Austin Cooper & Jake Jenkins vs Trent Novak & Cliff Johnson
Regular price $21.95Austin Cooper & Jake Jenkins vs Trent Novak & Cliff Johnson
This tag team match up features four of the newest wrestlers to be added to the RHW roster. Austin Cooper and Jake Jenkins both scored impressive victories in their debut matches, while Trent Novak and Cliff Johnson went down in defeat in their first Rock Hard appearances. Austin and Jake decided to take it to the next level, join forces, and take on all comers in the tag team division. Trent and Cliff make a formidable tag team opponent with their considerable size and muscular bodies, and they think this will be a winning combination for them. Round one opens with Austin stepping into the ring to take on the taller, model boy Cliff. He starts off taunting the good-looking model, saying whats up jolly green giant, you think you’re tough because you got your little buddy over there? They circle each other, feeling each other out, until Austin locks on a bearhug, lifts Cliff in the air, throws him to the mat, stomps on him, and then stretches him out in a guillotine on the mat. This gets the action roaring in round one. Austin continues with his assault on Cliff, pounding and stomping away at his torso in the corner, and then suplexing him, and following that up with an MMA style arm bar, looking for a submission from the model boy. Cliff is able to turn the tables on Austin and pound away on him by delivering some of his signature cliff hanger elbow drops on the tacticians tanned, muscular body. The action continues fast and furious in this round, when Jake is tagged in and he starts beating away at Cliff, double-teaming him in the corner to make him suffer. Cliff is finally able to break away, tags in his partner Trent, and the muscular high school jock comes into the ring in a fury and begins pounding and stomping away at the smaller Jake. He picks Jake up off the mat and tosses him into the corner, where he and Cliff double team him and bash away at Jakes ripped midsection. When Trent gets too close to the opponents corner, Austin takes advantage and delivers a cheap shot that sends Trent crumbling to the mat, and Jake jumping to take back the momentum of the round. Jake punishes Trent with a figure four around his head, and stretching his muscular body out on full display by pulling his leg back and cranking away while he screams out in pain on the mat. Once the high school jock wouldn’t submit to that move, the machine Jake picks him up by the head, suplexes him back down to the mat, and locks on a camel clutch that has Trent wondering what hit him. He’s unable to take the pain any longer, submitting the round as his muscular chest is stretched to the limit. Round one goes to team Austin/Jake and they celebrate by flexing their pumped up muscles.
Team Trent and Cliff seem to be confident in their corner as round two opens with Jake and Trent back in the ring to start round two. They lock up, and Jake takes up where he left off in round one, taking control of the high school jock by hip tossing him down to the mat, picking him up by his hair, and then whipping him against the far ropes and nailing him with a double leg drop kick. Jake continues the beating on the muscle boy Trent, setting him up for two straight power slams that knock the wind right out of him. Trent is able to recover and delivers a solid punch to Jakes ripped midsection before a suplex lands him in Trent’s corner where he’s double-teamed. Jake somehow is able to escape and tags in Austin, while Trent tags in Cliff. The big model Cliff is able to start a beat down on Austin, even double-teaming him in the corner with some swift shots to the abs. As the frenzied action continues, the sweat starts dripping off all four of these muscular bodies, and both teams get their turns putting a beat down on their opponents. Austin whips Trent across the ring, as he goes face first right into Jakes fist. This sends the high school jock crumbling to the mat and screaming out in pain. Jake jumps over the top rope to battle Cliff, but he’s met with a size 12 boot square to his sweat soaked abs, which sends him reeling to the mat. Cliff and Trent do a good job of double teaming Jake and Austin in this round, and have their opportunities to put them away, but their opponents just have too much experience and stamina and wont submit. As Cliff puts a beating on beating on Jakes back with some heavy elbow drop cliff hangers, Cliffs size advantage is starting to take its toll on his smaller opponent. Cliff taunts him saying he’s going to put an old fashioned whipping on him, while he continues to stomp away on his muscular physique. But Cliff just isn’t able to pound out a submission, and when Jake tags Austin into the ring, he takes control of Cliff and starts wearing him down with a Boston crab and starts working over his lanky body. They trap Cliff in their corner and pound and stomp away, setting Cliff up for Austins signature finishing hold the Coop. Austin locks on a banana split on the models long legs, starts stretching them out, and then cups his head with his knee, which has the model boy all stretched out and crying out in pain before he finally yells out a submission. Round two, and the match, go to Team Austin/Jake. The other wrestlers at Rock Hard better watch out, these two guys are tough to beat!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Austin Cooper vs Trent Novak
Regular price $21.95Austin Cooper vs Trent Novak
