Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $21.95Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
In Chad's debut match he went against the Z-man, Zack Johnathan, and though he had a slight size advantage the Z-man just had too much experience and he was defeated in straight rounds. But, during that match, Chad showed signs of brilliance, both athletically and with his determination. He knows he’s the new kid on the block but is determined to climb his way to the top of the roster. He’s not drawing any lucky cards with this match, because he’s going up against another seasoned veteran in the red head Austin. The Coop has been with Rock Hard for a long while and has certainly made his mark on the roster, having great success in his singles matches and huge success as a tag team with Jake Jenkins in which they never lost a match. So, this is going to be a big mountain for Chad to climb. The rookie is in the ring flexing his beach bod muscles in his red lifeguard board shoots looking like he just walked off the set of Baywatch. He likes the reflection he sees in the mirror as he slowly drops his shorts revealing his blue square cut trunks, red socks, and white boots. An all-American vision to be sure. As he’s jumping rope, Austin strolls around the corner eating an apple, looking like he just finished with his lunch break. He confronts the rookie, asking what he’s doing in the ring. Chad claims that this is his ring, its his zen zone, but Coop explains this is no swimming pool as he throws his half eaten apple in the direction of the newbie. Coop climbs into the ring and the two size each other up, before the veteran strikes first. He scoops the blond lifeguard up, proceeds to walk him around the ring, and then slams his beach bod to the mat in a display of intimidation. Coop straddles Chad as he lay on his stomach, then locks on a viscous arm bar and applies extreme pressure, then rolls him over and locks his tree trunk thighs around the newbies 28 inch waist and squeezes away on his ripped abs.The veteran lays on the mat enjoying seeing the blond boy squirm in an attempt to escape. Chad is unable to break the leg scissors and he stays in the control of the red headed veteran, once Coop releases the hold he brings Chad to his feet then makes him fly by suplexing him around the ring. Coop then induces some pain on the rookies muscled beach bod as he makes him suffer in a Boston crab. Coop says he’s not impressed with the rookie but Chad counters that he’s going to kick his ass.The rookie fends off the pain until Coop releases the hold, and once he does he’s able to get to his feet and quickly attacks the ginger with a scoop slam. Chad's got some serious muscle and he intends on using it. He tells the veteran you know what I can to do you as he stomps away on his back. Once Chad has softened him up, he places Coop in a full nelson with his legs locked around his hips, stretching the red head out and asking “who’s your dad?”. Pretty cocky for a rookie! As Chad circles his prey and stomps his body, he asks Coop who’s the dumb ass now? and the veteran doesn’t hesitate with the reply some guy named Chad. Its going to take Chad delivering a lot more punishment to take out a seasoned wrestler like Coop. As Chad is lifting Coop to his feet, the red head makes his move, He hoists the lifeguard up and over his shoulder with a double leg, then drops him in a reverse atomic drop across his knee. Chad screams out my ass as he squirms in pain claiming that was a cheap shot. The tactician veteran proclaims Im going to kick your ass both literally and figuratively, as he kicks his black boot into Chad's beefy ass. The red head locks on an arm bar combo, ripping Chad's big muscled arm to the limit, while he flexes his own colossal 17 bicep. Coop asks the baby face what do you think I do to little guys like you? as he hoists him up off his feet. Coop walks him around the ring, then drops him hard across his knee into a backbreaker. The tactician has the rookie right where he wants him, his beach bod draped over his knee in total control. He pushes down on Chad's chin until he cries out I give three times, even admitting Coop wins before he’s shoved to the mat. Coop sits down on the lifeguards butt flexing his killer biceps for a triumph in round one.
Round two begins with Austin asking how you feeling buddy, and Chad telling him you ain’t seen nothing yet. Coop mocks him by singing some of the lyrics from the old BTO song. The two muscle beach bods lock up and its the red head backing the lifeguard into the corner turnbuckle and stomping on both his legs which take his pins right out from under him. Coop then places his black boot across Chad's throat, choking and cutting off his oxygen. Chad's able to fend it off, but only to end up in a torture rack across Coop's broad shoulders and back, not once but twice! The steamy hot, blond beach boy is able to withstand the attack and is able to reverse the action on the veteran. He picks him up then slams his body to the mat, then clamps on a camel clutch and tells Coop he is his bitch now while flexing his own impressive bicep. Chad's in control and loving it, he’s shown himself to be a quick learner and he’s not going to let up on the red head. He delivers several flying elbow drops to Coop's back, then flips him over and places his boots on his shoulders, grabs his wrists, and starts stretching the veteran tactician out. Chad's muscles are pumped and so is his ego. He drags Coop over to the ropes and chokes him out, then whips him across the ring into the corner turnbuckle. He’s got Coop stunned and begins bashing away at his super six-pack. He continues stomping on his body and throwing the burly red head around the ring until he says I got something special for you! As Coop lay on the mat, Chad steps out of the ring to grab his jump rope. He laces it around the veterans throat, places his knee in his back, then starts yanking back with all his might. The blond lifeguard is flexing every muscle in his incredible beach bod wanting to end this round now. His muscles look glorious under the lights as he continues chocking Coop out. The red head tactician has no choice and ultimately submits before he passes out. Chad flashes a double bicep flex, conquering his opponent in round two. Will Coop be able to come back from the viscous choke out and score a victory over the fast learning blond rookie? Or does Chad and his awesome beach bod continue the momentum and submit the brawny red head to notch an impressive victory? All the thrilling action leads up to a terrific finish in this battle of muscle beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
Regular price $21.95Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
The blond haired mop top Chad spends his summers as a lifeguard at the beach, mostly working on his tan and showing off his scorching beach bod. As he sits in his tower and keeps watch over the beach goers, the girls ask if hell take a selfie with them and the guys are just plain jealous of his perfect muscles. He knows he’s there to save lives and give CPR when needed, all the while enjoying the sunshine, blue waters, and people watching. Since joining Rock Hard, he’s put up impressive challenges to veterans Zack Johnathan and Austin Cooper, but in the end just didn’t have enough experience to pull out a victory. His opponent in this match, Blake also joined the roster about the same time. Blake is a tall, strapping southern boy who’s also run into trouble in his first two matches, giving his all but ultimately losing to the total package Bruce Ballard and the chosen one Dash Decker. So, it was inevitable that these two rookies would square off against one another with one of them able to notch his first success. The match starts with the two rookies exchanging pleasantries and sizing each other up. They’re both about the same height. Blake has about 15-20 pounds on Chad, but the lifeguard has more defined muscle packed on his frame. Blake starts the trash talking, saying come on shaggy, taking a shot at Chad's blond locks. Blake also takes control first, throwing the lifeguard to the mat and stomping his size 12 boot on top of his back and leg. He then stretches Chad's massive legs and crotch out on the mat, places him in a back bending Boston crab, then uses his strength and size to hoist him up into a reverse bear hug. At this point, the lifeguard looks like a fish out of water as the tall titan is having his way with his beach bod muscles. Blake continues to stomp his big, white boot on Chad's body before he whips him across the ring and into a clothesline that flattens the shaggy, blond mop top. As the lifeguards battered body lay on the mat, Blake gets down and wraps his long, muscular legs around Chad's tiny 29” waist and begins squeezing away, proclaiming Chad is sad. But Chad doesn’t seem to be too sad because once he breaks free and gets to his feet, he seems to be pissed! He lifts Blake up over his head and power slams him into the mat. The ring floor vibrates when the 215 lb titan hits the mat, as Chad asks hows your back feel now? Chad dishes out some of his own stomping on Blake's body, then rolls him into a leg scissors. You can only imagine what it feels like to have the lifeguards massive thighs wrapped around your waist and his legs squeezing you like a hydraulic press! Blake cries out in pain as Chad looks down upon his prey. Once Blake has suffered enough, he shoves him off, stands up and begins posing his beach bod muscles in admiration. He even flexes his bicep in Blake's face to show whose boss. Chad lifts Blake to his feet and locks on his own bearhug, flexing his massive arms around the tall titans torso. He throws Blake to the mat, then stretches his long frame out as he drives his foot into his ribcage. But, the lifeguard cant put him away. When the lifeguard begins lifting Blake to his feet, the big man strikes with a double leg and lifts Chad up over his shoulder. He then says what goes up must come down before slamming the blond surfer boy to the mat. Blake chokes and then straddles his long body over Chad's muscles but isn’t able to secure a submission. That was a mistake! Both guys get to their feet and the lifeguard takes control by throwing Blake into the ropes then dropping his 6’2” bod down to the canvas. The blond muscle boy stomps on Blake's back a few times, then drags him up and hoists his long, lanky body across his broad, sun drenched shoulders into to torture rack. Chad has Blake's 215 lbs draped over his shoulders and begins bouncing him up and down to inflict maximum punishment. Blake withstands the pain as long as he can until finally giving up. The beach boy celebrates his triumph by flexing his ripped six-pack over a beaten Blake. Chad's not sad, Chad's bad!
Round two opens with Blake trying to rub away the pain in his back, and Chad strutting around the ring like a proud peacock. They each throw a few wisecracks about who’s got the bigger muscles which leads to a test of strength. The lifeguards inspiring arms win the battle as he hurls Blake to the mat, then follows up with a stomp to his gut. He continues his control over Blake with a camel clutch before stretching him and his lengthy body out on the mat by placing his boots on his shoulders and pulling back on Blake's arms with all his might. The Chad'ster is feeling good about himself as he strikes a few poses with his sexy, hot bod while Blake suffers on the mat. But the lifeguard strikes one too many poses and allows for an opening for Blake to turn the tables. The brown haired titan sends the blond haired mop top to the mat with a sweeping ankle pick and gets in Chad's face flexing his own mighty muscles. He lifts Chad to his feet then sends him across the ring and drives his forearm across the beach boys powerful chest with a clothesline. He continues the assault with a Boston crab then follows that up with a leg scissors by lacing his long legs around Chad's waist, and then stretches him in a bow and arrow as he lays face down on the mat. Will the tall titan be able to force a submission out of Chad and even this match at one round each? Or can Chad turn things around and impose his beach bod muscles to compel Blake to submit a second straight time to chalk up his first victory then forego any CPR on his laid out opponent? One thing's for sure, this is no day at the beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $21.95Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels
The Chosen One, Dash, has yet to lose a singles match and is the reigning King of the Ring. He’s learned to use his spectacular muscled body to intimidate his opponents, but recently just squeaked out a narrow victory over resident bad boy in their King of the Ring 3 match. Could that spell trouble for Dash? Have the other guys on the roster finally figured out a way to bring the big bodybuilder down? There have been some rumblings in the locker room that someone needs to step up and bring the big bodybuilder down. Next up its going to be Chad. The shaggy blond with the all-American collegiate body had success in his last encounter, chalking up a victory over Blake Keller. His confidence is high and he certainly has the muscle to step toe-to-toe with Dash. But, the big question is will he be able to get it done. Dash ditches his signature red trunks this match for a pair of blue ones that are complimented by his blue knee pads and black boots. Chad is clad in two-tone red square cuts that highlight his massive thighs along with his all-American white boots. Chad stands in his corner and bemuses "so you’re this bad-ass Dash Ive been hearing about?", and Dash responds "at least you heard right, I don’t even know who you are", to start things off in round one. The big bodybuilder ties up with the shaggy blond then shoves him into the corner and strikes with a knee to his lifeguard abs to quickly gain the control. Dash works him over in the corner, flips him to the center of the ring, then chicken wings his arm while driving his knee deep into the small of Chad's back. Dash drags him up by his shaggy hair, whips him into a clothesline, then follows that up with a Boston crab. Dash drops an elbow on the beach bod boy as he grovels on the mat. Right now, things aren’t good for Chad, they’re bad! Chad pulls himself up by the ropes only to have Dash shove him back into the corner turnbuckle and begins to drive shoulder thrusts directly into Chad's beautiful abs. The chosen one then wraps his massive arms around the blonds tight waist, lifts him into a front facing bear hug and proceeds to give him a tour of the ring by slamming him back first into three different ring posts. Chad pleads with Dash to put him down, but its to no avail. But just when you’re thinking this might be a squash job, Chad is able to escape from a leg scissors and surprises the bodybuilder by lifting him up and slamming him down to the mat. He gives Dash a few stomps with his size 11 boots, then makes his back suffer in a Boston crab. Chad's showing some signs of mounting a comeback. The shaggy blond places the bodybuilders muscles in a camel clutch, yanks back real hard on his chin, then flexes his mighty biceps in the Dash's face in disdain. The bodybuilder kicks his legs in an attempt to escape, but Chad has him in control and tells him take that fatty! The blond lifeguard tells him I can hold this on all day long and continues flexing his beach bod biceps as Dash suffers below. Chad's learned enough to ask for a submission, but he’s going to need to inflict more punishment if he’s going to force a submission out of the reigning King of the Ring. Since Dash wont submit, Chad drags his sweaty body up to his feet then whips him across the ring for a clothesline. But, Dash is able to duck under the attempt and rebounds to connect with a flying shoulder. Dash goes on the attack, nearly snapping Chad's arm in an arm bar, continuing to assault his six packs abs while backed into the turnbuckle, then stretches the shaggy blonds hot body out in a grapevine and full nelson combo. Dash's muscles glisten with sweat as he punishes the lifeguard, beating him down to finish him off. Once he’s weakened Chad's sexy beach bod, he flips him up and across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Dash has him draped over his shoulder with one arm and flexes his bulging bicep of his other arm in total control. Chad has no choice but to cry out a submission to end the agony. Dash celebrates by flexing his sweat soaked muscles to end round one.
