Austin Cooper vs Jax Brewer
Regular price $21.95Welcome to Rock Hard 2.0. During the last 6 months, we here at Rock Hard have been working enthusiastically to bring significant improvements to you our customers. These improvements include: a fresh, new look to the website, a brand spanking new private gym, and of course more of the hottest new wrestlers on the planet! When the word got out that we were building a new private gym that would have a more intimate feel for our matches, a slew of new wrestlers were lining up with interest. We chose the best of the best from the group and invited them in. Who better to initiate the action than the reigning King of the Ring, Austin Cooper? On the other side of the ring is a wet behind the ears rookie, who claims to be the future champ, Jax Brewer. Jax has a spectacular body, sexy furry chest, and a smile that belongs on a billboard. He begged for the opportunity to wrestle in this match, and we thought our customers deserved a special treat for this historic event. Jax is so eager he enters the studio all set to go; he’s in a black hoodie, lightning bolt trunks and white boots. He bursts through the door seeking out his opponent. He turns the corner, states he’s here to wrestle somebody and that somebody’s ordered an ass-kicking. Strong words for a guy who has yet to wrestle a single match! He notices an ‘iron pumper’ across the ring and calls out to him. The ‘iron pumper’ turns out to be Austin who barely takes notice of the newbie. They trade some barbs, compare their massive quads, until Austin tells him ‘you get into the ring if you want to die today’. The two brawny boys climb through the ropes to get it on! Of course, Coop scores first with a duck under takedown and asks the golden boy ‘you want to leave?’, and Jax replies ‘no, someone ordered and ass-kicking and I’m here to deliver it’. Coop isn’t buying it and he begins working over Jax’s college boy muscles. He attacks Jax’s thighs before stretching out his back and chest in an excruciating camel clutch. Austin continues to dominate Jax, almost toying with the rookie, tossing him around, placing him in painful holds, and attacking his perfect furry torso. The rookie doesn’t help his situation by calling Coop a fat pussy. The reigning King of the Ring wonders if this kid even knows who he’s wrestling and doesn’t take to kindly to those words, so he continues beating the newbie around the ring. He tortures Jax’s body in a Boston crab, chokes him over the rope, bashes his abs in the corner, then stretches him out in a surfboard. All the while, Jax doesn’t stop with his trash talking, even though he hasn’t been able to mount any type of offense. But that soon changes, while Austin is pulling the golden boy to his feet, Jax scores with a burst of energy and scoops Coop up into the air with a double leg. He walks Coop around the ring before dropping the red head to the mat, straddles him and connects with several heavy forearm shivers to his chest. He then wraps his giant quads around Coop’s body and scissors and squeezes while he shoves his head into the mat. Seems Jax does know some moves, and with his attitude and brawn, is able to back up his smack. Jax continues to get some good shots in on the experienced tactician, even bashing away at his abs as he’s backed against the ropes. But this only makes Coop angry and he turns the tables on the rookie. He yanks, pulls, and stretches Jax’s gorgeous muscles with an ab stretch in an attempt at a submission, but Jax doesn’t cooperate. So, Coop makes the golden boy’s abs red as he’s strung up in the corner, then hoists him up over his shoulder. Austin has the rookie right where he wants, and he forces a submission out of him to end round one. Coop celebrates, flexing his beefy muscles over the fallen rookie.
