Jeff Hollister vs Tyler Reeves
Regular price $21.95Jeff Hollister vs Tyler Reeves
Tyler comes into this match having experienced some tough losses since joining Rock Hard. He’s been close to winning in all of his single matches, but has just come up short. His impressive, finely muscled physique and amateur athletic experience makes him a threat every time he steps into the ring. This time, he finds himself matched up against the much smaller and less experienced boy next door, Jeff Hollister. Jeff stands in his corner before the match sizing up the much bigger and more muscular Tyler, and you have to wonder whats going through his mind? Hows he going to bring down Tyler, when Tyler is so hungry for his first singles victory? Round one opens with Tyler asking whats this, they send me a baby? to wrestle, mocking the blond haired boy. Tyler takes Jeff down to the mat, and immediately starts pounding and stomping away on his smaller opponent. He continues with aggression, pulling Jeff up by his hair, picking him up, and slamming him down to the mat. He locks on a single leg Boston crab that has Jeff’s legs split wide open and applying enormous pressure to the small of his back. Tyler continues to mock the boy next door throughout the round, asking how does it feel little baby? Jeff is able to mount an attack on Tyler’s muscular body by tossing him off, locking on a full nelson and grapevine around his legs, and then stretches Tyler’s perfect, fat free, muscled torso to the max that has him wincing in pain. But Tyler is able to regain control of the boy next door, and makes him pay the rest of the round. He punishes the blond haired boy for the rest of round one, setting him up for a backbreaking over the back reverse surfboard that has Tyler in unbearable pain and screaming out a first round submission. Tyler drops him to the mat, kneels down on Jeff’s back as he suffers in pain, flexes his huge bicep, and slaps his ass like a baby’s bottom to end round one.
Round two starts with Jeff standing in his corner, somewhat dazed and confused by the beating he just took. Tyler sensing a victory, isn’t about to let up on the attack, and goes right back to pounding and kicking Jeff’s nice looking, athletic body. As the sweat glistens off of Tyler’s perfect torso, he sets Jeff up for a leg split wishbone that has Jeff’s crotch stretched out on full display, and Tyler hammering away at his hamstrings. Jeff’s legs are throbbing with pain as he begs for mercy and screams out no. Tyler seems to be enjoying the beating he’s putting on the smaller Jeff, letting out all of his hostility from his previous lost matches. This looks like its going to be a total one sided squash in this round, that is until Jeff is able to duck under a clothesline attempt and secure a full nelson on the sweaty Tyler, and throws in a leg scissor that has Tyler on the defense. Jeff then straddles him on the mat and starts pounding away at Tyler’s sweaty six pack abs making the muscle boy suffer. This doesn’t last too long, as the bigger Tyler is able to toss the boy next door off of him, and then launches an attack on him that wears him down to the point he can barely stand on his own two feet. Tyler then lifts Jeff’s beaten body up, tosses him over his shoulders, and into a standing over the shoulder back breaker that has Jeff crying out in anguish and shouting out a submission. Jeff is glad the beating is finally over, and Tyler chalks up his first singles victory in a total squash job that should provide a lot more confidence for him in future matches. Watch out guys, Tyler’s looking to deliver more pain!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Tyler Reeves & Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
Regular price $21.95Tyler Reeves & Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
After Tyler destroyed Jeff Hollister in his last bout, he approached Max about teaming up and forming a tag team partnership. With Max struggling in some of his singles bouts, he figured this would be a great opportunity to form an alliance with another of the RHW big boys. It makes a lot of sense for these two to pair up considering they’re almost equal height and weight, and they even look like they could pass for brothers, though they're not. In their first tag team match up, they take on the team of Jeff and Chris. Max squeaked out a victory against the boy next door Jeff in his first match, and Chris took out Tyler in their singles match. This sets the stage for an interesting showdown in this match up. Round one starts with team Tyler and Max in their RWH workout shirts, and Jeff and Chris enter the ring in contrasting singlets. Tyler and Max start with the trash talk asking what do you think, this is high school wrestling? Jeff snaps back, nice shirts, and this gets the action started. Chris and Tyler lock up to start things off, and Chris gains the upper hand with a side headlock, and takes the big boy down to the mat. After Chris delivers an elbow drop, Tyler is able to shake it off and go on the attack. He picks Chris up and slams him to the mat, and then delivers an elbow drop of his own followed by several knees to the midsection. Chris is able to tag out, and Jeff jumps into the ring and takes Tyler down with a double leg and continues with a few flying elbow drops to Tyler’s lower back. Tyler’s able to crawl over to his corner to tag in Max, he enters the ring and starts exchanging shots to the abs with Jeff. Both teams gain the upper hand at points throughout the round, with Chris delivering a clothesline on Max, then backing him up into the corner and him and Jeff double teaming him with some swift punches to Max’s muscled midsection. Then Tyler tags in, and starts putting a beat down on the boy next door Jeff that has Jeff crying out in pain. Near the end of round one, its the powerhouse Max coming back to take control over the lean muscled Chris setting him up for a finishing bear hug submission that nearly breaks the back of Chris before finally screaming an I give submission with the bigger boys claiming victory in round one, and Max flexing his huge biceps over the beaten Chris.
