Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Lately, the new upstart superstars have been stealing the spotlight here at Rock Hard. These days its all about; Alex Waters, Dash Decker, Matt Engel, and Bruce Ballard. Well, this doesn’t sit well with the veterans that built this fed, like; Zack (Z-man) Johnathan, Austin Cooper, Jake Jenkins, and Ethan Andrews. Some of the vets decided to take a stand and deliver a message that they built this house, and they intend to defend it! In this match-up, we have the total package and rising superstar Bruce going against the seasoned veteran and tactician Austin. Bruce has burst on the underground scene with an easy victory over fellow rookie Tyson Matthews and is looking to move up in competition. When Coop heard about this, he asked for his turn to take on the dark haired, perfectly built Bruce. Coop is so anxious for this match he’s already waiting in the ring for it to start. Coop's decked out in his signature green trunks and black boots, even sporting a black hoodie for this match. Meanwhile, Bruce looks perfect in dark blue and silver square cuts and black boots, pumping up his ripped, pristine body before climbing into the ring. Both of these muscle dudes can dish out and take the trash talk, though Coop does his best to get inside the total packages head. Austin claims his bigger than bodybuilder Bruce, so Bruce asks "do you think you’re stronger than me?", and Coop pauses then replies "no, I know". Bruce gets a chuckle out of this, he climbs through the ropes and challenges Coop to an old school arm wrestling match. The two lay on their stomachs in the center of the ring to settle the score. Their massive biceps locked in struggle; Bruce ultimately prevails and forces Coop's hand to the mat. Bruce gets to his feet, and with testosterone flying high, he flexes each of his bulging biceps for his opponent to admire. Coop brushes it aside saying Ill beat your ass wrestling, Im a wrestler. The two lock up with Bruce gaining the early control. He backs the redhead back into the corner and begins to go after Coop's shredded abs. Coop's abs have never looked better, and perhaps they’re in for a beating? Bruce's uses his muscles to lift Austin up over his shoulder, then slams him to the mat. The rising superstar then delivers and elbow drop to the veterans back and follows it up with a back breaking camel clutch that has Coop suffering and Bruce flexing his biceps in dominance. The total package doesn’t let up, he places the redhead in a double leg Boston crab, and when he’s done with that he watches as Coop pulls himself up by the ropes, then shoves him into the corner and starts to bitch slap him across his massive pecs. Its a little surprising how Bruce has controlled round one, and it doesn’t stop. He locks on a figure-four leg lock with his mammoth thighs exerting immense pressure on Coop's enormous legs. Once Bruce has worked over every part of the veterans body, he hoists him up and drops him into an over the knee backbreaker. He’s got the bearded redhead sprawled out across his knee, and to add insult to injury begins slapping his abs until Coop screams out a submission to escape the torment. Bruce poses proudly over his battered opponent. Round one goes to the upstart superstar, Bruce 1, Coop 0.
Round two opens with Bruce beaming his movie star smile and Coop wondering what just happened? The young upstart stays on the attack, shoving the wobbly redhead back into the corner and attacking his shredded abs, picking up where he left off in the previous round and proclaiming this is the House of Bruce! He whips Coop across the ring and into a forearm clothesline that drops his beefy body to the mat. The rookie continues to beat up on the veteran, with seemingly no regard to Austin's lengthy underground wrestling experience and success. Bruce hoists Coop up into a full nelson, stretching him out and flailing his body around the ring before lacing Coop's muscles through the ring ropes, placing his black boot on his lower back, and pulling back on his arms which has the veteran stretched and suffering. In a surprise, it appears Bruce may chalk up an impressive win in two straight rounds. Coop is on the ropes, and is literally being choked across the ropes. As Austin grovels on the mat, Bruce circles him like a hawk circles road kill, looking to sweep in and pick the last of the meat off the bones of a dead carcass. And just when you thought it was over, Coop digs into his back of dirty tricks and connects with a low blow to Bruce's crotch. He drops to his knees and Coop immediately places him in a camel clutch and starts inflicting pain. The veteran redhead then begins whipping the total package across the ring an into the opposite corner, taking pause to return the bitch slaps he endured in round one and also bash away at Bruce's abs of steel. Coop continues his attack; scooping Bruce up and dropping him over his knee, the clamping on a figure four leg lock that has Bruce feeling pain he’s never felt before in the ring. The veteran sniffs victory and begins to soften his opponent up for the kill. He picks up and slams Bruce to the mat, then chokes him over the ring rope, before placing him in a debilitating submission hold that has Bruce's marvelous muscles trapped with nowhere to go. Coop turns up the heat by applying increasing pressure on Bruce's muscles until Bruce is compelled to cry out a submission. Just when you thought the veteran was out of it, he comes back to even this match, Bruce 1, Coop 1. Entering into the third and final round, its been a momentum match. Bruce controlled all of round one and the first half of round two, then Austin used a cheap shot to gain the advantage for the last half of round two. It makes you wonder how round three will play out…Will the veteran tactician maintain his control over the perfectly muscled Bruce, or can the upstart fitness model regain the momentum and collect an impressive conquest to add to his previous victory? In a climatic finish, one of these wrestlers is chocked out in a never seen before move that will leave you gasping for air!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Blake Keller
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Blake Keller
Bruce has caused quite a stir since making his debut match here at Rock Hard. He’s been an instant fan favorite with his movie star face and shredded bodybuilder physique. He was able to notch a victory in his first match against fellow rookie Tyson Matthews, and gave seasoned veteran Austin Cooper all that he could handle in his second match, before succumbing to a horrific finishing hold that Austin needed to pull out of his bag of tricks to thwart off the potential upset. Bruce is determined to make the Rock Hard ring his own house of Bruce as he works his way up through the roster in his climb to the top. In this match, he takes on a tall titian rookie by the name of Blake Keller. Blake is a towering 62 and 215 lbs of beef and muscle. He brings an athletic background and is an emerging fitness model, though he has limited wrestling experience. These two guys have bumped into one another on the fitness modeling circuit, and come from the same region of the country, so they do have some history before entering into this challenge today. Bruce is in beast mode for this match, entering the ring in military camouflage shorts and black boots. He pumps up his arms in the corner before slipping off the camo to reveal his signature black and blue square cut trunks, putting on a show for his fans. Across the ring, Blake is clad in burgundy square cuts and white boots which highlight his golden brown tan, not impressed with the bodybuilders pre-match antics. Round one opens with Bruce explaining the parts of the ring to the rookie, saying this is the turnbuckle, this is the ropes, and this is the floor, you’ll be down there a lot. Bruce muscles the newbie to the mat and stomps him on the back, proclaiming what I say, the bigger they are the harder they fall. Bruce lifts the tall titan to his feet to suplex him across the ring, then continues to attack Blake's back with more stomps before grinding his knee into the small of his back. The chosen one, Bruce, has quickly been gaining confidence since stepping into the ring and his confidence is soaring in this match. He lifts big Blake into a reverse bearhug showing who’s got the real muscle in this match. Bruce drops him to the mat, flexes his ripped body in adoration of his work, then wraps his massive thighs around Blake's waist and begins choking the big boy out. Bruce then works over Blake's abs in the corner, but when he attempts to whip him into the opposite turnbuckle, Blake reverses the hold and Bruce's ripped body is the one that ends up in the opposite turnbuckle. The tall titan senses an opening and goes on the attack. He uses his considerable height advantage to his benefit, lifting the bodybuilder up and over his shoulder then dropping him to the mat. Blake appears to know some moves as he grabs Bruce's wrist and ankle and begins to stretch his prized muscles to the limit. Bruce screams out in pain as Blake drives his size 12 white boot right through his ribcage. Blake isn’t afraid to inflict the pain as he asks the chosen one if he “likes that”. He then transitions the hold to a reverse leg lock and Bruce has got to be wondering how this rookie knows these kinds of moves. Blake is in control and loving it. He cranks on the leg lock, making the ripped bodybuilder suffer some more. But Bruce has been down this road before, he’s able to fend off the big boys attack then regains the momentum when he ducks under an attempted clothesline. Bruce hoists Blake up over his shoulders then dumps him to the mat. He strikes the tall titan with a heavy fist to the back, then places him in a camel clutch variation inflicting more pain on Blake's back. The charming ripped bodybuilder then chokes his opponent out over the rope, setting him up to finish him off. Bruce sets Blake up to stretch his long legs out in a spladle, directly attacking the tall titans height advantage. Bruce exerts his massive muscles stretching the big boys lanky long legs out and splitting his crotch to its limits. He compels Blake to submit by crying out “I give” to Bruce to bring an end to round one. Bruce celebrates by flexing his glorious, ripped biceps over his suffering foe.
Round two opens with Bruce asking hows that groin feel? with a sly grin on his face, and telling Blake he looks like a rookie who eats lots of cookies, a direct reference to the tall titans lack of abs. The ripped bodybuilder takes the early control with a stomp of his boot to Blake's gut, then floors him with a clothesline and heart punch that immediately floors the rookie. But, Blake showed promising signs of skill in the first round and he’s able to quickly change the momentum in this round. He starts an attack on the good looking bodybuilder; first with a Boston crab variation then transitioning to a rear leg lock which has Bruce groaning and squirming on the mat searching for any way to escape. The big boy Blake has Bruce firmly in his control and isn’t letting up. He pulls the bodybuilder to his feet, then laces his glorious muscles through the ropes, placing his boot squarely in Bruce's back and begins pulling back on his massive arms in a standing surfboard. Watching the bodybuilders fantastic physique suffer while stretched out in the ring ropes is spectacular site, every one of his muscles stretched out in pain! When Bruce doesn’t submit, Blake pulls into the ring and into a headlock, taking a moment to pose his own impressive bicep while he’s in control of the ripped bodybuilder. The tall titan continues dishing out the punishment by wrapping his long legs around Bruce's trim waist and squeezes the life out of him. Bruce seems to be worn out by the onslaught attack, and Blake doesn’t waste any more time. He flips Bruce over into a Boston crab, and using his long legs to leverage even more pressure on his back, it isn’t long before Bruce is screaming out a submission. The rookie flexes his own impressive muscles over the fallen bodybuilder, knowing he just tied this match up at one round each. In round three will fan favorite, ripped bodybuilder be able to regain control of the big boy rookie and squeeze a victory out of him using his spectacular muscles? Or, can the rookie, tall titan Blake continue to demolish and pick apart the bodybuilders piping hot body and commence his wrestling career with an improbable upset win in his debut match?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Alex Waters vs Bruce Ballard
Regular price $21.95Alex Waters vs Bruce Ballard
This match is a treat for anyone who loves muscle, and this match delivers a full 35 minutes of wall to wall muscle! Alex and Bruce both possess spectacular, mouth-watering physiques, which they both have spent endless hours in the gym perfecting. It was just a matter of time before these two superstars stepped into the ring to face off. Alex was an instant hit with the fans since his debut two years ago, and continues to attract new fans with his cocky, fratboy antics and trash talking style. Bruce is the total package with his perfect physique and movie star smile. He’s made quite an impression in his early matches, posting solid wins over fellow rookies Tyson Matthews and Blake Keller and giving Austin Cooper all he could handle before succumbing to a dastardly finishing hold that knocked him out. Both guys enter the ring oozing confidence. Alex is first into the ring, admiring both his good looks and fantastic muscles primping and posing in front of the wall length mirror. Bruce comes around the corner, wondering what he just walked in on. He asks Alex where he got his shorts, from peter pan, referring to the shade of green. And the cocky fratboy retorts are you here for a haircut or an ass-kicking? Alex invites him into the ring, and as you would expect from these two, a muscle pose off erupts. Biceps, abs, chest and back are all flexed by the two boiling hot bodies, and if this was a bodybuilding competition the judges scorecards would be hard pressed to decide a winner. Alex comments look at that fat ass and Bruce replies more like a bad ass. In a surprise, Bruce actually scores the first cheap shot, kicking the back of the fratboy’s leg to start the action in round one. Alex drops to the mat, ironically claiming that was a cheap shot, but Bruce has no intentions of letting up. He pulls Alex to the center of the ring, connects with three shots to his chest, then kneels down on his abs and connects with several more shots to his torso. Bruce quickly switches to an arm bar, locking Alex's powerful bicep but needing to strain every one of his bulging muscles to keep the fratboy secured. Bruce maintains the control for a while by wrapping his killer biceps around Alex's small waist with a rear bearhug, making him suffer in a full nelson and grapevine combo, then driving him into 3 of the 4 corner turnbuckles and working over his awesome abs. Bruce is dominating the first seven minutes of this round, that is until the newbie makes a grave mistake. As Alex is agonizing on the mat, Bruce takes a moment to gloat and flex his eye-popping muscles. Thats a dumb mistake by the newbie! Alex recollects himself to seize the opening, and drives an underhand fist right up into the bodybuilders family jewels, scoring with his own cheap shot. He tells Bruce don’t ever pose over me then repeatedly stomps his boot into the newbies back. Alex certainly makes Bruce pay for the punishment he dished out in the first half of this round, connecting with several back handed slaps to the bodybuilders ripped abs and perfect pecs, then stretches his spectacular body out on display in an over the knee backbreaker. But surprisingly Bruce is able to shift the momentum back to his side when he ducks under a clothesline attempt and sends a stiff kick to the cocky boys gut. Bruce focuses on delivering punishment to the fratboy’s back the rest of the way. He stretches him with a standing surfboard, suplexes him around the ring several times, then ultimately picks him up and drops him over his knee. Bruce has Alex's muscles draped over his knee and isn’t about to let the cocky boy escape. He flexes every muscle in his body inflicting enormous pain on Alex's back and keeps pushing his chin down to the mat harder and harder until Alex resentfully submits to the torment. Bruce proudly poses his total package body as he prevails in round one.
As round two begins, Alex is somewhat stunned by what happened in round one and recovering in his corner, but not surprisingly his hair remains perfectly styled. Bruce gets in the fratboy’s face and claims this is my ring, but Alex doesn’t agree. That doesn’t stop Bruce, he keeps on walking forward, shoving the cocky boys back into the ropes and starts working over those incredible abs. Bruce looks like he’s on a mission in this match! He inflicts more pain on the smaller Alex with a back breaking camel clutch, he wraps his colossal thighs around his suffering opponents waist and squeezes the life out of him, continues to dish out more gut bashing on Alex's already sore, red abs. But just when you thought the big bodybuilder was going to pull the upset, Alex pulls himself up off the mat and gains control. He begins tossing Bruce around the ring, pounding away at his cover model body. Alex is pissed and it shows. He pays Bruce back with his own over the knee backbreaker, he stares down on the bodybuilder like a vulture stares down on roadkill. Alex torments him for a while before shoving his muscles to the mat. He helps Bruce to his feet, backs him into the corner turnbuckle, climbs the ropes and cinches on a reverse headlock. The bodybuilders torso is completely exposed and the cocky fratboy is intent on pulverizing every muscle. Once he’s done bashing Bruce, he drags the beaten and vulnerable rookie over to the ropes. Alex tortures Bruce's tree trunk legs in the ropes, setting him up for what has become one of Alex's favorite submission holds in recent matches. He turns up the intensity on the hold until Bruce cries out a submission to bring an end to round two, and even this match at one round a piece. These two superstars stunning muscles collide in round three and ends with one of them completely at the mercy of the other with no choice but submit to end the agony. The winner reigns in triumph and proudly poses his glorious, bulging muscles over his conquered subject thats a stunning sight you’ll want to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan
Regular price $21.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan
After Dash was humiliated by his and Alex's tag team loss to the Green Team at the end of last year, he decided it was time to look for a new tag team partner. He scoured the roster for a partner that he could count on and decided one of the new guys fit the bill. He was looking for a bodybuilder like himself, and that guy was Bruce Ballard. Bruce has shown great promise as an up and coming superstar, conquering the likes of fellow rookies Tyson Matthews and Blake Keller and pushing reigning superstars Austin Cooper and Alex Waters to their limits in his four matches to date. Dash liked what he saw in the rookie, approached him with the idea, and a new team was formed! Dash wanted his new team to start with a bang, so he challenged the two guys that have been at the top of the Rock Hard roster since its early days. He called out Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, the Z-man. Of course these two veterans didn’t back down and quickly huddled for a strategy session. Coop and Z-man have plenty of impressive muscle themselves but wanted to take a different approach for this match, and they decided speed kills. So the stage was set, it is going to be Team Strength vs Team Speed in this showdown. Team Speed enters the ring first, sporting matching red t-shirts, black trunks and black boots. Their t-shirts emblazoned with the super hero Flash logo. As the two muscle studs enter the ring, they begin running the ropes, bouncing and crisscrossing the mat like lightning. The two bodybuilders enter the arena in blue super hero Superman t-shirts and seem amused with the muscle boys antics. Of course once both teams are inside the squared circle, the testosterone level begins to rise and a flex off occurs. The ring is filled with four spectacular muscle studs and they aren’t afraid to show off their bodies. If you’re into muscle, this could be the pinnacle match for you! When these four studs peel off their t-shirts you wonder how either team if going to lose? Round one begins with Coop saying to Zack hell start things off and Bruce in his corner ready to go. But, as Coop comes across the ring he declares he wants to start the action with Dash, the bigger one. He claims he wants to start off with super man not super woman. Surprisingly, Team Strength obliges and Bruce steps out and Dash steps in. Not a good omen for the two bodybuilders. Coop scores with a cheap shot, carries Dash across the ring for some double teaming, then controls the big bodybuilder down on the mat. The burly redhead squeezes his massive thighs around Dash’s waist before tagging in the Z-man. Zack gets a few shots in on the chosen one before he’s able to tag in Bruce to the rescue. Bruce uses his brute strength to hoist Zack up in the air and carries him around the ring, but it’s short lived for the total package as Zack gets to his feet and with lightning speed ducks under Bruce and reverses the control. Zack brings Bruce over against the ropes near his corner and places him in one of his signature holds, a standing ab stretch against the ropes. Zack has Bruce's fantastic physique stretched out, and Coop is quick to double team bodybuilder with a rear choke. Bruce's mouth-watering muscles are being pummeled, pulled, and stretched to their limits. Like an insect caught in a spiders web, Bruce is in deep trouble with Team Speed. They work over his muscles like he was their own personal play toy, but the bodybuilder is able to endure the punishment for now. The teams tag in and out, and get shots in on one another, but in the end Team Speed has their eyes on the lesser experienced Bruce. As Bruce is using his super power to pick up and slam Coop to the mat, Zack distracts the rookie and Coop draws on his lightning speed to turn the tables. Coop bitch slaps Bruce across the chest, then draws on his own power to place the bodybuilder in a torture rack across his broad shoulders, proclaiming you guys aren’t the only ones with strength. He then whips Bruce into the turnbuckle where Zack awaits for some more double team punishment which also includes Coop grinding his boot deep into the bodybuilders crotch. As Bruce is cringing in pain, Coop determines its time to take rookie out. Austin sets him up on the mat and places Bruce into his famous crotch splitting finishing hold known as the Coop. Bruce's poor crotch is stretched out in agonizing pain and he has no choice but to whimper out a submission. Round one goes to Team Speed as Coop flexes his mighty biceps over the fallen prey.
Round two starts with the same two guys, Austin and Bruce, and nothing has changed as Coop begins with a bearhug on the rookie bodybuilder as he was trying to walk off the pain in his groin. But Bruce is able to soon tag in Dash to get some relief. Dash climbs through the ropes, takes a cheap shot at Zack, then challenges the brawny redhead to a test of strength. No surprise, Dash takes the control and in a complete display of power never seen before actually lifts Coop of his feet as their hands are locked. Coop is stunned, but Zack comes to his rescue with a shot to Dash’s back. This opens the door for Team Speed to have some fun and double team Dash in their corner, and topping it off with a dose of groin punishment. As Dash struggles to get to his feet, Zack comes in and rides the big guy like a well broken in surfboard. But Dash doesn’t stay down for long, he connects with two well-placed elbows into Zack's perfect pecs to floor the world class fitness model. He then proceeds to deliver some payback, placing his size 11 boot straight down on the Z-mans family jewels. Zack squirms in pain, then Dash tosses him around the ring in a full nelson like a rag-doll before he’s able to escape briefly and tag in Austin. Coop climbs the turnbuckle in an attempt to make a flying splash into Dash, but it doesn’t happen as Dash stays outside the striking distance. The chosen one has worked up a good lather at this point and catches Coop with a kick to the gut. As Coop lays face down, Dash tags in Bruce and they take the time to double team the weakened veteran by nearly pulling and ripping his massive arms right out of their shoulder sockets. The action in round two continues at a furious pace, with each team having their time to dish out the pain and punishment on one another’s pumped up muscles. With Dash and Bruce knowing they need to win this round, they make an all-out assault on the smaller muscle boy Zack. The Z-man gets stretched and power slammed to the mat by Bruce, before Bruce hoists the battered opponent over his impressive broad into a crucifix. Zack's award winning muscles are draped over the bodybuilders back and he’s completely vulnerable. Bruce bounces him up and down a few times to exaggerate the pain, then walks him over to his partner. Dash salivates at the chance to punch, pound and ab claw Zack's exposed torso until the muscle model cant take it any longer. Bruce dastardly makes him submit multiple times before dropping him to the mat and proudly flexing his own imposing biceps over his beaten down opponent. Team Strength evens this match at one round a piece. Will the sweaty bodybuilders be able to continue imposing their will on Team Speed and chalk up an inaugural victory? Or, can the veterans Austin and Zack use their lightning like speed and their own dose of muscle to spoil the new tag teams debut? One things for certain, the final round is packed with high flying and power packed action with the match lasting a full 40 minutes to determine the outcome between these four extraordinary physiques!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Regular price $21.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Uh oh, seems like Dash and Bruce are at it again! They teamed up recently as super heroes to narrowly defeat the much more experienced team of Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, and are looking to wreak havoc on the tag team scene here at Rock Hard. They both have enjoyed success since joining the roster; Dash is the reigning King of the Ring, and Bruce is racking up experience and wins in his quest for the top spot. They seem to feed off each other’s energy and confidence, and we all know they both possess mind blowing bodies. You have to wonder how this match ever got scheduled. It’s like feeding two twinkies to a pack of wolves! Dash and Bruce must have charmed someone to secure a match-up against two unlikely tag team partners in Colt and Tyson. The sly teen Colt has had some success and chalked up his first victory a short while back, but the backyard brawler style of Tyson has not translated well to the ring. He’s been manhandled by three superstars; Ethan, Bruce, and Alex. Honestly, there’s little reason to think these two blond boys have even a remote chance in this match. But then again, it’s always nice to see a total squash once in a while. Round one begins with Dash and Tyson in the ring, and Dash declaring ‘we’re going to kick your ass’. And that’s exactly what starts to happen! Tyson makes the mistake of locking up in a test of strength so the huge bodybuilder just powers him back to his team’s corner and begins bashing and stomping his abs. Bruce just looks on in a show of confidence knowing Dash needs no help, and shouts across the ring to Colt ‘you’re next pretty boy’. And indeed he is, Tyson crawls over to escape the torment and tags Colt. The sly teen climbs through the ropes and directly into Dash’s size 11 black boot that connects with Colt’s gut. Dash puts him through the ringer applying his massive muscles with a Boston crab and camel clutch on the poor boy. Dash tags in Bruce to give him a shot at the fun and the bodybuilder picks up where Dash left off, punishing Colt in a camel clutch as he flexes in the mirror. From there Bruce gets his shots in on Tyson, and Dash throws Colt's around the ring like a blond headed rag doll. Tyson tags in to take on the bodybuilder Bruce and the total package out muscles him by picking him up and slamming him into the mat. Colt’s seen enough and jumps in on a double team, connecting with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s back. Tyson does take advantage for a short minute, strongly applying a double leg Boston crab bending the muscle boy’s massive legs. But it’s short lived, Bruce escapes and locks an MMA arm bar on the backyard brawler wanting to rip his arm off. Tyson does survive and is able to tag in Colt, and at the same time Bruce tags in Dash. Colt’s thrown into the corner by the chosen one, but after a few shoulder thrusts into to teen’s abs, Colt sends a number of knees into Dash’s gut. Colt makes the big bodybuilder ache in a reverse ankle lock. But once again, any momentum Team Colt/Tyson gain quickly evaporates. Dash re-takes control with a stiff clothesline and follows that with a knee to Colt’s forehead that stuns the blond. Dash continues his beating on Colt, softening him up for his partner to come in and finish him off. That’s exactly what happens! Bruce enters the ring, throws and slams the teenager around the ring as Tyson looks on helplessly. Bruce hoists Colt up across his muscular shoulders and starts doing leg presses as the beaten teen lay lifeless with no way to escape. Bruce commands Colt to cry out a submission, and then drops his sweaty, battered body to the mat to end round one.