This new gym holds the heat, and as round two begins the sweat starts to glisten off both of these hard bodies. Jax is still trying to shake of the soreness from round one as Austin plays the oldest trick in the book on the novice. This results in Coop’s size 11 boot in Jax’s perfect 8-pack abs before he locks on a double leg Boston crab. Coop continues to attack the golden boy’s thick back and muscular legs. He lifts him into a reverse bear hug, slams his head into the corner ring post, then gouges his eyes as he cranks back on his neck. Austin has controlled all the action so far, and goes for a second straight submission with a wishbone on Jax’s legs that threaten to rip his crotch apart. But, the rookie still won’t submit and survives the distress. Coop torments him as he lay on the mat, saying you’ll never be the champ, but this seems to inspire the rookie. He reverses the action, takes the tactician to the mat and then flips him over, leans back on his butt and applies immense pressure on Coop’s lower back. He taunts the red head asking ‘who’s your daddy now?’, and proclaiming ‘I’m the champ’ as he ratchets up the pain. Jax lifts him to his feet, whips him across the ring, then floors him with a clothesline. Coop is stunned and the golden boy seizes the moment to go for a pin count. Can the golden boy, and self-proclaimed future champ, wrap up a victory in round two and possibly score one of the biggest upsets in RHW history in this historic match? Or, will Austin turn the tables and tarnish the golden boy’s image with a second submission? Can this be the start of a new era with a rookie uprising, or will the veterans hold onto their top spots? Stay tuned for all the hot, sweaty, and sexy new action in the months to come, this is Rock Hard 2.0!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Tanner Hill
Regular price $21.95Even though Bruce has had a lot of success in recent tag team matches partnering with Dash Decker, he’s 0-2 in his last two singles matches. He had his muscles beaten, battered, and abused by bad boy Ethan Andrews, then lost again to the centerfold model Zack Johnathan in a battle for Gotham. His confidence has got to be off without having his sidekick Dash in the ring with him. In this match, Bruce takes on a newbie, rookie by the name of Tanner Hill. Tanner is a fitness fanatic as you can quickly tell once you get a glimpse of his body. He’s not a big guy, but he’s ripped to shreds. Any opponent who takes a look at his shredded 8-pack abs from across the ring would be crazy not to want to give them a bashing. This match begins with Tanner already in the ring sporting a blue warm-up top and graffiti type blue and black trunks. Bruce enters the ring wearing his batman t-shirt and his signature black with blue stripes trunks. The rookie peels off his warm-up top to reveal his shredded torso, while Bruce strips off his batman t-shirt to reveal his glorious muscles. Bruce talks some smack before they decide to measure biceps. Bruce wraps the tape measure around Tanner’s peaked bi and pronounces its 14.5 inches, impressive for a teen muscle boy who only weighs about 160 pounds. The newbie measures Bruce’s arms at just under 16 inches and tells him those muscles are just for show. This leads to an arm wrestling challenge in the center of the ring. The two muscle studs lock wrists, their biceps bulge, but it isn’t long before bigger Bruce forces the rookie’s arm down to the mat. They both get to their feet then Tanner claims Bruce got lucky! They tie up and Bruce scoops the newbie up and power slams him into the mat. He connects with a few boot stomps to the blond’s abs, then picks him up, places him in the corner and begins to bash away at the rookie’s prized 8-pack. He firsts drives some shoulder thrusts into Tanner’s mid-section, then delivers several jabs, before whipping him into the opposite corner turnbuckle to mimic the same beating. Bruce’s bigger muscles continue to dominate the fitness fanatic, supplexing him out of the corner then applying an arm stretching hold which has the rookie moaning in pain but still doing a lot of smack talk. Batman Bruce says ‘you talk a lot for someone who’s just lying on their back’, then applies a back crunching camel clutch on the rookie, flexing his muscles to the max. The total package continues to have his way with the blond rookie, pinning him down to the mat then attacking with a deep claw hold into Tanner’s abs. What a sight to behold! The rookie is getting the crap beaten out of him but he’s not wearing down. He seems to be able to endure all that Bruce can dish out to this point. As the sweat starts to build on both of their magnificent bodies, Bruce lifts Tanner upside down, carries him around the ring, then flings him to the mat. Bruce, admiring his dominance, pauses to pose his splendid body but that provides an opening to the rookie. Tanner begins to get some good shots in on the bodybuilder; he makes him suffer in an MMA arm bar, transitions it to a leg scissors, then clamps down on a camel clutch while flexing his own impressive bicep in Bruce’s face. But the rookie hasn’t learned to close the deal, and since Bruce doesn’t scream out a submission he releases the hold. As Tanner tries to pull the bodybuilder over to the ropes, Bruce scores quickly with a boot to the rookie’s abs. Tanner collapses to the mat while Bruce gets to his feet, wipes the sweat from his face, and goes back on the attack. He bashes the blond’s abs, suplexes him around the ring, then connects with a big splash off the ropes wanting to finish this round. Bruce positions him where he wants him, grabs and ankle and a wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of him. Tanner’s ripped muscles are on display as Bruce proclaims ‘now that’s strength’, and compels the rookie to cry out a submission. Bruce gets to his feet, and as the sweat drips off his body, flexes in triumph for round one.