Round two begins with Dash asking Chad is he’s alright, and he replies "I'm fine, I just don’t know if you got the stamina to go another round fatty". Dash is obviously amused by the question, as the two start to circle in center ring. They go at it with a test of strength and the big bodybuilder overpowers the shaggy blond beach bod, then shoves him into the corner. Dash's muscles are flush with blood and pumped to the max after round one, and he’s not losing any momentum here in this round. Dash takes Chad to the mat and starts working over the muscle boy, pounding away at his six-pack, driving his fist down deep into abs with a claw hold, then tops it off by choking him out. Chad struggles to escape the torment but to no avail. He’s under the complete control of the bodybuilder. Dash piles on the pain with a torturous camel clutch, then stretches the lifeguards bod while he’s trapped in the ropes. Its starting to look like this may be an easy win for Dash, but thats going to change when Chad reverses a cross ring whip, and instead its the bodybuilder that goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Its payback time for Chad as he delivers some ab bashing of his own on Dash's precious 8-pack. Chad scoops the bodybuilder up and drops him over his knee and drives his elbow into Dash's abs as he’s laid out in an over the knee backbreaker. When Dash doesn’t submit to that, Chad transitions into another submission hold that stretches the bodybuilders pain threshold to the limits. Can the shaggy blond stretch a submission out of Dash and even this match up at one round a piece? Or is it a fat chance that the chosen one is going to end up losing this match to Chad? The sweat drips off both of their glorious bodies as one of them is laid out to nighty night.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Alex Waters vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $21.95Alex Waters vs Chad Daniels
Alex is up against another wrestler on the roster we haven’t seen in a while, tall, blond, muscle bound Chad. The lifeguard turned wrestler doesn’t have as much experience as Alex, but he does have a size and weight advantage on the cocky fratboy. This is going to be one intriguing match! So many unanswered questions! Round one begins with Alex in his black and blue trunks with black boots, Chad clad in red and black trunks, white boots, and sporting his shaggy blond hair. Both guys looking good enough to walk down any model runway, but who’s the prettiest? Chad asks Alex if he thinks he’s number 1, and of course Alex thinks he’s the best and tells him to check his record. They lock up in a test of strength and surprisingly Chad scores first. He ducks under and into a front facing bearhug, smartly using his size to his advantage. He throws the fratboy into the corner, bashes his abs, then chokes him over the rope while taunting him to submit. But it’s way too early for a veteran like Alex to submit, so the shaggy blond lifts him high over his head, slams him to the mat, stomps on his abs, then wraps his enormous thighs around the cocky boy’s waist and begins to squeeze hard. After he’s made Alex suffer in that hold for a while, he picks him up and drops him over his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. Chad is being more aggressive then we’ve seen him in the past and it’s paying off. As Alex catches his breath on the mat, he asks’ can you give me a second’ and concedes ‘you’re better than I thought’. The lifeguard struts his stuff around the ring, even taking a moment to flex his picture-perfect bi’s. But his confidence costs him. Alex makes his way to his feet, and surprises the blond lifeguard with a scoop slam. Chad’s 205 pound body crashes to the mat with a thud, then Alex stomps him on the chest while he’s moaning in pain. The cocky fratboy then starts really going to work on the lifeguards prized body; he works him over in the corner, chokes him over the top rope and with a rear naked choke, then clobbers his chest while he straddles on top. Alex has shifted the momentum and he’s not letting up. He slams and suplexes Chad around the ring, and then places his hunky body in a bow and arrow and drives his black boot into the blond hunk’s lower back. Alex has the lifeguard trapped now and he’s not going to let up until he forces a submission. Chad resists the first onslaught, but when Alex cranks up the pressure a second time the shaggy blond cannot withstand the pain. He shouts out ‘I give’ to end the agony and round one.
Alex has a big smile on his face to start round two, asking Chad ‘what happened to all that number one talk?’, and tell him he’s starting to sound like a cheerleader. The two tie up and Alex takes control, forcing Chad into the corner turnbuckle and attacks his abs. He then lifts the big guy into a bearhug and then shoves him down to the mat. The cocky fratboy then proceeds to target Chad’s back; he walks over his back while on the mat, picks him up and slams him down tough, and connects with several stomps along the way. Alex continues to have his way with Chad, delivering several bitch slaps to his muscled pecs, and then choking him out with his hands while he’s straddled atop him on the mat. But just when it looks like Alex is going to end this match in two straight, Chad is able to gain a quick reversal. The hunky lifeguard proceeds to bash away on Alex’s abs, then flips him over into a boston crab. Chad begins to focus on destroying the fratboy’s back throughout the remainder of the round, and that’s not by mistake, turning the tables on his opponent. Ultimately, he heaves his smaller opponent around the mat inflicting immense pain until he decides to lift him up and drop him over his knee in a backbreaker. Alex’s back has taken a beating in this round, and the bigger Chad has imposed his will to the point that the fratboy quickly submits to end the beating. The blond lifeguard evens this match at one round a piece as he flexes in triumph. Will Chad be able to continue using his size and strength advantage to navigate the troubled waters and spoil the cocky fratboy’s return? Or can Alex regain the momentum and his special trash talking style that will lead him to another victory and a triumphant return?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Chad Daniels vs Ethan Andrews
Regular price $21.95
Chad Daniels vs Ethan Andrews
Chad is one fine specimen, 6’2”, 195 pounds of hot beach bod muscle. He epitomizes the look of a summer lifeguard; shaggy blond hair, great looking face, and tons of muscle. What a sight! Don’t you wish he was watching over your beach?! He’s got five matches under his belt since joining Rock Hard so he’s no longer considered a rookie. In those matches, he’s taken on some of the best guys on the roster and has proven to be competitive in all of them, but he’s only been able to score one win. He arrives for this match sporting red lifeguard issued sunglasses and a whistle, like he’s on his way to his lifeguard stand on a sun-drenched beach. But this day may soon be spoiled. He looks across the ring for his opponent and it’s none other than one of the best muscle boy destroyers in the business, street punk bad boy Ethan. The bad boy is sitting on the top rope clad in shiny black latex tights and black boots that add to his image. Ethan has torn apart and destroyed nearly every muscle boy he’s faced with his vast arsenal of holds, pure wrestling skills, and tenacity to prove that it’s his muscles that prevail in the ring. He’s conquered every one of the current crop of new wrestlers which includes; Rex Bedford, Jax Brewer, and Tanner Hill, and he’s thrilled at the chance to finally get his hands on Chad’s beach bod muscles. The shaggy blond asks ‘who do we have here’ as he looks up at Ethan, and the bad boy replies by proclaiming he’s ‘the greatest wrestler that Rock Hard has ever known’. Chad proclaims to have never heard of him, and that doesn’t go over well with the street punk. Ethan hops down to the mat, they tie up, and Chad scores first with a double leg takedown. He also connects with a few stomps to Ethan’s ankle and asks ‘how’s your leg now?’ The bad boy pulls himself to his feet and they lock up in a test of strength. Ethan connects with two stomps to the lifeguard’s abs but it doesn’t faze him, Chad uses his bigger muscles to overpower his smaller opponent. He then scoops the street punk and slams him to the mat, the wraps his massive thighs around Ethan’s waist and begins squeezing this shit out of him. The bad boy fights back by punching Chad’s thigh until he releases the hold, and that’s when Ethan is able to shift the momentum. He immediately begins to attack the shaggy blonde’s massive legs by flipping him over into a single leg Boston crab and then transitions it to a choke hold. The bad boy then begins to start really pouring on the punishment to Chad’s beautiful beach bod. Ethan continues to; attack the lifeguard’s massive thighs, scissors his brawny arms behind his head with a leg scissors, then crushes his waist by wrapping his long legs around Chad’s waist before punishing him in an over the knee backbreaker. Chad is able to stay off a submission but clearly it’s the bad boy in control at this point. Ethan maintains the advantage choking Chad over the bottom rope and tying to rip his knee out of joint by pulling it around the middle ring rope, and all the while delivering a bashing to Chad’s ripped abs. Chad does endure the onslaught and does reverse the momentum, getting some good shots in on the bad boy, but in the end it’s just not enough to submit his foe. Ethan regains the advantage and after a grueling assault on Chad’s legs he jumps up onto his back and wraps on a rear naked choke hold. The lifeguard makes every attempt to shake the street punk off his back but Ethan has it locked on tight, and Chad eventually drops to his knees. Ethan then finishes him off choking him out face down on the mat. The bad boy takes round one as he straddles and poses his muscles over a bigger but beaten Chad.
Round two starts with Chad shaking off that sleeper hold and telling Ethan ‘I’ll get you back for that one’. The bad boy doesn’t seem to be too alarmed and in fact continues his control from round one by taking the shaggy blond to the mat with a headlock. Ethan has a tight cinch around Chad’s throat and forcefully applies the pressure. He then transitions the hold into a reverse chin lock, cranking back on the lifeguard’s chin. The street punk continues the trashing by bringing Chad to his feet, placing his throat across the top rope and choking the big guy. The shaggy blond is in trouble, but surprisingly survives the onslaught and is able to reverse the action. He wraps his tree trunk thighs around Ethan’s waist like a vise, then drives his elbow underneath the chin of the street punk. Chad pulls Ethan to his feet, drives him into the corner and retaliates with his own badass ab bashing on the bad boy. The lifeguard is riding a wave of momentum and follows up by placing Ethan in a body bending bow and arrow, pulling with all his might to force a submission. But Ethan won’t give, but he is pissed. Once the bad boy regains control he goes on to dominate the action. He heartlessly pounds and punishes every muscle on Chad’s red-hot beach bod until the lifeguard can’t take it any longer. When Ethan is done owning every one of Chad’s muscles he finishes him off in a spectacular way to end the round and the match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Wes Richards vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $21.95Wes Richards vs Chad Daniels
Wes recently joined the roster and quickly branded himself as an outlaw, he likes doing things his way and going against the grain. He’s a rebel and a loner. In his first match he went up against one of the new wrestlers Tanner Hill. Both guys are about the same size, both ripped, but Tanner sports a little more muscle than Wes. The match was very competitive and while Wes brought his brawling style and all out attitude, it was Tanner who was able to claim the victory using his recent match experience and muscle advantage. In Wes’s second match he went up against one of the reigning superstars in all of underground wrestling, Alex Waters. It was a tall task for Wes, steeping into the ring against a VIP, and at this point in his career he simply didn’t have the knowledge or the ring strategy to even win a round. Alex manhandled him and disposed of him in two straight rounds. Since that match Wes has been pissed and has been begging to get back in the ring. Well today, he gets his wish. In this match his opponent is the buffed, blond lifeguard. Chad joined the roster back in 2014 and has six matches under his belt. All the experienced wrestlers have wanted a piece of Chad since he joined, and who can blame them? Chad is tall, blond, ripped with a buff beach bod, and one overall good looking dude. He’s a threat to all the wrestlers at the top of the roster. So they all stood in line to make sure that wasn’t going to happen; Zack, Austin, Dash, Alex, and Ethan. No rookie could survive that type of onslaught, but that didn’t deter Chad, he kept on coming back for more and all the while gaining more experience. The buff lifeguard was able to notch a win against Blake Keller so he knows what winning tastes like. Which one of these guys is going to prevail?! Round one opens with Wes asking ‘what do you got Chad’ and the lifeguard questioning the wisdom of all of Wes’s tattoos. They circle and tie up with Wes scoring first. He connects with a few jabs to Chad’s abs, suplexes him to the mat, then states ‘just what I thought, a big, slow dummy’. The outlaw then goes all wild, wild Wes on Chad by shoving his boot directly on top of the buff lifeguard’s crotch. Chad cries out in pain ‘you dirty bastard’ and Wes replies ‘oh yeah, I play dirty’. This could be interesting! Wes continues with a Boston crab on the big blond but Chad is able to fend off the attack and get to his feet. Wes has his way with the lifeguard’s ripped muscles cranking hard on a hammerlock and then yanking back on his chin in a camel clutch. But that doesn’t do Chad in and he soon realizes to counter attack the outlaw’s dirty tricks he’s going to need to overpower him. He fights back to his feet, then lifts the smaller Wes up over his head and slams him to the mat. Chad stays on top with a series of power moves, all the while bashing and abusing his opponent’s sexy six-pack. Chad scores big by wrapping his tree trunk thighs around Wes’s small waist and squeezing the crap out of the outlaw, and also straddles him to bash his abs and choke the life out of him. Chad’s no dummy and when he senses that the wild, wild outlaw has been broken, he places him in a standing bow and arrow. Chad stomps his boot into Wes’s ribs and pulls up on his wrist and ankle until the outlaw cries out a submission to end his agony. Chad tells him ‘you fight dirty like that you’re going to get what’s coming to you’ then flexes his huge biceps to claim the first round.