Round two, and according to tag team rules, it starts with the same participants who finished the last round. Bruce is grinning wide and Colt is recovering as they come to center ring. As they’re circling, the sly blond teen reaches over and slaps Dash across the face, which just pisses off both Dash and Bruce. Bruce grabs Colt by the throat, shoves him against the ropes and begins choking him out with his powerful arms in retaliation for the cheap slap. As Colt struggles for air, Bruce adds insult to injury by telling him, ‘God, you’re ugly’, as he dials up the intensity. He then flips the blond to the mat, but is surprised when the sly MMA fighter catches him with a sweeping leg takedown. Colt may not be all that in the muscle department, but he’s as quick as a cat. Once he’s got the bodybuilder on the mat, this evens things up a bit, and he quickly locks a reverse ankle lock on the muscle dude. Colt has applied this hold hundreds of times and he knows how to inflict the pain, so he torques up the pressure as Bruce’s flexes every muscle on his glorious body searching for a way to escape. Will Colt and Tyson be able to maintain the momentum and take out the big bodybuilders?! NO! Bruce manages to tag in Dash, and when the sly teen see’s this, he hightails it out of the ring. Tyson comes in and is mauled by Dash. It’s all downhill from here for the blond rookies. The bodybuilders have their way with them for the next 10 minutes, toying with them and double teaming them along the way. Round two and the match ends with Dash punishing Tyson’s body until he’s compelled to scream out a submission saying ‘you’re the best’ to the powerful duo. Dash and Bruce flex their eye-popping guns in triumph as the sweat drips off their bodies, bringing to an end one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Regular price $21.95Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Bad boy Ethan has been seething mad lately, since losing his King of the Ring match by the narrowest of margins against Dash. Who can blame him? He outwrestled Dash, but in the end Dash’s superior muscle was able to squeak out a victory to retain his KOTR title. Up until that, Ethan was riding high with; a 2 on 1 beating with Gage against Alex, the now famous Green Team vs Dream Team match where Ethan & Gage literally beat the shit out of Dash & Alex in a huge upset, and then Ethan knocking out the sly teen Colt sending him to la-la land. So the street punk gave it some serious thought to decide who he could take all of his frustration out on, and who better than the friend of his enemy! That’s Bruce! Dash and Bruce have joined forces recently to dominate the tag team scene; with a hard fought victory over Austin and Zack, and then total destruction of Colt and Tyson. They have set themselves up as the team to be reckoned with at RHW. So with Bruce flying high, the bad boy has his sights on bringing the bodybuilder with movie star looks back down to reality. Bruce is psyched for this match, seeing it as an opportunity for him to climb closer to the top of the roster. The bodybuilder is ringside pumping out dumbbell curls as a warm up to the match, and also wanting to get inside bad boy’s head. Bruce is dressed in his favorite black with blue stripes trunks and black boots, while Ethan struts into the arena in his signature red and black long tights which flaunt his infamous, enormous package, and also wearing black boots. Bruce takes the first jab, saying’ what’s up skinny?’ and Ethan fires back asking if he came in at the wrong times as Bruce is making love to himself in the mirror. Bruce asks ‘can you blame me?’ and the bad boy tells him he’s seen better and he’s beaten better! Bruce takes some time to flex, pose, and admire his perfect physique in the mirror, as Ethan looks on from the ring. And the bodybuilder plays one more card, wanting to get into the mind of the smaller street punk. He grabs an apple and crushes it in his hand seemingly in a display of what he’s about to do to his smaller opponent. Round one begins with a test of strength, which you think would favor Bruce, but Ethan’s been here before and scores first with a swift knee into the bodybuilder’s abs. Bruce crumbles, and the bad boy wastes no time in starting to put the bodybuilder through the ringer. Ethan’s been salivating at the opportunity to use and abuse the pretty muscle boy’s muscles, so he wastes no time locking on a single leg Boston crab. Bruce can’t escape before Ethan transitions the hold to a reverse ankle lock and chin lock. He’s really stretching the back of the bodybuilder, then moves onto a surfboard. He yanks back on Bruce’s massive arms as his boot drives directly into the small of his back. Bruce playfully asks ‘is that all you got?’ and this only encourages the street punk to ratchet up the pain. He finishes the hold by driving his knee deep down into Bruce’s back. Ethan has all the momentum and isn’t about to let up, he’s intent on delivering a message back at Bruce’s tag team partner Dash that someone’s going to pay for that KOTR loss! He drags the bodybuilder to his feet, whips him across the ring then connects with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s prized abs. This not only floors the total package but also knocks the wind out of him. As Bruce lay on the mat, Ethan stays on the attack. He stomps Bruce’s six pack three times to soften it up, then literally steps up onto Bruce’s abs and taunts the muscle stud as all of his weight is driven into the bodybuilder’s gut. It’s clear the bad boy was ready for this match as he’s totally dominated the action to this point! Ethan continues to work over every muscle on Bruce’s body, even adding some insult to injury with a fish hook hold that gives everyone a clean view of the total package’s Colgate white smile. The bodybuilder does manage to get a few shots in with clothesline, arm bar, and reverse bear hug but that only slows down the inevitable. The bad boy Ethan is zeroed in on destroying the bodybuilder and he quickly regains the momentum. He continues to focus on demolishing Bruce’s back and pulverizing his fantastic abs. He drops the bodybuilder across his knee into a backbreaker and bashes his abs as he stretched out, and asks him if wants to submit and admit that ‘this skinny kid can beat the f*ck out of you’. But Bruce refuses to do that, so the Ethan shoves him off his knee, grabs one ankle and one wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of Bruce’s beautiful body. Bruce cries out in pain as Ethan has him torqued very tight, and when the bodybuilder won’t submit the bad boy stomps his boot into the small of Bruce’s back compelling him to cry out a submission. As Bruce’s hapless, sweat soaked body lay face down on the mat, Ethan kneels on his back and flexes his own bulging biceps in victory to end round one.
Round two opens with Bruce slumped in his corner, rubbing the soreness from his blood red abs. The bad boy asks him ‘how’s it going’, and the bodybuilder tells him ‘it’s about to get a lot worse for you!’ Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out that way for the total package. Ethan seizes control with a side headlock, then hip tosses him to the mat. He squeezes tight around Bruce’s neck for a bit, then transitions to a head scissors. He control’s the bodybuilder with just his long, lanky legs, and then rubs it in Bruce’s face by doing a series of push-ups as he’s in total control. Ethan dominates the muscle stud, using his full arsenal of holds to inflict pure pain and punishment on every one of the bodybuilder’s mouth-watering muscles. Bruce’s abs are sure to be sore for a week after the beating they just took. Someone call the ambulance! This is one VERY HOT match, and may well have been the bad boy’s finest performance ever! A MUST SEE!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Two of the sexiest muscle studs in the business square off in this match! ‘The Total Package’ Bruce has burst on the scene over the last year and has racked up an impressive 5-2 record, which includes an impressive win over Alex Waters and two tag team victories partnering up with his buddy Dash Decker. But, in his last match he was totally dominated and tormented by Rock Hard’s resident bad boy Ethan Andrews. Ethan tore Bruce apart muscle by mother watering muscle until Bruce couldn’t submit fast enough to put an end to the torture. Bruce thought he would take a super hero approach to this match, and what better super hero to become with the name of Bruce than Batman?! ‘The World Class Fitness Model’ Zack has been with Rock Hard since day one and has piled up 12 victories against just 7 losses. His picture perfect physique has been featured in an abundance of magazines, movies, and magic mike type shows. His glorious muscles are adored by the women and envied by the guys. He’s always in peak shape, and like a fine wine, keeps getting better with age. Zack isn’t afraid to step into the ring with anyone, and he certainly won’t be intimidated by Batman Bruce! Round one begins after some early banter where Bruce claims he’s feeling good and he’s ready, and Zack questioning the Batman t-shirt. The two muscle hunks lock up and Bruce scores first with a swift knee to Zack’s abs and a clothesline that stuns the fitness model. Bruce remarks ‘you’re not talking so much now’ and connects with a few stomps to the Z-man’s six-pack, then begins stretching his money making muscles out on the mat. Bodybuilder Bruce releases the hold only to place Zack face down on the mat and stretches him out some more by yanking back on his well-built arms with a surfboard. T t-shirt seems to be working for Bruce, as he continues to control Zack with an arm bar, a head scissors, then transitions that to a leg scissors around Z-man’s slim waist. Bruce is feeling it as he flexes his eye-popping bicep while his opponent lay trapped between his massive thighs. Zack manages to survive the hold and get to his feet but Bruce is there to scoop him up and drop him across knee into a backbreaker. Magic Zack’s impeccable muscles are stretched out over the bodybuilder’s knee. Bruce works his abs over a bit before shoving the Z-man to the mat. It seems like Batman Bruce is here to clean up Gotham as he has Zack trapped in a reverse bearhug and walks him around the ring. The Z-man says he’s about to puke after Bruce tosses him to the mat and begins admiring himself in the mirror. That turns out to be a major mistake, and with no Robin around to help him, Zack is able to turn the tables on the pride of Gotham. Z-man connects with his size 10 white boot to the small of the bodybuilder’s back, and tells him ‘never turn your back on me!’ The world class fitness model has wrestled in enough matches to know when he’s given an opening, and he’s going to make the bodybuilder pay. Zack begins by nearly ripping Bruce’s head off, looking a lot like he’s trying to unmask the Gotham guy, then lifts him up into a standing full nelson, overpowering Bruce before forcing him into the mat. He’s just warming up as he scoops Bruce up and slams him down, then begins torturing his back as be pulls back on the bodybuilder’s chin with his knee driven into Bruce’s back. Zack’s arms are flexed to the max as he cranks back on Bruce’s chin, while the bodybuilder groans in pain. Zack has all the momentum at this point, and Bruce has to wonder what’s going on? Zack delivers the punishment with a standing headlock and a single leg Boston crab, knowing he’s close to claiming victory. As Bruce is suffering on the mat, Zack stands up, grabs one of Bruce’s wrist and one of his ankles and starts tugging Bruce’s limbs with his mighty muscles. Bruce cries out in pain, knows he’s in trouble but refuses to give up. So the Z-man starts stomping his boot into the ribcage until the bodybuilder can’t take it an longer and screams out a submission. Zack towers over a defeated Bruce saying ‘round one’s mine brother’. And indeed it is!
Bruce looks spent in his corner at the start of round two, and Zack asks him if he’s ‘ready for more?’ Zack attacks and quickly goes to work on Bruce’s stellar six-pack, then gives his groin a good stretching in a wishbone move, before nearly choking him out with a rear naked choke hold. The Z-man is on point for this match and having his way with the bodybuilder. Both of their spectacular bodies are working up a nice sweat 12 minutes into the match that makes their muscles even more spectacular. Zack stay on offense with the intent of sweeping the Batman in two straight rounds, locking him up in a reverse bear hug, punishing him in the ropes, then drops him over the knee for a payback backbreaker and driving his vice like grip into the bodybuilder’s abs with a brutalizing claw hold. Bruce is finally able to reverse the momentum and catches the fitness model with a leg sweep which allows for him to go on offense. Bruce works the Z-man over in every corner of the ring with; a double leg Boston crab, several heavy stomps and slams, a painful camel clutch that has Zack in serious trouble. Bruce seizes the opportunity to set Zack up in a kneeling surfboard and uses his massive muscles to yank back on his arms as his boot is driven deep in his back. Zack’s magic muscles contain a lot of power, but not when he’s in this position, and he’s compelled to submit to end the agony. Bruce flexes his mighty bi’s to claim round two. Both of these muscle studs go all out in round three and both of them have opportunities to secure the victory. Can Batman Bruce gain the advantage with his colossal muscles and lucky t-shirt to secure the safety of Gotham? Or will Zack get his magic groove back and out maneuver and out muscle the impressive bodybuilder. All the action leads up to an unexpected ‘Kapow’ finishing hold you’re sure to enjoy!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Regular price $21.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Austin has been eyeing this match for a long time. He’s sat back and watched Dash rack up win after win and he thinks now is the time to step in and knock the reigning King of the Ring off his pedestal. He’s sick of seeing Dash take out weaker opponents and took note of the last KOTR match where street punk Ethan pushed Dash to his limits only to see Dash squeak out a narrow victory at the very end. The burly red head has been at Rock Hard long before ‘The Chosen One’ strutted his magnificent physique into this ring, and he wants to be the one to knock him down the roster a few notches. On the other hand, Dash has been willing to take on all comers since he got here, and to his credit, he’s defeated them all (except for the tag team upset loss against the Green Team which he blames on Alex Waters). Dash fears no one and he’s not worried about climbing into the ring against the veteran tactician Coop. But, just as you’re getting settled in to watch a colossal superstar showdown this match takes a twisted turn! At the start of round one, Dash seizes control, driving Austin back into the turnbuckle and drives a few shoulder thrusts into his gut. He then pulls the beefy red head out of the corner, places him in a standing full nelson and begins thrashing him around the ring. Coop is able to reverse the action, driving the bodybuilder down to the mat and has his shoulders pinned with a reverse bridge hold. Coop then straddles Dash and begins choking him, next wraps his humongous thighs around Dash’s waist and begins to squeeze. Dash survives and is able to regain control. He repays Coop with a chokehold of his own, an arm bar, then cranks away with a camel clutch and flexes his huge bicep in the red head’s face. These two superstars continue to bash away on one another for the first seven minutes of this match, but that’s where things change! Just as Austin has the upper hand and he’s pulling back on Dash’s big arms into what could be a suspended surfboard and a submission, Dash’s partner in crime, Bruce, walks over from the other side of the gym. Bruce was in the middle of a pumping session when he heard his tag team partner screaming out in pain. He drops the dumbbells, climbs the ropes, flies through the air and connects with a cheap shot on Coop. It stuns Coop, and this is where the complexion of the match changes. This match shifts from a 1 on 1 superstar showdown to a 2 on 1 superstar beatdown! The tag team duo begins a severe beating on the bearded red head. They send Coop’s body reeling to the mat with a double team clothesline, they stretch all four of his limbs and his crotch out in a four way crucifix, then drop his brawny body across both their knees in a double team over the knee backbreaker. After Coop refuses to submit to the backbreaker, they shove his lifeless body to the mat and decide on a better way to finish him off. Bruce hoists Austin up across his shoulders into a torture rack and the duo start inflicting the punishment. With the opponent draped over his shoulders, Bruce begins squatting Austin’s body weight while Dash is in his face taunting and enjoying every minute of the destruction. Coop refuses to submit for as long as he can, but when Bruce turns up the heat he’s compelled to scream out a submission. Bruce and Dash clearly enjoy gaining the submission as Austin lay suffering on the mat. The muscle boys flex and pose, admiring their fantastic physiques as they put an end to round one.
Round two begins with Dash and Bruce still celebrating in their corner and Coop wobbling out from his corner saying ‘I’m a natural born ass kicker’ and what’s happening in this match isn’t right. He reminded Dash how he was kicking his ass before his new found buddy came into the ring illegally to save him. Well, Dash didn’t take a liking to this so he charged the red head and body locked him to the mat. Team Dash/Bruce deliver a few stomps before placing him in a body stretcher that has Bruce’s boot shoved deep into Coop’s prime package. They taunt him as he suffers, saying ‘come on ass kicker’ and ‘I think he likes it’. They release that hold and continue pounding Coop’s prime package with a wishbone tug that nearly rips the red head in half. Coop is in agony and moans out ‘you guys are so cheap’. Austin’s in big trouble and he knows it! The bodybuilders continue the onslaught with; a standing surfboard in the corner turnbuckle, gut bashing in the ropes, and a double reverse elbow clothesline that connects across Austin’s beefy pecs. The boys are having fun working up a sweat as they attack, assail, and mug their hapless opponent. Coop never has a chance in this round. His well-muscled body is beaten, battered, and abused the entire second round until Dash and Bruce tie him up in the ropes and finish him off. If you like 2 on 1 matches, you’re going to love this match! The bodybuilders show no mercy and deliver what must be one of the most brutal, lopsided beatings Austin has ever encountered. Dash and Bruce flex their superb sweat soaked muscles claiming victory in front of their unconscious foe before exiting the ring quite satisfied with their work.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Tanner Hill
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Tanner Hill
Even though Bruce has had a lot of success in recent tag team matches partnering with Dash Decker, he’s 0-2 in his last two singles matches. He had his muscles beaten, battered, and abused by bad boy Ethan Andrews, then lost again to the centerfold model Zack Johnathan in a battle for Gotham. His confidence has got to be off without having his sidekick Dash in the ring with him. In this match, Bruce takes on a newbie, rookie by the name of Tanner Hill. Tanner is a fitness fanatic as you can quickly tell once you get a glimpse of his body. He’s not a big guy, but he’s ripped to shreds. Any opponent who takes a look at his shredded 8-pack abs from across the ring would be crazy not to want to give them a bashing. This match begins with Tanner already in the ring sporting a blue warm-up top and graffiti type blue and black trunks. Bruce enters the ring wearing his batman t-shirt and his signature black with blue stripes trunks. The rookie peels off his warm-up top to reveal his shredded torso, while Bruce strips off his batman t-shirt to reveal his glorious muscles. Bruce talks some smack before they decide to measure biceps. Bruce wraps the tape measure around Tanner’s peaked bi and pronounces its 14.5 inches, impressive for a teen muscle boy who only weighs about 160 pounds. The newbie measures Bruce’s arms at just under 16 inches and tells him those muscles are just for show. This leads to an arm wrestling challenge in the center of the ring. The two muscle studs lock wrists, their biceps bulge, but it isn’t long before bigger Bruce forces the rookie’s arm down to the mat. They both get to their feet then Tanner claims Bruce got lucky! They tie up and Bruce scoops the newbie up and power slams him into the mat. He connects with a few boot stomps to the blond’s abs, then picks him up, places him in the corner and begins to bash away at the rookie’s prized 8-pack. He firsts drives some shoulder thrusts into Tanner’s mid-section, then delivers several jabs, before whipping him into the opposite corner turnbuckle to mimic the same beating. Bruce’s bigger muscles continue to dominate the fitness fanatic, supplexing him out of the corner then applying an arm stretching hold which has the rookie moaning in pain but still doing a lot of smack talk. Batman Bruce says ‘you talk a lot for someone who’s just lying on their back’, then applies a back crunching camel clutch on the rookie, flexing his muscles to the max. The total package continues to have his way with the blond rookie, pinning him down to the mat then attacking with a deep claw hold into Tanner’s abs. What a sight to behold! The rookie is getting the crap beaten out of him but he’s not wearing down. He seems to be able to endure all that Bruce can dish out to this point. As the sweat starts to build on both of their magnificent bodies, Bruce lifts Tanner upside down, carries him around the ring, then flings him to the mat. Bruce, admiring his dominance, pauses to pose his splendid body but that provides an opening to the rookie. Tanner begins to get some good shots in on the bodybuilder; he makes him suffer in an MMA arm bar, transitions it to a leg scissors, then clamps down on a camel clutch while flexing his own impressive bicep in Bruce’s face. But the rookie hasn’t learned to close the deal, and since Bruce doesn’t scream out a submission he releases the hold. As Tanner tries to pull the bodybuilder over to the ropes, Bruce scores quickly with a boot to the rookie’s abs. Tanner collapses to the mat while Bruce gets to his feet, wipes the sweat from his face, and goes back on the attack. He bashes the blond’s abs, suplexes him around the ring, then connects with a big splash off the ropes wanting to finish this round. Bruce positions him where he wants him, grabs and ankle and a wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of him. Tanner’s ripped muscles are on display as Bruce proclaims ‘now that’s strength’, and compels the rookie to cry out a submission. Bruce gets to his feet, and as the sweat drips off his body, flexes in triumph for round one.
