Cody Nelson vs Ethan Andrews
Regular price $21.95Since Ethan has joined the Rock Hard roster, he’s been on a rampage to beat up on the muscle boys, expose their weaknesses, and make then suffer in defeat. He’s already abused and put an ab bashing on both Tyler and Zack in his singles matches, and he made Troy suffer in his tag team match with Brody against the Nelson brothers. After that match, Cody demanded his shot at defeating the skinny street punk in a one on one match up. Cody comes out of his corner to start round one in black square cuts and black boots, his magnificent body looking ripped with the ring lights highlighting his muscular physique. Ethan, in a black speedo and black shoes, is salivating across the ring at the thought of getting his hands on Cody’s spectacular muscular body, making him suffer, and delivering an ab bashing to his perfect six pack abs like he’s done to the other muscle boys he’s taken down. Cody taunts the street punk, calling him a scumbag, and Ethan responds saying it must mean you’re the punk then. They lock up in the center of the ring, with Cody using his brute force strength to take control, lift Ethan up, and then power slam him into the mat. Ethan gets his to feet and retaliates with a quick knee to the muscle studs midsection, which drops Cody to the mat. He starts to go to work on Cody’s massive, muscled legs, knowing that if he can take the muscle studs base out from under him, he can minimize the considerable strength advantage Cody has over him. Ethan continues with his assault on Cody’s legs with several stomps, and then makes him suffer in a reverse leg lock. He pulls Cody up by his hair to his feet, and then throws in a full nelson that has the muscle stud stretched out and grunting in pain. He hoists Cody up into the air a few times, stretching him out even more, before spinning him around and dropping him down onto his knee into a body stretching backbreaker. The skinny street punk has the muscle stud Cody right were he wants him, his body stretched over his knee and his perfect steel abs exposed, ready for a bashing. He starts bashing away at Cody’s abs, delivering a barrage of punches to the muscle studs abs, as Cody screams out in pain. He continues the assault on Cody’s abs with an elbow directly into his midsection, and starts grinding it to inflict even more pain. Ethan taunts him as he’s stretched across his knee, asking him hows that feel? But when Ethan slips up, and gives a slight opening, Cody rushes in for a double leg, lifts the street punk up, slams him to the mat, and then starts stomping away on his body. Cody is revved up and determined that his raw power and strength can wear the skinny street punk down, and ultimately make him submit. Cody continues on the attack, making Ethan suffer in a Boston crab, then picks him up, whips him into the corner, and then starts stomping away with his boot into Ethan’s chest. Ethan slumps to the floor, before Cody drags him out of the corner and attempts to gain a submission using a figure-four leg lock. When Ethan wont submit to that, he continues to pound and stomp away at Ethan’s lower back, power slams him to the mat, and then uses his impressive muscular arms to lock on a camel clutch, forcing the skinny street punk to submit in round one. Cody celebrates his round one win with an impressive double bicep flex over his trampled opponent.