In round two, Chad seizes the control with a suplex, then targets Wes’s legs for a heaping of pain and punishment. He continues to use his size and power advantage against the wild, wild outlaw by scooping him up over his head and power slamming him to the ring floor. Wes is able to get his feet but to no avail. The buff lifeguard whips him across the ring and nearly breaks him in half with a devastating clothesline. Chad inflicts more torture on Wes’s body while on the mat, but when Chad doesn’t go in for the kill and allows Wes to get to his feet that costs the blond hunk. Wes swiftly delivers his foot dead aim into the lifeguard’s sweaty pecs and he crumbles to the mat. The outlaw then shoves his black boot against Chad’s throat wanting to cut off his breathing. He then drags him over to the ropes and begins choking him out. With the sweat glistening off both of their pumped up bodies, things really begin to heat up in this 24 minute match. Will the outlaw Wes go all wild, wild extreme on Chad’s stunning beach bod and notch his first win? Or can Chad continue to overpower and rule the rebel outlaw until he breaks him? The scorching action leads up to a surprising finish you won’t want to miss!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Tanner Hill vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $21.95Tanner Hill vs Chad Daniels
This match brings two successful collegiate athletes into the ring to determine who’s amassed the skills, muscle, and endurance to emerge a winner. Both of these blond studs have recognized success in other sports during their school days in addition to the skills they’ve amassed here at Rock Hard. Chad’s an accomplished track and field star and also excelled as a football player, while Tanner shined as a wrestler and more recently has begun standing out as a fitness model and competitor. They both have demonstrated a commitment to maintaining their fantastic physiques with innovative training regimens and a strict diet. The 6’2” Chad has 8 matches under his belt and has pushed many of the superstars, but has only been able to register 1 victory over an even taller Blake Keller in Catalog 23. Tanner has fared a little better in his 6 matches, earning victories over Rex Bedford in Catalog 25 and Wes Richards in Catalog 26. These victories have propelled Tanner’s confidence and he’s recently started to show some signs of cockiness and pleasure in torturing his opponents. More than any other newbie, it seems he may be wrestling his way to the top. As the match opens, Chad is getting in a pre-match boxing workout on the heavy bag in an effort to warm up and get the blood flowing through his inspiring muscled body. Tanner swaggers into the gym, his body looking as fine as ever, and begins to challenge his bigger opponent with a hint of arrogance. Chad is annoyed by the interruption and steps away, removes his gloves, and climbs into the ring. The two blond hunks lock up in a test of strength to start things off, and Tanner surprises Chad with a transition to a double leg takedown and slams him to the mat. Chad gets to his feet but then Tanner shoves him into the turnbuckle and connects with a few jabs to Chad’s sexy six-pack before suplexing him out of the far corner. Tanner stares down at a stunned Chad with a smug smirk on his face, then places his muscular legs around Chad’s torso and begins squeezing and also assaulting his abs. Tanner continues to control Chad; whipping him around the ring and systematically beating up on his already sore midsection, lifting the big guy up and power slamming him hard into the mat, and stretching his red hot beach bod out on the mat with a brutal bow and arrow. Chad suffers beautifully as Tanner beams with a sly grin watching his opponent suffer. But just when you think the blond boxer won’t be able to tolerate the punishment much longer he seizes an opening. As Tanner has Chad squirming in a standing full nelson, he’s able to reverse the teen bodybuilder. Chad hoists Tanner into a reverse bearhug then drives him face first into the corner turnbuckle. Tanner crumbles to the mat and Chad stays on the attack. He starts stomping away on his legs, then delivers payback with a series of hard jabs into the teen’s prized ripped abs. Chad is steamed and the action has dramatically shifted in his favor. The big guy stays on the attack; punching, stretching, and stomping all over the teen bodybuilder’s intoxicating muscular body. Ultimately, Tanner is struggling to stand up as Chad puts a heavy pounding on him in the corner. Chad then lifts the smaller Tanner over his head and slams his body to the mat. As he lay on the mat rubbing his sore abs, Chad then hoists him up and over his shoulder into a backbreaker, walking him around the ring until the teenage muscle stud has no other choice but to cry out a submission to end the first round. Chad places his boot on Tanner’s aching abs and strikes a double bicep flex in victory.
Round two begins with Tanner buckled over in his corner, trying to rub the pain off his battered back after an embarrassing loss in round one. The two tie up and Chad shows no mercy for the teenage muscle stud, picking him up way over his head and slamming him down in the center of the ring. The boxer circles around his prey as he lay agonizing on the mat, before pulling him to his feet by his hair and then whipping across the ring and flooring him with a shivering forearm clothesline. Chad continues to dominate the action, that is until Tanner finally gets a second wind and reverses the momentum with a quick suplex on his bigger opponent. He follows up with a double sided camel clutch, flexing his big baseball biceps in Chad’s face as he suffers. Tanner’s been in enough matches to know he needs to ride this momentum to a win in this round to even the match, and that’s exactly what he does. He runs Chad through a gauntlet of painful and demoralizing holds before finishing the blond boxer off with an excruciating banana split that has Chad split wide open and sorely screaming out a submission. Chad’s sweat soaked body lies defeated on the mat while Tanner flexes his hot teen bod in conquest. The third and final round has Tanner controlling the early action with a standing full nelson and then a standing surfboard as Chad is laced through the ropes. Will the fitness fanatic be able to outmaneuver Chad and KO the boxer’s hopes of another victory? Or, can Chad overpower the smaller teen bodybuilder and add another win to his record? All the sensational action leads to one of these blond studs knocked out and unconscious with the winner drenched in sweat and victorious!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Zack Johnathan vs Chad Daniels and Alex Waters vs Dash Decker
Regular price $34.95Zack Johnathan vs Chad Daniels
This is a battle of the bodies match! Both of these guys have spectacular physiques. Zack has perfected an immaculate muscled body with countless years in the gym. His mouth watering muscles have appeared in TV shows, magazines, catalogs, and commercials around the world, and both girls and guys alike have been drooling over his body for years. The Z-man never disappoints! His opponent, Chad, also brings his own magnificent physique to the ring. Chad is a collegiate athlete, lifeguard, and a former scholastic wrestler and his body shows it. He sports massive legs, a tiny waist, ripped abs, and impressive biceps, all topped off by shaggy blond hair that makes him one bad ass on campus. He’s been intrigued by underground wrestling and was looking to join the ranks of the best wrestlers around, so he contacted Rock Hard and asked for a shot. Chad is just one of a string of stunning rookies to join the roster over the past year. It’s a delight to see these two incredible athletes test their muscles against one another! Zack is dressed in blue square cut trunks, white boots with blue socks, while the rookie Chad is also rocking blue square cuts, white boots, and red socks. Both look superb in their attire. Round one begins with each of the guys sizing the other up, Chad has the height and weight advantage over Zack, but Zack has all the experience. Chad asks ‘you must be Zack’ and the model muscle replies ‘I’ll give you a Zack attack, you think you can handle that?’ The rookie isn’t fazed by the threat and tells him ‘I don’t think you’re ready for the Chad’. The two muscle hunks lock up in a test of strength that goes back and forth before Zack powers the blond rookie down to his knees and strikes with a kick to his abs that sends the rookie reeling. Zack concedes Chad has some strength as he lifts him to his feet. He controls the action by sending Chad to the mat and locking on a front facing headlock. Zack transitions to a strike on Chad’s mammoth legs with a stomp to the hamstring, then an elbow drop to the back, before ending with a standing arm bar. The Z-man towers over Chad as he stretches out his shoulder, then stretches his body and muscles out with a bow and arrow. The blond lifeguard cries out in pain as Zack is having his way with the rookie thus far. The Z-man continues showing the rookie who’s the boss, whipping him across the ring and then flooring him with a stiff clothesline. The Zack attack is working over every muscle on Chad’s body, and you can bet the blond lifeguard is thinking this is no day at the beach! Z-man lifts Chad up and then drops him onto his knee for a reverse atomic drop which causes the lifeguard to scream out ‘my groin’ as he grovels in pain on the mat. But Zack isn’t finished dishing out the punishment just yet, he brings the blond rookie to his feet, backs him into the corner turnbuckle to stomp his awesome abs and choke the blond pretty boy out. This seems to infuriate Chad and he goes all hulk like on the Z-man, lifting him up over his head and yells out ‘you’re going down boy’ before Chad power slams him into the ring floor. The rookie stomps on Zack’s back before placing him in a back breaking boston crab. Chad seems pleased with this sequence as he struts around the ring and flexes his remarkable biceps. The blonde collegiate athlete continues his assault on Zack’s back with a camel clutch but he can’t gain a submission. Z-man relies on his old high school experience to reverse the action with a single leg takedown on the bigger blonde. As the sweat begins to shine on their sultry muscles, the Z-man regains the control and begins to systematically work over every muscle on Chad’s beach body. He places his knee in the small of Chad’s back and cranks back on his chin, he then wraps his legs around the blonde’s massive thighs into a figure four leg lock asking the blond stud to give up. But the rookie fights it off and doesn’t submit, showing he has the fortitude to withstand the pain. He surprises Zack when he scoops him up and drops him across his knee in an over the knee backbreaker but the rookie doesn’t know how to finish. Zack regains the momentum, straddles Chad and starts choking him out, setting him up to finish the rookie off. Zack places Chad’s beach body in a standing ab stretch, and begins torturing his killer abs until the lifeguard can’t withstand it any longer and is forced to submit not once, not twice, but four times before Z-man finally releases the hold. Chad crumbles to the mat and Z-man celebrates a triumph in round one flexing his immense biceps over the rookie’s limp body.
Round two begins with Z-man asking ‘how those abs feel?’ and Chad counters ‘you’re going to have to do better than that’ and Z-man laughs saying ‘I’m surprised you’re didn’t go running out of this ring!’ The muscle boys lock up and Zack picks up where he left off in round one. The Z-man takes the newbie down to the mat with a front face lock then slips in dual arm bars and grinds him into the mat. The dominance over the bigger blonde muscle boy continues with a front facing bear hug, followed by a back breaking boston crab. Both guys get to their feet, and surprisingly Chad gains the momentum by tossing the muscle model across the ring and delivers a clothesline smack across Z-man’s perfect pecs. With Zack flat on his back, the rookie delivers some payback, stretching the fitness model’s picture-perfect muscles out. Chad places his boots on Zack’s ribcage, grabs an arm and ankle, and pulls back with all his might, stretching Zack to the max. Chad tells him to give up, it’s over, but the Z-man fights out of it. Can Chad and his beach bod muscles wear Z-man down and force a submission out of him to even this match and send it to a deciding round three? Or, will the world class fitness model and his money making muscles end the rookie’s misery and chalk up another conquest in this spectacular battle of the bodies!
Alex Waters vs Dash Decker (King of the Ring 2)
A year in the making, this is the match we’ve all been waiting for! A superstar showdown King of the Ring match between the two most exciting superstars to have burst upon the underground wrestling scene in the last two years. Alex joined Rock Hard in 2013 and quickly became a fan favorite. He boasts an incredible physique, a confident and sometimes arrogant persona, movie star looks, a Colgate white smile, all topped off by his perfectly coifed golden brown locks. Dash came onto the scene earlier this year and instantly became a major force to reckon with. He’s an alpha male who possesses a cover model physique, advanced wrestling skills, and a bad attitude. He’s mauled and dominated every opponent he’s faced in the ring, that is, up until his last match. The debacle that happened when Alex recruited Dash as his tag team partner to face off against the Green Team of Ethan Andrews and Gage Cardona, which didn’t end well for the either of them. The two street punks shocked the world when they battered, bashed, and ultimately abused the two physique stars by defeating them in the ring then stringing them up in handcuffs in the ultimate humiliation. Since then, the bad blood has been brewing between these two. Alex is on record saying it was Dash who cost them the match, and that Dash in not known for his wits. And as you could expect, Dash blames the loss on Alex and is seething at the thought of losing his first match because of him. So, the two agreed to settle the score in this best of five King of the Ring match. This is only the second installment of the King of the Ring series, and this match seems destined to be an instant classic. The match opens with the cocky fratboy Alex decked out in black trunks and black boots, surprisingly not in is usual blue trunks. Perhaps a sign of a further move to the dark side for the fratboy? Dash stands in his corner in his trademark red trunks and black boots, muscles bulging and confidence exuding from every pore. The first round starts with some smack talk, Alex saying ‘finally some competition’, likening the match to David vs Goliath, and even chides Dash referring to him as one of the new guys. Dash counters telling Alex he’s no David. They lock up for a test of strength, and the fratboy powers Dash to the corner, connects with a knee to his abs, then bitch slaps the impressive bodybuilder across his perfect pecs and asking ‘you like that?’. Alex the strikes with a series of shoulder thrusts into the chose one’s shredded abs. The muscular fratboy scoops the bigger Dash up and power slams him to the mat saying ‘you’re a big son of a bitch but I’ve fought bigger’. Alex continues the control, tossing Dash around the ring and chocking the big guy out over the top rope. But when the cocky fratboy attempts one too many whips into the corner, the chosen one reverses the action and instead it’s Alex who ends up being driven into the corner turnbuckle. The big bodybuilder begins delivering payback, thrusting his massive shoulder into Alex’s Adonis-like abs. Alex slumps in the corner, but Dash isn’t through with him, he pulls the fratboy up with a handful of hair, whips him across and into the ropes, then hoists him high over his head and drives him down hard into the mat. The force induced pain on Alex’s back has his body arched in agony. Dash continues to punish his foe with a clothesline, a painful camel clutch, and a reverse bearhug wanting to weaken Alex’s back. The chosen one senses he’s got the pretty boy softened up, so he lifts him up and forces him down across his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. Alex’s muscles are draped over Dash’s knee as he cries out in pain. Dash shoves his hand down on Alex’s chin, stretching him to the max, then begins bashing away at the pretty boy’s abs. Alex has no choice but to submit, but Dash isn’t letting him off that easy. Dash continues to bash away on his abs until Alex is made to submit a second time. The chosen one throws his defeated foe to the mat, towers over him and tells Alex he’ll need to save something for the next round as the big bodybuilder claims round one. Dash 1, Alex 0.
Round two begins and you can see it in Dash’s eyes he means business, he pushes Alex back into the corner then pulls him out, lifts the cocky muscle boy high up over his head, holds high in the air, then drops him to the mat. This is a height neither Alex, nor any other wrestler, has seen in any previous match! Its mind blowing that Alex is even able to continue, as he grovels on the mat. Dash punishes him with several black boots to his muscles, then clamps on a standing full nelson before choking him over the top rope. The cocky fratboy is in serious trouble, but don’t ever count him out. He’s able to fend off the chosen one’s attack and gains the control with a half nelson and hammerlock combo. He rams Dash’s head straight into the corner turnbuckle twice before shoving him to the mat telling him ‘he’s a big ass bastard’. Alex proceeds to wrap his impressive thighs around Dash’s tight waist with a leg scissors, squeezing the shit out of the big guy. He works over Dash’s muscles as he has him trapped between his legs, dishing out the punishment. The fratboy pulls the bodybuilder to his feet by his hair and then suplexes him back down the mat. After he’s done it once, he lifts him back up and does it again. Dash is dazed as he lay on the mat, and Alex plays with him by placing his boot in a position that Dash starts to suffocate himself with his own bicep. Alex tortures his opponent with a standing bow and arrow, a super tight chin lock which highlight his spectacular biceps and triceps, then secures a figure four leg lock on the wannabe Superman. Alex seizes the moment to turn finish Dash off, as he has Dash choked in the leg lock he grabs Dash’s ankle and proceeds to stretch his beautiful body out by pulling Dash’s leg back behind his head. Dash’s leg and crotch are stretched out like a Thanksgiving turkey’s wishbone ready to be snapped! Alex makes him submit twice before releasing the painful hold and claims it’s all tied up, one round a piece. Dash 1, Alex 1.