Round two starts with Max and Chris back in the ring, and the sweat starting to drip from their bodies. Max takes the early control over the still suffering Chris, and delivers a shot to the rib cage further softening him up and draining his energy. The powerhouse then backs Chris into the corner turnbuckle and starts bashing away at his abs. Chris is able to turn the tables on Max and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle and starts pounding away on Max’s muscled torso. He tags Jeff in, and Jeff picks up right where Chris left off, bashing away at Max. Tyler is finally able to tag in, and he uses his considerable size and strength advantage on Jeff to gain the momentum back in his teams favor. Tyler hits Jeff with some punches and some kicks softening him up, places him in a standing full nelson, and then walks him over to the ropes and ties him up in a reverse chin lock that has the boy next door suffering in agony. Both of the teams get some good shots in on each other throughout the round, and Chris nearly submits Tyler in a tight camel clutch, but in the end, the bigger boys are just too much for the smaller Jeff and Chris to handle. Round two ends with Tyler lifting Jeff up over his back and placing him in a back breaker that has Jeff in total pain and suffering before submitting round two and the match to the big boys. Tyler celebrates by flexing over the fallen Jeff, and slapping a low five with his new tag team partner Max. These two big boys make a formidable tag team, and the other RHW wrestlers better watch out!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister
Regular price $21.95Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister
This match opens with the muscle stud Cody bouncing his 6 foot flawless physique up and down in his corner, decked out in camo trunks and black boots. He yells across the ring to his opponent, the boy-next-door Jeff, are you ready for this Jeff Hollister? Jeff, all 57, 135 lbs of him, answers with a smile on his face yeah, Ive heard about you, Ive heard what you got. Little did Jeff know the beating he was in for, when he entered the ring to take on the bigger, more muscular, muscle stud Cody. Cody comes out of his corner with a big smile on his face, eagerly anticipating putting the squash on the much smaller, blond boy Jeff. They exchange a few jabs with each other to start the round, but Cody isn’t going to have any of this, he walks over to Jeff and simply exerts his power by picking Jeff up, carry him across the ring, and then slamming him down to the mat to begin the beat down on the boy-next-door. Cody delivers some hard boot stomps to Jeff’s torso while he’s down on the mat, then picks him up and throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle, and delivers some well placed, hard knee drives to Jeff’s back. Cody then spins him around in the corner and continues with several kicks to Jeff’s chest and stomach before Jeff crumbles to the mat in pain. Cody continues to pound away on Jeff’s body in the corner with an all out assault of kicks, stomps, and punches. He then drags the blonde boy out into the center of the ring and locks on a Boston crab, that has Jeff wincing in some serious back pain. Cody keeps the domination of round one going with a series of punishing holds, including a figure four leg lock, picking Jeff up and slamming him back down to the mat, and continuing to stomp away at Jeff’s body. Jeff is able to get a few shots in on the muscle stud, locking on a Boston crab of his own, and also a standing full nelson that has Cody squirming in pain for a moment, but Cody just has too much of a size advantage in this match up and overpowers the boy-next-door with his brute strength and raw muscular power. Cody goes back to pounding away on Jeff, calling him a little pussy boy, and then picks him up for an over the shoulders backbreaker and starts parading him around the ring, bouncing him up and down to inflict more agonizing pain, and then spins him around in an airplane spin that has Jeff sailing across the ring and landing flat on the mat. Cody walks over, picks the blond boy up by his hair, lifts him up in the air and the power slams him to the mat. Jeff’s just about knocked out at this point, and starts to cry out I give, I give but Cody isn’t satisfied with that, he lays his muscular, sweaty chest across the worn out Jeff and counts out a 1-2-3 pin count to end the beating on the boy in round one.