Round two opens with a test of strength, and it’s not surprising Bruce prevails. He continues to control Tanner with a painful leg lock, he wraps his massive thighs around the rookie’s small waist in a tight scissors hold, then stretches him out on the mat and applies a mean ab claw hold. Batman Bruce has worked up a good sweat putting Tanner thru the ringer, and he continues to assail the fitness fanatic’s prized, ripped 8-pack. He laces Tanner’s hot bod through the ropes, places his foot in the small of his back, and yanks back on his arms with a standing surfboard. Tanner groans and moans, but the torture doesn’t end until Bruce says it’s going to end! Will Tanner and his ripped, sweaty bod be able to change the direction of this round and even this match up at one round a piece? Or do Bruce’s superb muscles continue to rule the young rookie and send him back to the locker room with an ‘L’ plastered on his forehead? Tune in to find out!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 5)
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 5)
It was destined to happen, a King of the Ring match between these two superstars. The ‘tactician’ against ‘the total package’. With all of the history that’s occurred between Austin and Bruce over the last year, this showdown was a must to highlight this holiday season. It’s been just about a year that these two muscle studs locked up in a singles match, with Bruce being somewhat of a newbie at that time and Austin being the seasoned veteran. Bruce gave him a run for his money, but in the end Austin prevailed and knocked the rookie out in a viscous ending. Fast forward to some of the more recent matches where Bruce and Dash took down Austin and Zack in a tag team bout that was all about power vs speed. Then, a short while later, Bruce jumped into the ring to help his partner Dash and they finished off the red head tactician by beating the living shit out of him. Since then, Austin prevailed over Dash in KOTR 4, and ever since, Bruce has been eyeing his opportunity at the belt. It was a very hot day when this match was filmed, and the sweat pours off both of these guy’s magnificent muscles in this 34 minute blockbuster. The challenger is already in the ring when the king enters his corner. Austin climbs through the ropes with the belt draped over his shoulder and exuding confidence. The two studs circle and size each other up, with Austin telling Bruce both him and his partner Dash are pansies, and that he got Dash back and now he’s going to get him back. Austin surprises Bruce by clobbering him on the side of the head with the KOTR belt, sending the muscle stud to the mat. He then hoists him up, power slams him to the mat, and then stretches out Bruce’s massive chest with a reverse half nelson. Austin then transitions the hold to a bow and arrow on the mat, stretching Bruce out even more, the continues the sequence by wrapping his hands around the challenger’s throat and shoving one of Bruce’s black wrist bands into his mouth. Austin means business in this match, so Bruce is going to need to step up his game. Austin then uses his tree trunk size thighs to squeeze Bruce’s torso in a leg scissors. The total package survives the initial onslaught and is able to change the momentum. He escapes from the leg scissors, backs the red head against the ropes and directly connects with his size 11 boot into the king’s abs. But Bruce’s momentum is short lived. Austin reverses him and drops him onto a reverse atomic drop, then pulls him over to the ring post. Austin grabs both of his ankles, splits Bruce between the iron ring post and begins to torture his leg. Bruce is screaming for help while he is defenseless and Austin seizes the moment. He lifts Bruce up into a standing ab stretch, using the ropes to amp up the pressure until the challenger reluctantly screams out ‘I give’ to bring an end to round one. Austin – 1, Bruce – 0.
In round two, Bruce is a little wobbly to start and Austin is running his mouth and feeling good about himself. Austin takes the early lead with some ab bashing and a strong boot shoved into the total package’s throat. But, Bruce hasn’t made it this far to be taken down so easily, and when the red head climbs the ropes for an aerial attack he’s instead met by a swift fist into his gut. As Austin grovels on the mat, Bruce begins clobbering him to take control. He places Austin in a back breaking camel clutch and flexes his big bi while doing so. Bruce breaks the hold and transitions to wrapping a leg scissors around the king, as payback for what happened to him in round one. He continues to stay on top of the tactician, not allowing a moment for him to breath by chocking him over the ring rope, connecting with an elbow drop, then clamping on a rear naked choke hold that has the reigning king in a lot of trouble. Bruce has beaten Austin like a red headed step child in this round and he’s ready to finish him off. He scoops him up and slams him to the mat, lifts him by his hair to his feet, then laces his arms and hoists him up into a painful crucifix submission hold. The king’s muscular body is draped helplessly across Bruce’s massive, thick back and he’s not letting go until Austin cries out a submission to end round two. The match is evened up at Austin – 1, Bruce – 1.
Round three opens and Bruce keeps the control, continuing his attack on Austin’s back. He first suplexes him, then flips him over into a debilitating Boston crab and really cranks up the pressure wanting to gain a quick submission. But Austin won’t submit that easy, so Bruce releases the hold and then makes a move that not only has an impact on this round, but one that could have affect the outcome of this match. Does Bruce score big time and defeat the technician to become the new King of the Ring?! Or, will Austin mount a comeback and destroy the total package to continue his reign as king?! One thing is for certain, it takes the full five rounds to determine the winner with one of these superstars leaving the ring with the belt!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Bruce Ballard vs Jax Brewer
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Jax Brewer
This match is a test between two piping hot bodies; Bruce is considered to be ‘the total package’ with his movie star looks and a perfectly muscled physique, while Jax is a rising star in the modeling industry with his sultry good looks and equally impressive muscles. This is sure to be a treat for anyone who enjoys watching two hot wrestlers get sweaty, down and dirty to end up on top. Bruce has had huge success in tag team matches while holding his own in singles match ups, but most recently coming up short in an attempt to snatch the King of the Ring title from Austin Cooper. On the other side, Jax has been running his mouth ever since he walked in the door at Rock Hard claiming he’s ‘the future champ’. He’s been beaten by both Austin Copper and Ethan Andrews in his first two encounters, but was able to chalk up his first win in the tag team tryout match against Rex Bedford. Does the muscle boy model have what it takes to defeat the total package? This should be interesting! The match begins with both guys in their respective corners, Bruce in grey/blue trunks and his favorite Batman t-shirt and Jax in his golden tights and white boots. Bruce stares across at his opponent and asks ‘who the hell are you’, and Jax proclaims ‘I’m the future champ’, but Bruce doesn’t seem to be impressed. They size each other up and continue to trade barbs until the total package peels off his Batman t-shirt and reveals a body most would drool over. They lock up in a test of strength and Bruce pushes Jax back into the corner turnbuckle and instantly begins working over the rookie’s magnificent abs. He then whips Jax across the ring into the opposite corner. He shoves him to the mat, continues to attack Jax’s abs, then places a tight choke hold around the golden boy’s throat and leg scissors his body. Jax isn’t putting up much of a fight to this point, so Bruce continues to control the action. He hoists the future champ up across his back into a crucifix, stretching Jax’s jaw-dropping muscled body out over his back and giving him a tour of each turnbuckle. After Bruce applies a leg lock on Jax but can’t gain a submission, Jax scores on an opening and takes down the batman boy. He applies a brutal camel clutch on Bruce, places his boot across his throat, then repays him with an agonizing leg lock of his own. Bruce cries out in pain, and you think this could spell trouble for the total package, but he’s able to endure the pain and escapes the predicament. But Jax isn’t finished, he suplexes Bruce to the mat and circles his opponent as he lay suffering. When Jax moves in to continue the control, Bruce is able to sneak in a low blow to re-gain the advantage. Bruce quickly flips the college muscle boy over into a boston crab and begins working over his back. He follows that up with a back breaking camel clutch, making Jax ache as he flexes his bulging bicep in the golden boy’s face. He continues to control the action in an effort to end this round with an arm bar that weakens Jax’s body. When Bruce is done with that hold, he lifts Jax up in the air then drops him down onto his knee with a reverse atomic drop. Jax moans in pain as he squirms on the mat before Bruce applies a punishing hold that splits the future champs’ legs and crotch as he’s arched high in the air before he’s compelled to cry out a submission ending round one. Bruce kneels on his defeated opponent, and with sweat glistening from his hot bod flexes his mighty muscles in conquest.
Round two begins with Bruce mocking his opponent asking ‘how’s the future star’, and with a sense of delusion Jax replies ‘it was a good round’. Does he realize he was just on the wrong end of a one-sided beating?! Bruce asks him if he wants to quit now but the rookie won’t bite. The two muscle studs tie up and it’s Bruce who scores first with a hip toss that sends Jax to the mat. The total package toys with the rookie by sitting on his stomach and applying some sort of reverse leg lock, thrashing Jax’s legs in the air. Bruce continues to dominate, throwing and slamming the golden boy around the ring. But Jax has learned from being in this position before, and when Bruce races across the ring to connect with a shoulder thrust into Jax’s ripped abs the golden boy steps out of the way at the last moment. The future champ seizes the opening he created and begins his own assault on superman, starting by choking Bruce across the ring rope. He continues by wrapping his thunderous legs around Bruce’s waist, squeezing with all his might in an effort to secure a submission. Bruce is able to endure the pain, but that doesn’t stop Jax from continuing his attack. He delivers an onslaught of holds on superman’s muscles that includes; ramming him back first into the turnbuckles, then stretching him out in a full nelson/grapevine combo. Batman Bruce seems to be in a heap of trouble at this moment! Can Jax finish the total package off to secure a win and round two and send this match to a third and final round, sending a message that he is indeed worthy of calling himself the future champ? Or will Bruce turn things around and secure another win to add to his record and instead make the future champ look more like a chump?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Austin Cooper & Bruce Ballard vs Ethan Andrews & Jax Brewer
Regular price $21.95Austin Cooper & Bruce Ballard vs Ethan Andrews & Jax Brewer
This match is a result of the tag team tryout match Ethan scouted between Jax Brewer and Rex Bedford. Ethan has been looking for a new tag team partner ever since Gage Cardona vanished from the Rock Hard Wrestling scene. So, with a new crop of rookies recently joining the roster he thought he would hold out tryouts to scout, and hopefully find, a new tag team partner. In that match, Jax narrowly squeezed out a victory over fellow rookie Rex and earned the opportunity to be Ethan’s tag team partner in a coming match. Little did either of them know that their first match would be against current superstars Austin and Bruce. Of course, this didn’t bother Ethan one bit since he’s notched victories in his singles matches against both of these studs. But, you have to wonder how Jax would approach this match. He’s lost both of his singles matches against the both of them, and most recently to ‘the total package’ Bruce. What will Jax’s mindset be and how will he react in this match? This match begins with Austin and Bruce relaxing in their corner, very confident of the outcome. Ethan comes around the corner with his partner Jax, both wearing their long tights, and climb up onto the ring apron to exchange some pre-match banter. Austin compares their look to a ballerina, and Jax retorts claiming they’re from Pretty Boys R Us. That could be a bad rookie mistake, because Austin challenges that will then if you want to wrestle two men then you can come in in this ring. And so round one begins, it’s Bruce and Jax who kick the action off. Bruce gains the early advantage with a suplex, sending the golden boy to the mat. Bruce continues to throw the rookie around the ring before bringing him over to his corner so he and Austin can double team the hot muscle stud and his prized six pack abs. Ethan doesn’t like what he’s seeing and complains from across the way, but it doesn’t do much help. The two vets bash the young rookie and tell him this is your initiation, welcome to the ring! Eventually, Jax is able to tag in Ethan. The bad boy steps through the ropes to face Austin, and it doesn’t bode well for Ethan. The bad boy gets double teamed in the opponent’s corner, whipped against the ropes and into a scoop slam, then stretched out from a seated surfboard by the burley redhead. Austin then hoists Ethan’s lean muscled bod up into an over the shoulders backbreaker that has the bad boy in trouble. As Ethan lay helpless across Austin’s broad shoulders, Bruce strikes with a viscous ab claw on the bad boy’s ripped abs. Ethan scrambles, trying to get away and tag in his partner, but will no success. Austin drags the bad boy over to his corner and splits his legs up against the steel ring post inflicting some serious pain on Ethan’s famous family jewels. As Ethan screams in pain, Jax attempts to help, but that move is thwarted by bodybuilder Bruce. All the action in round one is being dominated by Team Austin/Bruce, and that doesn’t change. Near the end, it’s Bruce and Jax in the ring and it’s only a matter of time before the golden boy is forced to shout out ‘I give’ as he’s double teamed by Austin and Bruce in a round one ending fantastic finishing hold.
Round two opens with Bruce and Jax in the ring and Bruce quickly takes the control. The total package tosses and stomps Jax before wrapping his tree trunk legs around the golden boy’s tight waist and begins working him over. Jax is able to endure the pain and eventually the two combatants end up on their feet. In a surprise, Jax scores with a double leg takedown and immediately pays Bruce back with some stomping and bashing of his own. Jax then places Bruce’s muscles in a snug camel clutch, with his lower back paying the price. Ethan directs his partner to bring Bruce over to their corner. Ethan tags in and while Bruce is trapped in the camel clutch he nastily grinds the bottom of his boot directly into Bruce’s forehead. Ethan loves beating up on Bruce, as you may remember he totally dominated Bruce in their past singles match and owned every one of his muscles until Bruce was begging for it to stop at the end. Ethan intently goes to work on Bruce’s muscles again, inflicting punishment until he’s able to scramble to his corner to tag in Austin. Ethan tells Austin to ‘bring it’ and when the redhead springs over to the top rope into the ring, Ethan hits him with a boot to the gut then suplexes him to the mat and begins bashing his abs. Ethan is pissed and doesn’t want to lose straight rounds! Both Ethan and Jax take turns beating up on the redhead, and also get into some villainous double teaming. Bruce never really has a chance to get back into the ring and help his partner. So when Ethan ultimately softens Austin up by working over his legs and back, he and Jax double team him with a standing surfboard. Even though the two of them nearly pulls both arms off Austin’s body he resists submitting. That is, until the bad boy grabs a handful of red hair and forcefully pulls back until Austin cries out a submission. Team Ethan/Jax even this match up at one round a piece. And as they flex their mighty biceps in celebration, Ethan proclaims, ‘now that’s how we do it!’ Will Team Austin/Bruce get their act together in round three and secure a victory over the bad boy and rookie? Or, will Team Ethan/Jax continue to inflict pain and punishment on the two muscle hunks? One thing’s for certain, the match ends with all four wrestlers in the ring and a diabolical dual submission. A finish you’ll want to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews and Dash Decker vs Colt Stevens
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews
Bruce is another of the recent new faces that have joined Rock Hard, wanting to test their skills and muscle against the best underground wrestlers on the planet. He’s got; movie star looks, a golden brown tan, and a Greek god physique, all perched upon massive tree trunk size thighs. He’s the total package, one that causes heads to turn when he enters a room. He also brings prior amateur wrestling experience and martial arts skills to the ring, and is determined to work his way to the top of the roster. His opponent in his debut match is Tyson, another new fitness model face to climb into the Rock Hard ring. He had the unfortunate experience of being matched up against veteran bad boy Ethan Andrews in his debut match, and after Ethan got through working over his abs and muscles, his fitness model body ached for a week. Tyson’s more of a backyard brawler type, and is eager to chalk up his first victory to show he can compete against the big boys. Both guys are in their respective corners to start the match, Bruce decked out in black trunks with blue stripes and black boots, looking the part of a warrior. Tyson is in soft blue square cut trunks with white boots that highlight his fitness model physique. They exchange pleasantries amongst rookies before the smack talk starts. Bruce asks ‘where’d they recruit you from, Baby Gap?’ and ‘who trains your legs, your sister?’. Tyson replies ‘you talk a lot of smack, let’s see what you got’. They tie up and Tyson takes the early advantage with a double leg lift that has Bruce perched across his shoulder, the blond fitness model walks him around a little before dropping to his knees which drives Bruce’s gut right down on his shoulder. This leaves Bruce gasping for air as he lay on the mat. Tyson connects with several jabs to his abs, before pulling Bruce’s hair to lift him to his feet. He backs the bodybuilder into the ropes, whips across the ring , and delivers a clothesline that floors the Greek god. Bruce wasn’t expecting this in the first few minutes, and appears a little stunned. Tyson pulls Bruce’s massive arms back over his knees and into a camel clutch, then begins taunting him and slapping his face and asking ‘how’s that feel Bruce?’ Tyson continues his control with an arm bar that works over Bruce’s mighty bicep, and some of his home-style backyard brawler moves before driving a claw hold deep down into Bruce’s adonis like abs. The blond lifts Bruce to his feet, backs him into the turnbuckle and begins pounding away on his abs. Tyson hoists the bodybuilder over his shoulder, backyard brawler style, parades him around the ring and then drops him to the mat. But just when you are beginning to think Bruce is all show and no go, he surprises Tyson with a direct punch to his pec that drops him. Bruce towers over him and asks ‘how’s that feel?’ before he begins to dish out some payback. He stands straddled over the startled fitness model, connects with a few fists to the chest, then locks an arm bar on him in retribution for what happened to him minutes earlier. Bruce stays on the attack, pulling the fitness model into a camel clutch then cutting off his breathing by placing his hands over Tyson’s mouth. Bruce’s superior muscle and size advantage begin to take over as he tosses Tyson around the ring in a series of punishing holds. He wraps his massive arms around Tyson’s waist in a rear bear hug, squeezing and sapping the energy out of him, then tosses his limp body to the mat. The bodybuilder attacks Tyson’s back with a few stomps of his black boot. Bruce grabs Tyson’s ankles wanting to drag his body to the center of the ring, and even though Tyson tries to cling on to the lower ring rope, Bruce outmuscles him. The rookie bodybuilder has him where he wants Tyson now, and rolls him over into a double leg boston crab, softening up his back before he drops him into an over the knee backbreaker. The total package Bruce has Tyson draped over his massive thigh, stretched to the max, and begins attacking his exposed abs all the while the backyard brawler is moaning in pain. Tyson tries to submit, but Bruce won’t let him. He makes Tyson suffer a bit longer as he stretches him out even more until the blond fitness model cries out ‘I give’. Bruce shoves him off his knee, states ‘of course you give, you’re nothing but a bitch’, gets to his feet and poses his piping hot body to end round one.
Round two begins with Bruce asking ‘how’s that back feeling baby boy?’, and Tyson not even offering a response. Bruce clamps on a headlock and hip tosses the blond brawler to the mat. He kneels down across Tyson’s gut, driving his knee into his abs and then driving a fist several times into his chest. It doesn’t appear that Tyson’s recovered from the first round. Bruce is having his way with the rookie fitness model, stretching his body out in all sorts of ways and pummeling his six-pack abs and chest in between. But about halfway through the round, Tyson mounts a comeback by ducking under a clothesline and then catching Bruce with a clothesline of his own. This re-energizes Tyson and he goes on the attack. He locks a full nelson around the Greek god’s neck then uses his legs to spread Bruce’s legs wide open and to the max. Tyson continues to use his muscles to pulverize his opponent’s bigger muscles. He inflicts punishment on Bruce’s body both on and off the mat, and nearly gains a 1-2-3 pin count before the bodybuilder is able to kick out. When that doesn’t work, Tyson starts working over his well-muscled back with a series of stomps before clamping on a Texas cloverleaf leg lock. Tyson bears down with all his might putting immense pressure on the big bodybuilder’s back until he submits. Tyson evens the match up at one round flexing over his fallen opponent. Can Tyson keep the momentum going in round three and score his first victory over the total package? Or, will the Greek god-like bodybuilder Bruce flex his muscles and impose his will on the smaller blond fitness model to secure a confidence building win in his debut match?
Dash Decker vs Colt Stevens
This match introduces Colt Stevens as the newest rookie to join Rock Hard. Colt’s a blond hair, blue eye 19 year old who’s taking his shot in the modeling industry. He’s also an experienced MMA fighter who’s had success in the cage, and figures to know his way around the ring. The teenager must have got his dates mixed up this day, because he enters the studio thinking he’s there for a phot shoot, only to discover there’s no photographer there to greet him. Instead, he surprised to find the ‘chosen one’ Dash lurking around the ring. Dash is 6’1”, 220 lbs of muscle that looks like he was carved out of a slab of granite. He’s ripped to the max, and has destroyed every opponent that has stepped into the ring with him in racking up a 3-0 record to start his underground wrestling career. The ‘chosen one’ doesn’t take any shit from anybody, and isn’t amused by Colt’s misguided presence or his teenage model looks. Colt climbs into the ring in gym gear and sunglasses, and calling out ‘is the photographer here’?’ Dash walks around the curtain wondering what the hell is going on. Colt asks him if he’s a model or the photographer, and Dash simply answers ‘no’. Dash climbs into the ring with his signature ‘S’ shirt on and approaches the model. Colt sizes him up and says ‘you’re kind of a big guy’ and Dash retorts ‘well, I’m kind of a big deal’. Colt starts retreating and Dash asks him if he’s scared before delivering a quick punch to his gut, then smacks his sunglasses off his face and smashes them with black boot. Colt is stunned and calls Dash an asshole, and he’s probably going to regret doing that! Dash catches him with another shot to the gut , flips him to the mat, then strips the blond model of his gym gear. Dash pulls him up, whips him across the ring into a clothesline, and while Colt is suffering on the mat peels of his skin tight t-shirt to reveal his incredible physique in skin tight red briefs. The chosen one starts tossing the smaller teenager around the ring, manhandling him. He makes Colt suffer in a camel clutch, a single leg boston crab which he transitions to a leg lock, then applies a headlock on the blond boy with his massive, muscular arm and messing with the model’s hair. Dash continues to have his way with Colt, bounding, stomping and kicking away at his body while he’s backed into the corner. He continues to dominate Colt, whipping him across the ring and then scooping him up as he bounces off the ropes, and drops him across his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. Dash doesn’t seem to want to waste much time beating this rookie so he seeks a submission as Colt is draped over his knee in pain. Colt won’t submit so Dash stretches him out some more, and tells the model he needs to work out as he slaps his abs in amusement. Colt endures the pain and mounts an attack by playing possum with the bigger bodybuilder and knocks him down with a drop kick to his gut. Dash is down on the mat, and the teenager uses that as an equalizer. He starts bashing away at Dash’s shredded abs, wanting to slow him down. He pulls Dash up, whips him across the ring, then plants both of his boots in the chosen one’s abs as he slings off the ropes. Colt may look young, be he shows that he has an array of holds he can use, including several MMA submission holds. The blond model continues to beat on the bodybuilder, stretching out his crotch then rolling him into a banana split that has Dash ass up with nowhere to go. Colt sends a few jabs into Dash’s hamstrings while they are exposed, and he’s attacking every part of Dash’s glorious physique. He maintains the momentum; choking Dash out over the top rope, cranking on an arm bar, then squashes the bodybuilder’s head between his thighs humiliating the massive bodybuilder. But, the teenage rookie slips up when he takes a moment to flex his own biceps in dominance, and it costs him dearly. Dash seizes the chance to gain back control, and begins to maul and crush the inexperienced newbie. Once Dash knows that he has Colt right where he wants him, he lifts the blond model by his throat up off the mat and squeezes nearly his last breath out of him while Colt’s body goes limp. Dash lets him fall to the mat, places his boot on his gut and flexes his mighty biceps before wiping the sweat from his abs, and asks ‘how’s that for a photo shoot bitch?’ to end round one.