As the sweat begins to build on both of their ripped, shredded bodies, both guys know this is a key round. It’s a best 3 out of 5, and to be up two rounds to one is an immense advantage heading into round four. Alex is revived and snatches the control right away in this round, he places both hands on Dash’s perfect pecs and shoves him into the corner, then whips him into the opposite corner and delivers several swift thumping shoulder thrusts into the chosen one’s abs of steel. Alex is feeling it and he’s not about to back off. He shoves Dash’s head down for a face full of mat, then applies a back arching camel clutch, before suplexing and tossing the chosen around the ring. Alex controls the entire round, even toying with Dash by making him choke himself out with his own arm. The cocky fratboy finishes the bodybuilder off with a figure four leg lock around his throat and applying extreme pressure until Dash passes out. Alex slaps his face a couple times trying to wake him up, but Dash is out, so Alex proclaims ‘I guess that’s it’ and lays claim to round three by flexing his mighty biceps in triumph over a listless, passed out Dash. Alex 2, Dash 1.
As this match moves into round four, Alex seems to have a commanding lead and advantage, but it still takes 3 rounds to claim King of the Ring. Will the cocky fratboy and his skill, muscles, and underhanded tactics prevail over a bigger but less experienced Dash? Or, does the chosen one regain the momentum and control using his size, brawn, and determination to gain submissions in the final two rounds over Alex? This superstar showdown ends in a thrilling, climatic finish that you just need to see! The perfect way to finish off a spectacular year for Rock Hard Wrestling!!!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews and Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $34.95Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews
After Tyson had his ass kicked in his first two bouts, with both bad boy Ethan Andrews torturing him in straight rounds and bodybuilder Bruce Ballard over muscling him in his most recent match, the rookie was looking for somebody, anybody that could show him the ropes. So, he approached a number of the guys in the locker room about teaching him some new moves and how to succeed at Rock Hard but they all turned him down, except for one. And that one was current superstar Alex, though he’s had his own share of bumps and bruises to his ego in his last three matches. So, it makes you wonder; is Alex looking for a protégé or future tag team partner and is willing to invest in Tyson, or is there some ulterior motive? You never know what is running through Alex’s mind, he looks the part of the perfect fratboy but plays the part of the evil bad boy. The match starts with Alex in the ring and he’s prepared for the training session with a white board of holds he wants to cover with the newbie. But, things don’t start off too well. Tyson is late, and when he does show up he’s got an attitude. Alex tells him he’ll be learning from one of the best, and is ready to get started. Alex brings the blond fitness model over to the white board to show him the list of moves he wants to cover today, and you quickly notice the first 5 moves are basic wrestling holds, but there’s a sixth move added to the list call the ‘Super Alex’. The cocky fratboy begins the training session with the first move, a hip toss. He locks up with Tyson and shows him how to perform a basic hip toss. Much to Alex’s surprise, the newbie is mouthing off from the start. What’s up with this attitude? They move onto the second move, a bear hug. Once again, Alex shows the rookie how to perform the move, wrapping his massive arms around Tyson’s waist and lifting him up off his feet and squeezing the shit out of him. He first shows him a reverse bear hug, and then a front facing bear hug. Again, more attitude from the rookie. Hey, wasn’t it him that asked Alex to teach him some moves. Apparently, this new guy just doesn’t know how it works around here. They’re 2 minutes into their training session and Tyson tosses the white board out of the ring, and after seeing that Alex says ‘OK, let me show you how I kick some ass!’ They tie and the cocky fratboy scores first with a knee to the blond rookie’s abs then another knee to his thigh, and next thing you know Tyson is crumbling to the mat. He may have pissed off someone he shouldn’t have. Alex shoves him back against the ropes and delivers a few bitch slaps right across the fitness models pecs. He then lifts the rookie up and power slams him into to mat, driving him hard into the ring floor. Tyson’s muscled body arches in pain, as he moans from the impact. He continues to beating up on the disrespectful rookie, suplexing him around the ring the wrapping his massive muscled thighs around Tyson’s wait and then wrapping Tyson’s arm around his own throat, chocking him out on the mat. Alex is owning Tyson at this point; thrusting his shoulder into Tyson’s gut in the corner, lacing his smooth shaven body through the ring ropes to stretch him out with a full nelson, then drags him back into the ring and squeezes with a bearhug before suplexing him around the ring. Alex is grinning and enjoying every minute of this round. As Tyson lay beaten on the mat, the cocky muscular fratboy places his boots on Tyson’s shoulders then grabs his wrists and pulls back with all his might wanting to rip the poor boy’s arms right out of his shoulders. The rookie squirms to escape but it isn’t until Alex releases the hold that the pain subsides from Tyson’s body. As the sweat starts to glisten off each of these muscle boy’s hot bodies, the fratboy lifts the blond to his feet then drops his helpless body across his knee into a backbreaker. As Alex pushes hard down on the rookie’s chin, stretching him out and inflicting severe pain on his back, it almost sounds like Tyson is crying in defeat. But He isn’t done yet, he is able to reverse the momentum and gets in a few good moves on Alex, but it doesn’t faze the superstar. He regains control, goes back to beating up in the rookie’s body, then finishes him off with move #5 on his list, a back breaking camel clutch. Alex compels him to submit twice before releasing the hold and laying claim to round one.
The next round opens with Alex being coy, telling Tyson ‘the whole objective in winning a match is for your hair to still be perfectly coiffed after the match’. Typical Alex! The two start off with a test of strength, which not surprisingly Alex controls and backs the blond rookie back into the corner. He unleashes an attack on Tyson’s gut, connecting with a series of punches and boots. The blond newbie falls to the mat, but Alex lifts him with a handful of hair and begins choking him over the rope. He follows that up with a tightly placed figure four around Tyson’s throat to prolong the choking. Perhaps Tyson should have paid more attention to the training at the onset because he hasn’t shown much offense so far! Alex stays in control, again pulling the rookie to his feet by a handful of his golden locks, only to power slam him back to the mat. Alex is pissed at the fact that the rookie asked him for some training help and then steps into the ring and makes fun of him. Alex continues to pull him up and power slam him to the mat, then when Tyson can’t recover, he straddles the newbie and connects with several bitch slaps across his muscled pecs. Alex’s muscles look spectacular as his sweat gleans off his body while he continues to do what he does best, and that’s pulverize and torture his opponent. The cocky fratboy is enjoying every minute of dishing out the pain, this is the Alex we’re accustomed to seeing! He continues the beating on Tyson; making him suffer in a surfboard, then smashing his face into the corner turnbuckle. The rookie shows little signs of putting up any offense and it’s pretty much all downhill for him in this round. Alex beats and batters his body until Tyson can’t take it anymore. In a display of irony, Alex finishes him off with what was hold #6 on the training schedule, the Super Alex. He must have added this move to his arsenal after the setbacks in his last three matches because he’s never shown this move to anyone before. In an astonishing finish, the cocky fratboy uses the ‘Super Alex’ to turn the rookie’s lights out to end this match! As Tyson lay slumped on the mat, Alex claims the victory.
Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
In Chad’s debut match he went against the Z-man, Zack Johnathan, and though he had a slight size advantage the Z-man just had too much experience and he was defeated in straight rounds. But, during that match, Chad showed signs of brilliance, both athletically and with his determination. He knows he’s the new kid on the block but is determined to climb his way to the top of the roster. He’s not drawing any lucky cards with this match, because he’s going up against another seasoned veteran in the red head Austin. The Coop has been with Rock Hard for a long while and has certainly made his mark on the roster, having great success in his singles matches and huge success as a tag team with Jake Jenkins in which they never lost a match. So, this is going to be a big mountain for Chad to climb. The rookie is in the ring flexing his beach bod muscles in his red lifeguard board shoots looking like he just walked off the set of Baywatch. He likes the reflection he sees in the mirror as he slowly drops his shorts revealing his blue square cut trunks, red socks, and white boots. An all-American vision to be sure. As he’s jumping rope, Austin strolls around the corner eating an apple, looking like he just finished with his lunch break. He confronts the rookie, asking what he’s doing in the ring? Chad claims that this is his ring, it’s his zen zone, but Coop explains this is no swimming pool as he throws his half eaten apple in the direction of the newbie. Coop climbs into the ring and the two size each other up, before the veteran strikes first. He scoops the blond lifeguard up, proceeds to walk him around the ring, and then slams his beach bod to the mat in a display of intimidation. Coop straddles Chad as he lay on his stomach, then locks on a viscous arm bar and applies extreme pressure, then rolls him over and locks his tree trunk thighs around the newbie’s 28 inch waist and squeezes away on his ripped abs.The veteran lays on the mat enjoying seeing the blond boy squirm in an attempt to escape. Chad is unable to break the leg scissors and he stays in the control of the red headed veteran, once Coop releases the hold he brings Chad to his feet then makes him fly by suplexing him around the ring. Coop then induces some pain on the rookie’s muscled beach bod as he makes him suffer in a boston crab. Coop says he’s ‘not impressed’ with the rookie but Chad counters that he’s going to ‘kick his ass’.The rookie fends off the pain until Coop releases the hold, and once he does he’s able to get to his feet and quickly attacks the ginger with a scoop slam. Chad’s got some serious muscle and he intends on using it. He tells the veteran ‘you know what I can to do you’ as he stomps away on his back. Once Chad has softened him up, he places Coop in a full nelson with his legs locked around his hips, stretching the red head out and asking ‘who’s your dad?. Pretty cocky for a rookie! As Chad circles his prey and stomps his body, he asks Coop ‘who’s the dumb ass now?’ and the veteran doesn’t hesitate with the reply ‘some guy named Chad’. It’s going to take Chad delivering a lot more punishment to take out a seasoned wrestler like Coop. As Chad is lifting Coop to his feet, the red head makes his move, He hoists the lifeguard up and over his shoulder with a double leg, then drops him in a reverse atomic drop across his knee. Chad screams out ‘my ass’ as he squirms in pain claiming that was a cheap shot. The tactician veteran proclaims I’m going to kick your ass both literally and figuratively, as he kicks his black boot into Chad’s beefy ass. The red head locks on an arm bar combo, ripping Chad’s big muscled arm to the limit, while he flexes his own colossal 17” bicep. Coop asks the baby face ‘what do you think I do to little guys like you?’ as he hoists him up off his feet. Coop walks him around the ring, then drops him hard across his knee into a backbreaker. The tactician has the rookie right where he wants him, his beach bod draped over his knee in total control. He pushes down on Chad’s chin until he cries out ‘I give’ three times, even admitting Coop wins before he’s shoved to the mat. Coop sits down on the lifeguards butt flexing his killer biceps for a triumph in round one.
Round two begins with Austin asking ‘how you feeling buddy’, and Chad telling him ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet’. Coop mocks him by singing some of the lyrics from the old BTO song. The two muscle beach bods lock up and it’s the red head backing the lifeguard into the corner turnbuckle and stomping on both his legs which take his pins right out from under him. Coop then places his black boot across Chad’s throat, choking and cutting off his oxygen. Chad’s able to fend it off, but only to end up in a torture rack across Coop’s broad shoulders and back, not once but twice! The steamy hot, blond beach boy is able to withstand the attack and is able to reverse the action on the veteran. He picks him up then slams his body to the mat, then clamps on a camel clutch and tells Coop he is his bitch now while flexing his own impressive bicep. Chad’s in control and loving it, he’s shown himself to be a quick learner and he’s not going to let up on the red head. He delivers several flying elbow drops to Coop’s back, then flips him over and places his boots on his shoulders, grabs his wrists, and starts stretching the veteran tactician out. Chad’s muscles are pumped and so is his ego. He drags Coop over to the ropes and chokes him out, then whips him across the ring into the corner turnbuckle. He’s got Coop stunned and begins bashing away at his super six-pack. He continues stomping on his body and throwing the burly red head around the ring until he says ‘I got something special for you!’ As Coop lay on the mat, Chad steps out of the ring to grab his jump rope. He laces it around the veteran’s throat, places his knee in his back, then starts yanking back with all his might. The blond lifeguard is flexing every muscle in his incredible beach bod wanting to end this round now. His muscles look glorious under the lights as he continues chocking Coop out. The red head tactician has no choice and ultimately submits before he passes out. Chad flashes a double bicep flex, conquering his opponent in round two. Will Coop be able to come back from the viscous choke out and score a victory over the fast learning blond rookie? Or does Chad and his awesome beach bod continue the momentum and submit the brawny red head to notch an impressive victory? All the thrilling action leads up to a terrific finish in this battle of muscle beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.
TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan and Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan
After Dash was humiliated by his and Alex’s tag team loss to the Green Team at the end of last year, he decided it was time to look for a new tag team partner. He scoured the roster for a partner that he could count on and decided one of the new guys fit the bill. He was looking for a bodybuilder like himself, and that guy was Bruce Ballard. Bruce has shown great promise as an up and coming superstar, conquering the likes of fellow rookies Tyson Matthews and Blake Keller and pushing reigning superstars Austin Cooper and Alex Waters to their limits in his four matches to date. Dash liked what he saw in the rookie, approached him with the idea, and a new team was formed! Dash wanted his new team to start with a bang, so he challenged the two guys that have been at the top of the Rock Hard roster since its early days. He called out Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, the Z-man. Of course these two veterans didn’t back down and quickly huddled for a strategy session. Coop and Z-man have plenty of impressive muscle themselves but wanted to take a different approach for this match, and they decided speed kills. So the stage was set, it is going to be Team Strength vs Team Speed in this showdown. Team Speed enters the ring first, sporting matching red t-shirts, black trunks and black boots. Their t-shirts emblazed with the super hero ‘Flash’ logo. As the two muscle studs enter the ring, they begin running the ropes, bouncing and crisscrossing the mat like lightning. The two bodybuilders enter the arena in blue super hero ‘Superman’ t-shirts and seem amused with the muscle boy’s antics. Of course once both teams are inside the squared circle, the testosterone level begins to rise and a flex off occurs. The ring is filled with four spectacular muscle studs and they aren’t afraid to show off their bodies. If you’re into muscle, this could be the pinnacle match for you! When these four studs peel off their t-shirts you wonder how either team if going to lose? Round one begins with Coop saying to Zack he’ll start things off and Bruce in his corner ready to go. But, as Coop comes across the ring he declares he wants to start the action with Dash, the bigger one. He claims he wants to start off with super man not super woman. Surprisingly, Team Strength obliges and Bruce steps out and Dash steps in. Not a good omen for the two bodybuilders. Coop scores with a cheap shot, carries Dash across the ring for some double teaming, then controls the big bodybuilder down on the mat. The burly redhead squeezes his massive thighs around Dash’s waist before tagging in the Z-man. Zack gets a few shots in on the chosen one before he’s able to tag in Bruce to the rescue. Bruce uses his brute strength to hoist Zack up in the air and carries him around the ring, but its short lived for the total package as Zack gets to his feet and with lightning speed ducks under Bruce and reverses the control. Zack brings Bruce over against the ropes near his corner and places him in one of his signature holds, a standing ab stretch against the ropes. Zack has Bruce’s fantastic physique stretched out, and Coop is quick to double team bodybuilder with a rear choke. Bruce’s mouth-watering muscles are being pummeled, pulled, and stretched to their limits. Like an insect caught in a spider’s web, Bruce is in deep trouble with Team Speed. They work over his muscles like he was their own personal play toy, but the bodybuilder is able to endure the punishment for now. The teams tag in and out, and get shots in on one another, but in the end Team Speed has their eyes on the lesser experienced Bruce. As Bruce is using his super power to pick up and slam Coop to the mat, Zack distracts the rookie and Coop draws on his lightning speed to turn the tables. Coop bitch slaps Bruce across the chest, then draws on his own power to place the bodybuilder in a torture rack across his broad shoulders, proclaiming you guys aren’t the only ones with strength. He then whips Bruce into the turnbuckle where Zack awaits for some more double team punishment which also includes Coop grinding his boot deep into the bodybuilder’s crotch. As Bruce is cringing in pain, Coop determines it’s time to take rookie out. Austin set’s him up on the mat and places Bruce into his famous crotch splitting finishing hold known as ‘the Coop’. Bruce’s poor crotch is stretched out in agonizing pain and he has no choice but to whimper out a submission. Round one goes to Team Speed as Coop flexes his mighty biceps over the fallen prey.
Round two starts with the same two guys, Austin and Bruce, and nothing has changed as Coop begins with a bearhug on the rookie bodybuilder as he was trying to walk off the pain in his groin. But Bruce is able to soon tag in Dash to get some relief. Dash climbs through the ropes, takes a cheap shot at Zack, then challenges the brawny redhead to a test of strength. No surprise, Dash takes the control and in a complete display of power never seen before actually lifts Coop of his feet as their hands are locked. Coop is stunned, but Zack comes to his rescue with a shot to Dash’s back. This opens the door for Team Speed to have some fun and double team Dash in their corner, and topping it off with a dose of groin punishment. As Dash struggles to get to his feet, Zack comes in and rides the big guy like a well broken in surfboard. But Dash doesn’t stay down for long, he connects with two well-placed elbows into Zack’s perfect pecs to floor the world class fitness model. He then proceeds to deliver some payback, placing his size 11 boot straight down on the Z-man’s family jewels. Zack squirms in pain, then Dash tosses him around the ring in a full nelson like a ragdoll before he’s able to escape briefly and tag in Austin. Coop climbs the turnbuckle in an attempt to make a flying splash into Dash, but it doesn’t happen as Dash stays outside the striking distance. The chosen one has worked up a good lather at this point and catches Coop with a kick to the gut. As Coop lays face down, Dash tags in Bruce and they take the time to double team the weakened veteran by nearly pulling and ripping his massive arms right out of their shoulder sockets. The action in round two continues at a furious pace, with each team having their time to dish out the pain and punishment on one another’s pumped up muscles. With Dash and Bruce knowing they need to win this round, they make an all-out assault on the smaller muscle boy Zack. The Z-man gets stretched and power slammed to the mat by Bruce, before Bruce hoists the battered opponent over his impressive broad into a crucifix. Zack’s award winning muscles are draped over the bodybuilder’s back and he’s completely vulnerable. Bruce bounces him up and down a few times to exaggerate the pain, then walks him over to his partner. Dash salivates at the chance to punch, pound and ab claw Zack’s exposed torso until the muscle model can’t take it any longer. Bruce dastardly makes him submit multiple times before dropping him to the mat and proudly flexing his own imposing biceps over his beaten down opponent. Team Strength evens this match at one round a piece. Will the sweaty bodybuilders be able to continue imposing their will on Team Speed and chalk up an inaugural victory? Or, can the veterans Austin and Zack use their lightning like speed and their own dose of muscle to spoil the new tag team’s debut? One thing’s for certain, the final round is packed with high flying and power packed action with the match lasting a full 40 minutes to determine the outcome between these four extraordinary physiques!
Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
The blond haired mop top Chad spends his summers as a lifeguard at the beach, mostly working on his tan and showing off his scorching beach bod. As he sits in his tower and keeps watch over the beach goers, the girls ask if he’ll take a selfie with them and the guys are just plain jealous of his perfect muscles. He knows he’s there to save lives and give CPR when needed, all the while enjoying the sunshine, blue waters, and people watching. Since joining Rock Hard, he’s put up impressive challenges to veterans Zack Johnathan and Austin Cooper, but in the end just didn’t have enough experience to pull out a victory. His opponent in this match, Blake also joined the roster about the same time. Blake is a tall, strapping southern boy who’s also run into trouble in his first two matches, giving his all but ultimately losing to the total package Bruce Ballard and the chosen one Dash Decker. So, it was inevitable that these two rookies would square off against one another with one of them able to notch his first success. The match starts with the two rookies exchanging pleasantries and sizing each other up. They’re both about the same height. Blake has about 15-20 pounds on Chad, but the lifeguard has more defined muscle packed on his frame. Blake starts the trash talking, saying ‘come on shaggy’, taking a shot at Chad’s blond locks. Blake also takes control first, throwing the lifeguard to the mat and stomping his size 12 boot on top of his back and leg. He then stretches Chad’s massive legs and crotch out on the mat, places him in a back bending boston crab, then uses his strength and size to hoist him up into a reverse bear hug. At this point, the lifeguard looks like a fish out of water as the tall titan is having his way with his beach bod muscles. Blake continues to stomp his big, white boot on Chad’s body before he whips him across the ring and into a clothesline that flattens the shaggy, blond mop top. As the lifeguard’s battered body lay on the mat, Blake gets down and wraps his long, muscular legs around Chad’s tiny 29” waist and begins squeezing away, proclaiming ‘Chad is sad’. But Chad doesn’t seem to be too sad because once he breaks free and gets to his feet, he seems to be pissed! He lifts Blake up over his head and power slams him into the mat. The ring floor vibrates when the 215 lb titan hits the mat, as Chad asks ‘how’s your back feel now?’ Chad dishes out some of his own stomping on Blake’s body, then rolls him into a leg scissors. You can only imagine what it feels like to have the lifeguard’s massive thighs wrapped around your waist and his legs squeezing you like a hydraulic press! Blake cries out in pain as Chad looks down upon his prey. Once Blake has suffered enough, he shoves him off, stands up and begins posing his beach bod muscles in admiration. He even flexes his bicep in Blake’s face to show whose boss. Chad lifts Blake to his feet and locks on his own bearhug, flexing his massive arms around the tall titan’s torso. He throws Blake to the mat, then stretches his long frame out as he drives his foot into his ribcage. But, the lifeguard can’t put him away. When the lifeguard begins lifting Blake to his feet, the big man strikes with a double leg and lifts Chad up over his shoulder. He then says’ what goes up must come down’ before slamming the blond surfer boy to the mat. Blake chokes and then straddles his long body over Chad’s muscles but isn’t able to secure a submission. That was a mistake! Both guys get to their feet and the lifeguard takes control by throwing Blake into the ropes then dropping his 6’2” bod down to the canvas. The blond muscle boy stomps on Blake’s back a few times, then drags him up and hoists his long, lanky body across his broad, sun drenched shoulders into to torture rack. Chad has Blake’s 215 lbs draped over his shoulders and begins bouncing him up and down to inflict maximum punishment. Blake withstands the pain as long as he can until finally giving up. The beach boy celebrates his triumph by flexing his ripped six-pack over a beaten Blake. Chad’s not sad, Chad’s bad!
Round two opens with Blake trying to rub away the pain in his back, and Chad strutting around the ring like a proud peacock. They each throw a few wisecracks about who’s got the bigger muscles which leads to a test of strength. The lifeguards inspiring arms win the battle as he hurls Blake to the mat, then follows up with a stomp to his gut. He continues his control over Blake with a camel clutch before stretching him and his lengthy body out on the mat by placing his boots on his shoulders and pulling back on Blake’s arms with all his might. The Chadster is feeling good about himself as he strikes a few poses with his sexy, hot bod while Blake suffers on the mat. But the lifeguard strikes one too many poses and allows for an opening for Blake to turn the tables. The brown haired titan sends the blond haired mop top to the mat with a sweeping ankle pick and gets in Chad’s face flexing his own mighty muscles. He lifts Chad to his feet then sends him across the ring and drives his forearm across the beach boy’s powerful chest with a clothesline. He continues the assault with a boston crab then follows that up with a leg scissors by lacing his long legs around Chad’s waist, and then stretches him in a bow and arrow as he lays face down on the mat. Will the tall titan be able to force a submission out of Chad and even this match at one round each? Or can Chad turn things around and impose his beach bod muscles to compel Blake to submit a second straight time to chalk up his first victory then forego any CPR on his laid out opponent? One thing's for sure, this is no day at the beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels and Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels
‘The Chosen One’, Dash, has yet to lose a singles match and is the reigning King of the Ring. He’s learned to use his spectacular muscled body to intimidate his opponents, but recently just squeaked out a narrow victory over resident bad boy in their King of the Ring 3 match. Could that spell trouble for Dash? Have the other guys on the roster finally figured out a way to bring the big bodybuilder down? There have been some rumblings in the locker room that someone needs to step up and bring the big bodybuilder down. Next up it’s going to be Chad. The shaggy blond with the all-american collegiate body had success in his last encounter, chalking up a victory over Blake Keller. His confidence is high and he certainly has the muscle to step toe-to-toe with Dash. But, the big question is will he be able to get it done. Dash ditches his signature red trunks this match for a pair of blue ones that are complimented by his blue knee pads and black boots. Chad is clad in two-tone red square cuts that highlight his massive thighs along with his all-american white boots. Chad stands in his corner and bemuses ‘so you’re this bad-ass Dash I’ve been hearing about?’, and Dash responds ‘at least you heard right, I don’t even know who you are’ to start things off in round one. The big bodybuilder ties up with the shaggy blond then shoves him into the corner and strikes with a knee to his lifeguard abs to quickly gain the control. Dash works him over in the corner, flips him to the center of the ring, then chicken wings his arm while driving his knee deep into the small of Chad’s back. Dash drags him up by his shaggy hair, whips him into a clothesline, then follows that up with a boston crab. Dash drops an elbow on the beach bod boy as he grovels on the mat. Right now, things aren’t good for Chad, they’re bad! Chad pulls himself up by the ropes only to have Dash shove him back into the corner turnbuckle and begins to drive shoulder thrusts directly into Chad’s beautiful abs. The ‘chosen one’ then wraps his massive arms around the blond’s tight waist, lifts him into a front facing bear hug and proceeds to give him a tour of the ring by slamming him back first into three different ring posts. Chad pleads with Dash to put him down, but it’s to no avail. But just when you’re thinking this might be a squash job, Chad is able to escape from a leg scissors and surprises the bodybuilder by lifting him up and slamming him down to the mat. He gives Dash a few stomps with his size 11 boots, then makes his back suffer in a boston crab. Chad’s showing some signs of mounting a comeback. The shaggy blond places the bodybuilder’s muscles in a camel clutch, yanks back real hard on his chin, then flexes his mighty biceps in the Dash’s face in disdain. The bodybuilder kicks his legs in an attempt to escape, but Chad has him in control and tells him ‘take that fatty!’ The blond lifeguard tells him I can hold this on all day long and continues flexing his beach bod biceps as Dash suffers below. Chad’s learned enough to ask for a submission, but he’s going to need to inflict more punishment if he’s going to force a submission out of the reigning King of the Ring. Since Dash won’t submit, Chad drags his sweaty body up to his feet then whips him across the ring for a clothesline. But, Dash is able to duck under the attempt and rebounds to connect with a flying shoulder. Dash goes on the attack, nearly snapping Chad’s arm in an arm bar, continuing to assault his six packs abs while backed into the turnbuckle, then stretches the shaggy blond’s hot body out in a grapevine and full nelson combo. Dash’s muscles glisten with sweat as he punishes the lifeguard, beating him down to finish him off. Once he’s weakened Chad’s sexy beach bod, he flips him up and across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Dash has him draped over his shoulder with one arm and flexes his bulging bicep of his other arm in total control. Chad has no choice but to cry out a submission to end the agony. Dash celebrates by flexing his sweat soaked muscles to end round one.