This match up showcases two impressive, hard-bodied physiques, sculpted to perfection in the gym and on the athletic fields throughout their high school days. Austin has been an instant hit since first showing up at Rock Hard, and Trent brings his incredible, model good looks and impressive muscled body to challenge the finest competition out there. Trent starts things off by flexing his massive bicep across the ring toward Austin, asking think you got this? and Austin responding with a double bicep flex of his own, that show off his huge biceps popping out of his arms. Trent challenges him to an arm wrestling showdown in the center of the ring, and as both guys flex and strain to claim victory, Trent shows off his superior arm strength and forces Austins hand down to the mat. Trent is all smiles after his conquest, but Austin jumps up quickly and is intent on making Trent pay for that! He gives a swift kick to the high school jocks rib cage, and then places several stomps to his midsection. This gives Austin the upper hand early in this round, but Trent is able to turn the tables with a few jabs and knees to Austins abs, and follows this up with a clothesline that sends the tactician reeling down on the mat. Trent continues his assault on Austin with a powerful, big body slam that has Austin in some big trouble. Trent has all of his adrenalin flowing, while Austin looks for an opening to exploit his superior wrestling skills against his bigger opponent. Trent puts a beating on him and thinks he has him worn down for a pin count, but Austin is able to kick out and seize control with a single leg Boston crab that has Trent hollering out in pain. Austin then starts putting the pretty muscle boy through a series of pain inflicting holds that include; an over the top rope chokehold, an excruciating arm lock on Trent’s massively muscled arm that has him begging for Austin to stop, followed up by a kneeling surfboard that nearly rip Trent’s massive arms right off of his body. Austin senses Trent has reached his pain threshold, and locks on a camel clutch that has the high school jock submitting round one to the superior wrestler. Austin claims his victory by proudly posing a massive double bicep flex for the camera, and taunting his beaten opponent saying, I got the biceps, not you, thats right.
With the momentum of winning round one, Austin starts off on the offense in round two. Both guys lock up in center ring and Austin delivers a few uppercuts to Trent’s ripped abs to soften him up, and then whips him across the ring and meets him with a swinging kick to his torso, causing Trent to crumble to the mat. He follows that up with rolling Trent over into a double leg Boston crab that exerts extreme pressure to the high school jocks lower back muscles. Austin continues to work over the torso, with several well placed knees dropped across Trent’s gut, and he seems to have all the momentum going for him again in this round. But, after he backs Trent into the corner turnbuckle and stomps away at his midsection, Trent charges out and catches Austin with a square shot to his stomach, and then follows that up with a knee to the midsection. Trent starts taking control of this round, choking the tactician wrestler out, and concentrating on working over his back with a series of stomps and a single leg Boston crab that has Austin squealing in pain. Austin does his best at making a comeback, but when Trent charges at him, lays him out flat on his back, and then starts pounding away at Austins muscle bound body, Trent continues to attack his opponent. With Austin unable to get up from the mat, Trent stomps away with a brutal attack, lays on top off him and locks on choke hold taunting him asking who’s done now, as he saps the strength from the muscle boys body. With his opponent weakened, Trent seizes the opportunity to throw on a nasty MMA style arm bar on Austins muscular left arm which has him in some serious pressure and pain, and being forced to submit to the high school jock, yelling out I quit, I quit before his arm is snapped. Round two goes to Trent, as he sweats and flexes his hard muscled body over his beaten competitor. The deciding round, round three, opens with Trent proudly flexing his massive biceps attempting to intimidate Austin as both of these guys are geeked up and anxious to tear into one another. These two muscle packed hunks will go all out to claim victory. Will Trent be able to maintain his momentum and finish off the more experienced wrestling tactician, or will Austins ring savvy and ring skills be enough to crush the muscular high school jock in defeat? One things for sure, the loser will be sore for days to come as his impressive fitness model physique is punished and stretched to the limits, and he’s savagely tortured and forced to submit to a finishing hold you just have to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Trent Novak vs Cliff Johnson
Regular price $21.95Trent Novak vs Cliff Johnson
This match features the well-built high school jock Trent, taking on the taller, pretty boy runway model Cliff. Trent exudes all of the features of the jock who was popular in high school; classic good looks, chiseled chin, perfectly muscled body, a charming personality, and envied by his classmates. Cliff on the other hand, was probably the overgrown, lanky, tall kid in high school that has been blessed with good genes and has finally grown into his body to the point of being able to use his height and good looks to his advantage by strutting his stuff down the runway as a fashion model. Both of these wrestlers have had a tough go of it since joining Rock Hard, Trent is 0-3 and has been jobbed three times in his matches, while Cliff is 1-3 with his lone victory in his last match when he was able to gain revenge on Austin Cooper from the beating he took in the tag team match against Austin and Jake. Each guy wants to prove his mettle in this match, and show that they belong on the roster. Round one opens with Trent in powder blue square cuts with