Round two begins and as Colt lay on the floor gurgling and in a complete daze, Dash wonders out loud ‘shit, did I kill you?’ He slaps the rookie on his cheeks a few times to wake him up, wanting to continue his destruction of the pretty boy model. Colt gets to his feet and begins backing up, so Dash forces him into the corner and starts to stomp away on Colt’s chest. Each time Dash stomps, the blond model’s chest gets more red. Dash toys with him, dragging him to the center of the ring and applying another back bending camel clutch, asking this is the way it starts again, it this the way it’s going to finish?’. Colt struggles to say ‘no’, and doesn’t submit to the pain. Dash maintains the upper hand with a series of punishing holds that include stretching the teenager’s lithe body out on the mat with a bow and arrow hold. But again, Colt refuses to submit. He’s showing that his experience in the MMA cage has taught him how to endure pain and punishment. So when Dash decides he wants to show off his awesome, shredded abs packed into his skin tight speedo, he allows for Colt to make a move. Colt lunges toward the bi bodybuilder and is able to drive him down to the mat with a double leg takedown. He defiantly begins bashing away at Dash’s prized six pack, again attacking his abs. The teen blond suplexes the big bodybuilder to the mat, then lifts him by his ears, then flips him back down on the mat, applies a leg scissors and continues to pulverize Dash’s abs. Has the young blond MMA fighter found the secret to bringing down the herculean like Dash? Or can Dash rely on his superior strength and fantastic physique to crush another rookie and maintain his impressive winning streak? It’s a model surprise ending you don’t want to miss!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper and Alex Waters & Dash Decker vs Ethan Andrews & Cage Cardona
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Lately, the new upstart superstars have been stealing the spotlight here at Rock Hard. These days it’s all about; Alex Waters, Dash Decker, Matt Engel, and Bruce Ballard. Well, this doesn’t sit well with the veterans that built this fed, like; Zack (Z-man) Johnathan, Austin Cooper, Jake Jenkins, and Ethan Andrews. Some of the vets decided to take a stand and deliver a message that they built this house, and they intend to defend it! In this match-up, we have ‘the total package’ and rising superstar Bruce going against the seasoned veteran and ‘tactician’ Austin. Bruce has burst on the underground scene with an easy victory over fellow rookie Tyson Matthews and is looking to move up in competition. When Coop heard about this, he asked for his turn to take on the dark haired, perfectly built Bruce. Coop is so anxious for this match he’s already waiting in the ring for it to start. Coop’s decked out in his signature green trunks and black boots, even sporting a black hoodie for this match. Meanwhile, Bruce looks perfect in dark blue and silver square cuts and black boots, pumping up his ripped, pristine body before climbing into the ring. Both of these muscle dudes can dish out and take the trash talk, though Coop does his best to get inside the total package’s head. Austin claims his bigger than bodybuilder Bruce, so Bruce asks ‘do you think you’re stronger than me?’, and Coop pauses then replies ‘no, I know.’ Bruce gets a chuckle out of this, he climbs through the ropes and challenges Coop to an old school arm wrestling match. The two lay on their stomachs in the center of the ring to settle the score. Their massive biceps locked in struggle; Bruce ultimately prevails and forces Coop’s hand to the mat. Bruce gets to his feet, and with testosterone flying high, he flexes each of his bulging biceps for his opponent to admire. Coop brushes it aside saying ‘I’ll beat your ass wrestling, I’m a wrestler’. The two lock up with Bruce gaining the early control. He backs the redhead back into the corner and begins to go after Coop’s shredded abs. Coop’s abs have never looked better, and perhaps they’re in for a beating? Bruce’s uses his muscles to lift Austin up over his shoulder, then slams him to the mat. The rising superstar then delivers and elbow drop to the veteran’s back and follows it up with a back breaking camel clutch that has Coop suffering and Bruce flexing his biceps in dominance. The total package doesn’t let up, he places the redhead in a double leg boston crab, and when he’s done with that he watches as Coop pulls himself up by the ropes, then shoves him into the corner and starts to bitch slap him across his massive pecs. It’s a little surprising how Bruce has controlled round one, and it doesn’t stop. He locks on a figure-four leg lock with his mammoth thighs exerting immense pressure on Coop’s enormous legs. Once Bruce has worked over every part of the veteran’s body, he hoists him up and drops him into an over the knee backbreaker. He’s got the bearded redhead sprawled out across his knee, and to add insult to injury begins slapping his abs until Coop screams out a submission to escape the torment. Bruce poses proudly over his battered opponent. Round one goes to the upstart superstar, Bruce 1, Coop 0.
Round two opens with Bruce beaming his movie star smile and Coop wondering what just happened? The young upstart stays on the attack, shoving the wobbly redhead back into the corner and attacking his shredded abs, picking up where he left off in the previous round and proclaiming this is the House of Bruce! He whips Coop across the ring and into a forearm clothesline that drops his beefy body to the mat. The rookie continues to beat up on the veteran, with seemingly no regard to Austin’s lengthy underground wrestling experience and success. Bruce hoists Coop up into a full nelson, stretching him out and flailing his body around the ring before lacing Coop’s muscles through the ring ropes, placing his black boot on his lower back, and pulling back on his arms which has the veteran stretched and suffering. In a surprise, it appears Bruce may chalk up an impressive win in two straight rounds. Coop is on the ropes, and is literally being choked across the ropes. As Austin grovels on the mat, Bruce circles him like a hawk circles road kill, looking to sweep in and pick the last of the meat off the bones of a dead carcass. And just when you thought it was over, Coop digs into his back of dirty tricks and connects with a low blow to Bruce’s crotch. He drops to his knees and Coop immediately places him in a camel clutch and starts inflicting pain. The veteran redhead then begins whipping the total package across the ring an into the opposite corner, taking pause to return the bitch slaps he endured in round one and also bash away at Bruce’s abs of steel. Coop continues his attack; scooping Bruce up and dropping him over his knee, the clamping on a figure four leg lock that has Bruce feeling pain he’s never felt before in the ring. The veteran sniffs victory and begins to soften his opponent up for the kill. He picks up and slams Bruce to the mat, then chokes him over the ring rope, before placing him in a debilitating submission hold that has Bruce’s marvelous muscles trapped with nowhere to go. Coop turns up the heat by applying increasing pressure on Bruce’s muscles until Bruce is compelled to cry out a submission. Just when you thought the veteran was out of it, he comes back to even this match, Bruce 1, Coop 1. Entering into the third and final round, it’s been a momentum match. Bruce controlled all of round one and the first half of round two, then Austin used a cheap shot to gain the advantage for the last half of round two. It makes you wonder how round three will play out? Will the veteran tactician maintain his control over the perfectly muscled Bruce, or can the upstart fitness model regain the momentum and collect an impressive conquest to add to his previous victory. In a climatic finish, one of these wrestlers is chocked out in a never seen before move that will leave you gasping for air!
Alex Waters & Dash Decker vs Ethan Andrews & Gage Cardona
This is the match of the year, a 37 minute tag team marathon that ends with a mind blowing finish! There are so many twists and plots to this match it’s mind-boggling. Revenge and superiority are on the minds of all of these guys. First, we were given a preview of things to come when bad boy Ethan came to the rescue for rookie Gage in his match against Alex. Ethan’s been looking for a qualified tag team partner since joining Rock Hard, and it seems like he’s found one in Gage as they’ve formed the Green Team, two street punk bad boys who want to rule this fed. Next, both Ethan and Gage have revenge on their mind, as Ethan is anxious to show that when Alex beat him in their singles match it was a fluke, and he’s in no way ready to relinquish his role as the resident bad boy. Then, Gage put up a good fight in his debut match against Dash, but went down in two straight rounds and is looking for payback. Also, Alex is seeking revenge on the two bad boys for the 2 on 1 beating he took at the hands of Ethan and Gage just a short while ago. With all this swirling around the locker room, and the news of the new Green Team, it was only natural that the two reigning superstars on the roster, Alex and Dash, would team up to challenge them.They wanted to squash any hopes these two punks have before they would get any momentum going against lesser teams on the roster. Lucky for all of us, we’re treated to a marque match up; the Dream Team vs the Green Team! All four of these guys have beautiful bodies in their own ways; Alex and Dash are top line fitness models with picture-perfect physiques and muscles of steel. Girls and guys alike drool over their flawless looks. While Ethan and Gage have done their time in the gym creating eye-catching ripped, lean muscled bodies that look incredible strutting down the beach on a hot summer day. When round one begins you can small the testosterone oozing not only out of the ring, but outside of the arena. Round one starts with Ethan and Alex picking up with the feud that started in their singles match. Alex catches him in a head lock and hip tosses him to the mat, but the bad boy rolls through it and ends up with a leg scissors strapped across Alex’s throat. Ethan cinches it in tight, flexes his baseball sized bicep in the muscle studs face, then begins bashing away at his abs of steel. Ethan follows this up with not one, but two over the knee backbreakers, lifting Alex up and slamming him down across his knee. Alex’s muscles are draped over the bad boy’s knee as Ethan continues attacking his abs. A great start to this match for the Green Team, and perhaps a bad omen of things to come for the Dream Team? When Ethan shoves Alex off his knee, the muscle stud is able to retaliate with a double leg takedown which gives him a chance to tag in Dash. The big boy in red climbs through the ropes, shoves Ethan against the ropes and delivers a bitch slap hard enough across his chest that echoes through the arena. Dash rushes over to connect with an elbow that knocks Gage from the apron, but this moment allows Ethan to regroup; he suplexes Dash to the mat, lands on top of him straddled across his torso, and ab bashes him before ending the reversal by locking on an arm bar making the cover model suffer. Ethan decides it’s time to give Gage a chance so he tags in his partner, but before exiting they execute a perfect double team suplex on Dash which stuns and shocks the undefeated warrior. Gage has him stunned on the mat, but makes a rookie mistake by letting the much bigger Dash get to his feet. Dash is steamed and runs straight into a double leg takedown slam on the rookie. After Dash sends him flying high into the air with a suplex, he drags Gage over to his corner, tags in Alex, then the both of them double team to send the rookie flying overhead with their own double teamed suplex. Alex comes in and takes control, he connects with several back handed slaps across Gage’s chest, then whips him across the ring and connects with two stomps to Gage’s shredded abs and another boot to Ethan’s six-pack. The momentum shifts back and forth between the two teams in this round with exhilarating non-stop action. But when street punk Ethan lifts Alex up across his shoulders and starts spinning him around in the center of the ring like a top, you know he’s pulled another one of his bad boy moves out of his bag of tricks to end this round. He tosses the stunned and dizzy muscle stud to the mat, and scissors his legs across one arm and locks an arm bar on Alex’s other arm. He has the muscle stud stretched firmly on the mat in an iron cross. Alex’s money making abs are wide open and a prime target for Ethan to relentlessly bash and pound away on his awesome abs. Ethan delights in dishing out the pain and torture as Alex’s abs turn red and bright red, so when Alex refuses to submit, Ethan digs his fingers deep into the muscle studs abs with a claw hold and threatens to rip them out. Alex is forced to scream out a submission, while Dash looks on in disappointment. The Green Team celebrates victory in round one by flexing their ripped bodies over a dazed and defeated Alex.
Round two starts with the same two combatants, Ethan and Alex, and again Ethan takes control of the fratboy with a boot to his gut. Alex stumbles to the mat and before he knows it Ethan is flipping him over into a double leg boston crab while Gage reaches through the ropes to mess with Alex’s precious locks. Alex calls out to Dash ‘I’m going to power out of this Dash’, but to no avail. The Green Team double teams the battered muscle stud in the corner, focusing on brutalizing his adonis-like abs, before shoving him across the ring allowing him to tag out. The powerhouse Dash enters the ring and quickly hoists Ethan into a standing full nelson that lifts his feet off the floor. Dash propels the street punk into the corner where Alex awaits to do some double teaming. Alex holds Ethan with a rear choke hold while Dash cashes in on some ab bashing payback to the bad boy. Dash has regained the momentum for his team as he slaps a back wrenching camel clutch on Ethan with Alex looking on in amusement. The experienced street punk is in trouble at the moment but has been in this position many times before without panicking. When Dash lifts him to his feet, Ethan connects with a flurry of fists into Dash’s gut, then whips him across the ring into the waiting hands of Gage, and as Gage holds the chosen one against the ropes, Ethan flies across the ring and delivers a solid double leg kick to Dash’s chest. Dash seems stunned and the new bad boy team takes advantage. Ethan first connects with several boots into Dash’s cover boy abs, then tags Gage in to continue the battering of the bigger muscle stud’s killer abs. The Green Team came into this match with the strategy of dishing out pure pain and punishment to the Dream Team’s abs of steel, and they are following through on that strategy. It appears Gage has been learning what Ethan’s been teaching as he first pounds away on Dash, he follows it up with his black boot placed directly on the chosen one’s package and applies ball busting pressure. But when the rookie bad boy takes time to gloat in Alex’s face, Dash seizes the moment to take back the momentum. The Dream Team double team the lightweight bad boy, choke slamming him not once but twice, until they were satisfied it made a solid thud after he slammed to the mat. Gage squirms in pain as it feels like his spine was just rearranged. The Dream Team has seized the control in round two, using the strength and power advantage over the street punk bad boys. Alex dishes out some payback to Ethan in this round, and when Gage attempts a high flying elbow drop that misses Dash snatches his stunned opponent from the mat and hoists him up into an over the shoulder back-breaker. As Gage is laid out across Dash’s muscular shoulder, his sweat soaked body suffering, Alex comes in to double team the rookie bad boy to make sure this match gets all evened up at one round a piece. Alex bitch slaps Gage across his glistening chest until the rookie can’t bear it any longer and screams out a submission. Round two goes to the muscle stud Dream Team as they flex their magnificent bodies over a whimpering Gage. Both teams now know what’s at stake when round three opens; this round is going to determine if it’s the street punk bad boys that rule the tag teams here at Rock Hard, or will it be the muscle stud Dream Team that dominate that competition. All four of these guys have their chance to shine in this final and deciding round. The sweat soaked, man-to-man, non-stop exhilarating action leads up to a decisive double submission and extreme ending never seen before! Most definitely the match of the year, and one you must see to believe!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Ethan Andrews vs Colt Stevens and Bruce Ballard vs Blake Keller
Regular price $34.95Ethan Andrews vs Colt Stevens
Young Colt made a small splash in his debut against Dash Decker, even though he lost the match and had his new pair of $200 sunglasses smashed to smithereens by the big guy. For most of the match he was dominated by the imposing muscles and steel will of one of the most formidable opponents on the roster. Dash overpowered Colt in his debut, but the teen wrestler and MMA fighter did show signs of advanced wrestling and MMA skills, as he twisted and tortured Dash’s prized physique when he was on top. So the rookie has shown signs of promise. But, in this match he takes on another opponent that has made a living out of beating up on the muscle boys and rookies. And these days, Ethan is oozing even more confidence after teaming with Gage Cardona in a 2 on 1 beating of the muscle stud fratboy Alex Waters, and then teaming with Gage again for the Green Team as they surprisingly defeated and humiliated the Dream Team of Alex and Dash. In light of the current events, Colt certainly is going to have his hands full with resident street punk and bad boy Ethan. With the influx of MMA and other contact sports included on the resumes of many of the wrestlers, it’s inevitable that there is debate in the locker room as to which of the other arts can have a greater impact in the wrestling ring. Colt has professional MMA experience, so naturally the sly teen thinks this will work to his advantage. While Ethan has been training in boxing over the past year and has added this to his growing list of combat sports experience in his arsenal. Round one begins with the two of them sizing each other up and debating the MMA vs boxing advantage. The sly teen is no slouch when it comes to head games either, as he works on psyching Ethan out by flexing his teen muscles in his face. Ethan smiles at this ploy, since he’s sporting his own sizzling hot, lean muscled body and has dominated much bigger muscles than the teenager is flexing. The street punk strikes first with repeated jabs to the teen’s abs, then flips him to the mat and stretches the blond boy out in a seated surfboard. Colt may have thought he had some quickness, but he’s being out-quicked at the onset. Ethan transitions the hold to a leg scissors, squeezing Colt’s blond locks while he taunts him. He allows the MMA fighter to get to his feet, then connects with a flurry of jabs to his abs as he’s pushed back against the ropes. The street punk bad boy loves to attack his opponent’s abs, and he’s using the same game plan on the rookie. He suplexes Colt to the mat and delivers a few more shots to his teen abs. Ethan then drags Colt over to the ropes so that he can choke him out, then locks a texas cloverleaf leglock on Colt’s lanky legs exerting extreme pressure on his lower back. Ethan asks him to tap, but Colt’s been in the cage before and it’s much too early for him to submit. Both guys get to their feet and Colt goes on offense, he choke slams Ethan to the mat, using his size advantage on the street punk. Colt starts displaying his arsenal of holds on Ethan; clamping on a tight leg lock, then cinching a figure four around his throat as he pounds away at the bad boy’s pec. The blond rookie drags Ethan up to his feet by his hair, and then whips him across the ring and connects with is size 11 white boot square on his chest. This sends the bad boy crumbling to the mat. Colt connects with a few of his own ab punches as Ethan is sprawled on the mat, then he egotistically struts around the ring flexing his own teenage biceps for his fans. This turns out to be a rookie mistake, as it provides Ethan time to recover, and reverse the momentum. When Colt attempts to connect with another boot to Ethan’s ripped midsection, the bad boy’s quick enough to grab Colt’s leg before it lands and takes the teen rookie to the mat. Once Ethan has him on the mat, he starts an assault on the rookie’s legs; he stomps his hamstrings, then makes him agonize in a figure four leg lock, then sends him reeling with a wicked clothesline. The bad boy has things in control as he hoists Colt up over his shoulders, then power bombs him to the mat. Colt is wincing in pain as he cries out ‘my back, my back’. Ethan pulls him to his feet, laces his wiry teen body through the ropes, pulls back on his arms into to surfboard and really starts applying the pressure. You have to think Colt’s never experienced this hold in an MMA match, so as much as he tries to fight it, Ethan continues to amp up the pressure until the blond rookie is forced to scream out ‘I give up’. Colt dangles in the ropes in pain before the bad boy pulls him back into the ring by his blond shaggy style hair, places his black boot on his stomach, and flexes his baseball sized biceps in conquest of round one.
Round two starts with Colt admitting ‘that was a good round, I’ll give you that, but it was a round not a fight’. Ethan just smiles at the teenager’s attempt at intimidation, and then Colt pulls out something from behind the corner turnbuckle pad. Seems the rookie stashed a pair of 4 ounce MMA gloves in the corner just in case he needed an advantage. Colt proceeds to put on the gloves while Ethan explains ‘boxing is a sweet science while MMA is nothing but caged animals’. This doesn’t sit well with the sly teen as he retorts ‘don’t ever say that again’ before the two lock up. Colt strikes with several knees to Ethan’s ripped abs, tosses him to the mat, lifts him up to suplex him back to the mat, then locks on a leg scissors around the street punk’s throat wanting to squeeze the life out of him. Colt has seemed to find a groove and he continues to throw, toss, and flip Ethan’s lean muscled body around the ring at will. He lifts the bad boy to his feet only to drop kick him back into the turnbuckle. Ethan is slumped in the corner, and as the sly teen pulls him to his feet and begins to parade him around the ring, Ethan reverses the action with an atomic knee drop that sends shivers up the blond teen’s spine. Colt winces in pain holding his ass as he lay face down on the mat. Will bad boy Ethan run the young rookie through his vast array of punishing holds and impose his will on the cage fighter to chalk up another victory? Or can the sly teen regain his senses and turn this ring into his cage and rely on his MMA experience and size advantage to trap the punk in a MMA submission to even this match at one round a piece? Colt has shown signs of brilliance, but will that be enough to claim a victory. All the sensational and stimulating action leads up to a knock out finish!
Bruce Ballard vs Blake Keller
Bruce has caused quite a stir since making his debut match here at Rock Hard. He’s been an instant fan favorite with his movie star face and shredded bodybuilder physique. He was able to notch a victory in his first match against fellow rookie Tyson Matthews, and gave seasoned veteran Austin Cooper all that he could handle in his second match, before succumbing to a horrific finishing hold that Austin needed to pull out of his bag of tricks to thwart off the potential upset. Bruce is determined to make the Rock Hard ring his own ‘house of Bruce’ as he works his way up through the roster in his climb to the top. In this match, he takes on a tall titian rookie by the name of Blake Keller. Blake is a towering 6’2” and 215 lbs of beef and muscle. He brings an athletic background and is an emerging fitness model, though he has limited wrestling experience. These two guys have bumped into one another on the fitness modeling circuit, and come from the same region of the country, so they do have some history before entering into this challenge today. Bruce is in ‘beast mode’ for this match, entering the ring in military camouflage shorts and black boots. He pumps up his arms in the corner before slipping off the camo to reveal his signature black and blue square cut trunks, putting on a show for his fans. Across the ring, Blake is clad in burgundy square cuts and white boots which highlight his golden brown tan, not impressed with the bodybuilder’s pre-match antics. Round one opens with Bruce explaining the parts of the ring to the rookie, saying ‘this is the turnbuckle, this is the ropes, and this is the floor, you’ll be down there a lot’. Bruce muscles the newbie to the mat and stomps him on the back, proclaiming ‘what I say, the bigger they are the harder they fall’. Bruce lifts the tall titan to his feet to suplex him across the ring, then continues to attack Blake’s back with more stomps before grinding his knee into the small of his back. The chosen one, Bruce, has quickly been gaining confidence since stepping into the ring and his confidence is soaring in this match. He lifts big Blake into a reverse bearhug showing who’s got the real muscle in this match. Bruce drops him to the mat, flexes his ripped body in adoration of his work, then wraps his massive thighs around Blake’s waist and begins choking the big boy out. Bruce then works over Blake’s abs in the corner, but when he attempts to whip him into the opposite turnbuckle, Blake reverses the hold and Bruce’s ripped body is the one that ends up in the opposite turnbuckle. The tall titan senses an opening and goes on the attack. He uses his considerable height advantage to his benefit, lifting the bodybuilder up and over his shoulder then dropping him to the mat. Blake appears to know some moves as he grabs Bruce’s wrist and ankle and begins to stretch his prized muscles to the limit. Bruce screams out in pain as Blake drives his size 12 whit boot right through his ribcage. Blake isn’t afraid to inflict the pain as he asks the chosen one if he likes that? He then transitions the hold to a reverse leg lock and Bruce has got to be wondering how this rookie knows these kinds of moves. Blake is in control and loving it. He cranks on the leg lock, making the ripped bodybuilder suffer some more. But Bruce has been down this road before, he’s able to fend off the big boy’s attack then regains the momentum when he ducks under an attempted clothesline. Bruce hoists Blake up over his shoulders then dumps him to the mat. He strikes the tall titan with a heavy fist to the back, then places him in a camel clutch variation inflicting more pain on Blake’s back. The charming ripped bodybuilder then chokes his opponent out over the rope, setting him up to finish him off. Bruce sets Blake up to stretch his long legs out in a spladle, directly attacking the tall titan’s height advantage. Bruce exerts his massive muscles stretching the big boy’s lanky long legs out and splitting his crotch to its limits. He compels Blake to submit by crying out ‘I give to Bruce’ to bring an end to round one. Bruce celebrates by flexing his glorious, ripped biceps over his suffering foe.