Round two starts with Cody continuing to taunt Ethan, asking, hey scumbag, did you like that, hows your back feel? Ethan, still hurting from the vicious camel clutch, is not amused and shoots the finger across the ring at the muscle stud. Cody comes out of his corner, hoists the street punk up in the air, then slams him down to the mat, and starts working over his back. Ethan is able to get back to his feet, catches Cody with a quick jab to the temple that stuns the muscle stud and he crumbles to the mat. Ethan takes advantage of the situation, and starts delivering some of his own punishment to Cody’s beefy body. He starts with some stomps to his abs, stands on top of his abs, and then rolls him over and locks on a camel clutch that stretches Cody’s massive chest and brawny arms to the max, as the street punk taunts him back, asking hows that feel, huh? Ethan has gained the upper hand in this round, and he’s determined to make the muscle boy pay for round one. He chokes Cody over the ring rope, stretches his body out on the mat, places him in a figure four ankle lock and reverse chin lock combination that has Cody crying out in pain and his back arched in agony. Ethan has complete control over the muscle boy, as the sweat starts to drip off his bronzed, perfect physique. He continues to pound and stomp away at Cody’s massive legs, setting him up for a painful figure four leg lock, exerting immense pain on his legs and forcing him to submit round two to the street punk. Ethan gets up, towers over Cody, slaps him in the chest, and declares what a punk! With the match now tied at one round apiece, both wrestlers are resolute to claim victory. Can Ethan control the muscle stud Cody and ab bash his way to victory over another Rock Hard muscle boy, or will Cody be able to thwart the skinny street punks attack and force another submission out of him using his raw strength and power. You cant miss the incredible finish to this match!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Jake Jenkins vs Lucas Payne
Regular price $21.95The teen bodybuilder Lucas is outside the ring pumping up his award winning, massive biceps feeling pretty confident about himself after he was able to defeat the high school jock, Trent Novak, in his last match. Meanwhile Jake enters the ring, watching him pump up, and salivating at the opportunity to get his hands on the teen muscle boy. Jake is undefeated in his matches to date here at Rock Hard, and is full on energy and confidence for this match. He taunts the bodybuilder saying put those baby weights down, pussy and Lucas retorts you couldn’t curl these in your dreams. Jake calls him out get in the ring, Lucas doesn’t hesitate for one second, dropping the dumbbells and climbs into the ring to take on the smaller, but more experienced fitness model. They lock up, and Jake quickly locks on a headlock and hip tosses the teen bodybuilder to his back on the mat. He then starts cranking on his neck, and then delivers several elbow drops to Lucas’s massive pecs. This stuns him, and Jake pulls him to the mat and starts working him over with an arsenal of clotheslines, hip tosses, and elbow drops, before tossing him into the corner to deliver a double leg drop kick which plants both boots into Lucas’s chiseled chest. Jake is able to maintain control until Lucas turns the momentum with a headlock hip toss to the mat on the smaller fitness model, and then starts delivering punishment to Jakes muscular body. Lucas uses his height, weight, and strength advantage to continue his beat down on Jake, trying to force a submission out of him with a bearhug. When Jake wont submit, he tosses him to the mat like a rag doll, taunting him saying lets go, come on chump. Jake is able to fend off the attack, kicks out of a pin count, and regains control. He starts pounding away at the teen bodybuilders chest, and continues putting him thru a series of punishing and painful holds that starts to wear him down. As the sweat starts to shine from both of these fine-tuned physiques, each of these warriors take shots at gaining a submission from their opponent. Lucas has Jake in deep trouble with a leg scissors wrapped across his torso, and a pec claw into his chest, but Jake is able to break free. Jakes superior wrestling experience starts to take control late in round one, and after he beats on the bigger bodybuilder for a while, he climbs up on the corner ropes, flies thru the air, and delivers a clothesline across his chest knocking him to the mat. Jake jumps on top of his sweaty, muscled body, clamps on a headlock, and then gains the round one victory, pinning Lucas’s broad shoulders to the mat and counting out a 1-2-3 pin count.