yellow piping and white boots, and Cliff sporting green and black fireworks print square cuts, that must have been discarded from one of his runway shows, along with black boots. Cliff comes out the far corner and motions to Trent to bring it on as they lock up in the center of the ring. Trent goes on the attack and catches Cliff with several knees to his midsection before he tosses into the corner turnbuckle and starts pounding away at his abs. The high school jock is all fired up to start this round and seems to be determined to use his superior muscle and athletic skills to beat up on the runway model. Trent continues to keep Cliff on the defensive with knees and jabs to his abs that are turning the models midsection a bright red. When both of the guys return to their feet, Cliff is able to land a few knees to Trent’s torso, and then follows it up with a clothesline that drops Trent to the mat. Cliff continues on attack, straddling the high school jock and starts dishing out some ab punishment of his own hammering away at Trent’s six pack. He taunts him asking who’s your daddy, who’s your daddy as Trent is hurting from the beating. Both guys take their shots inflicting pain on their opponent in this round, with Trent persistent in attacking the runways model abs, and Cliff stomping away at the high school jocks hard muscled chest before planting a double leg drop kick that has Trent crumpling to the mat in pain. Cliff gains the momentum late in the round, and picks the jock up for two consecutive power slams that take their toll on Trent’s body. Cliff seizes the opportunity to use his lanky legs and secure a tight figure four leg lock around Trent’s muscular legs that has him squirming on the mat in pain and shouting out a first round submission. Cliff releases the figure four, finishes him off with a punch to the gut, and towers over him proclaiming now you know who’s your daddy!
Cliff continues his control in round two, flinging the high school jock off the ropes and planting a double leg drop kick to his chest, stringing him up in the corner turnbuckle in a tree of woe and uses his muscled midsection as punching bag, whipping him across the ring into a clothesline, and then suplexes him to the mat before stretching his muscular body out in a bow and arrow variation. The model boy seems to be in complete control of this round until he becomes a little cocky and allows for an opening. Trent catches Cliff with a jab to the abs, and as he is still recovering from the beating he just took, starts to dish out some of his own punishment on the runway model. He tosses Cliff across the ring into the opposite ropes and delivers a well-timed clothesline that sends the model flat to his back on the mat. Trent continues with his assault putting Cliff through the same barrage of holds he was put through, paying him back with stomps to the stomach, a suplex on the long-legged model, before driving him hard into the mat with an overhead power slam and proclaiming that ain’t all I got!. Trent has found his grove and starts to utilize his superior muscle size on Cliff, working his lanky body over real good with a double leg Boston crab, more stomps to his abs and lower back, chokes him over the ropes, and then chokes him out some more while on the mat. Trent seems to be enjoying his domination of the model boy, taunting him as he dishes out the pain and even takes a moment to flex his bulging biceps in a display of power and supremacy.Cliff isn’t going to go down easy in this round, and once he gets to his feet, with the sweat building up on his body, he pops his own double bicep pose in defiance of his opponent.But Trent is so geeked up on adrenalin in this round, he goes back on the attack, and keeps working over Cliffs abs and back with heavy punches and stomps that take their toll on the models impressive body. Trent seizes the opportunity to lift the gangly model up over his head and across his shoulders into a torture rack that spells doom. Trent walks around the ring, stretching Cliffs muscled body out across his broad shoulders till Cliff can take no more pain and cries out a submission. Trent drops him face first to the mat and declares I win ending round two. Round three opens with Cliff mocking the high jock asking if he feels good about that last round; and Trent replying yeh, I feel real good before popping another jab into Cliffs abs. Will Trent be able continue his assault on Cliffs abs and back and earn his first victory here at Rock Hard, or will Cliff turn the tide and crush the brawny high school jocks dream of winning his first match.It all leads up to a dramatic finish with one of these wrestlers impressive bodies stretched out to the max in a crucifix finishing hold, with the winner declaring you’re done! while he claims victory. A pleasing ending to an amazing match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Lucas Payne vs Trent Novak and Austin Cooper & Jake Jenkins vs Trent Novak & Cliff Johnson
Regular price $34.95