Round two opens with Bruce asking ‘how’s that groin feel?’ with a sly grin on his face, and telling Blake he looks like a rookie who eats lots of cookies, a direct reference to the tall titan’s lack of abs. The ripped bodybuilder takes the early control with a stomp of his boot to Blake’s gut, then floors him with a clothesline and heart punch that immediately floors the rookie. But, Blake showed promising signs of skill in the first round and he’s able to quickly change the momentum in this round. He starts an attack on the good looking bodybuilder; first with a boston crab variation then transitioning to a rear leg lock which has Bruce groaning and squirming on the mat searching for any way to escape. The big boy Blake has Bruce firmly in his control and isn’t letting up. He pulls the bodybuilder to his feet, then laces his glorious muscles through the ropes, placing his boot squarely in Bruce’s back and begins pulling back on his massive arms in a standing surfboard. Watching the bodybuilder’s fantastic physique suffer while stretched out in the ring ropes is spectacular site, every one of his muscles stretched out in pain! When Bruce doesn’t submit, Blake pulls into the ring and into a headlock, taking a moment to pose his own impressive bicep while he’s in control of the ripped bodybuilder. The tall titan continues dishing out the punishment by wrapping his long legs around Bruce’s trim waist and squeezes the life out of him. Bruce seems to be worn out by the onslaught attack, and Blake doesn’t waste any more time. He flips Bruce over into a boston crab, and using his long legs to leverage even more pressure on his back, it isn’t long before Bruce is screaming out a submission. The rookie flexes his own impressive muscles over the fallen bodybuilder, knowing he just tied this match up at one round each. In round three will fan favorite, ripped bodybuilder be able to regain control of the big boy rookie and squeeze a victory out of him using his spectacular muscles? Or, can the rookie, tall titan Blake continue to demolish and pick apart the bodybuilder’s piping hot body and commence his wrestling career with an improbable upset win in his debut match?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Alex Waters vs Bruce Ballard and Ethan Andrews vs Dash Decker (King of the Ring Match)
Regular price $34.95Alex Waters vs Bruce Ballard
This match is a treat for anyone who loves muscle, and this match delivers a full 35 minutes of wall to wall muscle! Alex and Bruce both possess spectacular, mouth-watering physiques, which they both have spent endless hours in the gym perfecting. It was just a matter of time before these two superstars stepped into the ring to face off. Alex was an instant hit with the fans since his debut two years ago, and continues to attract new fans with his cocky, fratboy antics and trash talking style. Bruce is the total package with his perfect physique and movie star smile. He’s made quite an impression in his early matches, posting solid wins over fellow rookies Tyson Matthews and Blake Keller and giving Austin Cooper all he could handle before succumbing to a dastardly finishing hold that knocked him out. Both guys enter the ring oozing confidence. Alex is first into the ring, admiring both his good looks and fantastic muscles primping and posing in front of the wall length mirror. Bruce comes around the corner, wondering what he just walked in on. He asks Alex where he got his shorts, from peter pan, referring to the shade of green. And the cocky fratboy retorts ‘are you here for a haircut or an ass-kicking?” Alex invites him into the ring, and as you would expect from these two, a muscle pose off erupts. Biceps, abs, chest and back are all flexed by the two boiling hot bodies, and if this was a bodybuilding competition the judge’s scorecards would be hard pressed to decide a winner. Alex comments ‘look at that fat ass’ and Bruce replies ‘more like a bad ass’. In a surprise, Bruce actually scores the first cheap shot, kicking the back of the fratboy’s leg to start the action in round one. Alex drops to the mat, ironically claiming that was a cheap shot, but Bruce has no intentions of letting up. He pulls Alex to the center of the ring, connects with three shots to his chest, then kneels down on his abs and connects with several more shots to his torso. Bruce quickly switches to an arm bar, locking Alex’s powerful bicep but needing to strain every one of his bulging muscles to keep the fratboy secured. Bruce maintains the control for a while by wrapping his killer biceps around Alex’s small waist with a rear bearhug, making him suffer in a full nelson and grapevine combo, then driving him into 3 of the 4 corner turnbuckles and working over his awesome abs. Bruce is dominating the first seven minutes of this round, that is until the newbie makes a grave mistake. As Alex is agonizing on the mat, Bruce takes a moment to gloat and flex his eye-popping muscles. That’s a dumb mistake by the newbie! Alex recollects himself to seize the opening, and drives an underhand fist right up into the bodybuilder’s family jewels, scoring with his own cheap shot. He tells Bruce ‘don’t ever pose over me’ then repeatedly stomps his boot into the newbie’s back. Alex certainly makes Bruce pay for the punishment he dished out in the first half of this round, connecting with several back handed slaps to the bodybuilder’s ripped abs and perfect pecs, then stretches his spectacular body out on display in an over the knee backbreaker. But surprisingly Bruce is able to shift the momentum back to his side when he ducks under a clothesline attempt and sends a stiff kick to the cocky boy’s gut. Bruce focuses on delivering punishment to the fratboy’s back the rest of the way. He stretches him with a standing surfboard, suplexes him around the ring several times, then ultimately picks him up and drops him over his knee. Bruce has Alex’s muscles draped over his knee and isn’t about to let the cocky boy escape. He flexes every muscle in his body inflicting enormous pain on Alex’s back and keeps pushing his chin down to the mat harder and harder until Alex resentfully submits to the torment. Bruce proudly poses his total package body as he prevails in round one.
As round two begins, Alex is somewhat stunned by what happened in round one and recovering in his corner, but not surprisingly his hair remains perfectly styled. Bruce gets in the fratboy’s face and claims this is my ring, but Alex doesn’t agree. That doesn’t stop Bruce, he keeps on walking forward, shoving the cocky boy’s back into the ropes and starts working over those incredible abs. Bruce looks like he’s on a mission in this match! He inflicts more pain on the smaller Alex with a back breaking camel clutch, he wraps his colossal thighs around his suffering opponents waist and squeezes the life out of him, continues to dish out more gut bashing on Alex’s already sore, red abs. But just when you thought the big bodybuilder was going to pull the upset, Alex pulls himself up off the mat and gains control. He begins tossing Bruce around the ring, pounding away at his cover model body. Alex is pissed and it shows. He pays Bruce back with his own over the knee backbreaker, he stares down on the bodybuilder like a vulture stares down on roadkill. Alex torments him for a while before shoving his muscles to the mat. He helps Bruce to his feet, backs him into the corner turnbuckle, climbs the ropes and cinches on a reverse headlock. The bodybuilder’s torso is completely exposed and the cocky fratboy is intent on pulverizing every muscle. Once he’s done bashing Bruce, he drags the beaten and vulnerable rookie over to the ropes. Alex tortures Bruce’s tree trunk legs in the ropes, setting him up for what has become one of Alex’s favorite submission holds in recent matches. He turns up the intensity on the hold until Bruce cries out a submission to bring an end to round two, and even this match at one round a piece. These two superstar’s stunning muscles collide in round three and ends with one of them completely at the mercy of the other with no choice but submit to end the agony. The winner reigns in triumph and proudly poses his glorious, bulging muscles over his conquered subject that’s a stunning sight you’ll want to see!
Ethan Andrews vs Dash Decker
This match was inevitable, and it’s only fitting that it was set up as a King of the Ring Match. Both Ethan and Dash are current superstars, with Ethan having considerably more experience inside the ring and Dash being the reigning King of the Ring after defeating Alex Waters in KOTR 2. But, it’s the recent history that makes this match up so exciting. Ethan teamed with Gage Cardona as the Green Team to not only defeat the Dream Team of Dash and Alex Waters, but also humiliated them the after match was over. After claiming victory, the two lean bad boys strung up the two bodybuilders and pulverized their muscles so that they were sore for at least a week. Ethan gained lots of confidence from that match, and Dash was a sore, sore loser after that defeat. Both of these guys have been salivating to get their hands on one another. This being a King of the Ring match, one of these guys is going to have to make their opponent submit three times before being crowned the winner of this KOTR 3. The first round opens with a little trash talking, Ethan bragging he’s won a lot more matches than Dash, and Dash telling him he’s going to need to win three rounds today to chalk up a victory. They lock up in a test of strength to start the action, and though Dash’s power is superior Ethan gains the advantage first with a swift boot to the bodybuilder’s killer abs. Dash falls to his knees and before he knows, the bad boy has him locked up with an arm bar. Ethan cranks on that for a while, then ties up both arms of the bodybuilder with his long legs. Dash is perplexed and in trouble as he’s totally at the will of Ethan at this moment. Dash’s ripped six pack abs are openly exposed as he’s trapped in the hold, and everybody knows that Ethan loves bashing away at the muscleboy’s abs, and that’s exactly what he begins to do to Dash. The bad boy releases the hold and transitions into a reverse figure four leg lock and camel clutch combination that places extreme pressure on the bodybuilder’s back. But so early in the round, Dash is no way going to submit at this point, he endures the punishment and then strikes with the first low blow of the contest. He connects with an uppercut right into the bad boy’s infamous humungous package causing him to wilt in pain to the mat. Dash stomps on Ethan’s legs for payback and to weaken them, then begins a calculated attack on the lean muscled bad boy’s back. The bodybuilder’s power advantage takes over from here; he places Ethan in an agonizing single leg boston crab, then lifts him high above the mat and drops him down over his knee into a backbreaker inflicting more pain on the street punk’s back. Ethan cries out in pain until Dash shoves him to the mat. Ethan uses the ropes to climb to his feet, but Dash is there to sling him across the ring into a thumping clothesline. Dash senses it’s time to finish, so he locks Ethan’s legs and rocks him up onto his knees in a suspended bow and arrow. Ethan is stretched out in severe pain with no way to escape. Dash applies the pressure until the bad boy screams out a submission to end the suffering. Dash brags ‘this is easier than I thought’ then flexes his glorious muscles to claim round one. Dash–1, Ethan–0.
Round two starts with Ethan trying to shake off the pain and also flipping the finger to Dash across the ring. It’s evident he’s still shaken as he staggers out of his corner, but Dash isn’t about to let up on him. He shoves the bad boy into the ropes and as he bounces back Dash scoops him up and slams him to the mat, he follows that with a clothesline, then drives a series of knees into Ethan’s lower back. It appears Dash’s strategy is to weaken the back. But, Ethan hasn’t racked up his impressive win total without knowing how to endure punishment. In fact, he seems to thrive and feed off of it. Dash continues with whipping Ethan across the ring into opposite turnbuckles, but as Dash comes charging across Ethan connects with an elbow to the bodybuilder’s jaw. The bad boy goes back on the attack on Dash’s legs. He delivers a few boots to the hamstring before locking on a tight figure four leg lock which has the bodybuilder in anguish. Ethan keeps the hold on for a while, exerting more and more pressure. But Dash won’t give so he releases the hold, then delivers a forearm uppercut to the jaw as the bodybuilder was getting to his feet. Ethan has found his mojo in this round and isn’t letting up! He drags Dash over to the ropes to torture him while disfiguring his face. Dash’s body has taken a beating, so Ethan drags him to the center of the ring. The bad boy sits behind him, and laces his long legs around Dash’s massive arms, locking his ankles behind his neck which stretches the bodybuilder’s massive arms to the limit. Dash squirms and squiggles trying to escape but Ethan has it locked on tight and eventually Dash has no other choice but to submit. Ethan flexes his muscles over a fallen Dash to take round two. Dash-1, Ethan-1.
It’s all evened up at one round a piece, so one of these guys needs to win two more rounds to prove he’s the King of the Ring. Can the street punk, bad boy take the big bodybuilder down by continuing his assault on the reigning King of the Ring’s massive legs and ripped abs? Or will Dash turn the tables and use some dirty tricks and his massive muscles to force Ethan to submit twice more? This match does go a full five rounds and 35 minutes to determine the winner, and it climaxes with a surprising finish as one of these superstars ends it all in a flash to claim King of the Ring. An instant classic you need to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.
TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan and Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper & Zack Johnathan
After Dash was humiliated by his and Alex’s tag team loss to the Green Team at the end of last year, he decided it was time to look for a new tag team partner. He scoured the roster for a partner that he could count on and decided one of the new guys fit the bill. He was looking for a bodybuilder like himself, and that guy was Bruce Ballard. Bruce has shown great promise as an up and coming superstar, conquering the likes of fellow rookies Tyson Matthews and Blake Keller and pushing reigning superstars Austin Cooper and Alex Waters to their limits in his four matches to date. Dash liked what he saw in the rookie, approached him with the idea, and a new team was formed! Dash wanted his new team to start with a bang, so he challenged the two guys that have been at the top of the Rock Hard roster since its early days. He called out Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, the Z-man. Of course these two veterans didn’t back down and quickly huddled for a strategy session. Coop and Z-man have plenty of impressive muscle themselves but wanted to take a different approach for this match, and they decided speed kills. So the stage was set, it is going to be Team Strength vs Team Speed in this showdown. Team Speed enters the ring first, sporting matching red t-shirts, black trunks and black boots. Their t-shirts emblazed with the super hero ‘Flash’ logo. As the two muscle studs enter the ring, they begin running the ropes, bouncing and crisscrossing the mat like lightning. The two bodybuilders enter the arena in blue super hero ‘Superman’ t-shirts and seem amused with the muscle boy’s antics. Of course once both teams are inside the squared circle, the testosterone level begins to rise and a flex off occurs. The ring is filled with four spectacular muscle studs and they aren’t afraid to show off their bodies. If you’re into muscle, this could be the pinnacle match for you! When these four studs peel off their t-shirts you wonder how either team if going to lose? Round one begins with Coop saying to Zack he’ll start things off and Bruce in his corner ready to go. But, as Coop comes across the ring he declares he wants to start the action with Dash, the bigger one. He claims he wants to start off with super man not super woman. Surprisingly, Team Strength obliges and Bruce steps out and Dash steps in. Not a good omen for the two bodybuilders. Coop scores with a cheap shot, carries Dash across the ring for some double teaming, then controls the big bodybuilder down on the mat. The burly redhead squeezes his massive thighs around Dash’s waist before tagging in the Z-man. Zack gets a few shots in on the chosen one before he’s able to tag in Bruce to the rescue. Bruce uses his brute strength to hoist Zack up in the air and carries him around the ring, but its short lived for the total package as Zack gets to his feet and with lightning speed ducks under Bruce and reverses the control. Zack brings Bruce over against the ropes near his corner and places him in one of his signature holds, a standing ab stretch against the ropes. Zack has Bruce’s fantastic physique stretched out, and Coop is quick to double team bodybuilder with a rear choke. Bruce’s mouth-watering muscles are being pummeled, pulled, and stretched to their limits. Like an insect caught in a spider’s web, Bruce is in deep trouble with Team Speed. They work over his muscles like he was their own personal play toy, but the bodybuilder is able to endure the punishment for now. The teams tag in and out, and get shots in on one another, but in the end Team Speed has their eyes on the lesser experienced Bruce. As Bruce is using his super power to pick up and slam Coop to the mat, Zack distracts the rookie and Coop draws on his lightning speed to turn the tables. Coop bitch slaps Bruce across the chest, then draws on his own power to place the bodybuilder in a torture rack across his broad shoulders, proclaiming you guys aren’t the only ones with strength. He then whips Bruce into the turnbuckle where Zack awaits for some more double team punishment which also includes Coop grinding his boot deep into the bodybuilder’s crotch. As Bruce is cringing in pain, Coop determines it’s time to take rookie out. Austin set’s him up on the mat and places Bruce into his famous crotch splitting finishing hold known as ‘the Coop’. Bruce’s poor crotch is stretched out in agonizing pain and he has no choice but to whimper out a submission. Round one goes to Team Speed as Coop flexes his mighty biceps over the fallen prey.
Round two starts with the same two guys, Austin and Bruce, and nothing has changed as Coop begins with a bearhug on the rookie bodybuilder as he was trying to walk off the pain in his groin. But Bruce is able to soon tag in Dash to get some relief. Dash climbs through the ropes, takes a cheap shot at Zack, then challenges the brawny redhead to a test of strength. No surprise, Dash takes the control and in a complete display of power never seen before actually lifts Coop of his feet as their hands are locked. Coop is stunned, but Zack comes to his rescue with a shot to Dash’s back. This opens the door for Team Speed to have some fun and double team Dash in their corner, and topping it off with a dose of groin punishment. As Dash struggles to get to his feet, Zack comes in and rides the big guy like a well broken in surfboard. But Dash doesn’t stay down for long, he connects with two well-placed elbows into Zack’s perfect pecs to floor the world class fitness model. He then proceeds to deliver some payback, placing his size 11 boot straight down on the Z-man’s family jewels. Zack squirms in pain, then Dash tosses him around the ring in a full nelson like a ragdoll before he’s able to escape briefly and tag in Austin. Coop climbs the turnbuckle in an attempt to make a flying splash into Dash, but it doesn’t happen as Dash stays outside the striking distance. The chosen one has worked up a good lather at this point and catches Coop with a kick to the gut. As Coop lays face down, Dash tags in Bruce and they take the time to double team the weakened veteran by nearly pulling and ripping his massive arms right out of their shoulder sockets. The action in round two continues at a furious pace, with each team having their time to dish out the pain and punishment on one another’s pumped up muscles. With Dash and Bruce knowing they need to win this round, they make an all-out assault on the smaller muscle boy Zack. The Z-man gets stretched and power slammed to the mat by Bruce, before Bruce hoists the battered opponent over his impressive broad into a crucifix. Zack’s award winning muscles are draped over the bodybuilder’s back and he’s completely vulnerable. Bruce bounces him up and down a few times to exaggerate the pain, then walks him over to his partner. Dash salivates at the chance to punch, pound and ab claw Zack’s exposed torso until the muscle model can’t take it any longer. Bruce dastardly makes him submit multiple times before dropping him to the mat and proudly flexing his own imposing biceps over his beaten down opponent. Team Strength evens this match at one round a piece. Will the sweaty bodybuilders be able to continue imposing their will on Team Speed and chalk up an inaugural victory? Or, can the veterans Austin and Zack use their lightning like speed and their own dose of muscle to spoil the new tag team’s debut? One thing’s for certain, the final round is packed with high flying and power packed action with the match lasting a full 40 minutes to determine the outcome between these four extraordinary physiques!
Chad Daniels vs Blake Keller
The blond haired mop top Chad spends his summers as a lifeguard at the beach, mostly working on his tan and showing off his scorching beach bod. As he sits in his tower and keeps watch over the beach goers, the girls ask if he’ll take a selfie with them and the guys are just plain jealous of his perfect muscles. He knows he’s there to save lives and give CPR when needed, all the while enjoying the sunshine, blue waters, and people watching. Since joining Rock Hard, he’s put up impressive challenges to veterans Zack Johnathan and Austin Cooper, but in the end just didn’t have enough experience to pull out a victory. His opponent in this match, Blake also joined the roster about the same time. Blake is a tall, strapping southern boy who’s also run into trouble in his first two matches, giving his all but ultimately losing to the total package Bruce Ballard and the chosen one Dash Decker. So, it was inevitable that these two rookies would square off against one another with one of them able to notch his first success. The match starts with the two rookies exchanging pleasantries and sizing each other up. They’re both about the same height. Blake has about 15-20 pounds on Chad, but the lifeguard has more defined muscle packed on his frame. Blake starts the trash talking, saying ‘come on shaggy’, taking a shot at Chad’s blond locks. Blake also takes control first, throwing the lifeguard to the mat and stomping his size 12 boot on top of his back and leg. He then stretches Chad’s massive legs and crotch out on the mat, places him in a back bending boston crab, then uses his strength and size to hoist him up into a reverse bear hug. At this point, the lifeguard looks like a fish out of water as the tall titan is having his way with his beach bod muscles. Blake continues to stomp his big, white boot on Chad’s body before he whips him across the ring and into a clothesline that flattens the shaggy, blond mop top. As the lifeguard’s battered body lay on the mat, Blake gets down and wraps his long, muscular legs around Chad’s tiny 29” waist and begins squeezing away, proclaiming ‘Chad is sad’. But Chad doesn’t seem to be too sad because once he breaks free and gets to his feet, he seems to be pissed! He lifts Blake up over his head and power slams him into the mat. The ring floor vibrates when the 215 lb titan hits the mat, as Chad asks ‘how’s your back feel now?’ Chad dishes out some of his own stomping on Blake’s body, then rolls him into a leg scissors. You can only imagine what it feels like to have the lifeguard’s massive thighs wrapped around your waist and his legs squeezing you like a hydraulic press! Blake cries out in pain as Chad looks down upon his prey. Once Blake has suffered enough, he shoves him off, stands up and begins posing his beach bod muscles in admiration. He even flexes his bicep in Blake’s face to show whose boss. Chad lifts Blake to his feet and locks on his own bearhug, flexing his massive arms around the tall titan’s torso. He throws Blake to the mat, then stretches his long frame out as he drives his foot into his ribcage. But, the lifeguard can’t put him away. When the lifeguard begins lifting Blake to his feet, the big man strikes with a double leg and lifts Chad up over his shoulder. He then says’ what goes up must come down’ before slamming the blond surfer boy to the mat. Blake chokes and then straddles his long body over Chad’s muscles but isn’t able to secure a submission. That was a mistake! Both guys get to their feet and the lifeguard takes control by throwing Blake into the ropes then dropping his 6’2” bod down to the canvas. The blond muscle boy stomps on Blake’s back a few times, then drags him up and hoists his long, lanky body across his broad, sun drenched shoulders into to torture rack. Chad has Blake’s 215 lbs draped over his shoulders and begins bouncing him up and down to inflict maximum punishment. Blake withstands the pain as long as he can until finally giving up. The beach boy celebrates his triumph by flexing his ripped six-pack over a beaten Blake. Chad’s not sad, Chad’s bad!