Cody starts round two confident and cocky, with a big smile on his face, and the sweat dripping from his pumped up muscled body, knowing he has total control of this match. He taunts Jeff hows that back feeling? as he struts from his corner to lock up in a test of strength with him in the center of the ring. You can sense Cody wants to totally squash his opponent, and display his dominance in the ring, exhibiting his full arsenal of moves. The muscle stud starts dishing out the punishment on Jeff with a power slam to the mat, several stomps to the body, and then flips Jeff over into a Boston crab, which has Jeff crying out, no, not the back and Cody applying extreme pressure to the Jeff’s lower back. He mocks Jeff as he rocks back and forth on his back, asking I thought you were a real wrestler? The beating continues as he picks Jeff up, throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle and starts dishing out more hurt with knees to Jeff’s butt, and then spins him around and delivers some ab abuse to the blond boy. Jeff can barely stand up, but Cody drags him back up, pushes him back into the ring ropes, and then stretches him to the max across the top rope with Jeff’s feet dangling in mid air on the inside of the ring. Jeff is able to make a brief comeback and does everything he can to deliver some punishment on the muscle stud, but Cody will have none of it. Cody is back on the attack, and applies an MMA style arm bar and wrist-lock that nearly snaps Jeff’s skinny arm, and it isn’t long before he’s screaming out a submission. Cody releases the hold, but says Im still not done with you, determined to inflict more sting on the suffering blond. Cody picks him up by his hair and forces two more submissions out of Jeff’s withering body, to finally put an and to the pure pain and punishment that was inflicted in this match. Welcome to the big leagues little man, and a total one-sided squash victory for Cody!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
Regular price $21.95Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
When Jeff asked for a rematch with Cody, everyone thought he was crazy! Cody just beat the crap out of Jeff in their singles match, and put a whipping on the boy next door that had him squealing in pain for most of the match. It was one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history. But, Jeff may be small, but his sinister smile hints that he may have a surprise in store for Cody in this match. Cody stands in his corner of the ring and taunts the boy-next-door didn’t I beat you last week, while Jeff responds by flashing the muscle stud a double bicep flex and a smug look on his face. He knows whats going to happen to Cody, he’s setting him up to be ambushed! Round one starts exactly like their last match, with Cody coming out and taking complete control of the much smaller, and weaker blond opponent. He picks Jeff up over his head, tosses him down to the mat, and then starts pounding and stomping away at his torso. He drags him to the center of the ring, flips him over, and applies a Boston crab on him. At this moment, the surprise comes walking out of the locker room, its Jeff’s buddy Chris Cox, who’s there to ambush Cody as payback for the defeat he handed him a while back. Chris thought he should have won his match against Cody, so he was thrilled to be able to join forces with Jeff in this 2 on 1 ambush on the bigger muscle stud. Chris enters the ring, pounds Cody on the back a few times, which forces him to release the Boston crab and fall to the mat. Jeff and Chris seize the opportunity to pounce on the muscle stud and start delivering some payback! Jeff locks on a full nelson, lifts Cody to his feet, and Chris starts bashing away at Cody’s sizzling, sculpted abs. They continue the beat down by stomping away at Cody’s torso, setting him up for a clothesline, and continuing an all out assault on Cody’s six pack abs. Jeff and Chris taunt him throughout the round, saying show me what you did last time but Cody just cant fend off the two of them. Cody attempts a comeback, but the energy has been drained out of him from the beating that the two of them continue to deliver. Near the end of round one, Cody is dripping in sweat and his abs are cherry red from the bashing they have taken from this beating. When Chris locks on a leg scissor across Cody’s throat, and Jeff locks on a leg scissor across his thighs, it is the beginning of the end for the muscle stud. When he wont give up to that combination, the two guys toss him over to his stomach and place him in a suspended surfboard that has Cody stretched out in pain, and submitting. Round one goes to Jeff and Chris, as they mock the muscle stud by placing their boots on his chest and flexing their own muscles over him.