Both of the wrestlers are in the ring, ready to start this muscle rumble match up. Lucas is a ripped, massively muscled teen bodybuilder who already has one match under his belt in the Rock Hard Wrestling arena. He barely lost his debut match against the more experienced Austin Cooper in a closely fought contest. In this match up, Lucas is in the ring ready to take on another newcomer, Trent Novak. Trent is a former high school football star, and a premier fitness model. He spends many hours in the gym fine-tuning his well sculpted physique, and is eager at the challenge of taking on the bigger Lucas in the ring. Round one opens with Lucas clad in purple and blue speedos with white boots, and Trent in navy blue square cuts and white boots. Both of these wrestlers are sporting fantastic physiques. The slightly more experienced Lucas calls out the pretty boy, taking the early control with a few knees to Trents midsection, softening him up before backing him into the corner turnbuckle to start pummeling his abs, and then locking on a headlock and tossing him over his hip and onto the mat. Trent barely knows what hit him and finds himself having to kick out of a quick pin fall attempt by the teen bodybuilder early in round one. Lucas uses his size advantage and previous ring experience to control Trent in the early going, by putting him through a series of punishing holds and beating up on the high school jocks body. He stretches Trents body out on full display with a bow and arrow, that has Trent begging him to stop, but Lucas applies even more pressure to the jocks back as his massive muscles exert extreme pressure on the jocks fitness model physique. Trent is able to endure the pain, and is able to gain the upper hand on the teen bodybuilder with a few shots to his abs, and then Trent relies on his quickness to beat down the bodybuilder. Trent makes Lucas suffer by pounding and stomping away at his massive legs, and applying an excruciating ankle lock that has Lucas screaming out in agony. Trent makes a rookie mistake by letting Lucas get up to his feet and squares off in the center of the ring. Lucas takes advantage of this mistake, and locks on a front face lock, which he transfers to a standing full nelson, and starts to work over the high school jocks well muscled torso. Lucas makes him suffer when he locks his massive thighs around Trents torso and starts squeezing the energy right out of him. Lucas aggressively attacks and taunts the rookie as he continues to dish out the punishment on him. At one point, he picks Trent right up across his shoulders and throws him flat to the mat, which causes extreme pain and suffering to his lower back. From that point, its all downhill for the high school jock, as Lucas continues his assault on the back, eventually locking on a standing surfboard on the former football player and stretching his perfectly toned arms like rubber bands until Trent is forced to submit and scream out a submission in round one. Lucas gloats over his fallen opponent and flexes a most muscular pose to celebrate his conquest.
Round two opens with Lucas continuing his taunts at Trent, saying maybe this round will go a little bit better for you, but I doubt it. They look up in the center of the ring, and the massive teen bodybuilder is back on the attack with an arm lock that has Trent wincing and suffering, and Lucas telling him youll go where I say you go, as he locks on a front face lock and forces the jock down to the mat. Lucas dominates the athletic jock early in round two, stomping away at his torso and cranking on a single leg boston crab. Trent is able to turn things his way with a standing, spinning kick to the ripped abs of the teen bodybuilder and then continues pounding away at his gigantic muscles. Trent then applies some serious pressure and pain on Lucas with an MMA style arm bar, which has him squirming on the mat and close to submitting. But Lucas is able to fend off the attack and regains the momentum with a single leg takedown, and then dishes out a beat down on the high school jock that has him worn out and set up for a match ending submission. The teen bodybuilder pulls Trent up by his head, and then places him in an over the back crucifix that has his magnificent, muscular body on display and the jock shouting out a match ending submission. Lucas claims his first victory here at RHW flexing his massive bicep, while the high school jock lays suffering on the mat wondering what just happened to him.
This tag team match up features four of the newest wrestlers to be added to the RHW roster. Austin Cooper and Jake Jenkins both scored impressive victories in their debut matches, while Trent Novak and Cliff Johnson went down in defeat in their first Rock Hard appearances. Austin and Jake decided to take it to the next level, join forces, and take on all comers in the tag team division. Trent and Cliff make a formidable tag team opponent with their considerable size and muscular bodies, and they think this will be a winning combination for them. Round one opens with Austin stepping into the ring to take on the taller, model boy Cliff. He starts off taunting the good-looking model, saying whats up jolly green giant, you think youre tough because you got your little buddy over there? They circle each other, feeling each other out, until Austin locks on a bearhug, lifts Cliff in the air, throws him to the mat, stomps on him, and then stretches him out in a guillotine on the mat. This gets the action roaring in round one. Austin continues with his assault on Cliff, pounding and stomping away at his torso in the corner, and then suplexing him, and following that up with an MMA style arm bar, looking for a submission from the model boy. Cliff is able to turn the tables on Austin and pound away on him by delivering some of his signature cliff hanger elbow drops on the tacticians tanned, muscular body. The action continues fast and furious in this round, when Jake is tagged in and he starts beating away at Cliff, double-teaming him in the corner to make him suffer. Cliff is finally able to break away, tags in his partner Trent, and the muscular high school jock comes into the ring in a fury and begins pounding and stomping away at the smaller Jake. He picks Jake up off the mat and tosses him into the corner, where he and Cliff double team him and bash away at Jakes ripped midsection. When Trent gets too close to the opponents corner, Austin takes advantage and delivers a cheap shot that sends Trent crumbling to the mat, and Jake jumping to take back the momentum of the round. Jake punishes Trent with a figure four around his head, and stretching his muscular body out on full display by pulling his leg back and cranking away while he screams out in pain on the mat. Once the high school jock wouldnt submit to that move, the machine Jake picks him up by the head, suplexes him back down to the mat, and locks on a camel clutch that has Trent wondering what hit him. Hes unable to take the pain any longer, submitting the round as his muscular chest is stretched to the limit. Round one goes to team Austin/Jake and they celebrate by flexing their pumped up muscles.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several HD high-definition cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Jake Jenkins vs Gunner Bayani and Austin Cooper vs Trent Novak