Round two opens with a test of strength, and it’s not surprising Bruce prevails. He continues to control Tanner with a painful leg lock, he wraps his massive thighs around the rookie’s small waist in a tight scissors hold, then stretches him out on the mat and applies a mean ab claw hold. Batman Bruce has worked up a good sweat putting Tanner thru the ringer, and he continues to assail the fitness fanatic’s prized, ripped 8-pack. He laces Tanner’s hot bod through the ropes, places his foot in the small of his back, and yanks back on his arms with a standing surfboard. Tanner groans and moans, but the torture doesn’t end until Bruce says it’s going to end! Will Tanner and his ripped, sweaty bod be able to change the direction of this round and even this match up at one round a piece? Or do Bruce’s superb muscles continue to rule the young rookie and send him back to the locker room with an ‘L’ plastered on his forehead? Tune in to find out!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Ethan Andrews vs Rex Bedford
Regular price $21.95This match features an emerging MMA fighter, Rex Bedford, going up against an experienced ring wrestler, Ethan Andrews, who is known to thoroughly enjoy beating up on the muscle boys. And Rex is one special muscle boy. He’s both an experienced amateur wrestler and is climbing the ladder in MMA. He’s built a jaw dropping physique with impressive arms, chest, and legs, all topped off by an amazing 8-pack of shredded abs. Rex is another guy who was standing in-line to join the roster. He knows to become the best, he’s got to beat the best. And he’s taking on one of the best and the baddest. Ethan has made a living chewing up and spitting out some of the most famous fitness models in the business. He’s owned the muscles of Zack Johnathan, Tyler Reeves, Jake Jenkins, Josh Steel, Brodie Fisher, and Bruce Ballard, so I don’t think he has any doubts he’ll own newbie Rex’s glorious muscles at the end of this match. This match starts with Rex getting his mojo on with some work on the heavy bag. Ethan comes around the corner in new black silver studded trunks, black boots, and a new haircut, looking like daddy dominator. He’s salivating at the thought of working over Rex’s muscled bod. The bad boy climbs through the ropes, notices Rex on the other side, and immediately starts with the trash talking. He tells Rex ‘I don’t know if you noticed but the sign on the front door says wrestling’ and Rex replies, ‘that’s why I’m here’. The MMA fighter enters the ring, takes off his gloves and round one begins. The two tie up in the center of the ring and the bad boy scores first by forcing Rex back into the turnbuckle and quickly attacks his prized abs. Ethan then snap mares him out of the corner, but doesn’t stop there, he gives Rex a quick tour of the ring with two more snap mares. He then settles Rex in to a nice chin lock, placing his knee into the newbie’s spine and yanking back on his chin. The bad boy transitions to a head lock, then applies a tight leg scissors around Rex’s abs. Ethan doesn’t stop there, he brings him to his feet with a reverse choke, drives him into the corner and connects with a left jab to the abs. The bad boy’s put the rookie through 7 or 8 different holds and Rex has barely had a chance to take a breath. Ethan continues the beating, whipping him into the opposite corner, scoring with a big splash, then as Rex is slumped in the corner he drives his size 11 black boot down his throat. Poor Rex doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. The only one who’s used an MMA move so far in this match is Ethan! The bad boy continues to bash away at the muscle boy’s abs at every turn. He whips Rex into a clothesline then berates the rookie as he grovels on the mat. Ethan then scissors one arm, controls the other arm with an armbar which places Rex’s abs wide open for a beating as he stares helplessly up at the ceiling. He tries every way possible to escape but this is one of Ethan’s signature holds and there’s no way of getting out until the bad boy decides to release the hold. Ethan begins delivering the ab punishment, connecting with a series of hard fists into his perfect 8-pack, then amps up the pain by driving his fingers deep into Rex’s abs with a painful claw hold. The bad boy also makes his best effort to rip Rex’s ripped abs right out of his body. Perhaps as a trophy? But when Ethan makes a slight miscalculation Rex is ready to bounce. He catches the street punk in a MMA arm bar that arches his lean muscled body and highlights Ethan’s prized package as its arched pointed to the ceiling. Rex starts going to town on the dominator’s daddy new hot bod and hairstyle. He dishes out some pain of his own with his high skilled MMA moves, and even retaliates with some ab bashing of his own on the street punk. If you’ve been following Ethan’s career, you know he’s been in this position many times and has manage to turn the tide. He does is again in this round. First he makes Rex suffer in a figure four leg lock, the uses a figure four head choke to finish the muscled MMA fighter off in round one. Ethan watches Rex twitch before he’s knocked out by the hold. Daddy dominator scores victory in round one, places his boot on Rex’s sweaty bod and flexes his own bulging biceps.
