretch, split, and bash a submission out of the brit muscle boy? Or, can Will continue his assault using his size and strength to squash the bad boy and earn his first victory? All the extreme action leads up to the victor not only making his opponent submit to an excruciating over the shoulder backbreaker, but he then locks on a sleeper hold for good measure, leaving his defeated opponents body in a heap of rubble on the mat. A surprising finish to this match you’ll want to see for yourself!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Brodie Fisher & Josh Steel vs Ethan Andrews & Aaron Travers
Regular price $21.95Brodie and Josh are two rising superstars on the Rock Hard roster, and have come a long way since their debuts last year. These two teenagers work out hard in the gym, carving out incredible muscular bodies that look like they jumped off the pages of a recent health and fitness magazine. As you may know, they have squared off against one another in singles competition with the teen bodybuilder Brodie narrowly chalking up a victory over the bronzed, surfer boy Josh. Considering the success that they have both experienced in recent matches, they chose to team up their muscles and take on the resident bad boy, Ethan, and his current protege, Aaron, intent on proving their amazing physiques are up to the challenge of putting the bad boys in their place. Round one opens with Brodie in his signature red square cuts and black boot and Josh in blue square cuts and white boots, which highlight his golden bronzed body. In the opposite corner, the bad boy and his protege are in their black and gold metallic trunks with black boots, eagerly awaiting their chance at taking out the teen muscle boys. First up in this round is Brodie and the rookie, Aaron. Brodie wastes no time in gaining the advantage over Aaron, securing him in a tight, side headlock, stretching him out in a full nelson and grapevine combination, pounding and stomping away at his abs while he’s double teamed in the corner, then picks him up and drops Aaron across his knee into an over the knee backbreaker.Aaron doesn’t even get an offensive shot in on the teen bodybuilder before he’s looking to take in his mentor to take over.While Aaron tags in Ethan, Brodie tags in Josh and these two lock up at center ring. Ethan put an MMA style beating on the blond surfer dude in their previous singles match, and he takes the control again in this encounter. He backs Josh into the corner, delivers a few shoulder trusts into his gut, suplexes him down to the mat, then straddles Josh and starts bashing away at his abs of steel. Ethan is relentless, and continues to impose his will with a series of holds that make Josh suffer and Ethan delight. He tosses the shaggy haired blond around the ring like he was his own personal play toy. The bad boy stretches, pulls, and contorts every muscle in Josh’s fantastic physique, obviously enjoying himself all the while! Ethan even taunts Brodie, saying look at your partner now as he has Josh in a reverse head lock and draped across his knee, then he bashes away some more on Josh’s pristine abs. Ethan is in total control, that is, until Brodie decides he’s seen enough and jumps over the top rope into the ring to help his partner. Brodie and Josh back the skinny street punk into a corner and start to stomp and pound away, until Ethan seizes a split second opening and tags Aaron. Josh immediately takes control over the less experienced and smaller opponent, throwing him to the mat before double teaming him in the ropes while Brodie places Aaron in a full nelson and Josh stomps away on his chest with his size 11 white boots. Josh is now the muscle boy clearly in control of this match, placing Aaron in a seated surfboard and stretching the rookie out in search of a submission. When Aaron wont submit, Josh picks him up, then puts him through the same punishment. Josh places Aaron in another seated surfboard, but this time exerts intense pressure, forcing Aaron to his feet as he looks for anyway to escape Josh’s raw muscular power and the agonizing pain. With Aaron standing and screaming with nowhere to escape, and his bad boy partner helpless on the other side of the ring, Josh forces the rookie to submit to the surfboard as Aaron screams out a submission. Round one goes to the muscle studs as they proudly pose their fantastic physiques over their defeated opponent.
Round two opens with Josh beaming with confidence in his corner, and Aaron seemingly hesitant to continue as he hobbles out of the opposite corner. The shaggy, blond muscle hunk quickly takes the rookie down to the mat and starts attacking his abs. Ethan tries to encourage his partner to fight back but its looking like Ethan is the only one who has any fight left on his team. Josh dishes out the punishment on Aaron before he is able to crawl across the mat and tag in Ethan. The resident bad boy climbs through the ropes and states you’re mine now dude as he catches Josh in a headlock, takes him to the mat, then starts grinding away on Josh’s fine-looking face. Don’t know what it is, but Ethan simply has Josh’s number! He lifts the bronzed surfer dude up and drops him into an over the knee backbreaker, stretching his stunning body out on display. Josh takes a beating until he is able to back the street punk against the ropes where Brodie is eagerly awaiting, and locks in a full nelson on Ethan and the two muscle boys start dishing out a 2 on 1 beat down. Ethan is able to break free and tag in Aaron, but that doesn’t change the dynamics of this match. Its more of the same as the energetic, teen muscle boys continue to dominate the rookie. Ethan does get back into the ring, and gains an advantage over Brodie, stretching his magnificent muscles out in an over the knee backbreaker, but when Brodie is able to reverse the action in the corner he lifts the bad boy up only to power slam him down on the mat. He works Ethan over; stretching him out on the mat, scissoring his tree trunk sized thighs across the bad boys 29 inch waist and squeezing the life out of him, then double teaming him in the corner with excessive pounding and stomping away on his abs, softening him for the kill. The teen bodybuilder hoists the resident bad boy up onto his back into a crucifix, and as Ethan is stretched out helpless across Brodie’s back, Josh whacks away at his abs until he cant take it any longer and reluctantly cries out a submission. The two teenage muscle studs chalk up a well-earned victory, and flex their smoking hot, sweaty muscles as the bad boy Ethan lay helpless and bulging on the mat.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Brian Baker vs Austin Cooper