Round two opens, and Chris calls across the ring ready for round two big boy as Cody knows what he’s up against in this round. His strategy early on is to separate the two and attack them one at a time. He first goes after the much smaller Jeff, shoving him to the mat, and then throws Chris down and starts punching him in the chest. This strategy seems to be working for Cody at the onset of the round, but when the two boys are able to gang up on him, they go back to delivering an all out attack on Cody’s sweaty abs. The both of them take turns pummeling away at Cody’s midsection, in retaliation for the beating he delivered to the both of them in their previous matches. At one point, Jeff picks Cody up, locks on a full nelson, brings him back into the corner turnbuckle, then Chris applies a double handed claw to the muscle studs beefy pecs that has him crying out in pain. They continue to torture his body throughout the round with arm bars, leg scissors, elbow drops, and stomps to his legs, but Cody wont submit. Throughout the round, Jeff has this sinister smile on his face, seemingly enjoying every moment of his pre-planned ambush on the muscle model. Near the end, they toss Cody around the ring at will, delivering a clothesline that leaves him dazed and laid out flat. Both guys decide to end this pummeling with a double teamed 1-2-3 pin count to end the match. Jeff and Chris stand up and flex their sweat drenched muscles over their ambushed opponent as he’s sprawled out on the mat, and taunting him asking, who’s ass is whipped now? This was a stunning finish to a full body beating that Cody wont soon forget!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) .mp4 file. This is the most common form of video file and can be played in virtually any digital video player app. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister and Ethan Andrews vs Zack Johnathan and Tyler Reeves
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister
In this feature match up, we have two new wrestlers making their debut in the RHW arena. Max is a towering, up-and-coming fitness model, with massive muscle who is starting to make his mark in the modeling industry. Jeff is your boy-next-door type, who has always been interested in mixing it up with the big boys in the wrestling ring. Both of these guys are newcomers to the world of wrestling, and both of them are out to prove their prowess in the ring. In round one, this classic big vs small match up begins with Max asking the little guy ‘you’re my opponent today?’ with a slight smile on his face, and Jeff taunting ‘yes, come get some’. Jeff surprises Max with a double leg takedown that drops the big muscle guy to the mat, he then picks him up and locks a standing full nelson that has Max stretched out and squirming to escape. Max is able to power out of the full nelson, and then whips Jeff across the ring delivering a standing clothesline that drops him flat to the mat. Jeff taunts Max asking ‘is that all you got?’, and he’s probably going to regret saying that later on. Max starts using his considerable size and muscle advantage to start beating on the little guy and wearing him down. He starts an all out assault on Jeff that includes; repeated ab bashing, stomps to the back, several scoop slams, and an over the back backbreaker that has Jeff ending up on the mat withering in pain. Max continues to throw the little guy around the ring like a rag doll, and continues to dominate in round one, as Jeff refuses to submit to the pain. As Max continues to beat on his smaller opponent, Jeff eventually can't withstand the pain any longer and after a power scoop slam, and several power elbow drops, Max flips Jeff over on the mat and counts a 1-2-3 pin count out that gives him the win in round one. Max, feeling proud of his accomplishment with the beat down of his opponent, flexes a huge double bicep pose over the fallen Jeff in the center of the ring.