Ethan takes the offense in round two, toying with the muscle boy and putting Rex’s sweaty muscled body on display for all to enjoy, though the bad boy seems to be enjoying it the most. The new studio holds the heat and the sweat builds up quick. However, it’s not all Ethan in this round like it was in the previous round. Rex makes a comeback with his cage skills, and has the tall street punk stretched out over his knee in a backbreaker that could set up his own knock out finish to end round two. Who’s the daddy now?! Does Rex get his payback and tie this hot, hot match up at one round apiece? Or will Ethan take back his daddy dominator role and end the knockout games in two straight knock outs? You’ll have to watch to find out!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Regular price $21.95Austin has been eyeing this match for a long time. He’s sat back and watched Dash rack up win after win and he thinks now is the time to step in and knock the reigning King of the Ring off his pedestal. He’s sick of seeing Dash take out weaker opponents and took note of the last KOTR match where street punk Ethan pushed Dash to his limits only to see Dash squeak out a narrow victory at the very end. The burly red head has been at Rock Hard long before ‘The Chosen One’ strutted his magnificent physique into this ring, and he wants to be the one to knock him down the roster a few notches. On the other hand, Dash has been willing to take on all comers since he got here, and to his credit, he’s defeated them all (except for the tag team upset loss against the Green Team which he blames on Alex Waters). Dash fears no one and he’s not worried about climbing into the ring against the veteran tactician Coop. But, just as you’re getting settled in to watch a colossal superstar showdown this match takes a twisted turn! At the start of round one, Dash seizes control, driving Austin back into the turnbuckle and drives a few shoulder thrusts into his gut. He then pulls the beefy red head out of the corner, places him in a standing full nelson and begins thrashing him around the ring. Coop is able to reverse the action, driving the bodybuilder down to the mat and has his shoulders pinned with a reverse bridge hold. Coop then straddles Dash and begins choking him, next wraps his humongous thighs around Dash’s waist and begins to squeeze. Dash survives and is able to regain control. He repays Coop with a chokehold of his own, an arm bar, then cranks away with a camel clutch and flexes his huge bicep in the red head’s face. These two superstars continue to bash away on one another for the first seven minutes of this match, but that’s where things change! Just as Austin has the upper hand and he’s pulling back on Dash’s big arms into what could be a suspended surfboard and a submission, Dash’s partner in crime, Bruce, walks over from the other side of the gym. Bruce was in the middle of a pumping session when he heard his tag team partner screaming out in pain. He drops the dumbbells, climbs the ropes, flies through the air and connects with a cheap shot on Coop. It stuns Coop, and this is where the complexion of the match changes. This match shifts from a 1 on 1 superstar showdown to a 2 on 1 superstar beatdown! The tag team duo begins a severe beating on the bearded red head. They send Coop’s body reeling to the mat with a double team clothesline, they stretch all four of his limbs and his crotch out in a four way crucifix, then drop his brawny body across both their knees in a double team over the knee backbreaker. After Coop refuses to submit to the backbreaker, they shove his lifeless body to the mat and decide on a better way to finish him off. Bruce hoists Austin up across his shoulders into a torture rack and the duo start inflicting the punishment. With the opponent draped over his shoulders, Bruce begins squatting Austin’s body weight while Dash is in his face taunting and enjoying every minute of the destruction. Coop refuses to submit for as long as he can, but when Bruce turns up the heat he’s compelled to scream out a submission. Bruce and Dash clearly enjoy gaining the submission as Austin lay suffering on the mat. The muscle boys flex and pose, admiring their fantastic physiques as they put an end to round one.