Regular price $34.95Jake Jenkins vs Gunner Bayani
Jake has taken RHW by storm, and has disposed of all opponents that have come his way. In this match, he’s up against a newcomer, Gunner Bayani. Gunner comes to Rock Hard by way of an Indy wrestling federation. He’s known for his fast paced action and his aerial assaults on his opponents. He’s confident in his abilities, but will that be enough to take out the machine, Jake? The match opens with Jake in his signature red square cuts and black boots, his muscular body looking as ripped as ever. Gunner is clad in black pro square cuts and black boots, and has a slight height advantage over Jake. Gunner starts right away with the smack talk, saying ‘all this waiting, and this is what I get?’ while Jake just sort of grins back at him. They circle in center ring and Gunner takes the early control with an arm lock, then whips Jake across his shoulder down to the mat. He stomps on him a few times, lifts him to his feet, tosses him across the ring, and delivers a flying leg whip to Jake’s midsection. Jake is down on the mat, somewhat stunned as to how this match has started. Jake has had the upper hand in his previous matches, but Gunner has come out blazing early in this first round, showing Jake his pro skills. Gunner tosses Jake into the corner, runs across the ring, and plants a full body splash against Jake’s muscled torso. He then delivers a few hard chops to Jake’s pecs that leave a glowing red welt. When Gunner climbs to the second rope and pounces across Jake with a full body splash, he attempts a count out, but Jake is easily able to kick out. Jake takes the opportunity to gain control with a shoulder whip on Gunner, and then plants a full force double leg drop kick to Gunner’s midsection. This startles Gunner, and Jake starts beating up on the Indy wrestler. Jake picks him up, walks him over to the corner turnbuckle, and hangs him upside down in a tree of woe, then starts pounding and stomping away on Gunner’s abs, asking ‘does that hurt, does that hurt?’ Jake continues his assault on the lean muscled Indy wrestler, making him suffer through his arsenal of amateur and pro style moves. Jake tosses Gunner across the ring setting him up for a flying body slam, and then straddles the Indy wrestler on the mat and pounds away on his chest. Jake has all the momentum, and continues to just punish Gunner’s body with body slams, boston crabs, and MMA style arm bar submission holds. The machine Jake attempts to get a submission out of Gunner while straddling his back and cranking up with a chin lock, but when Gunner won’t submit, that has Jake shoving his face into the mat, taunting the Indy wrestler to ‘eat the mat!’ Once Jake delivers another double leg drop kick to Gunner’s chest, the energy has been drained from his body, and Jake rolls him up and over onto his shoulders and counts out a 1-2-3 pin count for victory in round one. Jake the machine just won’t be stopped, and as he taunts his opponent asking ‘that losing feels good?’ he gives his fans a double bicep flex.
As round two begins, Jake picks up where he left off placing a few knees to Gunner’s midsection and follows that up with a back handed chop to his pecs. It appears that Jake is going to be in total control of this round, until Gunner ducks under a clothesline, slings back across the ring, and delivers a clothesline of his own right across Jake’s sweaty chest. Gunner is intent on proving his skills here at RHW, and he starts to put Jake through a series of torturous holds, keying in on destroying his left leg. He asks Jake to submit to a leg lock and choke hold combination, but Jake refuses and is able to slip out of the hold and ends up straddling Gunner and locking on a reverse wrist lock that has the Indy wrestler crying out in pain. Jake’s been able to transfer his amateur wrestling skills to the ring very well, and he starts putting a pounding on his smaller opponent, utilizing all four corners of the ring. Gunner summons up enough fortitude to make a comeback and delivers a punishing cross body splash against Jake in the corner, then picks him up for a reverse neck drop that has his sweat drenched torso squirming in pain. But when Gunner climbs up to the second rope and attempts another one of his high flying aerial maneuvers, Jake catches the lightweight in mid-air and cross body slams him into the mat. Gunner has the wind knocked right out of him and is laid out flat, then Jake seizes the moment to lift him up over his shoulders into an over the back torture rack. While Gunner screams out in pain, Jake parades him around the ring across his muscular back, bouncing him up and down like a rag doll to inflict more pain, until Gunner finally has no other choice but to scream out ‘I give, I give’. Jake drops his lifeless body to the mat and proclaims ‘game over’. Round two and the match goes to Jake the machine, as he continues his attack on the RHW roster!