Round two opens with Blake trying to rub away the pain in his back, and Chad strutting around the ring like a proud peacock. They each throw a few wisecracks about who’s got the bigger muscles which leads to a test of strength. The lifeguards inspiring arms win the battle as he hurls Blake to the mat, then follows up with a stomp to his gut. He continues his control over Blake with a camel clutch before stretching him and his lengthy body out on the mat by placing his boots on his shoulders and pulling back on Blake’s arms with all his might. The Chadster is feeling good about himself as he strikes a few poses with his sexy, hot bod while Blake suffers on the mat. But the lifeguard strikes one too many poses and allows for an opening for Blake to turn the tables. The brown haired titan sends the blond haired mop top to the mat with a sweeping ankle pick and gets in Chad’s face flexing his own mighty muscles. He lifts Chad to his feet then sends him across the ring and drives his forearm across the beach boy’s powerful chest with a clothesline. He continues the assault with a boston crab then follows that up with a leg scissors by lacing his long legs around Chad’s waist, and then stretches him in a bow and arrow as he lays face down on the mat. Will the tall titan be able to force a submission out of Chad and even this match at one round each? Or can Chad turn things around and impose his beach bod muscles to compel Blake to submit a second straight time to chalk up his first victory then forego any CPR on his laid out opponent? One thing's for sure, this is no day at the beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews and Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Uh oh, seems like Dash and Bruce are at it again! They teamed up recently as super heroes to narrowly defeat the much more experienced team of Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, and are looking to wreak havoc on the tag team scene here at Rock Hard. They both have enjoyed success since joining the roster; Dash is the reigning King of the Ring, and Bruce is racking up experience and wins in his quest for the top spot. They seem to feed off each other’s energy and confidence, and we all know they both possess mind blowing bodies. You have to wonder how this match ever got scheduled. It’s like feeding two twinkies to a pack of wolves! Dash and Bruce must have charmed someone to secure a match-up against two unlikely tag team partners in Colt and Tyson. The sly teen Colt has had some success and chalked up his first victory a short while back, but the backyard brawler style of Tyson has not translated well to the ring. He’s been manhandled by three superstars; Ethan, Bruce, and Alex. Honestly, there’s little reason to think these two blond boys have even a remote chance in this match. But then again, it’s always nice to see a total squash once in a while. Round one begins with Dash and Tyson in the ring, and Dash declaring ‘we’re going to kick your ass’. And that’s exactly what starts to happen! Tyson makes the mistake of locking up in a test of strength so the huge bodybuilder just powers him back to his team’s corner and begins bashing and stomping his abs. Bruce just looks on in a show of confidence knowing Dash needs no help, and shouts across the ring to Colt ‘you’re next pretty boy’. And indeed he is, Tyson crawls over to escape the torment and tags Colt. The sly teen climbs through the ropes and directly into Dash’s size 11 black boot that connects with Colt’s gut. Dash puts him through the ringer applying his massive muscles with a boston crab and camel clutch on the poor boy. Dash tags in Bruce to give him a shot at the fun and the bodybuilder picks up where Dash left off, punishing Colt in a camel clutch as he flexes in the mirror. From there Bruce gets his shots in on Tyson, and Dash throws Colts around the ring like a blond headed rag doll. Tyson tags in to take on the bodybuilder Bruce and the total package out muscles him by picking him up and slamming him into the mat. Colt’s seen enough and jumps in on a double team, connecting with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s back. Tyson does take advantage for a short minute, strongly applying a double leg boston crab bending the muscle boy’s massive legs. But it’s short lived, Bruce escapes and locks an MMA arm bar on the backyard brawler wanting to rip his arm off. Tyson does survive and is able to tag in Colt, and at the same time Bruce tags in Dash. Colt’s thrown into the corner by the chosen one, but after a few shoulder thrusts into to teen’s abs, Colt sends a number of knees into Dash’s gut. Colt makes the big bodybuilder ache in a reverse ankle lock. But once again, any momentum Team Colt/Tyson gain quickly evaporates. Dash re-takes control with a stiff clothesline and follows that with a knee to Colt’s forehead that stuns the blond. Dash continues his beating on Colt, softening him up for his partner to come in and finish him off. That’s exactly what happens! Bruce enters the ring, throws and slams the teenager around the ring as Tyson looks on helplessly. Bruce hoists Colt up across his muscular shoulders and starts doing leg presses as the beaten teen lay lifeless with no way to escape. Bruce commands Colt to cry out a submission, and then drops his sweaty, battered body to the mat to end round one.
Round two, and according to tag team rules, it starts with the same participants who finished the last round. Bruce is grinning wide and Colt is recovering as they come to center ring. As they’re circling, the sly blond teen reaches over and slaps Dash across the face, which just pisses off both Dash and Bruce. Bruce grabs Colt by the throat, shoves him against the ropes and begins choking him out with his powerful arms in retaliation for the cheap slap. As Colt struggles for air, Bruce adds insult to injury by telling him, ‘God, you’re ugly’, as he dials up the intensity. He then flips the blond to the mat, but is surprised when the sly MMA fighter catches him with a sweeping leg takedown. Colt may not be all that in the muscle department, but he’s as quick as a cat. Once he’s got the bodybuilder on the mat, this evens things up a bit, and he quickly locks a reverse ankle lock on the muscle dude. Colt has applied this hold hundreds of times and he knows how to inflict the pain, so he torques up the pressure as Bruce’s flexes every muscle on his glorious body searching for a way to escape. Will Colt and Tyson be able to maintain the momentum and take out the big bodybuilders?! NO! Bruce manages to tag in Dash, and when the sly teen see’s this, he hightails it out of the ring. Tyson comes in and is mauled by Dash. It’s all downhill from here for the blond rookies. The bodybuilders have their way with them for the next 10 minutes, toying with them and double teaming them along the way. Round two and the match ends with Dash punishing Tyson’s body until he’s compelled to scream out a submission saying ‘you’re the best’ to the powerful duo. Dash and Bruce flex their eye-popping guns in triumph as the sweat drips off their bodies, bringing to an end one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history!
Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Bad boy Ethan has been seething mad lately, since losing his King of the Ring match by the narrowest of margins against Dash. Who can blame him? He outwrestled Dash, but in the end Dash’s superior muscle was able to squeak out a victory to retain his KOTR title. Up until that, Ethan was riding high with; a 2 on 1 beating with Gage against Alex, the now famous Green Team vs Dream Team match where Ethan & Gage literally beat the shit out of Dash & Alex in a huge upset, and then Ethan knocking out the sly teen Colt sending him to la-la land. So the street punk gave it some serious thought to decide who he could take all of his frustration out on, and who better than the friend of his enemy! That’s Bruce! Dash and Bruce have joined forces recently to dominate the tag team scene; with a hard fought victory over Austin and Zack, and then total destruction of Colt and Tyson. They have set themselves up as the team to be reckoned with at RHW. So with Bruce flying high, the bad boy has his sights on bringing the bodybuilder with movie star looks back down to reality. Bruce is psyched for this match, seeing it as an opportunity for him to climb closer to the top of the roster. The bodybuilder is ringside pumping out dumbbell curls as a warm up to the match, and also wanting to get inside bad boy’s head. Bruce is dressed in his favorite black with blue stripes trunks and black boots, while Ethan struts into the arena in his signature red and black long tights which flaunt his infamous, enormous package, and also wearing black boots. Bruce takes the first jab, saying’ what’s up skinny?’ and Ethan fires back asking if he came in at the wrong times as Bruce is making love to himself in the mirror. Bruce asks ‘can you blame me?’ and the bad boy tells him he’s seen better and he’s beaten better! Bruce takes some time to flex, pose, and admire his perfect physique in the mirror, as Ethan looks on from the ring. And the bodybuilder plays one more card, wanting to get into the mind of the smaller street punk. He grabs an apple and crushes it in his hand seemingly in a display of what he’s about to do to his smaller opponent. Round one begins with a test of strength, which you think would favor Bruce, but Ethan’s been here before and scores first with a swift knee into the bodybuilder’s abs. Bruce crumbles, and the bad boy wastes no time in starting to put the bodybuilder through the ringer. Ethan’s been salivating at the opportunity to use and abuse the pretty muscle boy’s muscles, so he wastes no time locking on a single leg boston crab. Bruce can’t escape before Ethan transitions the hold to a reverse ankle lock and chin lock. He’s really stretching the back of the bodybuilder, then moves onto a surfboard. He yanks back on Bruce’s massive arms as his boot drives directly into the small of his back. Bruce playfully asks ‘is that all you got?’ and this only encourages the street punk to ratchet up the pain. He finishes the hold by driving his knee deep down into Bruce’s back. Ethan has all the momentum and isn’t about to let up, he’s intent on delivering a message back at Bruce’s tag team partner Dash that someone’s going to pay for that KOTR loss! He drags the bodybuilder to his feet, whips him across the ring then connects with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s prized abs. This not only floors the total package but also knocks the wind out of him. As Bruce lay on the mat, Ethan stays on the attack. He stomps Bruce’s six pack three times to soften it up, then literally steps up onto Bruce’s abs and taunts the muscle stud as all of his weight is driven into the bodybuilder’s gut. It’s clear the bad boy was ready for this match as he’s totally dominated the action to this point! Ethan continues to work over every muscle on Bruce’s body, even adding some insult to injury with a fish hook hold that gives everyone a clean view of the total package’s Colgate white smile. The bodybuilder does manage to get a few shots in with clothesline, arm bar, and reverse bear hug but that only slows down the inevitable. The bad boy Ethan is zeroed in on destroying the bodybuilder and he quickly regains the momentum. He continues to focus on demolishing Bruce’s back and pulverizing his fantastic abs. He drops the bodybuilder across his knee into a backbreaker and bashes his abs as he stretched out, and asks him if wants to submit and admit that ‘this skinny kid can beat the f*ck out of you’. But Bruce refuses to do that, so the Ethan shoves him off his knee, grabs one ankle and one wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of Bruce’s beautiful body. Bruce cries out in pain as Ethan has him torqued very tight, and when the bodybuilder won’t submit the bad boy stomps his boot into the small of Bruce’s back compelling him to cry out a submission. As Bruce’s hapless, sweat soaked body lay face down on the mat, Ethan kneels on his back and flexes his own bulging biceps in victory to end round one.
Round two opens with Bruce slumped in his corner, rubbing the soreness from his blood red abs. The bad boy asks him ‘how’s it going’, and the bodybuilder tells him ‘it’s about to get a lot worse for you!’ Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out that way for the total package. Ethan seizes control with a side headlock, then hip tosses him to the mat. He squeezes tight around Bruce’s neck for a bit, then transitions to a head scissors. He control’s the bodybuilder with just his long, lanky legs, and then rubs it in Bruce’s face by doing a series of push-ups as he’s in total control. Ethan dominates the muscle stud, using his full arsenal of holds to inflict pure pain and punishment on every one of the bodybuilder’s mouth-watering muscles. Bruce’s abs are sure to be sore for a week after the beating they just took. Someone call the ambulance! This is one VERY HOT match, and may well have been the bad boy’s finest performance ever! A MUST SEE!All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels and Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker vs Chad Daniels
‘The Chosen One’, Dash, has yet to lose a singles match and is the reigning King of the Ring. He’s learned to use his spectacular muscled body to intimidate his opponents, but recently just squeaked out a narrow victory over resident bad boy in their King of the Ring 3 match. Could that spell trouble for Dash? Have the other guys on the roster finally figured out a way to bring the big bodybuilder down? There have been some rumblings in the locker room that someone needs to step up and bring the big bodybuilder down. Next up it’s going to be Chad. The shaggy blond with the all-american collegiate body had success in his last encounter, chalking up a victory over Blake Keller. His confidence is high and he certainly has the muscle to step toe-to-toe with Dash. But, the big question is will he be able to get it done. Dash ditches his signature red trunks this match for a pair of blue ones that are complimented by his blue knee pads and black boots. Chad is clad in two-tone red square cuts that highlight his massive thighs along with his all-american white boots. Chad stands in his corner and bemuses ‘so you’re this bad-ass Dash I’ve been hearing about?’, and Dash responds ‘at least you heard right, I don’t even know who you are’ to start things off in round one. The big bodybuilder ties up with the shaggy blond then shoves him into the corner and strikes with a knee to his lifeguard abs to quickly gain the control. Dash works him over in the corner, flips him to the center of the ring, then chicken wings his arm while driving his knee deep into the small of Chad’s back. Dash drags him up by his shaggy hair, whips him into a clothesline, then follows that up with a boston crab. Dash drops an elbow on the beach bod boy as he grovels on the mat. Right now, things aren’t good for Chad, they’re bad! Chad pulls himself up by the ropes only to have Dash shove him back into the corner turnbuckle and begins to drive shoulder thrusts directly into Chad’s beautiful abs. The ‘chosen one’ then wraps his massive arms around the blond’s tight waist, lifts him into a front facing bear hug and proceeds to give him a tour of the ring by slamming him back first into three different ring posts. Chad pleads with Dash to put him down, but it’s to no avail. But just when you’re thinking this might be a squash job, Chad is able to escape from a leg scissors and surprises the bodybuilder by lifting him up and slamming him down to the mat. He gives Dash a few stomps with his size 11 boots, then makes his back suffer in a boston crab. Chad’s showing some signs of mounting a comeback. The shaggy blond places the bodybuilder’s muscles in a camel clutch, yanks back real hard on his chin, then flexes his mighty biceps in the Dash’s face in disdain. The bodybuilder kicks his legs in an attempt to escape, but Chad has him in control and tells him ‘take that fatty!’ The blond lifeguard tells him I can hold this on all day long and continues flexing his beach bod biceps as Dash suffers below. Chad’s learned enough to ask for a submission, but he’s going to need to inflict more punishment if he’s going to force a submission out of the reigning King of the Ring. Since Dash won’t submit, Chad drags his sweaty body up to his feet then whips him across the ring for a clothesline. But, Dash is able to duck under the attempt and rebounds to connect with a flying shoulder. Dash goes on the attack, nearly snapping Chad’s arm in an arm bar, continuing to assault his six packs abs while backed into the turnbuckle, then stretches the shaggy blond’s hot body out in a grapevine and full nelson combo. Dash’s muscles glisten with sweat as he punishes the lifeguard, beating him down to finish him off. Once he’s weakened Chad’s sexy beach bod, he flips him up and across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Dash has him draped over his shoulder with one arm and flexes his bulging bicep of his other arm in total control. Chad has no choice but to cry out a submission to end the agony. Dash celebrates by flexing his sweat soaked muscles to end round one.
Round two begins with Dash asking Chad is he’s alright, and he replies ‘I’m fine, I just don’t know if you got the stamina to go another round fatty’. Dash is obviously amused by the question, as the two start to circle in center ring. They go at it with a test of strength and the big bodybuilder overpowers the shaggy blond beach bod, then shoves him into the corner. Dash’s muscles are flush with blood and pumped to the max after round one, and he’s not losing any momentum here in this round. Dash takes Chad to the mat and starts working over the muscle boy, pounding away at his six-pack, driving his fist down deep into abs with a claw hold, then tops it off by choking him out. Chad struggles to escape the torment but to no avail. He’s under the complete control of the bodybuilder. Dash piles on the pain with a torturous camel clutch, then stretches the lifeguard’s bod while he’s trapped in the ropes. It’s starting to look like this may be an easy win for Dash, but that’s going to change when Chad reverses a cross ring whip, and instead it’s the bodybuilder that goes crashing into the turnbuckle. It’s payback time for Chad as he delivers some ab bashing of his own on Dash’s precious 8-pack. Chad scoops the bodybuilder up and drops him over his knee and drives his elbow into Dash’s abs as he’s laid out in an over the knee backbreaker. When Dash doesn’t submit to that, Chad transitions into another submission hold that stretches the bodybuilder’s pain threshold to the limits. Can the shaggy blond stretch a submission out of Dash and even this match up at one round a piece? Or is it a fat chance that the chosen one is going to end up losing this match to Chad? The sweat drips off both of their glorious bodies as one of them is laid out to nighty night.
Bruce Ballard vs Zack Johnathan
Two of the sexiest muscle studs in the business square off in this match! ‘The Total Package’ Bruce has burst on the scene over the last year and has racked up an impressive 5-2 record, which includes an impressive win over Alex Waters and two tag team victories partnering up with his buddy Dash Decker. But, in his last match he was totally dominated and tormented by Rock Hard’s resident bad boy Ethan Andrews. Ethan tore Bruce apart muscle by mother watering muscle until Bruce couldn’t submit fast enough to put an end to the torture. Bruce thought he would take a super hero approach to this match, and what better super hero to become with the name of Bruce than Batman?! ‘The World Class Fitness Model’ Zack has been with Rock Hard since day one and has piled up 12 victories against just 7 losses. His picture perfect physique has been featured in an abundance of magazines, movies, and magic mike type shows. His glorious muscles are adored by the women and envied by the guys. He’s always in peak shape, and like a fine wine, keeps getting better with age. Zack isn’t afraid to step into the ring with anyone, and he certainly won’t be intimidated by Batman Bruce! Round one begins after some early banter where Bruce claims he’s feeling good and he’s ready, and Zack questioning the Batman t-shirt. The two muscle hunks lock up and Bruce scores first with a swift knee to Zack’s abs and a clothesline that stuns the fitness model. Bruce remarks ‘you’re not talking so much now’ and connects with a few stomps to the Z-man’s six-pack, then begins stretching his money making muscles out on the mat. Bodybuilder Bruce releases the hold only to place Zack face down on the mat and stretches him out some more by yanking back on his well-built arms with a surfboard. T t-shirt seems to be working for Bruce, as he continues to control Zack with an arm bar, a head scissors, then transitions that to a leg scissors around Z-man’s slim waist. Bruce is feeling it as he flexes his eye-popping bicep while his opponent lay trapped between his massive thighs. Zack manages to survive the hold and get to his feet but Bruce is there to scoop him up and drop him across knee into a backbreaker. Magic Zack’s impeccable muscles are stretched out over the bodybuilder’s knee. Bruce works his abs over a bit before shoving the Z-man to the mat. It seems like Batman Bruce is here to clean up Gotham as he has Zack trapped in a reverse bearhug and walks him around the ring. The Z-man says he’s about to puke after Bruce tosses him to the mat and begins admiring himself in the mirror. That turns out to be a major mistake, and with no Robin around to help him, Zack is able to turn the tables on the pride of Gotham. Z-man connects with his size 10 white boot to the small of the bodybuilder’s back, and tells him ‘never turn your back on me!’ The world class fitness model has wrestled in enough matches to know when he’s given an opening, and he’s going to make the bodybuilder pay. Zack begins by nearly ripping Bruce’s head off, looking a lot like he’s trying to unmask the Gotham guy, then lifts him up into a standing full nelson, overpowering Bruce before forcing him into the mat. He’s just warming up as he scoops Bruce up and slams him down, then begins torturing his back as be pulls back on the bodybuilder’s chin with his knee driven into Bruce’s back. Zack’s arms are flexed to the max as he cranks back on Bruce’s chin, while the bodybuilder groans in pain. Zack has all the momentum at this point, and Bruce has to wonder what’s going on? Zack delivers the punishment with a standing headlock and a single leg boston crab, knowing he’s close to claiming victory. As Bruce is suffering on the mat, Zack stands up, grabs one of Bruce’s wrist and one of his ankles and starts tugging Bruce’s limbs with his mighty muscles. Bruce cries out in pain, knows he’s in trouble but refuses to give up. So the Z-man starts stomping his boot into the ribcage until the bodybuilder can’t take it an longer and screams out a submission. Zack towers over a defeated Bruce saying ‘round one’s mine brother’. And indeed it is!