Round two opens with Max proclaiming ‘this is it’ and starts bashing away at the boy-next-door’s midsection to soften him up. Max continues his dominance in the ring, and as he works up a good sweat that glistens off of his chiseled body, he stays on the attack pounding and stomping away at the blond haired opponent. Jeff has an incredible pain tolerance, and is able to find an opening to turn the momentum of this round, and he starts hammering away at the big guys abs, backing him up into the corner turnbuckle. He takes Max to the mat, and that’s where Jeff can equalize the considerable size difference. Jeff wraps his legs around Max’s muscled mid-section and starts squeezing away, sapping all the energy out of the big guy. After this, surprisingly Jeff starts to manhandle Max, and makes him suffer in a series of painful holds demanding a submission. Jeff drops of series of elbows on Max’s back, and then tightly wraps a leg scissors around Max’s abs and starts squeezing the crap out of him until Max is forced to cry out a submission, giving Jeff a stunning second round win! Jeff celebrates by getting up and slapping Max in the ass, flexing over him, and asking ‘now what do you got’? Round three starts with Jeff staying on the attack backing Max back into the corner turnbuckle, throwing a series of quick jabs to his abs, and then digging in with a claw hold to Max’s massive pecs. Will the smaller Jeff be able to sustain his assault on the heavily muscled body of Max? Or, will Max prevail using his size and muscle advantage to chalk up his first victory here at Rock Hard? An electrifying finish you don’t want to miss!
Ethan Andrews vs Zack Johnathan and Tyler Reeves (Trilogy Series - Part 3)
This is the third and final installment of the Trilogy Series, featuring the street punk Ethan Andrews, and his all out assault on the muscle boys here at Rock Hard. In the first match of this series, Ethan launched an all out attack on Tyler's six pack midsection, softening him up to chalk up two straight submissions with Tyler suffering in pain throughout the match. In the second match of this trilogy, the street punk took on the world famous fitness model Zack, and his perfectly muscled, moneymaking body. Ethan had to dig deep into his arsenal in this match, and also had to withstand several excruciating submission holds applied by the seasoned veteran, but the skinny street punk was able to wear Zack down and set him up for an awesome ab stretch submission hold in round three, and claimed another victory over a bigger muscle boy.
In this final match of the trilogy, Ethan wanders into the Rock Hard gym and finds Zack and Tyler practicing in the ring. Ethan climbs up on the ring apron to confront his previously beaten opponents as they are working on some new moves. They soon notice the street punk on the ring apron, and Zack asks 'aren't you the punk that was calling us both douche bags?' Ethan responds in street punk fashion, saying 'yeah, American douche bag and Foreign douche bag' pointing at each of them. Zack retorts 'you think that's funny' and Tyler suggests 'come on, let's get him!' They team up and lift the skinny punk up into a double suplex that carries him into the ring and lands him hard flat on his back. This is just the start of a thunder and lightning beat down on Ethan that will work over every part of his body. The two muscle boys team up to extract their revenge, and put a trashing on the street punk that he'll never forget! This match is total domination by Zack and Tyler as they beat up on Ethan and toss him around the ring at will. They first pull his t-shirt over his head, cover his face, and Zack starts kicking him in the abs as Tyler holds him down in control. They start ripping off his shirt and trunks, and Zack is choking him out as Tyler works over his legs. They overwhelm him with; power slams, arm locks, elbow drops, and leg splits that have Ethan suffering and crying out in pain. Zack and Tyler both team up, and take their turns, taking out their anger on the street punk, and extracting revenge for what he did to them in their previous matches. The total squash job continues, and Ethan has to be thinking he's sorry he ever came to the gym that day. While Zack holds both of Ethan's arms behind him, Tyler delivers a barrage of fists to the abs of Ethan as payback for what he had done to him. They continue their battering of the skinny kid as they double team him and put him through multiple submission holds that stretch him out and inflict pain on every single inch of his skinny body. Zack and Tyler are clearly having a good time beating up on Ethan like they own him. They pull his hair, make him suffer in a surfboard, whip him across the ring and into a double clothesline, pound away with duel flying elbow drops, and stretch him like a pretzel with a combination boston crab and arm bar lock that has Ethan begging for them to stop. Zack