Round two begins with Dash and Bruce still celebrating in their corner and Coop wobbling out from his corner saying ‘I’m a natural born ass kicker’ and what’s happening in this match isn’t right. He reminded Dash how he was kicking his ass before his new found buddy came into the ring illegally to save him. Well, Dash didn’t take a liking to this so he charged the red head and body locked him to the mat. Team Dash/Bruce deliver a few stomps before placing him in a body stretcher that has Bruce’s boot shoved deep into Coop’s prime package. They taunt him as he suffers, saying ‘come on ass kicker’ and ‘I think he likes it’. They release that hold and continue pounding Coop’s prime package with a wishbone tug that nearly rips the red head in half. Coop is in agony and moans out ‘you guys are so cheap’. Austin’s in big trouble and he knows it! The bodybuilders continue the onslaught with; a standing surfboard in the corner turnbuckle, gut bashing in the ropes, and a double reverse elbow clothesline that connects across Austin’s beefy pecs. The boys are having fun working up a sweat as they attack, assail, and mug their hapless opponent. Coop never has a chance in this round. His well-muscled body is beaten, battered, and abused the entire second round until Dash and Bruce tie him up in the ropes and finish him off. If you like 2 on 1 matches, you’re going to love this match! The bodybuilders show no mercy and deliver what must be one of the most brutal, lopsided beatings Austin has ever encountered. Dash and Bruce flex their superb sweat soaked muscles claiming victory in front of their unconscious foe before exiting the ring quite satisfied with their work.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Austin Cooper vs Dash Decker (KOTR 4)
Regular price $21.95A colossal King of the Ring Match, Austin vs Dash in KOTR 4! What more could you ask for? Two of the headline bodybuilding superstars on the roster today face off in a best of five rounds match with one of them prevailing as King of the Ring. This match was destined to happen, and got accelerated after the brutal bashing Dash & Bruce dished out on Austin two weeks ago. The burly red head thought he was finally getting his shot at Dash, and had the upper hand in round one of that match, that is before Bruce flew into the ring and came to Dash’s rescue. They proceeded to beat and batter Austin the rest of the way, and in the end he was left unconscious and tied up in the ropes. Once he woke up, he stormed out of the ring and immediately demanded a KOTR match be scheduled with ‘that pussy’ Dash. Everyone at Rock Hard agreed and the match was set. The match opens with both warriors already in the ring; Austin clad in black trunks and black boots and Dash is his red/black trunks and black boots. They look like 2 gunslingers getting ready to shoot it out at the OK Corral. Coop quips ‘what are you doing here?’ with Dash telling him ‘I’m here for King of the Ring’. Then Coop tells him ‘you know you’re going to lose don’t you?’ and Dash arrogantly replies ‘no, I don’t lose’. So it’s on! The two colossal bodybuilders tie up with Austin scoring first with and duck under and driving Dash directly into the turnbuckle, then shoving him face first into the adjoining turnbuckle. You get a sense right away that Coop is going to be all business in this match. He then puts ‘the chosen one’ in a double leg Boston crab, makes him suffer in a stretching surfboard before making Dash strangle himself with his own massive arms wrapped around his throat. Dash is able to endure and then turns the tables on the challenger. He applies his own double leg Boston crab in payback on the tactician, then directs his attack on Coop’s bum knee. Dash stomps his black boot precisely onto his knee brace in an effort to intentionally damage Austin’s knee. It seems anything goes in a King of the Ring match! Coop somehow is able to regain his composure and reverses the action by whipping Dash across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle, somersaulting into the corner, then flipping the big guy head over heels back into the center of the ring. Austin then controls the action the rest of way in this round and ultimately forces Dash to submit in a painful never seen before submission hold to end the round. Austin proudly flexes his muscles and lays claim to this round. Austin – 1, Dash – 0.