Round two begins with both of these hard muscled bodies lathered up, and ready to go to battle. Jake continues his momentum from round one, and takes the early control on the teen bodybuilder by jumping on his back, locking in a full nelson, and riding him around the ring. Lucas is able to shake him off, but Jake continues with a few stomps to Lucas’s midsection and follows that up with a double leg drop kick that sends the muscle boy crumbling to the mat. Jake continues to pummel Lucas, working over his massive pecs, bulging biceps, and award winning six pack abs, beating him down and sapping the strength from his colossal body. Just when it looked like this was the beginning of the end for the teen bodybuilder, he takes advantage of a small opening and starts to work on Jakes lower back. He picks him up into a standing full nelson, lifts the smaller fitness model off his feet and starts swinging him around the ring, then drops him to the mat and delivers several heavy leg drops across Jakes lower back muscles. Lucas continues to pound on Jake, applying another standing full nelson, followed up by a single leg Boston crab that applies extreme pressure to his lower back, and has Jake crying out in pain. But, Lucas makes a rookie mistake and allows Jake take his best shots of a clothesline on him, and after bouncing off the more muscular Lucas in his first two attempts, he leaves his feet to deliver a flying clothesline that sends the teen bodybuilder down to the mat. With the sweat continuing to drip from both of their hot bodies, Jake the machine makes the bodybuilder suffer with some MMA style arm bar and leg locks, before setting him up for a surfboard that stretches his massive arm and chest muscles to the max. Jake makes Lucas suffer in this hold, and continues to apply the pressure, putting the teen bodybuilder on full display until he cant take the pain any longer and is forced to scream out a submission, chalking up another impressive victory for Jake the machine!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Jake Jenkins vs Eli Black
Regular price $21.95Eli Black is a confident and aggressive newcomer to the Rock Hard roster. He may be small in stature, but is big on raw determination and brings a wealth of wrestling and MMA success from his collegiate and pro experience. He hasn’t wrestled in the ring to this point, but has made his opponents suffer in the cage. He came to Rock Hard looking to take on the best, and proclaim that this is his time to shine. Unfortunately, the rookie is matched up against Jake the machine in his debut match, which is a considerable challenge considering Jake has yet to lose a match here at Rock Hard. Jake stands in his corner wearing his signature red square cuts and black boots, while the rookie sports skimpy white square cuts with blue and orange accents and blue boots. The banter starts almost immediately between these two warriors, with Jake asking whats going on rookie?, and Eli quips "so I hear you’re the big boy on campus?" Jake takes control of the rookie from the start, tossing him across the ring and into a reverse headlock that has Eli straining for air. Jake continues to control Eli with several knees to his midsection that knock him to the mat, and then starts stomping away on the rookies picture perfect, 8-pack abs. Jake wants to show the rookies who’s the boss here at Rock Hard, and focuses on pounding away at Elis abs in round one. Jake mocks the rookie by flexing and posing his well muscled torso over Eli, as he lays suffering on the mat. When Jake gets a little cocky and flexes one too many times, Eli takes advantage of the opening and plants Jake on his back with a swift double leg takedown. The rookie starts dishing out his own punishment on Jakes impressive body, stomping on his abs, slamming him down to the mat, and then locking on an MMA style arm bar that makes Jake groan in pain. Eli continues to put a beating on the more experienced Jake, stretching his muscular body out in all types of different directions using his arsenal of mixed martial arts style holds. Its looking like Eli has Jake down for the count after he drops him face first into his knee, but Jake isn’t one to go down easy, and he summons the strength to reverse kick Eli directly in his midsection, which knocks the wind right out of the rookie and drops him to the mat. Jake seizes the opportunity to pounce on the rookie, and goes back to beating up on Eli's abs. He straddles him, drives several hard fists down into Eli's midsection, continues with a few stomps to the gut, and then follows that up with a standing drop kick that has Eli withering on the mat in pain. Jake senses its time to end this round, and picks him up, places him into a painful ab stretch, and has Eli's rippling 8 pack abs exposed for a beating. Jake bashes away at the rookies stunning abs, turning them red, and stretching the poor rookie to the max while demolishing his abs. After a while, Eli just cant take the pain any longer and is forced to submit, and say "I quit Jake Jenkins" before Jake stops the beating and lets him drop to the mat. The machine, Jake, claims victory over the smaller rookie in round one by towering over him and proudly flexing his huge biceps over his beaten opponent.