Round two begins with Dash asking Chad is he’s alright, and he replies ‘I’m fine, I just don’t know if you got the stamina to go another round fatty’. Dash is obviously amused by the question, as the two start to circle in center ring. They go at it with a test of strength and the big bodybuilder overpowers the shaggy blond beach bod, then shoves him into the corner. Dash’s muscles are flush with blood and pumped to the max after round one, and he’s not losing any momentum here in this round. Dash takes Chad to the mat and starts working over the muscle boy, pounding away at his six-pack, driving his fist down deep into abs with a claw hold, then tops it off by choking him out. Chad struggles to escape the torment but to no avail. He’s under the complete control of the bodybuilder. Dash piles on the pain with a torturous camel clutch, then stretches the lifeguard’s bod while he’s trapped in the ropes. It’s starting to look like this may be an easy win for Dash, but that’s going to change when Chad reverses a cross ring whip, and instead it’s the bodybuilder that goes crashing into the turnbuckle. It’s payback time for Chad as he delivers some ab bashing of his own on Dash’s precious 8-pack. Chad scoops the bodybuilder up and drops him over his knee and drives his elbow into Dash’s abs as he’s laid out in an over the knee backbreaker. When Dash doesn’t submit to that, Chad transitions into another submission hold that stretches the bodybuilder’s pain threshold to the limits. Can the shaggy blond stretch a submission out of Dash and even this match up at one round a piece? Or is it a fat chance that the chosen one is going to end up losing this match to Chad? The sweat drips off both of their glorious bodies as one of them is laid out to nighty night.
Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Two of the sexiest muscle studs in the business square off in this match! ‘The Total Package’ Bruce has burst on the scene over the last year and has racked up an impressive 5-2 record, which includes an impressive win over Alex Waters and two tag team victories partnering up with his buddy Dash Decker. But, in his last match he was totally dominated and tormented by Rock Hard’s resident bad boy Ethan Andrews. Ethan tore Bruce apart muscle by mother watering muscle until Bruce couldn’t submit fast enough to put an end to the torture. Bruce thought he would take a super hero approach to this match, and what better super hero to become with the name of Bruce than Batman?! ‘The World Class Fitness Model’ Zack has been with Rock Hard since day one and has piled up 12 victories against just 7 losses. His picture perfect physique has been featured in an abundance of magazines, movies, and magic mike type shows. His glorious muscles are adored by the women and envied by the guys. He’s always in peak shape, and like a fine wine, keeps getting better with age. Zack isn’t afraid to step into the ring with anyone, and he certainly won’t be intimidated by Batman Bruce! Round one begins after some early banter where Bruce claims he’s feeling good and he’s ready, and Zack questioning the Batman t-shirt. The two muscle hunks lock up and Bruce scores first with a swift knee to Zack’s abs and a clothesline that stuns the fitness model. Bruce remarks ‘you’re not talking so much now’ and connects with a few stomps to the Z-man’s six-pack, then begins stretching his money making muscles out on the mat. Bodybuilder Bruce releases the hold only to place Zack face down on the mat and stretches him out some more by yanking back on his well-built arms with a surfboard. T t-shirt seems to be working for Bruce, as he continues to control Zack with an arm bar, a head scissors, then transitions that to a leg scissors around Z-man’s slim waist. Bruce is feeling it as he flexes his eye-popping bicep while his opponent lay trapped between his massive thighs. Zack manages to survive the hold and get to his feet but Bruce is there to scoop him up and drop him across knee into a backbreaker. Magic Zack’s impeccable muscles are stretched out over the bodybuilder’s knee. Bruce works his abs over a bit before shoving the Z-man to the mat. It seems like Batman Bruce is here to clean up Gotham as he has Zack trapped in a reverse bearhug and walks him around the ring. The Z-man says he’s about to puke after Bruce tosses him to the mat and begins admiring himself in the mirror. That turns out to be a major mistake, and with no Robin around to help him, Zack is able to turn the tables on the pride of Gotham. Z-man connects with his size 10 white boot to the small of the bodybuilder’s back, and tells him ‘never turn your back on me!’ The world class fitness model has wrestled in enough matches to know when he’s given an opening, and he’s going to make the bodybuilder pay. Zack begins by nearly ripping Bruce’s head off, looking a lot like he’s trying to unmask the Gotham guy, then lifts him up into a standing full nelson, overpowering Bruce before forcing him into the mat. He’s just warming up as he scoops Bruce up and slams him down, then begins torturing his back as be pulls back on the bodybuilder’s chin with his knee driven into Bruce’s back. Zack’s arms are flexed to the max as he cranks back on Bruce’s chin, while the bodybuilder groans in pain. Zack has all the momentum at this point, and Bruce has to wonder what’s going on? Zack delivers the punishment with a standing headlock and a single leg boston crab, knowing he’s close to claiming victory. As Bruce is suffering on the mat, Zack stands up, grabs one of Bruce’s wrist and one of his ankles and starts tugging Bruce’s limbs with his mighty muscles. Bruce cries out in pain, knows he’s in trouble but refuses to give up. So the Z-man starts stomping his boot into the ribcage until the bodybuilder can’t take it an longer and screams out a submission. Zack towers over a defeated Bruce saying ‘round one’s mine brother’. And indeed it is!
Bruce looks spent in his corner at the start of round two, and Zack asks him if he’s ‘ready for more?’ Zack attacks and quickly goes to work on Bruce’s stellar six-pack, then gives his groin a good stretching in a wishbone move, before nearly choking him out with a rear naked choke hold. The Z-man is on point for this match and having his way with the bodybuilder. Both of their spectacular bodies are working up a nice sweat 12 minutes into the match that makes their muscles even more spectacular. Zack stay on offense with the intent of sweeping the Batman in two straight rounds, locking him up in a reverse bear hug, punishing him in the ropes, then drops him over the knee for a payback backbreaker and driving his vice like grip into the bodybuilder’s abs with a brutalizing claw hold. Bruce is finally able to reverse the momentum and catches the fitness model with a leg sweep which allows for him to go on offense. Bruce works the Z-man over in every corner of the ring with; a double leg boston crab, several heavy stomps and slams, a painful camel clutch that has Zack in serious trouble. Bruce seizes the opportunity to set Zack up in a kneeling surfboard and uses his massive muscles to yank back on his arms as his boot is driven deep in his back. Zack’s magic muscles contain a lot of power, but not when he’s in this position, and he’s compelled to submit to end the agony. Bruce flexes his mighty bi’s to claim round two. Both of these muscle studs go all out in round three and both of them have opportunities to secure the victory. Can Batman Bruce gain the advantage with his colossal muscles and lucky t-shirt to secure the safety of Gotham? Or will Zack get his magic groove back and out maneuver and out muscle the impressive bodybuilder. All the action leads up to an unexpected ‘Kapow’ finishing hold you’re sure to enjoy!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Alex Waters vs Chad Daniels and Zack Johnathan vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 6)
Regular price $34.95Alex Waters vs Chad Daniels
Alex returns! It’s been a while since we’ve seen Alex here at Rock Hard, and it’s exciting to see his return. He took some time off for personal events occurring in his life but now he’s back to re-stake his spot at the top of the roster. You would have to think he has his eye’s set on the King of the Ring belt, especially since he narrowly lost out in his match against Dash Decker in KOTR 2. But a lot has happened since that match. One big question; is Alex still the same old Alex? Has he kept himself in shape and does he have the stamina he’s had in the past. And, is he still the best trash talker on the roster?! Interestingly enough, in his first match back he’s up against another wrestler on the roster we haven’t seen in a while, tall, blond, muscle bound Chad. The lifeguard turned wrestler doesn’t have as much experience as Alex, but he does have a size and weight advantage on the cocky fratboy. This is going to be one intriguing match! So many unanswered questions! Round one begins with Alex in his black and blue trunks with black boots, Chad clad in red and black trunks, white boots, and sporting his shaggy blond hair. Both guys looking good enough to walk down any model runway, but who’s the prettiest? Chad asks Alex if he thinks he’s number 1, and of course Alex thinks he’s the best and tells him to check his record. They lock up in a test of strength and surprisingly Chad scores first. He ducks under and into a front facing bearhug, smartly using his size to his advantage. He throws the fratboy into the corner, bashes his abs, then chokes him over the rope while taunting him to submit. But it’s way too early for a veteran like Alex to submit, so the shaggy blond lifts him high over his head, slams him to the mat, stomps on his abs, then wraps his enormous thighs around the cocky boy’s waist and begins to squeeze hard. After he’s made Alex suffer in that hold for a while, he picks him up and drops him over his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. Chad is being more aggressive then we’ve seen him in the past and it’s paying off. As Alex catches his breath on the mat, he asks’ can you give me a second’ and concedes ‘you’re better than I thought’. The lifeguard struts his stuff around the ring, even taking a moment to flex his picture-perfect bi’s. But his confidence costs him. Alex makes his way to his feet, and surprises the blond lifeguard with a scoop slam. Chad’s 205 pound body crashes to the mat with a thud, then Alex stomps him on the chest while he’s moaning in pain. The cocky fratboy then starts really going to work on the lifeguards prized body; he works him over in the corner, chokes him over the top rope and with a rear naked choke, then clobbers his chest while he straddles on top. Alex has shifted the momentum and he’s not letting up. He slams and suplexes Chad around the ring, and then places his hunky body in a bow and arrow and drives his black boot into the blond hunk’s lower back. Alex has the lifeguard trapped now and he’s not going to let up until he forces a submission. Chad resists the first onslaught, but when Alex cranks up the pressure a second time the shaggy blond cannot withstand the pain. He shouts out ‘I give’ to end the agony and round one.
Alex has a big smile on his face to start round two, asking Chad ‘what happened to all that number one talk?’, and tell him he’s starting to sound like a cheerleader. The two tie up and Alex takes control, forcing Chad into the corner turnbuckle and attacks his abs. He then lifts the big guy into a bearhug and then shoves him down to the mat. The cocky fratboy then proceeds to target Chad’s back; he walks over his back while on the mat, picks him up and slams him down tough, and connects with several stomps along the way. Alex continues to have his way with Chad, delivering several bitch slaps to his muscled pecs, and then choking him out with his hands while he’s straddled atop him on the mat. But just when it looks like Alex is going to end this match in two straight, Chad is able to gain a quick reversal. The hunky lifeguard proceeds to bash away on Alex’s abs, then flips him over into a boston crab. Chad begins to focus on destroying the fratboy’s back throughout the remainder of the round, and that’s not by mistake, turning the tables on his opponent. Ultimately, he heaves his smaller opponent around the mat inflicting immense pain until he decides to lift him up and drop him over his knee in a backbreaker. Alex’s back has taken a beating in this round, and the bigger Chad has imposed his will to the point that the fratboy quickly submits to end the beating. The blond lifeguard evens this match at one round a piece as he flexes in triumph. Will Chad be able to continue using his size and strength advantage to navigate the troubled waters and spoil the cocky fratboy’s return? Or can Alex regain the momentum and his special trash talking style that will lead him to another victory and a triumphant return?
Zack Johnathan vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 6)
This 33 minute match has it all; muscles vs muscles, experience vs experience, and ego vs ego. Two of the most successful wrestlers in the underground circuit today face off for the King of the Ring Belt. The world class fitness model Zack has been with Rock Hard since day one, and he believes he has earned his chance to capture the belt. He’s amassed an impressive 11-5 record in his singles matches and has been on a real winning streak as of late. Zack has always been known to take on any opponent anywhere, and today he has his sights set on King Austin. In fact, Zack defeated Austin in a previous match up that happened years ago, so he is confident he can wrestle the KOTR title away from reigning king. The tactician Austin snatched the belt away from Dash Decker back in KOTR 4, and then recently, narrowly defended his title against Bruce Ballard in KOTR 5. Even though Zack has been around longer, Austin has been able to chalk up a remarkable 17-4 singles record in his time here at Rock Hard. The burly redhead has relied on both his tactical wrestling skills and massive muscles to dispose of most opponents, and thinks it will be no different with his opponent today. In the pre-match, the cameras capture Austin explaining his strategy and talking confidently how he will retain his KOTR title. But Zack has other thoughts in mind. Buckle your seat belts; this is going to be one wild ride! Round one begins with Austin climbing into the ring after his interview and striking a few poses as he admires himself in the mirror. He’s clad in red trunks, black boots, and of course the belt. Zack comes in from the locker room with an intense look, wearing navy blue trunks with aqua stripes and white boots. The Z-man is on a mission, and that’s to take that belt from his burly opponent. Austin toys with him at the onset, first offering him the belt and then quickly pulling it away, but the Z-man doesn’t let that get to him. They circle each other, sizing up their opponent’s muscles and attitude, before Austin strikes first. He shoves Zack back into the turnbuckle then hoists him up into a rear bearhug. Zack tries to break free, but instead he’s thrown face first into the corner. Austin begins attacking his back. He places the challenger into a boston crab, then tortures his perfectly muscled arms in the ring rope. It’s a slow start for Zack, and that doesn’t bother Austin one bit. The two get to their feet and the redhead proposes a test of strength, but it’s just a ruse, he delivers a kick to Zack’s gut and proceeds to lift him up and plunge him down onto his knee in a reverse atomic drop. Zack moans and groans on the mat as Austin states him I’m taking it nice and slow on you. He picks the world class fitness model up to his feet then lifts him by his throat high above the ring floor, choking him before tossing him to the mat. Austin continues to dictate the action, pounding and bashing away at Zack’s muscular back and ripped abs. The reigning king definitely came in with a game plan and is executing it to perfection. He controls all the action before suplexing Zack first, setting him up for a round ending texas cloverleaf that has the challenger forced to say he gives up to bring an end to round one. Austin celebrates by admiring his belt and posing over his prey. Zack-0, Austin 1.
Round two opens with Zack telling the redhead that was just one round, and begins changing his strategy. He shifts to an emphasis on quickness, and quickly scores with a full nelson. He gets the big guy down on the mat where he can more easily maintain his control. He starts to wear Austin down with a rear choke hold, and as the redhead seeks to escape Zack flexes his massive bicep in domination. Zack continues the control by hurling the burly Austin into the opposite corner, climbs the ropes, and straddles across his shoulders and drives him down into the mat. He then suplexes Austin to the other corner, connects with a flying elbow and a sledge hammer to the back, before clamping a nerve claw on his right shoulder. Zack has all the mojo in this round and has creatively turned the tables on the reigning king. Zach drags Austin to the center of the ring, grabs both ankles, and then uses his massive arms to make a wish using Austin’s legs as his wishbone. He rips apart the king’s crotch and then places him in a standing wishbone hold, driving his boot into his ribs until Austin screams out a submission. Round two goes to Zack as he evens this showdown at one round a piece. Zack-1, Austin-1.