Bruce looks spent in his corner at the start of round two, and Zack asks him if he’s ‘ready for more?’ Zack attacks and quickly goes to work on Bruce’s stellar six-pack, then gives his groin a good stretching in a wishbone move, before nearly choking him out with a rear naked choke hold. The Z-man is on point for this match and having his way with the bodybuilder. Both of their spectacular bodies are working up a nice sweat 12 minutes into the match that makes their muscles even more spectacular. Zack stay on offense with the intent of sweeping the Batman in two straight rounds, locking him up in a reverse bear hug, punishing him in the ropes, then drops him over the knee for a payback backbreaker and driving his vice like grip into the bodybuilder’s abs with a brutalizing claw hold. Bruce is finally able to reverse the momentum and catches the fitness model with a leg sweep which allows for him to go on offense. Bruce works the Z-man over in every corner of the ring with; a double leg boston crab, several heavy stomps and slams, a painful camel clutch that has Zack in serious trouble. Bruce seizes the opportunity to set Zack up in a kneeling surfboard and uses his massive muscles to yank back on his arms as his boot is driven deep in his back. Zack’s magic muscles contain a lot of power, but not when he’s in this position, and he’s compelled to submit to end the agony. Bruce flexes his mighty bi’s to claim round two. Both of these muscle studs go all out in round three and both of them have opportunities to secure the victory. Can Batman Bruce gain the advantage with his colossal muscles and lucky t-shirt to secure the safety of Gotham? Or will Zack get his magic groove back and out maneuver and out muscle the impressive bodybuilder. All the action leads up to an unexpected ‘Kapow’ finishing hold you’re sure to enjoy!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper and Austin Cooper vs Dash Decker (KOTR 4)
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper
Austin has been eyeing this match for a long time. He’s sat back and watched Dash rack up win after win and he thinks now is the time to step in and knock the reigning King of the Ring off his pedestal. He’s sick of seeing Dash take out weaker opponents and took note of the last KOTR match where street punk Ethan pushed Dash to his limits only to see Dash squeak out a narrow victory at the very end. The burly red head has been at Rock Hard long before ‘The Chosen One’ strutted his magnificent physique into this ring, and he wants to be the one to knock him down the roster a few notches. On the other hand, Dash has been willing to take on all comers since he got here, and to his credit, he’s defeated them all (except for the tag team upset loss against the Green Team which he blames on Alex Waters). Dash fears no one and he’s not worried about climbing into the ring against the veteran tactician Coop. But, just as you’re getting settled in to watch a colossal superstar showdown this match takes a twisted turn! At the start of round one, Dash seizes control, driving Austin back into the turnbuckle and drives a few shoulder thrusts into his gut. He then pulls the beefy red head out of the corner, places him in a standing full nelson and begins thrashing him around the ring. Coop is able to reverse the action, driving the bodybuilder down to the mat and has his shoulders pinned with a reverse bridge hold. Coop then straddles Dash and begins choking him, next wraps his humongous thighs around Dash’s waist and begins to squeeze. Dash survives and is able to regain control. He repays Coop with a chokehold of his own, an arm bar, then cranks away with a camel clutch and flexes his huge bicep in the red head’s face. These two superstars continue to bash away on one another for the first seven minutes of this match, but that’s where things change! Just as Austin has the upper hand and he’s pulling back on Dash’s big arms into what could be a suspended surfboard and a submission, Dash’s partner in crime, Bruce, walks over from the other side of the gym. Bruce was in the middle of a pumping session when he heard his tag team partner screaming out in pain. He drops the dumbbells, climbs the ropes, flies through the air and connects with a cheap shot on Coop. It stuns Coop, and this is where the complexion of the match changes. This match shifts from a 1 on 1 superstar showdown to a 2 on 1 superstar beatdown! The tag team duo begins a severe beating on the bearded red head. They send Coop’s body reeling to the mat with a double team clothesline, they stretch all four of his limbs and his crotch out in a four way crucifix, then drop his brawny body across both their knees in a double team over the knee backbreaker. After Coop refuses to submit to the backbreaker, they shove his lifeless body to the mat and decide on a better way to finish him off. Bruce hoists Austin up across his shoulders into a torture rack and the duo start inflicting the punishment. With the opponent draped over his shoulders, Bruce begins squatting Austin’s body weight while Dash is in his face taunting and enjoying every minute of the destruction. Coop refuses to submit for as long as he can, but when Bruce turns up the heat he’s compelled to scream out a submission. Bruce and Dash clearly enjoy gaining the submission as Austin lay suffering on the mat. The muscle boys flex and pose, admiring their fantastic physiques as they put an end to round one.
Round two begins with Dash and Bruce still celebrating in their corner and Coop wobbling out from his corner saying ‘I’m a natural born ass kicker’ and what’s happening in this match isn’t right. He reminded Dash how he was kicking his ass before his new found buddy came into the ring illegally to save him. Well, Dash didn’t take a liking to this so he charged the red head and body locked him to the mat. Team Dash/Bruce deliver a few stomps before placing him in a body stretcher that has Bruce’s boot shoved deep into Coop’s prime package. They taunt him as he suffers, saying ‘come on ass kicker’ and ‘I think he likes it’. They release that hold and continue pounding Coop’s prime package with a wishbone tug that nearly rips the red head in half. Coop is in agony and moans out ‘you guys are so cheap’. Austin’s in big trouble and he knows it! The bodybuilders continue the onslaught with; a standing surfboard in the corner turnbuckle, gut bashing in the ropes, and a double reverse elbow clothesline that connects across Austin’s beefy pecs. The boys are having fun working up a sweat as they attack, assail, and mug their hapless opponent. Coop never has a chance in this round. His well-muscled body is beaten, battered, and abused the entire second round until Dash and Bruce tie him up in the ropes and finish him off. If you like 2 on 1 matches, you’re going to love this match! The bodybuilders show no mercy and deliver what must be one of the most brutal, lopsided beatings Austin has ever encountered. Dash and Bruce flex their superb sweat soaked muscles claiming victory in front of their unconscious foe before exiting the ring quite satisfied with their work.
Austin Cooper vs Dash Decker (KOTR 4)
A colossal King of the Ring Match, Austin vs Dash in KOTR 4! What more could you ask for? Two of the headline bodybuilding superstars on the roster today face off in a best of five rounds match with one of them prevailing as King of the Ring. This match was destined to happen, and got accelerated after the brutal bashing Dash & Bruce dished out on Austin two weeks ago. The burly red head thought he was finally getting his shot at Dash, and had the upper hand in round one of that match, that is before Bruce flew into the ring and came to Dash’s rescue. They proceeded to beat and batter Austin the rest of the way, and in the end he was left unconscious and tied up in the ropes. Once he woke up, he stormed out of the ring and immediately demanded a KOTR match be scheduled with ‘that pussy’ Dash. Everyone at Rock Hard agreed and the match was set. The match opens with both warriors already in the ring; Austin clad in black trunks and black boots and Dash is his red/black trunks and black boots. They look like 2 gunslingers getting ready to shoot it out at the OK Corral. Coop quips ‘what are you doing here?’ with Dash telling him ‘I’m here for King of the Ring’. Then Coop tells him ‘you know you’re going to lose don’t you?’ and Dash arrogantly replies ‘no, I don’t lose’. So it’s on! The two colossal bodybuilders tie up with Austin scoring first with and duck under and driving Dash directly into the turnbuckle, then shoving him face first into the adjoining turnbuckle. You get a sense right away that Coop is going to be all business in this match. He then puts ‘the chosen one’ in a double leg boston crab, makes him suffer in a stretching surfboard before making Dash strangle himself with his own massive arms wrapped around his throat. Dash is able to endure and then turns the tables on the challenger. He applies his own double leg boston crab in payback on the tactician, then directs his attack on Coop’s bum knee. Dash stomps his black boot precisely onto his knee brace in an effort to intentionally damage Austin’s knee. It seems anything goes in a King of the Ring match! Coop somehow is able to regain his composure and reverses the action by whipping Dash across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle, somersaulting into the corner, then flipping the big guy head over heels back into the center of the ring. Austin then controls the action the rest of way in this round and ultimately forces Dash to submit in a painful never seen before submission hold to end the round. Austin proudly flexes his muscles and lays claim to this round. Austin – 1, Dash – 0.
Round two begins with Coop telling Dash he’s a loser, before wrapping his biceps around his waist and hoists him into a front facing bearhug. Coop starts squeezing Dash around his rib cage with immense power in an effort to make him say Austin is King, but Dash won’t do it and is thrown to the mat. After Dash grovels on the mat for a while Austin lifts him by his head and whips him into a clothesline, sending the bodybuilder back down to the mat. He rolls Dash into a leg scissors and continues to work over his rib cage. Dash hangs in and endures the punishment, and when Coop gets a little cocky and takes a moment to flex, Dash seizes the opportunity. He catches Austin in a standing full nelson, thrashes him around the ring then slams his cranium straight into the corner turnbuckle. He proceeds to suplex the tactician out of the corner and slap on a surfboard with Coop face down on the mat. Dash yanks back on Coop’s gigantic arms with his own impressive arms, trying to either force a submission or yank his arms off his body. Coop is able to resist the easy way out and refuses to submit, so Dash needs to resort to other tactics. He stomps the tactician while he’s suffering on the mat, then drops several heavy knees into Austin’s six pack. Coop’s hurting and Dash sees that and goes in for the kill. He rolls Coop over into a tight boston crab, sits his butt down on the small of the red head’s lower back and starts rocking back , applying immense pressure. Coop resists as long as he’s able but Dash won’t let up until he hears him scream out a submission. Dash kneels down and flexes his glorious sweaty muscles in victory, evening this match up at one round a piece. Austin -1, Dash – 1.
This round is crucial, because whoever wins this round will only need to win one of the remaining two rounds to claim King of the Ring! The two lock up and Dash seizes control, shoving the burly red head into the corner and connecting with several forceful shoulder thrusts into Coop’s abs. He continues to toss and torture his opponent around every corner of the ring, including punishing his brawny muscles in the ring ropes. He attacks every part of Austin’s body, including stringing him up in a tree of woe and wallops away at his prized six-pack as he’s dangling upside down in the corner. The reigning King of the Ring completely dominates this round, finishing his challenger off with a Dragon sleeper. This gives Dash the edge in defending his KOTR title. Austin – 1, Dash – 2.
Dash is now oozing with confidence and his muscles are sweat soaked and pumped, so it’s going to be a tall order for Austin to win consecutive rounds against the reigning king. But that’s the mountain he’ll need to climb in order to snatch the KOTR title away from ‘The Chosen One’. Does Dash close this contest out in four rounds and keep his undefeated streak alive and maintain his reign as King of the Ring? Or, will the brawny, red head, experienced tactician reach deep into his bag of holds and snatch victory away from the big bodybuilder to claim his reign as the new King of the Ring? One thing’s for certain, you don’t want to miss out on what happens next!!!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Tanner Hill and Ethan Andrews vs Jax Brewer
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Tanner Hill
Even though Bruce has had a lot of success in recent tag team matches partnering with Dash Decker, he’s 0-2 in his last two singles matches. He had his muscles beaten, battered, and abused by bad boy Ethan Andrews, then lost again to the centerfold model Zack Johnathan in a battle for Gotham. His confidence has got to be off without having his sidekick Dash in the ring with him. In this match, Bruce takes on a newbie, rookie by the name of Tanner Hill. Tanner is a fitness fanatic as you can quickly tell once you get a glimpse of his body. He’s not a big guy, but he’s ripped to shreds. Any opponent who takes a look at his shredded 8-pack abs from across the ring would be crazy not to want to give them a bashing. This match begins with Tanner already in the ring sporting a blue warm-up top and graffiti type blue and black trunks. Bruce enters the ring wearing his batman t-shirt and his signature black with blue stripes trunks. The rookie peels off his warm-up top to reveal his shredded torso, while Bruce strips off his batman t-shirt to reveal his glorious muscles. Bruce talks some smack before they decide to measure biceps. Bruce wraps the tape measure around Tanner’s peaked bi and pronounces its 14.5 inches, impressive for a teen muscle boy who only weighs about 160 pounds. The newbie measures Bruce’s arms at just under 16 inches and tells him those muscles are just for show. This leads to an arm wrestling challenge in the center of the ring. The two muscle studs lock wrists, their biceps bulge, but it isn’t long before bigger Bruce forces the rookie’s arm down to the mat. They both get to their feet then Tanner claims Bruce got lucky! They tie up and Bruce scoops the newbie up and power slams him into the mat. He connects with a few boot stomps to the blond’s abs, then picks him up, places him in the corner and begins to bash away at the rookie’s prized 8-pack. He firsts drives some shoulder thrusts into Tanner’s mid-section, then delivers several jabs, before whipping him into the opposite corner turnbuckle to mimic the same beating. Bruce’s bigger muscles continue to dominate the fitness fanatic, supplexing him out of the corner then applying an arm stretching hold which has the rookie moaning in pain but still doing a lot of smack talk. Batman Bruce says ‘you talk a lot for someone who’s just lying on their back’, then applies a back crunching camel clutch on the rookie, flexing his muscles to the max. The total package continues to have his way with the blond rookie, pinning him down to the mat then attacking with a deep claw hold into Tanner’s abs. What a sight to behold! The rookie is getting the crap beaten out of him but he’s not wearing down. He seems to be able to endure all that Bruce can dish out to this point. As the sweat starts to build on both of their magnificent bodies, Bruce lifts Tanner upside down, carries him around the ring, then flings him to the mat. Bruce, admiring his dominance, pauses to pose his splendid body but that provides an opening to the rookie. Tanner begins to get some good shots in on the bodybuilder; he makes him suffer in an MMA arm bar, transitions it to a leg scissors, then clamps down on a camel clutch while flexing his own impressive bicep in Bruce’s face. But the rookie hasn’t learned to close the deal, and since Bruce doesn’t scream out a submission he releases the hold. As Tanner tries to pull the bodybuilder over to the ropes, Bruce scores quickly with a boot to the rookie’s abs. Tanner collapses to the mat while Bruce gets to his feet, wipes the sweat from his face, and goes back on the attack. He bashes the blond’s abs, suplexes him around the ring, then connects with a big splash off the ropes wanting to finish this round. Bruce positions him where he wants him, grabs and ankle and a wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of him. Tanner’s ripped muscles are on display as Bruce proclaims ‘now that’s strength’, and compels the rookie to cry out a submission. Bruce gets to his feet, and as the sweat drips off his body, flexes in triumph for round one.
Round two opens with a test of strength, and it’s not surprising Bruce prevails. He continues to control Tanner with a painful leg lock, he wraps his massive thighs around the rookie’s small waist in a tight scissors hold, then stretches him out on the mat and applies a mean ab claw hold. Batman Bruce has worked up a good sweat putting Tanner thru the ringer, and he continues to assail the fitness fanatic’s prized, ripped 8-pack. He laces Tanner’s hot bod through the ropes, places his foot in the small of his back, and yanks back on his arms with a standing surfboard. Tanner groans and moans, but the torture doesn’t end until Bruce says it’s going to end! Will Tanner and his ripped, sweaty bod be able to change the direction of this round and even this match up at one round a piece? Or do Bruce’s superb muscles continue to rule the young rookie and send him back to the locker room with an ‘L’ plastered on his forehead? Tune in to find out!
Ethan Andrews vs Jax Brewer
In celebration of Halloween this week, we’re offering our very first masked match. It’s a little something different and we’re interested to see how it resonates with our fans. This match is both a fun match, and a match that will test both of these combatants. Neither one of these guys has any idea who they are going up against in this match-up. In one corner you have the golden boy Jax in his gold tights and black mask, and in the other corner you have the veteran bad boy Ethan in his red tights and red mask. It’s the golden boy vs the red demon. Both guys are in the ring ready to start the match, as they wonder who’s their opponent. Jax stands on the ring ropes in his corner with his arms crossed almost looking like an undertaker, while Ethan sizes up his mystery opponent. They circle one another, trying to get a feel of how this match might go, and Ethan strikes first with a reverse headlock which he transitions to a neck breaker that brings the college muscle boy down to the mat with a thump. The red demon straddles the golden boy to deliver 5 straight jabs to his ripped abs before cinching on a head lock and whispering in Jax’s ear that he’s going to take his mask off and mount it on his mantle along with all the other luches he’s beat. We know that Ethan is one of the best trash talkers in the business, and we’re quickly learning that Jax likes to talk a lot of trash when in his debut match he was already calling himself the future champ. The bad boy continues to control the muscle boy with a reverse choke hold, then tosses him aside, gets to his feet and presses his black boot onto Jax’s head and flexes his bi’s in delight. The golden boy attempts to get to his feet but Ethan tells him to stay down as he stomps on the muscle boy’s back. Ethan maintains control with a single leg boston crab, really applying the pressure by lifting Jax’s leg high into the air as he sits on the lower back. Jax has yet to mount any type of offense in this round and you have to wonder if he has anything that can counter the red demon’s attack? Ethan drags Jax to his feet, shoves him into the turnbuckle and begins bashing away at his mouth watering abs. He whips the golden boy into the opposite corner, continues to pound his abs, then begins to torture him in the ropes and choke him out with his boot. Ethan totally dominates this first round, making the every muscle of the golden boy suffer with a wide variety of dastardly holds. He stretches, pounds, and contorts every muscle on Jax’s sultry body before ultimately finishing him off with a tight figure four leg lock, maximizing the pressure until he yells out a submission. But the red demon isn’t finished just yet, he pulls the muscle boy back into his lap and rips his mask off to reveal his identity. He asks ‘who are you’ and Jax replies ‘the future champ’ but Ethan tells him he’s more like the future bitch! The red demon gets to his feet, reveals his own identity then flexes his baseball sized biceps in triumph over a defeated and deflated opponent in round one.
In round two, Jax is having come trouble coming out of his corner but eventually the two of them lock up in a test of strength. Now Ethan knows, even with his new and improved muscled body, he’s not going to out muscle Jax so he reaches into his bag of tricks and backs Jax into the turnbuckle and connects with several knees into the golden boy’s midsection. The red demon brings the muscle boy out of the corner with a flying bulldog, driving his head hard into the mat. Ethan stays in control with an arm bar as he twists Jax’s muscles like a pretzel, then doing some push-ups while using the muscle boy’s abs as his support. You’ll want to see this! Jax is getting owned by muscle boy slayer, that is until Jax is able to turn the tables with a kick of his own to the red demon’s abs. He suplexes his lighter opponent, then pays him back by doing a set of push-ups off Ethan’s abs, and claiming he doesn’t like being disrespected. The golden boy has gained some momentum and he isn’t letting go. He rolls up the red demon in a cradle in an attempt for a quick pin, but when that doesn’t work he starts attacking Ethan’s back with flying elbow drops. Jax pulls Ethan back into a tight camel clutch and calls him the bitch before slapping him across the face, then releasing the hold. This is the most offense we’ve seen from Jax since his debut and maybe he’s starting to come into his own. The golden boy continues to control the red demon, leading up to a surprising finish. He places the bad boy in a seated surfboard and stretches his lean muscled bod to its limits seeking a submission. Ethan screams, cries and yells out in agony as Jax repeatedly yanks back on his arms creating unbelievable pressure on the bad boy’s back until he ultimately surrenders and screams out a submission. Ethan collapses to the mat and Jax kneels on his back and flexes his marvelous muscles for victory in round two. Can the golden boy flexes his muscles and impose his will again on the muscle boy slayer and score a huge upset?! Or will the red demon own the golden boy’s muscles in round three and add yet another muscle boy to his long list of victims?!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 5) and Rex Bedford vs Tanner Hill
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Austin Cooper (KOTR 5)
It was destined to happen, a King of the Ring match between these two superstars. The ‘tactician’ against ‘the total package’. With all of the history that’s occurred between Austin and Bruce over the last year, this showdown was a must to highlight this holiday season. It’s been just about a year that these two muscle studs locked up in a singles match, with Bruce being somewhat of a newbie at that time and Austin being the seasoned veteran. Bruce gave him a run for his money, but in the end Austin prevailed and knocked the rookie out in a viscous ending. Fast forward to some of the more recent matches where Bruce and Dash took down Austin and Zack in a tag team bout that was all about power vs speed. Then, a short while later, Bruce jumped into the ring to help his partner Dash and they finished off the red head tactician by beating the living shit out of him. Since then, Austin prevailed over Dash in KOTR 4, and ever since, Bruce has been eyeing his opportunity at the belt. It was a very hot day when this match was filmed, and the sweat pours off both of these guy’s magnificent muscles in this 34 minute blockbuster. The challenger is already in the ring when the king enters his corner. Austin climbs through the ropes with the belt draped over his shoulder and exuding confidence. The two studs circle and size each other up, with Austin telling Bruce both him and his partner Dash are pansies, and that he got Dash back and now he’s going to get him back. Austin surprises Bruce by clobbering him on the side of the head with the KOTR belt, sending the muscle stud to the mat. He then hoists him up, power slams him to the mat, and then stretches out Bruce’s massive chest with a reverse half nelson. Austin then transitions the hold to a bow and arrow on the mat, stretching Bruce out even more, the continues the sequence by wrapping his hands around the challenger’s throat and shoving one of Bruce’s black wrist bands into his mouth. Austin means business in this match, so Bruce is going to need to step up his game. Austin then uses his tree trunk size thighs to squeeze Bruce’s torso in a leg scissors. The total package survives the initial onslaught and is able to change the momentum. He escapes from the leg scissors, backs the red head against the ropes and directly connects with his size 11 boot into the king’s abs. But Bruce’s momentum is short lived. Austin reverses him and drops him onto a reverse atomic drop, then pulls him over to the ring post. Austin grabs both of his ankles, splits Bruce between the iron ring post and begins to torture his leg. Bruce is screaming for help while he is defenseless and Austin seizes the moment. He lifts Bruce up into a standing ab stretch, using the ropes to amp up the pressure until the challenger reluctantly screams out ‘I give’ to bring an end to round one. Austin – 1, Bruce – 0.
In round two, Bruce is a little wobbly to start and Austin is running his mouth and feeling good about himself. Austin takes the early lead with some ab bashing and a strong boot shoved into the total package’s throat. But, Bruce hasn’t made it this far to be taken down so easily, and when the red head climbs the ropes for an aerial attack he’s instead met by a swift fist into his gut. As Austin grovels on the mat, Bruce begins clobbering him to take control. He places Austin in a back breaking camel clutch and flexes his big bi while doing so. Bruce breaks the hold and transitions to wrapping a leg scissors around the king, as payback for what happened to him in round one. He continues to stay on top of the tactician, not allowing a moment for him to breath by chocking him over the ring rope, connecting with an elbow drop, then clamping on a rear naked choke hold that has the reigning king in a lot of trouble. Bruce has beaten Austin like a red headed step child in this round and he’s ready to finish him off. He scoops him up and slams him to the mat, lifts him by his hair to his feet, then laces his arms and hoists him up into a painful crucifix submission hold. The king’s muscular body is draped helplessly across Bruce’s massive, thick back and he’s not letting go until Austin cries out a submission to end round two. The match is evened up at Austin – 1, Bruce – 1.
Round three opens and Bruce keeps the control, continuing his attack on Austin’s back. He first suplexes him, then flips him over into a debilitating boston crab and really cranks up the pressure wanting to gain a quick submission. But Austin won’t submit that easy, so Bruce releases the hold and then makes a move that not only has an impact on this round, but one that could have affect the outcome of this match. Does Bruce score big time and defeat the technician to become the new King of the Ring?! Or, will Austin mount a comeback and destroy the total package to continue his reign as king?! One thing is for certain, it takes the full five rounds to determine the winner with one of these superstars leaving the ring with the belt!