Austin Cooper vs Trent Novak
This match up showcases two impressive, hard-bodied physiques, sculpted to perfection in the gym and on the athletic fields throughout their high school days. Austin has been an instant hit since first showing up at Rock Hard, and Trent brings his incredible, model good looks and impressive muscled body to challenge the finest competition out there. Trent starts things off by flexing his massive bicep across the ring toward Austin, asking ‘think you got this?’ and Austin responding with a double bicep flex of his own, that show off his huge biceps popping out of his arms. Trent challenges him to an arm wrestling showdown in the center of the ring, and as both guys flex and strain to claim victory, Trent shows off his superior arm strength and forces Austin’s hand down to the mat. Trent is all smiles after his conquest, but Austin jumps up quickly and is intent on making Trent pay for that! He gives a swift kick to the high school jock’s rib cage, and then places several stomps to his midsection. This gives Austin the upper hand early in this round, but Trent is able to turn the tables with a few jabs and knees to Austin’s abs, and follows this up with a clothesline that sends the tactician reeling down on the mat. Trent continues his assault on Austin with a powerful, big body slam that has Austin in some big trouble. Trent has all of his adrenalin flowing, while Austin looks for an opening to exploit his superior wrestling skills against his bigger opponent. Trent puts a beating on him and thinks he has him worn down for a pin count, but Austin is able to kick out and seize control with a single leg boston crab that has Trent hollering out in pain. Austin then starts putting the pretty muscle boy through a series of pain inflicting holds that include; an over the top rope chokehold, an excruciating arm lock on Trent’s massively muscled arm that has him begging for Austin to stop, followed up by a kneeling surfboard that nearly rip Trent’s massive arms right off of his body. Austin senses Trent has reached his pain threshold, and locks on a camel clutch that has the high school jock submitting round one to the superior wrestler. Austin claims his victory by proudly posing a massive double bicep flex for the camera, and taunting his beaten opponent saying, ‘I got the biceps, not you, that’s right’.
With the momentum of winning round one, Austin starts off on the offense in round two. Both guys lock up in center ring and Austin delivers a few uppercuts to Trent’s ripped abs to soften him up, and then whips him across the ring and meets him with a swinging kick to his torso, causing Trent to crumble to the mat. He follows that up with rolling Trent over into a double leg boston crab that exerts extreme pressure to the high school jock’s lower back muscles. Austin continues to work over the torso, with several well placed knees dropped across Trent’s gut, and he seems to have all the momentum going for him again in this round. But, after he backs Trent into the corner turnbuckle and stomps away at his midsection, Trent charges out and catches Austin with a square shot to his stomach, and then follows that up with a knee to the midsection. Trent starts taking control of this round, choking the tactician wrestler out, and concentrating on working over his back with a series of stomps and a single leg boston crab that has Austin squealing in pain. Austin does his best at making a comeback, but when Trent charges at him, lays him out flat on his back, and then starts pounding away at Austin’s muscle bound body, Trent continues to attack his opponent. With Austin unable to get up from the mat, Trent stomps away with a brutal attack, lays on top off him and locks on choke hold taunting him asking ‘who’s done now’, as he saps the strength from the muscle boy’s body. With his opponent weakened, Trent seizes the opportunity to throw on a nasty MMA style arm bar on Austin’s muscular left arm which has him in some serious pressure and pain, and being forced to submit to the high school jock, yelling out ‘I quit, I quit’ before his arm is snapped. Round two goes to Trent, as he sweats and flexes his hard muscled body over his beaten competitor. The deciding round, round three, opens with Trent proudly flexing his massive biceps attempting to intimidate Austin as both of these guys are geeked up and anxious to tear into one another. These two muscle packed hunks will go all out to claim victory. Will Trent be able to maintain his momentum and finish off the more experienced wrestling tactician, or will Austin’s ring savvy and ring skills be enough to crush the muscular high school jock in defeat? One thing’s for sure, the loser will be sore for days to come as his impressive fitness model physique is punished and stretched to the limits, and he’s savagely tortured and forced to submit to a finishing hold you just have to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Travis Storm vs Tyler Reeves and Trent Novak vs Cliff Johnson
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Travis Storm vs Tyler Reeves