Round two, and Jake picks up right where he left off, lifting a knee directly into Eli's sculpted abs, which drops the rookie to the mat. Jake continues to work his athletic body over with a series of holds, until Eli is able to reverse him and gain the upper hand. He whips Jake across the ring, slinging him off the opposite ropes and delivers a spinning leg whip that catches Jake right across his chiseled chest, and plants him flat on the mat. Eli yells out, and asks "how do your abs feel?" as he picks Jake up off the mat, places him in an inverted choke hold, then starts bashing away at his abs! He then drops Jake down upon his knee, which has him howling out in pure pain and set up for more punishment. As well as this rookie can take it, he can deliver it, and he’s determined to make Jake pay the price for round one. He starts with a several knees to the machines midsection, drops a flying leg drop across his gut, hoists him across his shoulders and reverse slams him to the mat, and then continues the torture with a MMA style knee lock that has poor Jake in some severe pain. Eli continues to taunt and dish out the hurt as he continues his assault on Jake's muscular body. Jake attempts a comeback, and even delivers a low blow stomp to Eli's crotch, but Eli relies on his championship wrestling skills to regain control, and catches Jake in a leg splitting spladle that nearly rips him apart at the crotch. Eli pays Jake back with a few stops to Jakes crotch to soften him up, before setting him up for a jiu-jitsu triangle choke with his legs wrapped around Jake's throat while sitting on top of chest. Eli taunts him declaring "Jake Jenkins is old news", as he continues to cut off Jake's air. Eli goes for the kill, applying tremendous pressure on the stud's neck and throat, until Jake reluctantly taps out a second round submission to the rookie. With this match tied at one round each, the deciding round opens and Eli has a sly grin on his face as he quips hows that neck feel? The sweat is shining off of both of their fine tuned physiques, with each of these warriors determined to claim victory in this marathon match up that goes for nearly 30 minutes. Will Jake be able to thwart the young rookies assault and continue his dominance in the Rock Hard ring, or will the upstart rookie Eli be able to declare he’s the new shining star here at Rock Hard by imposing his will on Jake, and forcing him to tap out another submission? Both of these wrestlers dish out a beating and bashing on each other in this final round, leading up to the loser being demolished in not just one submission hold, but is forced to submit twice! This is a blockbuster battle you don’t want to miss!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Nick Collins vs Gunner Bayani
Regular price $21.95This match pits two of our newest rookies, with the tall, lean muscled Nick going against high flying Gunner. Nick is decked out in light blue square cuts with white boots, that highlight his rippling abs and well proportioned physique. Gunner enters the ring in all black, black tights and black boots, wanting to set the mood for this match up. Round one opens with Gunner taunting Nick, asking hows it hanging there pretty boy?, and Nick shrugging it off responding its good, its good. Gunner gets it going with a quick knee lift into Nick's abs, and then pounds the upstart rookie with a fist to his back, which drops him to the mat. He starts pounding away at Nick's muscular body with a series of moves that include; a flying knee drop to his chest, follows that up with several stomps to his gut, and then continues the beating with an elbow drop to his pecs, all of this has Nick suffering in pain. Gunner continues with the control, intent on pounding away at Nick's abs and legs. Nicks lean muscled body continues to take a beating, until he’s able to roll out of the way of a flying knee drop from the high flyer, that misses its mark. Nick seizes the opportunity to turn things around here in round one, and begins to bash away at Gunner's midsection. He taunts Gunner to get up, and then lifts him up by his head, takes him back down to the mat with a single leg, and then locks on a figure four ankle lock that applies intense pressure, and has Gunner screaming out in pain. Nick tosses him aside, delivers a few quick jabs to the high flyers back, lifts him back to his feet, and then commands him to stand up straight. Nick is in charge, and is determined to dish out his own brand of torture. He takes Gunner back down to the mat with a single leg, straddles him to punish him with some fists to the chest, and then locks on a super tight, MMA style arm bar that nearly rips Gunner's arm right out of the socket. Gunner is crying in pain, and Nick as him hows that feel? Nick asks him to submit, but Gunner refuses, and with that Nick continues to put Gunner into a variety of pain inflicting, torture holds, looking to secure a submission. Nick continues his control for the remainder of round one, setting his opponent up for a single leg Boston crab that has Nick flexing all of his muscles to the max for increased pressure on Gunners lower back, until Gunner is forced to reluctantly scream out a submission to end round one. Nick stands up, towers over his crushed opponent, and confidently proclaims I knew you were going to submit!