Round two begins with Coop telling Dash he’s a loser, before wrapping his biceps around his waist and hoists him into a front facing bearhug. Coop starts squeezing Dash around his rib cage with immense power in an effort to make him say Austin is King, but Dash won’t do it and is thrown to the mat. After Dash grovels on the mat for a while Austin lifts him by his head and whips him into a clothesline, sending the bodybuilder back down to the mat. He rolls Dash into a leg scissors and continues to work over his rib cage. Dash hangs in and endures the punishment, and when Coop gets a little cocky and takes a moment to flex, Dash seizes the opportunity. He catches Austin in a standing full nelson, thrashes him around the ring then slams his cranium straight into the corner turnbuckle. He proceeds to suplex the tactician out of the corner and slap on a surfboard with Coop face down on the mat. Dash yanks back on Coop’s gigantic arms with his own impressive arms, trying to either force a submission or yank his arms off his body. Coop is able to resist the easy way out and refuses to submit, so Dash needs to resort to other tactics. He stomps the tactician while he’s suffering on the mat, then drops several heavy knees into Austin’s six pack. Coop’s hurting and Dash sees that and goes in for the kill. He rolls Coop over into a tight Boston crab, sits his butt down on the small of the red head’s lower back and starts rocking back , applying immense pressure. Coop resists as long as he’s able but Dash won’t let up until he hears him scream out a submission. Dash kneels down and flexes his glorious sweaty muscles in victory, evening this match up at one round a piece. Austin -1, Dash – 1.
This round is crucial, because whoever wins this round will only need to win one of the remaining two rounds to claim King of the Ring! The two lock up and Dash seizes control, shoving the burly red head into the corner and connecting with several forceful shoulder thrusts into Coop’s abs. He continues to toss and torture his opponent around every corner of the ring, including punishing his brawny muscles in the ring ropes. He attacks every part of Austin’s body, including stringing him up in a tree of woe and wallops away at his prized six-pack as he’s dangling upside down in the corner. The reigning King of the Ring completely dominates this round, finishing his challenger off with a Dragon sleeper. This gives Dash the edge in defending his KOTR title. Austin – 1, Dash – 2.