Both guys are warmed up and raring to go as the sweat begins to build up on their money making muscles. Austin says ‘you got lucky’ and Zack challenges Austin to a test of strength with the intent on paying him back for what happened in round one. He catches Austin with a knee, and then wraps him in a leg scissor before scoring with a reverse neck breaker that stuns the redhead. As Austin suffers on the mat Zack attacks with a vicious ab claw, driving it deep into his gut. Zack stays on the attack with another neck breaker, then a boot to his bulge. Austin is able to shift the momentum in this round with a cheap shot, and delivers pain and punishment with a stretching surfboard, but it’s Zack with the drive at the end. He brutally works over every limb on Austin’s body, chokes him over the rope, then sets him up with a head but to the abs before finishing him off in a sadistic ab stretch ab claw combo. Austin resists as long as he can but ultimately has to scream I give to break the hold. Round three ends with both guys drained, and the Z-man with the upper hand. Zack-2, Austin-1.
Can King Austin mount a ferocious comeback to win the final two rounds and maintain his belt? Or will Zack maintain his mojo and strip the belt away from the reigning king? All the dramatic momentum shifts lead to an explosive finish that you’ll definitely want to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Wes Richards vs Tanner Hill and Chad Daniels vs Ethan Andrews
Regular price $34.95Wes Richards vs Tanner Hill
We’re treated to the debut of new wrestler, Wes Richards, for this match. Wes has been on the Rock Hard short list of potential wrestlers for a while now and finally got the call to join the roster. Wes is a non-nonsense type of guy and someone who likes to go against the grain. He has a chip on his shoulder and is out to prove himself, like an outlaw. He’s a crossfitter with a lean muscled bod that he’s tatted up through the years. Could he be Rock Hard’s next bad boy? His opponent is a formidable teen bodybuilder. Tanner has put on some additional muscle in the last several months and is in the middle of preparing for a physique competition. His hot bod has grabbed a lot of attention since he arrived. His fans appreciate his superior teen muscles and shredded six pack abs, and the other wrestlers have relished the opportunity to ‘welcome’ him to the roster by bashing away on his prized physique. Both guys are in the gym going through their pre-match warm-up; the bodybuilder Tanner pumping some iron with his bulging biceps, and Wes getting his lean body warmed up with some crossfit exercises. The two exchange some words and opinions and it isn’t long before they step into to the ring. Tanner challenges the new rookie to a bicep comparison, knowing he’ll have the advantage. He first measures Wes’s biceps, which come in at a respectable 14 inches. But, when Wes measures Tanner’s arm it blows him away at an impressive 15.5 inches. The bodybuilder cracks a sly grin knowing he’s got the muscle advantage. To begin round one these two muscle boys challenge each other to a test of strength with the fitness fanatic winning the advantage with his bigger muscles and more wrestling experience. Tanner sets up Wes for a double leg takedown. Tanner then brings the crossfitter back to his feet and throws in a full nelson, cranking on his neck and stretching out his lean body. The bodybuilder then places Wes over the ropes and starts choking him out, once he’s punished him in the ropes he whips him into the corner turnbuckle and begins working over Wes’s impressive abs. Things haven’t started off too well for the rookie outlaw! Tanner continues with a back breaking camel clutch, flexing his baseball bicep in front of Wes’s face, then places him in a back breaking boston crab inflicting more pain. Wes does show some signs of offense in this round with a mean ankle lock, then bending and toying with Tanner’s gorgeous muscles showing that he does bring some wrestling skill to the ring. But his control is short lived and Tanner is able to turn the tables back in his favor. The teen bodybuilder launches an attack on Wes’s leg with a few stomps, then twists and stretches the crossfitter’s powerful legs as he has his own legs scissored around the outlaw’s waist. Tanner then drags Wes to the middle of the ring and delivers several more stomps to his weakened legs. Tanner’s learned how to finish from his previous matches and he does just that. He places Wes in an agonizing figure four leg lock and cranks up the pressure. Wes squirms and struggles in pain, searching for a way out, but there isn’t a way out for him. The crossfitter cries out a submission before the teen bodybuilder snaps one of his legs to bring an end to his misery, and to round one. Tanner flexes his bigger bi’s as Wes is laid out in defeat.
Round two and Tanner again takes the control with another standing full nelson. But this time, he transitions the move by lacing Wes’s lean bod through the ring ropes and places his boot in the crossfitter’s back, stretching and yanking back on his arms to inflict punishment. Wes is limp from the hold as Tanner pulls him back through the ropes, only to scoop slam him to the mat. The teen bodybuilder controls the action until Wes is finally able to turn things around with a swift leg sweep. He begins to really start working over Tanner’s impeccable teen muscles. He connects with heavy stomps and an elbow drop before pulling the fitness teen over to the ropes and brutally chokes him in the ropes. The outlaw has things going his way now and works over Tanner’s ankles with a few ankle locks the slaps on a scissors to drain his energy. Wes pulls him to his feet, tosses into the turnbuckle and goes to work bashing the teen bodybuilder’s prized shredded abs. Tanner is dazed, confused and in big trouble and the outlaw seizes the moment. He drags the well-muscled teen to the center of the ring, places him in a skin tight ab stretch, and continues to bash away on his abs until Tanner shouts out a submission. Wes towers over his battered opponent, places his black boot on his chest, and claims success in round two. Will Wes be able to continue his control over the teen muscle boy, and perhaps throw in a few dirty tricks, to secure a victory in his debut?! Or will Tanner turn the action around, out muscle the crossfitter, and rip the badge off the outlaw’s chest to add another win to his record?!
Chad Daniels vs Ethan Andrews
Chad is one fine specimen, 6’2”, 195 pounds of hot beach bod muscle. He epitomizes the look of a summer lifeguard; shaggy blond hair, great looking face, and tons of muscle. What a sight! Don’t you wish he was watching over your beach?! He’s got five matches under his belt since joining Rock Hard so he’s no longer considered a rookie. In those matches, he’s taken on some of the best guys on the roster and has proven to be competitive in all of them, but he’s only been able to score one win. He arrives for this match sporting red lifeguard issued sunglasses and a whistle, like he’s on his way to his lifeguard stand on a sundrenched beach. But this day may soon be spoiled. He looks across the ring for his opponent and it’s none other than one of the best muscle boy destroyers in the business, street punk bad boy Ethan. The bad boy is sitting on the top rope clad in shiny black latex tights and black boots that add to his image. Ethan has torn apart and destroyed nearly every muscle boy he’s faced with his vast arsenal of holds, pure wrestling skills, and tenacity to prove that it’s his muscles that prevail in the ring. He’s conquered every one of the current crop of new wrestlers which includes; Rex Bedford, Jax Brewer, and Tanner Hill, and he’s thrilled at the chance to finally get his hands on Chad’s beach bod muscles. The shaggy blond asks ‘who do we have here’ as he looks up at Ethan, and the bad boy replies by proclaiming he’s ‘the greatest wrestler that Rock Hard has ever known’. Chad proclaims to have never heard of him, and that doesn’t go over well with the street punk. Ethan hops down to the mat, they tie up, and Chad scores first with a double leg takedown. He also connects with a few stomps to Ethan’s ankle and asks ‘how’s your leg now?’ The bad boy pulls himself to his feet and they lock up in a test of strength. Ethan connects with two stomps to the lifeguard’s abs but it doesn’t faze him, Chad uses his bigger muscles to overpower his smaller opponent. He then scoops the street punk and slams him to the mat, the wraps his massive thighs around Ethan’s waist and begins squeezing this shit out of him. The bad boy fights back by punching Chad’s thigh until he releases the hold, and that’s when Ethan is able to shift the momentum. He immediately begins to attack the shaggy blonde’s massive legs by flipping him over into a single leg boston crab and then transitions it to a choke hold. The bad boy then begins to start really pouring on the punishment to Chad’s beautiful beach bod. Ethan continues to; attack the lifeguard’s massive thighs, scissors his brawny arms behind his head with a leg scissors, then crushes his waist by wrapping his long legs around Chad’s waist before punishing him in an over the knee backbreaker. Chad is able to stay off a submission but clearly it’s the bad boy in control at this point. Ethan maintains the advantage choking Chad over the bottom rope and tying to rip his knee out of joint by pulling it around the middle ring rope, and all the while delivering a bashing to Chad’s ripped abs. Chad does endure the onslaught and does reverse the momentum, getting some good shots in on the bad boy, but in the end it’s just not enough to submit his foe. Ethan regains the advantage and after a grueling assault on Chad’s legs he jumps up onto his back and wraps on a rear naked choke hold. The lifeguard makes every attempt to shake the street punk off his back but Ethan has it locked on tight, and Chad eventually drops to his knees. Ethan then finishes him off choking him out face down on the mat. The bad boy takes round one as he straddles and poses his muscles over a bigger but beaten Chad.
Round two starts with Chad shaking off that sleeper hold and telling Ethan ‘I’ll get you back for that one’. The bad boy doesn’t seem to be too alarmed and in fact continues his control from round one by taking the shaggy blond to the mat with a headlock. Ethan has a tight cinch around Chad’s throat and forcefully applies the pressure. He then transitions the hold into a reverse chin lock, cranking back on the lifeguard’s chin. The street punk continues the trashing by bringing Chad to his feet, placing his throat across the top rope and choking the big guy. The shaggy blond is in trouble, but surprisingly survives the onslaught and is able to reverse the action. He wraps his tree trunk thighs around Ethan’s waist like a vise, then drives his elbow underneath the chin of the street punk. Chad pulls Ethan to his feet, drives him into the corner and retaliates with his own badass ab bashing on the bad boy. The lifeguard is riding a wave of momentum and follows up by placing Ethan in a body bending bow and arrow, pulling with all his might to force a submission. But Ethan won’t give, but he is pissed. Once the bad boy regains control he goes on to dominate the action. He heartlessly pounds and punishes every muscle on Chad’s red-hot beach bod until the lifeguard can’t take it any longer. When Ethan is done owning every one of Chad’s muscles he finishes him off in a spectacular way to end the round and the match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Tanner Hill vs Zack Johnathan and Wes Richards vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $34.95Tanner Hill vs Zack Johnathan
Zack has been enjoying life since snatching the King of the Ring title from Austin Cooper in KOTR 6. He’s been making all the right choices in his life; sticking with his rigorous workout routine and his body has never looked better, making a few smart financial moves to pump up his bank accounts, and relaxing and enjoying some of the finer things in life. When he heard his next match was going to be against the up and coming teen bodybuilder Tanner, he had only one problem with it. There was no way this newbie earned the right to face him in a KOTR match, but he would give him a chance at a non-KOTR match. Tanner wasn’t happy when he heard this news, but still wanted to test his abilities against the one and only Z-man. This match pits an experienced veteran against a still learning rookie, a man against a teenager, and a flawless physique built from many years in the gym vs a teen fitness fanatic with big dreams in front of him. It’s set up to be a classic class war battle. The teen bodybuilder was so excited about this match he arrives early and is practicing his fitness model posing in the full length mirror. His muscles, oiled and pumped to the max, look spectacular and contest ready. Zack saunters into the gym almost looking like he’s ready to make a business deal. He’s sporting a gold chain, cigar, and carrying the latest edition of the financial times. He watches on as Tanner shows off his mouth watering bod, then gets in his face and starts giving him the business. The young rookie is not amused and is also bothered by the smoke and tries waving it away. Tanner then takes a swipe and the Z-man’s gold chain. That sets off the reigning KOTR and he proceeds to smash the chain across the blond boy’s forehead, then lifts him by his trunks and tosses him into the ring. The two muscle hunks lock up and Zack scores first with a wicked side headlock to start round one. He continues with a half nelson on the mat, a front facing bearhug, and ends with a tight leg scissors around Tanner’s ripped abs. The teen muscle boy has been in enough scrapes to fend off the attack, and is able to reverse the action and begins attacking Z-man’s impressive abs. Tanner connects with a few punches to the gut, then lifts him up by his hair, whips him into the corner and persists with punishment to Zack’s gut. Tanner’s enjoying being on offense and places his opponent in holds that stretch his magnificent body and expose the vulnerable abs. Zack eventually fends off the onslaught, and when he’s given an opportunity to catch a breath, he seizes on that opening. Zack places the teen bodybuilder in a standing full nelson and really cranks up the pressure, forcing Tanner to his tippy toes to help alleviate the agony. Zack forces Tanner to the mat, mounts him and dishes out a few shots to Tanner’s sexy six-pack, then places him in a rear chin lock. Tanner struggles to escape and is somewhat bewildered from the barrage he’s just endured. Zack, the seasoned vet that he is, surprises Tanner when he clamps on a figure four leg lock. Tanner is stretched out on the mat suffering in pain and has no idea on how to escape the hold. The reigning king tells him he going to make him give up, while Tanner struggles to escape. Tanner has a lot of will power but he’s not able to endure the extreme pain and reluctantly cries out a submission. Zack flexes his muscles as Tanner squirms on the mat to end round one.
Round two opens with Tanner massaging his sore legs and the reigning king smugly asking ‘how’s your knee?’ What will Tanner’s strategy be in this round, since what he tried in round one didn’t work! They circle and tie up with Zack again catching the blond fitness fanatic in a head lock that brings Tanner to his knee, a proven strategy that worked well for the Z-man in round one. He then places Tanner in the corner turnbuckle and begins dishing out some payback on the teen bodybuilder’s awesome abs. Zack stays focused on punishing every one of the fitness fanatic’s glorious muscles. He continues to plough through Tanner, stretching him out on the mat, exposing the teen’s muscled body, then goes to work attacking his back before working him over good in opposite corners of the ring. This 26 minute match is all about inspiring pure muscle, and who climbs to the top? Can Tanner turn the tide and claim victory in the next two rounds that would wreak havoc on the current king of the ring’s reign? Or, can the Z-man dispose of the teen fitness fanatic and remain at the top of the class?