The all-American, golden boy Travis has racked up a 2-1 record here at Rock Hard, utilizing his well sculpted muscles and extensive amateur wrestling background to defeat his opponents. In this match up, he’s taking on the slightly bigger and fine-tuned physique of Tyler. Tyler, who struggled early in his career, has been on a roll lately, with impressive victories over Max Powers and Zack Johnathan. These two rock hard bodies climb into the ring with Travis in white square cuts and white boots that highlight his golden tan, and Tyler in navy blue square cuts and white boots. Tyler wants to intimidate the golden boy right off the start of round one, declaring ‘Travis, I’m going to kick your ass!’. Tyler gets the first shot in, a quick jab to the gut, and then picks Travis up over his head and power slams him to the mat. He continues with a few stomps, and then locks in a double leg boston crab that has the blond haired muscle hunk arched back in agony. Tyler towers over him on the mat, then reaches down and yanks the all american up by the hair, backs into the corner, then starts pounding away at his ripped midsection. You can see that Tyler means business in this match, and continues to control the action with elbow drops, stomps, and continues with choking the all american over the ropes, while Travis wails and flails in attempt to escape. Tyler whips Travis across the ring and into a flying clothesline that drops him to the mat, but when both wrestlers get to their feet, Travis reverses the action and sends Tyler back into the corner turnbuckle.It’s time for Travis to start dishing out the punishment on Tyler, and he starts by bashing away at his flawless 6 pack abs. He then tramps on Tyler’s right knee in order to break his taller opponent down, drags him by his feet out to the center of the ring and clamps on a boston crab. As the golden haired muscle hunk settles his weight and perfect butt down on Tyler’s back, he taunts him asking ‘ how’s that Tyler, you like that?’. As he flexes to exert more pressure on Tyler’s back, you can see every bulging muscle pop out of his flawless physique. When Tyler won’t submit, Travis breaks the hold and goes back to stomping away at his back and knees before whipping him into the corner turnbuckle and then races across the ring and delivers a big body splash across Tyler’s chest. This knocks the wind right out of Tyler and causes him to slump to the mat. Travis continues with a suplex, and then attempts to gain the first fall with a 1-2-3 pin count, but Tyler still has enough to kick out of it. Both wrestlers get back to their feet, and Tyler is able to take back control, picking the muscle hunk up over his head once again, and power slamming him into the mat. Tyler then takes him over to the corner, thumps his face into the corner turnbuckle, then follows that up with several knees to rib cage, which take their toll on the golden boy. Tyler senses that Travis is weakened so he wraps on a head lock with his muscular arms and walks Travis around the ring, before grinding him down to the mat. He then clamps on a camel clutch that has the muscle hunk’s magnificent physique stretched out and in deep agony, but refusing to submit. Tyler then softens him up with a single leg boston crab, before stretching him out even further with a standing surfboard that Travis is forced to ultimately submit before his muscular arms were ripped out of his beautiful body. Round one goes to Tyler as he looms over his defeated opponent with the sweat dripping from his strapping physique.
Round two opens with Tyler declaring ‘OK, this is it’ and then he delivers a flying reverse elbow that drops the all american to the mat. After Tyler works over his abs, he picks the blond hunk up by his hair and laces his magnificent body thru the ropes. He pulls back on his chin, arching Travis up on his toes, and his flawless physique is stretched out to the max while he anguishes in pain with nowhere to go. Tyler continues the torment, with several heavy punches to the ribcage, before he pulls his foe back into the ring. Tyler is in complete control of the muscle hunk in this round, backing him into the corner to continue smash away at his abs. He continues to dismantle the muscle hunk’s body with a suplex, elbow drop, and further pounding away at his abs and massive thighs. Tyler drags him over to the ropes again, places Travis’s neck across the bottom rope, positions his knee on top of his neck, and then starts choking the hell out of him in an attempt to diminish whatever strength the blond muscle hunk has left in his body. Tyler yanks at his hair and forces him to pose for the camera, then taunts him saying ‘how do you like that?, that’s your favorite one, now google it!’. Travis is suffering miserably in this round before his is able to escape a rear choke hold, and summon some inner strength to turn the tide his way. He clamps on a double leg boston crab that inflicts some serious pain on Tyler’s lower back, then follows that up with a leg scissors squeezing with all of his might on Tyler’s thighs and hips in search of a submission. Tyler cries out in agony but refuses to submit. With the sweat gleaming off of their stunning bodies, it appears that Travis has gained control of this round, that is until Tyler gets back to his feet and then propels Travis back into the corner and goes back to attacking the muscle hunk’s abs and back. He continues to wear Travis down with a mma style arm bar, and then wraps his leg around the neck of Travis in an attempt to choke him out into a submission. When Travis is able to fight that off,Tyler lifts him to his feet, throws on a headlock, walks him around the ring, before putting him into an abdominal stretch and starts punching away at his abs until he has no other choice but to reluctantly submit the round and the match to his opponent. This is one bashing that the muscle hunk Travis won’t soon forget!