Dash is now oozing with confidence and his muscles are sweat soaked and pumped, so it’s going to be a tall order for Austin to win consecutive rounds against the reigning king. But that’s the mountain he’ll need to climb in order to snatch the KOTR title away from ‘The Chosen One’. Does Dash close this contest out in four rounds and keep his undefeated streak alive and maintain his reign as King of the Ring? Or, will the brawny, red head, experienced tactician reach deep into his bag of holds and snatch victory away from the big bodybuilder to claim his reign as the new King of the Ring? One thing’s for certain, you don’t want to miss out on what happens next!!!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Ethan Andrews vs Jax Brewer
Regular price $21.95In celebration of Halloween this week, we’re offering our very first masked match. It’s a little something different and we’re interested to see how it resonates with our fans. This match is both a fun match, and a match that will test both of these combatants. Neither one of these guys has any idea who they are going up against in this match-up. In one corner you have the golden boy Jax in his gold tights and black mask, and in the other corner you have the veteran bad boy Ethan in his red tights and red mask. It’s the golden boy vs the red demon. Both guys are in the ring ready to start the match, as they wonder who’s their opponent. Jax stands on the ring ropes in his corner with his arms crossed almost looking like an undertaker, while Ethan sizes up his mystery opponent. They circle one another, trying to get a feel of how this match might go, and Ethan strikes first with a reverse headlock which he transitions to a neck breaker that brings the college muscle boy down to the mat with a thump. The red demon straddles the golden boy to deliver 5 straight jabs to his ripped abs before cinching on a head lock and whispering in Jax’s ear that he’s going to take his mask off and mount it on his mantle along with all the other luches he’s beat. We know that Ethan is one of the best trash talkers in the business, and we’re quickly learning that Jax likes to talk a lot of trash when in his debut match he was already calling himself the future champ. The bad boy continues to control the muscle boy with a reverse choke hold, then tosses him aside, gets to his feet and presses his black boot onto Jax’s head and flexes his bi’s in delight. The golden boy attempts to get to his feet but Ethan tells him to stay down as he stomps on the muscle boy’s back. Ethan maintains control with a single leg boston crab, really applying the pressure by lifting Jax’s leg high into the air as he sits on the lower back. Jax has yet to mount any type of offense in this round and you have to wonder if he has anything that can counter the red demon’s attack? Ethan drags Jax to his feet, shoves him into the turnbuckle and begins bashing away at his mouth watering abs. He whips the golden boy into the opposite corner, continues to pound his abs, then begins to torture him in the ropes and choke him out with his boot. Ethan totally dominates this first round, making the every muscle of the golden boy suffer with a wide variety of dastardly holds. He stretches, pounds, and contorts every muscle on Jax’s sultry body before ultimately finishing him off with a tight figure four leg lock, maximizing the pressure until he yells out a submission. But the red demon isn’t finished just yet, he pulls the muscle boy back into his lap and rips his mask off to reveal his identity. He asks ‘who are you’ and Jax replies ‘the future champ’ but Ethan tells him he’s more like the future bitch! The red demon gets to his feet, reveals his own identity then flexes his baseball sized biceps in triumph over a defeated and deflated opponent in round one.
In round two, Jax is having come trouble coming out of his corner but eventually the two of them lock up in a test of strength. Now Ethan knows, even with his new and improved muscled body, he’s not going to out muscle Jax so he reaches into his bag of tricks and backs Jax into the turnbuckle and connects with several knees into the golden boy’s midsection. The red demon brings the muscle boy out of the corner with a flying bulldog, driving his head hard into the mat. Ethan stays in control with an arm bar as he twists Jax’s muscles like a pretzel, then doing some push-ups while using the muscle boy’s abs as his support. You’ll want to see this! Jax is getting owned by muscle boy slayer, that is until Jax is able to turn the tables with a kick of his own to the red demon’s abs. He suplexes his lighter opponent, then pays him back by doing a set of push-ups off Ethan’s abs, and claiming he doesn’t like being disrespected. The golden boy has gained some momentum and he isn’t letting go. He rolls up the red demon in a cradle in an attempt for a quick pin, but when that doesn’t work he starts attacking Ethan’s back with flying elbow drops. Jax pulls Ethan back into a tight camel clutch and calls him the bitch before slapping him across the face, then releasing the hold. This is the most offense we’ve seen from Jax since his debut and maybe he’s starting to come into his own. The golden boy continues to control the red demon, leading up to a surprising finish. He places the bad boy in a seated surfboard and stretches his lean muscled bod to its limits seeking a submission. Ethan screams, cries and yells out in agony as Jax repeatedly yanks back on his arms creating unbelievable pressure on the bad boy’s back until he ultimately surrenders and screams out a submission. Ethan collapses to the mat and Jax kneels on his back and flexes his marvelous muscles for victory in round two. Can the golden boy flexes his muscles and impose his will again on the muscle boy slayer and score a huge upset?! Or will the red demon own the golden boy’s muscles in round three and add yet another muscle boy to his long list of victims?!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.