Wes Richards vs Chad Daniels
Wes recently joined the roster and quickly branded himself as an outlaw, he likes doing things his way and going against the grain. He’s a rebel and a loner. In his first match he went up against one of the new wrestlers Tanner Hill. Both guys are about the same size, both ripped, but Tanner sports a little more muscle than Wes. The match was very competitive and while Wes brought his brawling style and all out attitude, it was Tanner who was able to claim the victory using his recent match experience and muscle advantage. In Wes’s second match he went up against one of the reigning superstars in all of underground wrestling, Alex Waters. It was a tall task for Wes, steeping into the ring against a VIP, and at this point in his career he simply didn’t have the knowledge or the ring strategy to even win a round. Alex manhandled him and disposed of him in two straight rounds. Since that match Wes has been pissed and has been begging to get back in the ring. Well today, he gets his wish. In this match his opponent is the buffed, blond lifeguard. Chad joined the roster back in 2014 and has six matches under his belt. All the experienced wrestlers have wanted a piece of Chad since he joined, and who can blame them? Chad is tall, blond, ripped with a buff beach bod, and one overall good looking dude. He’s a threat to all the wrestlers at the top of the roster. So they all stood in line to make sure that wasn’t going to happen; Zack, Austin, Dash, Alex, and Ethan. No rookie could survive that type of onslaught, but that didn’t deter Chad, he kept on coming back for more and all the while gaining more experience. The buff lifeguard was able to notch a win against Blake Keller so he knows what winning tastes like. Which one of these guys is going to prevail?! Round one opens with Wes asking ‘what do you got Chad’ and the lifeguard questioning the wisdom of all of Wes’s tattoos. They circle and tie up with Wes scoring first. He connects with a few jabs to Chad’s abs, suplexes him to the mat, then states ‘just what I thought, a big, slow dummy’. The outlaw then goes all wild, wild Wes on Chad by shoving his boot directly on top of the buff lifeguard’s crotch. Chad cries out in pain ‘you dirty bastard’ and Wes replies ‘oh yeah, I play dirty’. This could be interesting! Wes continues with a boston crab on the big blond but Chad is able to fend off the attack and get to his feet. Wes has his way with the lifeguard’s ripped muscles cranking hard on a hammerlock and then yanking back on his chin in a camel clutch. But that doesn’t do Chad in and he soon realizes to counter attack the outlaw’s dirty tricks he’s going to need to overpower him. He fights back to his feet, then lifts the smaller Wes up over his head and slams him to the mat. Chad stays on top with a series of power moves, all the while bashing and abusing his opponent’s sexy six-pack. Chad scores big by wrapping his tree trunk thighs around Wes’s small waist and squeezing the crap out of the outlaw, and also straddles him to bash his abs and choke the life out of him. Chad’s no dummy and when he senses that the wild, wild outlaw has been broken, he places him in a standing bow and arrow. Chad stomps his boot into Wes’s ribs and pulls up on his wrist and ankle until the outlaw cries out a submission to end his agony. Chad tells him ‘you fight dirty like that you’re going to get what’s coming to you’ then flexes his huge biceps to claim the first round.
In round two, Chad seizes the control with a suplex, then targets Wes’s legs for a heaping of pain and punishment. He continues to use his size and power advantage against the wild, wild outlaw by scooping him up over his head and power slamming him to the ring floor. Wes is able to get his feet but to no avail. The buff lifeguard whips him across the ring and nearly breaks him in half with a devastating clothesline. Chad inflicts more torture on Wes’s body while on the mat, but when Chad doesn’t go in for the kill and allows Wes to get to his feet that costs the blond hunk. Wes swiftly delivers his foot dead aim into the lifeguard’s sweaty pecs and he crumbles to the mat. The outlaw then shoves his black boot against Chad’s throat wanting to cut off his breathing. He then drags him over to the ropes and begins choking him out. With the sweat glistening off both of their pumped up bodies, things really begin to heat up in this 24 minute match. Will the outlaw Wes go all wild, wild extreme on Chad’s stunning beach bod and notch his first win? Or can Chad continue to overpower and rule the rebel outlaw until he breaks him? The scorching action leads up to a surprising finish you won’t want to miss!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Ethan Andrews vs Zack Johnathan and Tanner Hill vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $34.95Ethan Andrews vs Zack Johnathan
In what could very well be the best match of the year, the feud between Ethan and Zack continues and it has been going since the very early days of Rock Hard. They first met in Catalog 3 when Ethan was a skinny street punk and Zack was in his prime as a wrestling superstar. At that time, Ethan came to Rock Hard with a chip on his shoulder and was looking to take it out on anybody who opposed him, including the good looking, sexy muscle boys that dominate the roster. In fact, the more muscles his opponent had the more anxious Ethan was to step in the ring with him. In this first match up, the bout went the full three rounds with Ethan surprisingly pulling off the upset. He punched, pounded, and bashed away at Zack’s perfectly muscled body until the muscle boy could not take it another minute and submitted to a suffering ab stretch. Ethan placed his boot on Zack’s chest and flexed his own muscled biceps in defiance and victory. The infamous Z-man was stunned by the loss and quickly wanted to seek revenge. Zack did gain revenge in a 2 on 1 beat down of the skinny street punk when he teamed up with Tyler Reeves in Catalog 4, where they both completely dominated Ethan and left him tied up under an ice cold running shower. After that match, the feud took a break, but Ethan never forgot what happened. When the chance for a rematch came in Catalog 10, Ethan jumped at the chance for revenge. In this match, Zack knew he was challenged by someone on the roster but didn’t know who it was until he stepped into the ring that day. When Ethan revealed himself, Zack was both surprised and astounded that this skinny street punk wanted another shot at him, and the muscle boy was happy to oblige. That turned out to be a big mistake for Zack, as Ethan gained his own total revenge by torturing and brutalizing each and every luscious muscle on Zack’s glorious body. Ethan finished him off in two straight rounds, and in a twist of irony forced the muscle boy into another agonizing ab stretch final submission and again he placed his black boot on Zack’s chest and flexed a double bicep pose. Today, we fast forward over 4 years since these guys have faced off against each other, and a lot has changed since then. Ethan has been hitting the gym building his own newly minted, muscled body and has perfected a vast arsenal of torturous holds in order to inflict even more punishment on the muscle boys. On the other side, Zack has been like a fine wine with both his hot muscled body and wrestling only getting better over time. In fact, he climbed to the top recently when he defeated Austin Cooper in King of the Ring 6. So, with all the backstory between these two superstar wrestlers this match had to be special. And special it is, both guys agreed that all submissions had to be by an ab punishment hold and this was going to be an oil match. But as we’ll find out, each guy had their own definition in mind when they agreed to an oil match! Round one opens with Ethan in the ring going through his pre-match warm-ups until Zack strolls into the gym and begins to stretch and flex his money making muscles in front of the full length mirror. He pumps up his perfect pecs, massive arms, and ripped abs, then asks Ethan to oil up his beautiful body with some of the baby oil he brought. The street punk isn’t amused by the muscle model’s antics and slaps the bottle of baby oil to the ground. Zack doesn’t appreciate that and climbs through the ropes with a serious look on his face ready to get this contest started. Zack scores first wrapping is massive arm around Ethan’s head and cinches a tight headlock on the street punk. He follows that up with a standing hammerlock and bearhug. The muscle model then aggressively whips Ethan across the ring and into a thumping clothesline, but the Z-man isn’t quite finished with him so he backs him against the ropes and connects with a few bitch slaps right across Ethan’s pecs. Zack proceeds to dominate and torture his nemesis for the better part of the round, but late into the round Ethan creates an opening to reverse the action. He challenges the muscle model to a test of strength but before they even lock up the bad boy delivers a quick stomp to Zack’s gut. Ethan begins attacking Zack’s legs at first, then begins an assault on his abs. In the final few minutes of the round, the bad boy is swiftly and surprisingly able to beat down the muscle model with a number of brutal holds. While on the mat, Ethan locks on a figure four leg lock and begins to really crank up the pressure. As Zack suffers and strains to escape, Ethan looks on with a smug grin. Knowing that each round needs to end with an ab punishment submission, Ethan rolls the Z-man on his back, towers over him and thrusts a series of punches into his abs and then locks on a deep driving ab claw. Zack is forced to cry out a submission and Ethan celebrates by kneeling on his opponent’s battered abs and flexes a perfect popping double bicep pose.
In round two, Zack knows he was bested by the street punk but he’s determined he won’t let that happen again. Ethan does gain the upper hand in the beginning with a reverse wrist lock and transitions to a rear choke hold, but Zack is able to score with a running bulldog slam that drives Ethan’s head hard into the mat and nearly knocks him out. Ethan regains the momentum and places Zack’s beautiful body in some devious holds, but when the muscle model connects with a hangman neck breaker he’s able to ride the momentum the rest of the way. Zack tortures the formerly skinny street punk by pulverizing his abs and making him suffer in a body stretching surfboard until he ultimately has him beaten and flat on his back. Zack rears back and shoves an astonishing ab claw into Ethan’s six-pack and doesn’t let go until the street punk submits to end round two. Zack flexes his phenomenal muscles as his fallen enemy grovels on the mat. In round three of this 32 minute match, both of these superstars rely on their vast arsenal of holds and experience to inflict pure pain on their arch enemy. When all of the captivating and stimulating action comes to an end, Ethan claims the victory with a mind blowing finishing sequence that has Zack dazed and knocked out. What happens next? We’re sure you’ll want to see all the dastardly deeds the street punk has in mind for the sexy muscle model once he’s oiled up his racy, ripped muscles!
Tanner Hill vs Chad Daniels
This match brings two successful collegiate athletes into the ring to determine who’s amassed the skills, muscle, and endurance to emerge a winner. Both of these blond studs have recognized success in other sports during their school days in addition to the skills they’ve amassed here at Rock Hard. Chad’s an accomplished track and f ield star and also excelled as a football player, while Tanner shined as a wrestler and more recently has begun standing out as a fitness model and competitor. They both have demonstrated a commitment to maintaining their fantastic physiques with innovative training regimens and a strict diet. The 6’2” Chad has 8 matches under his belt and has pushed many of the superstars, but has only been able to register 1 victory over an even taller Blake Keller in Catalog 23. Tanner has fared a little better in his 6 matches, earning victories over Rex Bedford in Catalog 25 and Wes Richards in Catalog 26. These victories have propelled Tanner’s confidence and he’s recently started to show some signs of cockiness and pleasure in torturing his opponents. More than any other newbie, it seems he may be wrestling his way to the top. As the match opens, Chad is getting in a pre-match boxing workout on the heavy bag in an effort to warm up and get the blood flowing through his inspiring muscled body. Tanner swaggers into the gym, his body looking as fine as ever, and begins to challenge his bigger opponent with a hint of arrogance. Chad is annoyed by the interruption and steps away, removes his gloves, and climbs into the ring. The two blond hunks lock up in a test of strength to start things off, and Tanner surprises Chad with a transition to a double leg takedown and slams him to the mat. Chad gets to his feet but then Tanner shoves him into the turnbuckle and connects with a few jabs to Chad’s sexy six-pack before suplexing him out of the far corner. Tanner stares down at a stunned Chad with a smug smirk on his face, then places his muscular legs around Chad’s torso and begins squeezing and also assaulting his abs. Tanner continues to control Chad; whipping him around the ring and systematically beating up on his already sore midsection, lifting the big guy up and power slamming him hard into the mat, and stretching his red hot beach bod out on the mat with a brutal bow and arrow. Chad suffers beautifully as Tanner beams with a sly grin watching his opponent suffer. But just when you think the blond boxer won’t be able to tolerate the punishment much longer he seizes an opening. As Tanner has Chad squirming in a standing full nelson, he’s able to reverse the teen bodybuilder. Chad hoists Tanner into a reverse bearhug then drives him face first into the corner turnbuckle. Tanner crumbles to the mat and Chad stays on the attack. He starts stomping away on his legs, then delivers payback with a series of hard jabs into the teen’s prized ripped abs. Chad is steamed and the action has dramatically shifted in his favor. The big guy stays on the att ack; punching, stretching, and stomping all over the teen bodybuilder’s intoxicating muscular body. Ultimately, Tanner is struggling to stand up as Chad puts a heavy pounding on him in the corner. Chad then lifts the smaller Tanner over his head and slams his body to the mat. As he lay on the mat rubbing his sore abs, Chad then hoists him up and over his shoulder into a backbreaker, walking him around the ring until the teenage muscle stud has no other choice but to cry out a submission to end the first round. Chad places his boot on Tanner’s aching abs and strikes a double bicep flex in victory.
Round two begins with Tanner buckled over in his corner, trying to rub the pain off his battered back after an embarrassing loss in round one. The two tie up and Chad shows no mercy for the teenage muscle stud, picking him up way over his head and slamming him down in the center of the ring. The boxer circles around his prey as he lay agonizing on the mat, before pulling him to his feet by his hair and then whipping across the ring and flooring him with a shivering forearm clothesline. Chad continues to dominate the action, that is until Tanner finally gets a second wind and reverses the momentum with a quick suplex on his bigger opponent. He follows up with a double sided camel clutch, flexing his big baseball biceps in Chad’s face as he suffers. Tanner’s been in enough matches to know he needs to ride this momentum to a win in this round to even the match, and that’s exactly what he does. He runs Chad through a gauntlet of painful and demoralizing holds before finishing the blond boxer off with an excruciating banana split that has Chad split wide open and sorely screaming out a submission. Chad’s sweat soaked body lies defeated on the mat while Tanner flexes his hot teen bod in conquest. The third and final round has Tanner controlling the early action with a standing full nelson and then a standing surfboard as Chad is laced through the ropes. Will the fitness fanatic be able to outmaneuver Chad and KO the boxer’s hopes of another victory? Or, can Chad overpower the smaller teen bodybuilder and add another win to his record? All the sensational action leads to one of these blond studs knocked out and unconscious with the winner drenched in sweat and victorious!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.