continues the trashing by picking him up, hanging him by his legs upside down in the corner turnbuckle, and they both start pounding and kicking away at the punk's abs. By this time, you can see all the red welts that have broken out on Ethan's body from the thumping he has taken, and he starts to beg of them, 'no more, no more'. After beating the punk around the ring in a total one sided squash, they finish him off with Zack cranking on a figure four leg lock and Tyler locking on an arm bar, and as they squeeze with all of their sweat soaked muscles flexing, Ethan howls out a submission to ultimately end this match as he lay withering on the mat in pure pain. After he submits, Zack suggests 'let's get this trash out of here' and they pick him up and carry him out of the ring and into the locker room for one final humiliating surprise. As the two muscle boys come back out of the locker room and gloat over their decisive victory, we find Ethan strung up in the shower with ice-cold water pouring down over his badly beaten body! Payback is a bitch, and this type of beating and humiliation has to make you wonder if we'll ever see Ethan step back into the RHW ring again?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Jeff Hollister vs Tyler Reeves and Brody Hancock vs Ethan Andrews
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Jeff Hollister vs Tyler Reeves
Tyler comes into this match having experienced some tough losses since joining Rock Hard. He’s been close to winning in all of his single matches, but has just come up short. His impressive, finely muscled physique and amateur athletic experience makes him a threat every time he steps into the ring. This time, he finds himself matched up against the much smaller and less experienced boy next door, Jeff Hollister. Jeff stands in his corner before the match sizing up the much bigger and more muscular Tyler, and you have to wonder what’s going through his mind? How’s he going to bring down Tyler, when Tyler is so hungry for his first singles victory? Round one opens with Tyler asking ‘what’s this, they send me a baby?’ to wrestle, mocking the blond haired boy. Tyler takes Jeff down to the mat, and immediately starts pounding and stomping away on his smaller opponent. He continues with aggression, pulling Jeff up by his hair, picking him up, and slamming him down to the mat. He locks on a single leg boston crab that has Jeff’s legs split wide open and applying enormous pressure to the small of his back. Tyler continues to mock the boy next door throughout the round, asking ‘how does it feel little baby?’ Jeff is able to mount an attack on Tyler’s muscular body by tossing him off, locking on a full nelson and grapevine around his legs, and then stretches Tyler’s perfect, fat free, muscled torso to the max that has him wincing in pain. But Tyler is able to regain control of the boy next door, and makes him pay the rest of the round. He punishes the blond haired boy for the rest of round one, setting him up for a backbreaking over the back reverse surfboard that has Tyler in unbearable pain and screaming out a first round submission. Tyler drops him to the mat, kneels down on Jeff’s back as he suffers in pain, flexes his huge bicep, and slaps his ass like a baby’s bottom to end round one.
Round two starts with Jeff standing in his corner, somewhat dazed and confused by the beating he just took. Tyler sensing a victory, isn’t about to let up on the attack, and goes right back to pounding and kicking Jeff’s nice looking, athletic body. As the sweat glistens off of Tyler’s perfect torso, he sets Jeff up for a leg split wishbone that has Jeff’s crotch stretched out on full display, and Tyler hammering away at his hamstrings. Jeff’s legs are throbbing with pain as he begs for mercy and screams out ‘no’. Tyler seems to be enjoying the beating he’s putting on the smaller Jeff, letting out all of his hostility from his previous lost matches. This looks like it’s going to be a total one sided squash in this round, that is until Jeff is able to duck under a clothesline attempt and secure a full nelson on the sweaty Tyler, and throws in a leg scissor that has Tyler on the defense. Jeff then straddles him on the mat and starts pounding away at Tyler’s sweaty six pack abs making the muscle boy suffer. This doesn’t last too long, as the bigger Tyler is able to toss the boy next door off of him, and then launches an attack on him that wears him down to the point he can barely stand on his own two feet. Tyler then lifts Jeff’s beaten body up, tosses him over his shoulders, and into a standing over the shoulder back breaker that has Jeff crying out in anguish and shouting out a submission. Jeff is glad the beating is finally over, and Tyler chalks up his first singles victory in a total squash job that should provide a lot more confidence for him in future matches. Watch out guys, Tyler’s looking to deliver more pain!