Nick comes out of his corner to start round two with his confidence high and his chest puffed out, taunting Gunner, saying that didn’t feel too good, did it?. Nick goes back on the attack, taking the high flyer down with a fireman’s carry, and then starts bashing away at his abs. His strategy is to keep the fight on the mat, negating Gunner's aerial tactics. He straddles Gunner, delivers several punches to Gunners chest and then clamps on an arm lock that has the high flyer squirming in pain. Nick continues to attack Gunner, backing him into the corner turnbuckle and goes back to pounding away at his ripped midsection. Gunner is able to fend off Nick's attack, get back to his feet, and tosses him to the mat with an arm bar that catches the taller Nick by surprise. Gunner is determined to go on the attack and make Nick pay for the suffering he’s endured. He methodically starts attacking and pounding away at every part of Nicks lean muscled body. He continues to dish out the hurt on the pretty boy, making him suffer in a series of pain inflicting holds that end with a combination arm bar and chin lock that has Nicks back and neck stretched to the limit, forcing him to tap out a submission to the boy in black. Gunner celebrates his round two victory with a big smile on his face towering over the defeated pretty boy Nick. The decisive round three starts with the sweat starting to drip from the bodies of these two young rookies. They both know a lots on the line in this round, and both want to claim their first victory to prove themselves here at Rock Hard. Will Nick be able to control the high flyer using his exceptional mat skills and superior strength, or can Gunner stay on the assault and showcase his high flying athletic moves to knock the upstart rookie out. It all leads up to a split second mistake that gives the other an epic knock out submission, and he celebrates his hard fought victory by placing his boot on his opponents chest and flexing a popping double bicep shot that declares his dominance!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Cliff Johnson vs Austin Cooper
Regular price $21.95Cliff has ended up on the losing end of his two previous tag team matches, with different partners, against Team Austin/Jake, and has been pissed off ever since. He demanded a one on one match with Austin, confident in his ability to take out the muscular tactician. Round one opens with the runway model Cliff wearing navy blue squarecuts and black boots, and Austin wearing light blue squarecuts with red piping, and black boots. Cliff walks out of his corner, confident and mean looking, asking how do you feel, good, and then flies off of his feet to deliver a double leg drop kick to Coop's gut, which floors him immediately as he claims that was a cheap shot. Cliff starts stomping away at the lower back, and then rolls him over and starts pounding away at his six-pack midsection. Cliff continues his beat down on Coop with a choke slam to the mat, then tossing him across the ring into a clothesline, and then continues abusing his abs. Coop is able to summon up his strength and reverse the momentum, clamping a full nelson and leg scissors around the runway models models tight waist, applying some intense pressure and pain. He then lifts Cliff up by his hair, laces him through the ropes, and then exploits his lanky 61 frame with a standing surfboard that stretches the model to the max and has him grunting in pain. After Coop dishes out more punishment by stretching him out again in a crotch ripping leg split, Cliff has had enough and reverses the momentum with a quick shot to Coop's rib cage, followed with several hard stomps to the small of his muscular back. Cliff takes control of the match delivering an assault on Coop's back and abs, setting him up for a tight Boston crab, that Coop initially is able to fend off, but Cliff releases it, goes back to stomping away at his lower back, and then rolls him over again into another excruciating Boston crab, applying all of his 175 lbs of weight on Coop's lower back, which has him squirming and crying out in pain, until he’s forced to submit round one to the bigger runaway model. Cliff celebrates by proudly flexing his muscular body over his beaten opponent.