Rex Bedford vs Tanner Hill
Tanner’s in the gym pumping out some dumbbell curls as he gets ready for his upcoming match against fellow rookie Rex, his arms bulging bigger with each rep. Rex saunters around the corner and sees that his opponent is getting his pump on. Both of these guys are sporting their superhero t-shirts; Tanner believing he’s a Hulk and Rex looking like an Iron Man. Both of these guys have spectacular physiques, although somewhat different. Tanner showcases that lean, ripped muscled body, while Rex highlights a thicker, denser muscle with shredded abs. There’s something for everyone in this match up! But, both of these wrestlers have yet to earn a victory in their first two matches; Tanner’s muscles have suffered severe beatings against veterans Bruce and Austin, while bad boy Ethan owned Rex’s muscles in straight falls and fellow rookie Jax Brewer won the battle of the tag team tryouts by ultimately using his raw power advantage to squeak out a win. Thus, one of these two muscle boys is sure to chalk up their first victory today. Of course egos are involved when it comes to lifting weights and sure enough these two get into a short dumbbell competition before the match begins, each one trying to out-pump the other as their biceps swell and veins pop. No clear winner is decided, but it’s clear that Tanner will be the aggressor in round one since he gains the early control forcing Rex back into the corner turnbuckle. He immediately targets Rex’s prized abs, then whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and continues to beat on the MMA fighter’s midsection. Once Tanner softens Rex’s core a bit he turns his attention to his powerful legs. He floors Rex with a kick to the knee, then throws on an arm bar. The fitness fanatic is parlaying his quickness and muscle into total control of his fellow rookie. The blond fitness model tosses Rex around the ring, suplexes him through the air, stretches him out in a full nelson and grapevine combo, and ferociously chokes him over the ring rope. Rex seems somewhat bewildered and befuddled, not having a clue on how to turn the momentum around. Tanner is savoring every moment, even laughing at Rex’s misery as he has him clamped tight in a powerful camel clutch. After he’s done making Rex suffer, he throws him face first into the turnbuckle and follows up with a forearm shiver to the small of his back. This sets Rex up to be finished off. Tanner pulls him out to the center of the ring, then places his muscled body into a high arching, backbreaking crab hold and cranks up the pain. Rex has no way to escape and is compelled to scream out ‘I give’ to end his agony. Total domination in round one as Tanner kneels on Rex’s abs, flexes a double bicep and commands his opponent to look at his arms as he flexes in conquest.
At the beginning of round two Rex is trying to stretch the pain out of his back and Tanner is grinning from ear to ear with delight as he asks ‘how’s that back feeling?’ Rex replies he’s had worse but that’s hard to imagine. Tanner slyly offers to shake hands to start this round, and Rex falls for it. Tanner instead delivers several shots to the MMA fighter’s ripped abs, then lifts him into a standing full nelson. But when the blond doesn’t follow up with another hold, Rex is able to connect with his boot to Tanner’s ripped 8-pack and floor him. Finally, Rex is showing some offense! He sends Tanner across the ring and into a ripping clothesline, returns to bashing his ripped 8-pack as he straddles the teen fitness model on the mat, applies some of his MMA techniques, and then turns up the pain with a back breaking camel clutch. Rex starts pouring it on, telling Tanner he’s got one round and that’s all he’s going to get as he drags him to his feet with a fist full of hair. Rex whips him across the ring to deliver another boot to the fitness model’s gut that has him reeling. Rex is in control now and he likes it! He continues to rule the action; punishing Tanner’s muscles with a variety of MMA holds, nearly submitting him in a rear naked choke hold, stretching his tight, lean muscled body out in a bow and arrow, all the while connecting with jabs and stomps to Tanner’s sweaty abs. Rex hoists him up into a front facing bear hug, weakening his body and back in anticipation of a submission. Tanner’s able to withstand the pain of the bear hug, but he won’t be able to withstand the torture of what Rex has in mind next. He laces Tanner’s lean muscles through the ring ropes, wraps his massive thighs around his waist and yanks back on his arms until Tanner’s glistening muscles are stretched and strained to the limit. Tanner cries out a submission to end the cruelty, then Rex drags his lifeless body to the center of the ring and proudly poses his sweat soaked muscles in triumph of round two. With this match all tied at one round a piece it all comes down to the third and final round. Both of these rookies show a dark side of their persona in an effort to chalk up their first victory in this blockbuster battle, while the loser is mistreated and persecuted in a fantastic finishing hold you just to have to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.
TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Jax Brewer and Austin Cooper vs Rex Bedford
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Jax Brewer
This match is a test between two piping hot bodies; Bruce is considered to be ‘the total package’ with his movie star looks and a perfectly muscled physique, while Jax is a rising star in the modeling industry with his sultry good looks and equally impressive muscles. This is sure to be a treat for anyone who enjoys watching two hot wrestlers get sweaty, down and dirty to end up on top. Bruce has had huge success in tag team matches while holding his own in singles match ups, but most recently coming up short in an attempt to snatch the King of the Ring title from Austin Cooper. On the other side, Jax has been running his mouth ever since he walked in the door at Rock Hard claiming he’s ‘the future champ’. He’s been beaten by both Austin Copper and Ethan Andrews in his first two encounters, but was able to chalk up his first win in the tag team tryout match against Rex Bedford. Does the muscle boy model have what it takes to defeat the total package? This should be interesting! The match begins with both guys in their respective corners, Bruce in grey/blue trunks and his favorite Batman t-shirt and Jax in his golden tights and white boots. Bruce stares across at his opponent and asks ‘who the hell are you’, and Jax proclaims ‘I’m the future champ’, but Bruce doesn’t seem to be impressed. They size each other up and continue to trade barbs until the total package peels off his Batman t-shirt and reveals a body most would drool over. They lock up in a test of strength and Bruce pushes Jax back into the corner turnbuckle and instantly begins working over the rookie’s magnificent abs. He then whips Jax across the ring into the opposite corner. He shoves him to the mat, continues to attack Jax’s abs, then places a tight choke hold around the golden boy’s throat and leg scissors his body. Jax isn’t putting up much of a fight to this point, so Bruce continues to control the action. He hoists the future champ up across his back into a crucifix, stretching Jax’s jaw-dropping muscled body out over his back and giving him a tour of each turnbuckle. After Bruce applies a leg lock on Jax but can’t gain a submission, Jax scores on an opening and takes down the batman boy. He applies a brutal camel clutch on Bruce, places his boot across his throat, then repays him with an agonizing leg lock of his own. Bruce cries out in pain, and you think this could spell trouble for the total package, but he’s able to endure the pain and escapes the predicament. But Jax isn’t finished, he suplexes Bruce to the mat and circles his opponent as he lay suffering. When Jax moves in to continue the control, Bruce is able to sneak in a low blow to re-gain the advantage. Bruce quickly flips the college muscle boy over into a boston crab and begins working over his back. He follows that up with a back breaking camel clutch, making Jax ache as he flexes his bulging bicep in the golden boy’s face. He continues to control the action in an effort to end this round with an arm bar that weakens Jax’s body. When Bruce is done with that hold, he lifts Jax up in the air then drops him down onto his knee with a reverse atomic drop. Jax moans in pain as he squirms on the mat before Bruce applies a punishing hold that splits the future champs’ legs and crotch as he’s arched high in the air before he’s compelled to cry out a submission ending round one. Bruce kneels on his defeated opponent, and with sweat glistening from his hot bod flexes his mighty muscles in conquest.
Round two begins with Bruce mocking his opponent asking ‘how’s the future star’, and with a sense of delusion Jax replies ‘it was a good round’. Does he realize he was just on the wrong end of a one-sided beating?! Bruce asks him if he wants to quit now but the rookie won’t bite. The two muscle studs tie up and it’s Bruce who scores first with a hip toss that sends Jax to the mat. The total package toys with the rookie by sitting on his stomach and applying some sort of reverse leg lock, thrashing Jax’s legs in the air. Bruce continues to dominate, throwing and slamming the golden boy around the ring. But Jax has learned from being in this position before, and when Bruce races across the ring to connect with a shoulder thrust into Jax’s ripped abs the golden boy steps out of the way at the last moment. The future champ seizes the opening he created and begins his own assault on superman, starting by choking Bruce across the ring rope. He continues by wrapping his thunderous legs around Bruce’s waist, squeezing with all his might in an effort to secure a submission. Bruce is able to endure the pain, but that doesn’t stop Jax from continuing his attack. He delivers an onslaught of holds on superman’s muscles that includes; ramming him back first into the turnbuckles, then stretching him out in a full nelson/grapevine combo. Batman Bruce seems to be in a heap of trouble at this moment! Can Jax finish the total package off to secure a win and round two and send this match to a third and final round, sending a message that he is indeed worthy of calling himself the future champ? Or will Bruce turn things around and secure another win to add to his record and instead make the future champ look more like a chump?
Austin Cooper vs Rex Bedford
Austin has been on a roll since seizing the King of the Ring title from Dash Decker a short while ago. The brawny redhead has beaten the snot out of two of the new rookies; Jax Brewer and Tanner Hill, in non-KOTR matches. He’s also successfully defended his title in an all-out, 5 round brawl against Bruce Ballard in his last match. Right now, this king is on top of the world. Rex is one of the new rookies to join the roster recently. He’s a fiery sparkplug with good looks and a body to die for, but has yet to earn his first win. His gorgeous, ripped muscular body was owned by bad boy Ethan Andrews in his debut match defeat, then he lost close battles against fellow rookies Jax and Tanner in his other two matches. He has a shot at redemption in this non-KOTR match. If he could pull off a stunning upset against the reigning king it would certainly earn him some respect around the locker room, but he may be in way over his head in this one. Austin is clad in grey and orange trunks and black boots, clearly ready to take on the rookie. While Rex is in all black, trunks and boots, ready to stake his claim. The reigning king begins to psyche his opponent out with some smack talk and proudly posing his massive biceps in the rookie’s face, while Rex explains that his name means king in Latin. Coop quips back ‘that means nothing to me!’ They tie up at center ring and Austin immediately demonstrates the size advantage he has over Rex by scooping him up and power slamming him to the mat. He lifts Rex up and whips him into the corner turnbuckle and begins to work over those luscious, likable abs. Austin then, with his vast wrestling experience, begins an attack on every part of Rex’s flawless body placing him in a series of punishing holds. Coop stomps on his muscular legs, delivers a forearm shiver to his back, then stretches the rookie out on the mat and in the ropes. To this point, Coop has ruled the action. Next, he drags Rex to his feet, laces his body through the ring ropes, and places him in one of his signature ab stretches. Austin subjects the rookie to some serious pain while continuing to work over and hurt his picture perfect abs. Rex’s beautiful body is stretched to the max and he’s forced to watch himself suffer in the full length mirror. Austin seems to be in total control, but even the reigning king will make a mistake every once in a while. He lifts Rex up to slam him to the mat, which gives the rookie an opening to use his quickness and reverse the action. The mma fighter clamps on a tight reverse knee lock on Austin and amps up the pressure. The redhead squirms and moans looking to escape, but isn’t able to do so. Rex does the damage to Austin’s knee before kicking him in the rib cage, then right out of the ring. Rex has seized the momentum and tells his opponent, ‘come on back in big guy’. But Coop in no fool, he takes a moment to re-compose himself before he jumps back in over the top rope. He scores with a takedown, then is intent on making Rex pay for humiliating him. Austin resorts back to his power advantage and places the muscle stud in a never seen before bearhug, completely tying up his limbs and making him helpless. The reigning king then drives an ab claw deep into the rookie’s abs, making him suffer even more. Rex twists and turns in an attempt to escape, but that isn’t going to happen until Austin decides to release the claw hold. Austin dishes out additional punishment on the rookie, before he finishes him off. He pulls Rex over to the corner turnbuckle, climbs outside the ring and wraps a figure four leg lock on Rex’s powerful legs around the iron corner ring post. Rex has never experienced this hold before and has no clue on how to escape. Rex resists as long as his body permits, but eventually cries out a submission to end round one. Austin flexes and poses in triumph as Rex’s limp body withers on the floor.
Round two begins with Rex hobbling out of his corner from the pain just inflicted on his knee, and he has the audacity to taunt Austin saying he’s the king, the burger king in a reference to the redhead’s belly. Austin laughs it off and flexes his own impressive abs, counting out an eight back. When Rex doesn’t seem to be impressed, Austin reaches over, grabs the punk by his throat and hoists him high into a choke hold. He threatens to toss Rex out of the ring, but instead walks him around before placing atop the corner turnbuckle and then proceeds to again pound on his already sore abs. When he’s done pounding the muscle boy’s abs he places him over his shoulders and bounces him around the ring. Rex is taking a beating at the hands of the reigning king and you have to wonder if he’ll be able to mount any type of retaliation? Does Austin allow an opening for the mma fighter to make a comeback? Or will Rex remain winless?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Ethan Andrews vs Tanner Hill and Austin Cooper & Bruce Ballard vs Ethan Andrews & Jax Brewer
Regular price $34.95Ethan Andrews vs Tanner Hill
Ethan has made a living over the years dominating and abusing the Rock Hard muscle boys, and gets an instant rise at the thought of getting his hands on one that has a serious set of shredded abs. In this match he gets his wish! Tanner is a rising fitness model with some of the best abs in the business. His abs are the envy of every guy on the planet, and the target of bad boys like Ethan. This match starts as a super hero showdown between the Hulk and Captain America, but ends up being much more than that. Tanner is one of the three new rookies to join the roster and has chalked up a 1-2 record to date. He was badly beaten by Bruce Ballard and Austin Cooper in their contests, but scored a nice victory of fellow rookie Rex Bedford in his last match. Ethan has dominated and defeated the two other rookies, Jax and Rex, and has his mind on setting the same tone with Tanner. Round one begins with the rookie in his corner nearly busting out of a Hulk t-shirt, and Ethan across the ring sporting a Captain America t-shirt over top of his lean muscled body. The two debate the virtues of each of their favorite super heroes, as Tanner rolls up his sleeves to give his opponent a close up view of his bulging bicep guns he’s soon going to encounter. This doesn’t faze Ethan, he’s beaten guys much bigger than Tanner and besides, he’s more focused on the getting his hands on the fitness model’s prized 8-pack. They peel off their t-shirts and Ethan challenges the fitness model to a test of strength. Tanner obliges thinking he has the advantage in the strength department, but Ethan surprises him with a swift kick to his abs. Tanner drops to the mat and the bad boy begins his attack. He places the fitness model in a back-bending boston crab, then stretches and splits his crotch with a wishbone, before working his teenage muscled bod over in the ropes. When he’s through beating him against the ropes, he flips him to the mat, tortures him with an arm bar, then chokes him in a mma style choke hold. At this point Tanner has yet to mount any offense as Ethan is having his way with the rookie’s muscles. The bad boy continues on the attack, wrapping up the fitness models legs then pulls him back into a surfboard variation. Tanner is stuck, his ripped body being stretched beyond its limits, but refuses to give up. Ethan then moves onto stomping on Tanner’s ankles before securing a painful ankle lock forcing him to scream in pain. The bad boy has one more dastardly move up his sleeve, he cinches a single leg boston crab and drives his knee deep into Tanner’s lower back. Ethan yanks back on Tanner’s leg, amping up the pressure until the rookie has no choice but to cry out a submission. Ethan completely dominates round one, and celebrates by waving his Captain America t-shirt in Tanner’s face and proudly flexing his bulging bi over his conquest.
As the sweat starts to glisten off both of these hard bodies, round two opens with Tanner recovering in his corner and Ethan raring to go. He gloats about can’t break the Captain America shield as he comes out of his corner. The two tie up and Ethan out-muscles the teen rookie and throws him to the mat. Poor Tanner can’t seem to get anything going in this match and must be bewildered at what’s happening to him! Ethan throws on an arm bar and proceeds to put the fitness model through a series of mma style moves before ending with Tanner’s head squeezed between his thighs. Ethan continues to toy with the rookie, but when he pulls him to his feet Tanner finally scores with a reversal and tosses the bad boy to the mat. Tanner brings Ethan to his feet, whips him across the ring and connects with a clothesline. Ethan falls on his back and the rookie straddles over him and begins to pound away on the bad boy’s abs. Tanner then rolls him over and stretches Ethan out with a bow and arrow hold before yanking him to his feet by his hair and shoving him into the corner turnbuckle. The teen rookie continues attacking Ethan’s abs while he has him backed into the corner turnbuckle. After delivering some ab abuse in one corner, he throws him across the ring into the opposite corner and proceeds to dish out some more ab punishment. This round has shifted dramatically and Tanner is now the one with all the control. He places Ethan in a tough camel clutch while flexing his huge biceps in the bad boy’s face, then throws Ethan against the opposite ropes and connects with his boot to Ethan’s gut. This floors the bad boy. The rookie pulls Ethan by his ear to his feet and then laces his tall, lean muscled body through the ring ropes to place him in a standing surfboard. Tanner pulls back on Ethan’s arms with all of his fitness model muscles, stretching the bad boy’s 6’1” frame out and in between the ropes. Ethan’s in a bad predicament and has no way to escape Tanner’s hulk like power, and ultimately has to submit. Tanner pulls him back into the ring, places his boot on the bad boy’s chest and flexes his stunning teen muscles in triumph. The third and decisive round begins with Ethan trying to work the kinks from his back and Tanner on the attack. Can the Tanner continue to out-muscle the veteran bad boy and secure an unexpected victory for the Hulk? Or, does Ethan make the blond rookie pay for what he did in round two and chalk up a victory to make the red, white, and blue of Captain America proud?
Austin Cooper & Bruce Ballard vs Ethan Andrews & Jax Brewer
This match is a result of the tag team tryout match Ethan scouted between Jax Brewer and Rex Bedford. Ethan has been looking for a new tag team partner ever since Gage Cardona vanished from the Rock Hard Wrestling scene. So, with a new crop of rookies recently joining the roster he thought he would hold out tryouts to scout, and hopefully find, a new tag team partner. In that match, Jax narrowly squeezed out a victory over fellow rookie Rex and earned the opportunity to be Ethan’s tag team partner in a coming match. Little did either of them know that their first match would be against current superstars Austin and Bruce. Of course, this didn’t bother Ethan one bit since he’s notched victories in his singles matches against both of these studs. But, you have to wonder how Jax would approach this match. He’s lost both of his singles matches against the both of them, and most recently to ‘the total package’ Bruce. What will Jax’s mindset be and how will he react in this match? This match begins with Austin and Bruce relaxing in their corner, very confident of the outcome. Ethan comes around the corner with his partner Jax, both wearing their long tights, and climb up onto the ring apron to exchange some pre-match banter. Austin compares their look to a ballerina, and Jax retorts claiming they’re from Pretty Boys R Us. That could be a bad rookie mistake, because Austin challenges that will then if you want to wrestle two men then you can come in in this ring. And so round one begins, it’s Bruce and Jax who kick the action off. Bruce gains the early advantage with a suplex, sending the golden boy to the mat. Bruce continues to throw the rookie around the ring before bringing him over to his corner so he and Austin can double team the hot muscle stud and his prized six pack abs. Ethan doesn’t like what he’s seeing and complains from across the way, but it doesn’t do much help. The two vets bash the young rookie and tell him this is your initiation, welcome to the ring! Eventually, Jax is able to tag in Ethan. The bad boy steps through the ropes to face Austin, and it doesn’t bode well for Ethan. The bad boy gets double teamed in the opponent’s corner, whipped against the ropes and into a scoop slam, then stretched out from a seated surfboard by the burley redhead. Austin then hoists Ethan’s lean muscled bod up into an over the shoulders backbreaker that has the bad boy in trouble. As Ethan lay helpless across Austin’s broad shoulders, Bruce strikes with a viscous ab claw on the bad boy’s ripped abs. Ethan scrambles, trying to get away and tag in his partner, but will no success. Austin drags the bad boy over to his corner and splits his legs up against the steel ring post inflicting some serious pain on Ethan’s famous family jewels. As Ethan screams in pain, Jax attempts to help, but that move is thwarted by bodybuilder Bruce. All the action in round one is being dominated by Team Austin/Bruce, and that doesn’t change. Near the end, it’s Bruce and Jax in the ring and it’s only a matter of time before the golden boy is forced to shout out ‘I give’ as he’s double teamed by Austin and Bruce in a round one ending fantastic finishing hold.
Round two opens with Bruce and Jax in the ring and Bruce quickly takes the control. The total package tosses and stomps Jax before wrapping his tree trunk legs around the golden boy’s tight waist and begins working him over. Jax is able to endure the pain and eventually the two combatants end up on their feet. In a surprise, Jax scores with a double leg takedown and immediately pays Bruce back with some stomping and bashing of his own. Jax then places Bruce’s muscles in a snug camel clutch, with his lower back paying the price. Ethan directs his partner to bring Bruce over to their corner. Ethan tags in and while Bruce is trapped in the camel clutch he nastily grinds the bottom of his boot directly into Bruce’s forehead. Ethan loves beating up on Bruce, as you may remember he totally dominated Bruce in their past singles match and owned every one of his muscles until Bruce was begging for it to stop at the end. Ethan intently goes to work on Bruce’s muscles again, inflicting punishment until he’s able to scramble to his corner to tag in Austin. Ethan tells Austin to ‘bring it’ and when the redhead springs over to the top rope into the ring, Ethan hits him with a boot to the gut then suplexes him to the mat and begins bashing his abs. Ethan is pissed and doesn’t want to lose straight rounds! Both Ethan and Jax take turns beating up on the redhead, and also get into some villainous double teaming. Bruce never really has a chance to get back into the ring and help his partner. So when Ethan ultimately softens Austin up by working over his legs and back, he and Jax double team him with a standing surfboard. Even though the two of them nearly pulls both arms off Austin’s body he resists submitting. That is, until the bad boy grabs a handful of red hair and forcefully pulls back until Austin cries out a submission. Team Ethan/Jax even this match up at one round a piece. And as they flex their mighty biceps in celebration, Ethan proclaims, ‘now that’s how we do it!’ Will Team Austin/Bruce get their act together in round three and secure a victory over the bad boy and rookie? Or, will Team Ethan/Jax continue to inflict pain and punishment on the two muscle hunks? One thing’s for certain, the match ends with all four wrestlers in the ring and a diabolical dual submission. A finish you’ll want to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.