Trent Novak vs Cliff Johnson
This match features the well-built high school jock Trent, taking on the taller, pretty boy runway model Cliff. Trent exudes all of the features of the jock who was popular in high school; classic good looks, chiseled chin, perfectly muscled body, a charming personality, and envied by his classmates. Cliff on the other hand, was probably the overgrown, lanky, tall kid in high school that has been blessed with good genes and has finally grown into his body to the point of being able to use his height and good looks to his advantage by strutting his stuff down the runway as a fashion model. Both of these wrestlers have had a tough go of it since joining Rock Hard, Trent is 0-3 and has been jobbed three times in his matches, while Cliff is 1-3 with his lone victory in his last match when he was able to gain revenge on Austin Cooper from the beating he took in the tag team match against Austin and Jake. Each guy wants to prove his mettle in this match, and show that they belong on the roster. Round one opens with Trent in powder blue square cuts with yellow piping and white boots, and Cliff sporting green and black fireworks print square cuts, that must have been discarded from one of his runway shows, along with black boots. Cliff comes out the far corner and motions to Trent to bring it on as they lock up in the center of the ring. Trent goes on the attack and catches Cliff with several knees to his midsection before he tosses into the corner turnbuckle and starts pounding away at his abs. The high school jock is all fired up to start this round and seems to be determined to use his superior muscle and athletic skills to beat up on the runway model. Trent continues to keep Cliff on the defensive with knees and jabs to his abs that are turning the model’s midsection a bright red. When both of the guys return to their feet, Cliff is able to land a few knees to Trent’s torso, and then follows it up with a clothesline that drops Trent to the mat. Cliff continues on attack, straddling the high school jock and starts dishing out some ab punishment of his own hammering away at Trent’s six pack. He taunts him asking ‘who’s your daddy, who’s your daddy’ as Trent is hurting from the beating. Both guys take their shots inflicting pain on their opponent in this round, with Trent persistent in attacking the runway’s model abs, and Cliff stomping away at the high school jock’s hard muscled chest before planting a double leg drop kick that has Trent crumpling to the mat in pain. Cliff gains the momentum late in the round, and picks the jock up for two consecutive power slams that take their toll on Trent’s body. Cliff seizes the opportunity to use his lanky legs and secure a tight figure four leg lock around Trent’s muscular legs that has him squirming on the mat in pain and shouting out a first round submission. Cliff releases the figure four, finishes him off with a punch to the gut, and towers over him proclaiming ‘now you know who’s your daddy!’
Cliff continues his control in round two, flinging the high school jock off the ropes and planting a double leg drop kick to his chest, stringing him up in the corner turnbuckle in a tree of woe and uses his muscled midsection as punching bag, whipping him across the ring into a clothesline, and then suplexes him to the mat before stretching his muscular body out in a bow and arrow variation. The model boy seems to be in complete control of this round until he becomes a little cocky and allows for an opening. Trent catches Cliff with a jab to the abs, and as he is still recovering from the beating he just took, starts to dish out some of his own punishment on the runway model. He tosses Cliff across the ring into the opposite ropes and delivers a well-timed clothesline that sends the model flat to his back on the mat. Trent continues with his assault putting Cliff through the same barrage of holds he was put through, paying him back with stomps to the stomach, a suplex on the long-legged model, before driving him hard into the mat with an overhead power slam and proclaiming ‘that ain’t all I got!’. Trent has found his grove and starts to utilize his superior muscle size on Cliff, working his lanky body over real good with a double leg boston crab, more stomps to his abs and lower back, chokes him over the ropes, and then chokes him out some more while on the mat. Trent seems to be enjoying his domination of the model boy, taunting him as he dishes out the pain and even takes a moment to flex his bulging biceps in a display of power and supremacy.Cliff isn’t going to go down easy in this round, and once he gets to his feet, with the sweat building up on his body, he pops his own double bicep pose in defiance of his opponent.But Trent is so geeked up on adrenalin in this round, he goes back on the attack, and keeps working over Cliff’s abs and back with heavy punches and stomps that take their toll on the model’s impressive body. Trent seizes the opportunity to lift the gangly model up over his head and across his shoulders into a torture rack that spells doom. Trent walks around the ring, stretching Cliff’s muscled body out across his broad shoulders till Cliff can take no more pain and cries out a submission. Trent drops him face first to the mat and declares ‘I win’ ending round two. Round three opens with Cliff mocking the high jock asking ‘if he feels good about that last round; and Trent replying ‘yeh, I feel real good’ before popping another jab into Cliff’s abs. Will Trent be able continue his assault on Cliff’s abs and back and earn his first victory here at Rock Hard, or will Cliff turn the tide and crush the brawny high school jock’s dream of winning his first match.It all leads up to a dramatic finish with one of these wrestler’s impressive bodies stretched out to the max in a crucifix finishing hold, with the winner declaring ‘you’re done!’ while he claims victory. A pleasing ending to an amazing match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.