Regular price $21.95The rookie Brian Baker has traveled a long way from the west coast to join Rock Hard, determined to prove his towering 6'4", 205 lbs incredible physique will prove no match for the reigning muscle studs on the roster. And though he’s an award winning collegiate athlete, he doesn’t have any experience wrestling in the ring. But that does not deter the giant from insisting he takes on the big, brawny red head Austin Cooper in his debut match. This intriguing match opens with both warriors coming to the center of the ring, chest to chest, well sort of, as Brian looks down on his opponent with a sneer on his face. Coop doesn’t fear anyone and stands toe to toe with the big guy, not giving an inch. Brian strikes first, hoisting Coop up into a front facing bearhug, He squeezes hard on the red heads lower back in a display of power, that is until Coop is able to connect with a forearm to the giants chest and break free. Austin backs him into the corner and starts bashing away at his abs. He knows he needs to wear the big guy down and get him to the mat in order to negate the considerable height difference. Coop is quick to suplex the giant down to the mat, then places him a camel clutch, wanting to return the favor of showing who’s the boss in this ring. Coop starts attacking his long, lean muscled body with his extensive arsenal of holds he’s built over the last few years. Austin wraps his huge muscled thighs around Brian's waist and starts squeezing as fierce as he can wanting to sap the strength out of that 64 frame. He makes Brian suffer in a reverse wrist lock, then delivers a number of fist thrusts into his tanned sternum.He continues to inflict pain on the goliath; stretching Brian's back and long legs out in a Boston crab, then makes him squirm in an MMA style arm bar before picking him up and dropping his lanky frame down across his knee in an over the knee backbreaker.Coop is in total control of the giant, as Brian cries out in pain, and Coop forcing his hand down on Brian's chin as he stretches his towering physique out in a way that Brian has likely never felt before. Coop further torments the rookie shoving his fingers down deep into his ripped abs in a powerful claw hold, and as Brian agonizes on the mat, Coop stands up and flexes his mammoth biceps and ridicules him saying, you know, if you worked out and had guns like this, you might stand a chance. Coop continues to dominate his oversized opponent, suplexing his tall physique across the ring, and even though Brian is able to get a couple shots in on Coop's abs while backed into the corner turnbuckle, Austin controls the action in the final minutes of round one. Austin, the tactician, systematically softens the rookie giant up with a full nelson and grapevine combo that stretches his muscles out to the max.When Coop senses he has the rookie ripe for the kill, he drags him to his feet, marches him across the ring, and then proceeds to lace his tall, lanky body between the ring ropes and places him an abdominal stretch.Brains impressive physique is stretched out and on full display as Coop applies intense pressure. Coop demands that he submits, and when Brian refuses to give, Coop ratchets up the pain with some ab bashing, until the rookie ultimately submits. Coop makes him suffer an additional five seconds as a punishment for not submitting sooner. Coop pulls him out of the ropes, shoves him to the mat, then places his black boot on the giants chest and flexes a massive double bicep shot towering over the fallen giant.
Brian, seemingly undeterred from the beating he just took, struts out of his corner, proclaims he’s still strong, then challenges the brawny redhead to an arm wrestling showdown. Coop is amused by the challenge, asks the rookie if he’s serious, then flashes an intimidating bicep shot. The two of them lie down on the mat, lock up in this test of strength. The giant gains the early advantage and nearly powers Coop's wrist to the mat, but Coop was just playing with him and in the end forces the rookies wrist to the mat. They come to their feet with Coop gloating what did I tell you then shoves the lofty collegiate athlete in the chest and back into the corner. Austin continues were he left off in round one, by dishing out another ab bashing on Brian's chiseled six pack. Coop then tosses him to the mat and spreads and splits his long, lanky legs apart, stretching his hamstrings and his crotch. Coop ponders a wish as he practically splits the giant apart, while Brian is moaning out in some serious pain. Coop continues to dominate the action, clamping on a full nelson and imposing his will on Brian's gigantic, tanned physique. Just as it seems like this will be a total squash, Brian seizes an opening, draws on his previous scholastic wrestling experience and is able secure a reverse , then go on the attack. Brian stomps away with is white boots on Coop's fair skinned body. He chokes him over the ropes, then wraps his long, lanky legs around Coop's waist and tries to squeeze the shit out of him. The rookie makes the mistake of never asking for Coop to submit, and Coop is able to endure the predicament and change the momentum. The burly ginger backs Brian back into his corner, connects with a few kicks and fists into his gut, wanting to soften him up and get him back down to the mat. Coop truly dishes out the punishment in the final few minutes of this rookie squash, inflicting torture on Brian's long, lean muscles; first by draping his worn out body over his back in a crucifix, then securing a tight figure four leg lock on his long legs, and stretching his muscles out in a bow and arrow while he’s withering on the mat, before ultimately hoisting the 64 giant up over his shoulders into a torture rack that compels the rookie to scream out a submission at the top of his lungs to put an end to the misery. Coop flings him off his shoulders and down to the mat, he calls him pathetic and flexes his massive muscular body in triumph as the sweat glistens off his muscles in a two round squash job!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.