In round two, Cliff takes control right off the bat with a kick to Coops abs, which drops the tactician, as Cliff proclaims this is my house now. He circles around Coop as he’s crumbled on the mat, like a vulture circling his next prey. Cliff is in total command of this match, and he’s determined to make Coop pay for the two tag team loses on his record! As the sweat starts to build up on both of these magnificent bodies, Cliff continues beating up on his opponent; tossing him into the turnbuckle and slamming shoulders into his gut, and then follows that up with a suplex that flings Coop's body to the mat. Coop does eventually break free from a full nelson and leg scissors combo, and mounts an attack on the lanky runway model. He starts intently pounding away at Cliff's body; working over his long legs, lifting the big guy up over his head and power slamming him to the mat, and inflicting some real pain with a series of reverse wrist locks. After Austin does everything that he can to muscle his way to a submission from the runway model, Cliff is able to take back control with a sharp jab to the gut, followed up with some swift knees to the midsection that that have Coop reeling again. Cliff is back on the attack, methodically beating up and wearing down Coop's impeccable physique. Once Cliff softens Coop up with some ab bashing, and a knee to his spine, he proclaims its about time to finish this, and he hoists Coop's limp, sweaty body up across his shoulders and ends the match with an excruciating backbreaking finishing hold that has Coop screaming out an I quit, I quit submission, and giving Cliff his highly desired victory!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Tyler Reeves vs Zack Johnathan
Regular price $21.95This match comes about as a result of an internet social media wrestling challenge that occurred when Zack was online checking out his favorite wrestlers, and he notices there's someone on the app trashing his name. Well, Zack will have none of this, and immediately issues a challenge match to a guy he knows only as Tyler. Zack has perfected his muscular body, has been featured in many fitness and adult media, has years of wrestling experience, and isn’t afraid to take on anybody. Tyler also has a perfectly sculpted physique, with no body fat, and has gained some wrestling skills from his experience in the ring. Zack walks out of the locker room and into the Rock Hard ring to see that Tyler did show up, and starts trash talking the tall, muscle boy. Tyler doesn’t back down, claiming this is going to be easy because I thought you were going to be a lot bigger. Zack lifts his Rock Hard t-shirt up and off of his money-making physique, and both guys tie up in the center of the ring. The taller Tyler takes the muscle model down first and starts stretching out his famous physique. Zack is able to escape, tells Tyler he’s going to teach him a wrestling lesson, then starts splitting his legs and ripping apart Tyler’s crotch. Round one goes back and forth between the two muscle studs, with Zack attacking Tyler’s super ripped abs, concentrating on bashing and pounding away at them in an attempt to wear his taller opponent down. Tyler works on Zack’s muscular arms and legs with a series of leg locks, leg splits, arm bars, trying to force a submission out of the muscular, bronzed body of the muscle model. Near the end of round one, Zack has Tyler backed into the corner turnbuckle, bashing away at his sweaty, ripped abs when Tyler is able to summon the strength to turn things around place a sleeper hold on Zack, and then locks on a super tight arm bar that has Zack yelling out in pain and screaming out a submission. Round one goes to Tyler as he struts his muscular body around the ring and hovers over his fallen opponent.
Round two opens with the sweat continuing to drip from both of their sculpted, muscular bodies, and Zack knowing he needs to win this round to stay alive in this match. Zack takes the early control taking Tyler down to the mat, and rolling him over for a quick pin count, hoping to end this round early, but Tyler is able to kick out and get back to his feet saying you gotta do better than that! Zack goes for a lightning quick single leg takedown on the lanky Tyler, but ends up with Tyler’s long legs wrapped around his waist and trapped in a leg scissors. Tyler delivers some punishing blows to Zack’s perfectly sculpted chest, but Zack knows his reputation is on the line in this match and is able to fend off a count out, and gets back to his feet and back on the attack. The muscle model starts an assault on Tyler’s body with a choke over the top rope, an excruciating Boston crab, and an arm bar that has Tyler crying in pain. Zack goes for a 3 count, but Tyler still has enough in him to kick out and continue the round. Tyler tries to stage a comeback but Zack is determined not to loose this round, and goes back to working over his opponents lanky legs, setting him up for a super tight figure four leg lock that inflicts so much severe pain that Tyler has no choice but to submit to escape the torture. Zack is victorious in round two, as he gets up off the mat and leans his magnificent muscular body against the ropes to admire his destruction. With the match all even at one round a piece, both of these sweat soaked muscle boys are determined to conquer their opponent. Zack takes the early control in round three, reverting back to his scholastic wrestling experience, taking Tyler down with a fireman’s carry move that plants his back flat on the mat. Will the muscle model Zack be able to continue his destruction of the amateur all star, or will Tyler be able to use his fantastic physique and athletic skills to pull off an upset, and defeat Zack in this internet challenge match up. It all leads up to a powerhouse of a finish with the winner delivering an over the knee backbreaker, and then finishing him off with a 1-2-3 pin count straddling over his defeated sweat soaked, worn out body!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.