Brody Hancock vs Ethan Andrews
Last time we saw Ethan in the ring, he was being ambushed and broken down by both Zack Johnathan and Tyler Reeves as they avenged the earlier losses they endured by the scrawny street punk. The match ended with Ethan left strung up in the locker room shower with ice cold water pouring over his badly beaten body. At that time, you had to wonder if Ethan was ever going to show up again in the RHW ring? Well, he’s back, and with his confidence of slaying the bigger muscle boys badly shaken after that match, he steps into the ring to take on the more experienced and well muscled, Indy wrestler Brody in this match up. Brody has only lost once in singles competition here at RHW, so this will most certainly be a major test for Ethan’s street punk style of wrestling. Round one opens with Ethan in his signature black speedos and black wrestling shoes, and Brody standing in the opposite corner wearing red square cuts and blue boots. Ethan starts mouthing off right away, saying ‘oh, the famous Brody, look at how short your are’, and Brody retorting with ‘looks like this is going to be an easy one’. They lock up in the center of the ring, and Brody takes the early control on the street punk with a knee to the midsection, followed up by a front face lock and several forearm poundings to Ethan’s back. You can tell right away that Brody is intent on beating up on every body part of the skinny street punk in this first round, wanting to wear him down. Brody packs a lot of muscle on his body, and wants to take advantage of his muscle and size advantage over Ethan. He cranks on Ethan’s skinny arm, trying to rip it right out of the socket, and this has the street punk crying out in pain and wondering if he ever should have stepped back into the RHW ring? Ethan does get in his shots on the Indy wrestler in this round, retaliating with his own version of a reverse wristlock that has Brody’s bulging bicep in some serious pain. But, Brody is able to gain back control and locks on a camel clutch, declaring to the punk Ethan ‘you try to break my arm, I’m going to break your back!’ Brody pretty much controls round one, putting Ethan through a series of punishing holds and flexing his muscles and dominance over the smaller street punk. Ethan tries his best to make a comeback on the Indy wrestler muscle boy, resorting to some street style tactics, but Brody is able to withstand the punishment being dished out. Brody backs himself out of the corner with a few jabs on Ethan, tosses him across the ring, delivers a clothesline that knocks the wind right out of Ethan. Brody seizes the opportunity to finish off the punk with a few suplexes in the center of the ring setting him up for an over the back backbreaker that has him stretched out across Brody’s muscular, broad shoulders and screaming out a first round submission to the muscle boy. Brody celebrates his dominance of round one by flicking the sweat from his ripped abs over his fallen opponent, while Ethan squirms in pain on the mat in defeat.
Round two starts with Ethan still hurting from the backbreaker, hunched over in his corner. Brody comes out his corner stating ‘you have a little fight in you, but it’s not good enough’. He then grabs Ethan by the back of the head, whips him face first into the corner turnbuckle, and starts pounding away on his back. Brody has the command early on in round two, until he whips Ethan into the corner turnbuckle, tries to follow up with a body splash, and the street punk is able to step out of the way. Ethan seizes the opening to take control of the momentum and slaps a full nelson on the muscle boy and starts choking him out over the top rope. He starts beating up on Brody with a reverse neck breaker, and then following up with a rough ab bashing as the muscle boy is laid out on the mat. The street punk goes back to his old ways, and starts wearing down the Indy wrestler with a series of punishing holds that take a toll on Brody’s well muscled torso. Ethan works over the right arm of Brody with a series of knee drops to his baseball sized bicep, and then straddles him on the mat and delivers a torturous ab pounding that has Brody in trouble. Ethan then locks on a MMA style arm bar looking for the submission finish, and gets Brody to tap out submitting round two to the skinny street punk. Ethan gets up, hovers over Brody, and declares, ‘I can stand up to the best of you’. Round three opens with these two warriors desperate to win this round and the match. Brody quickly locks a bearhug on Ethan to start the round, but will Brody’s well muscled torso and baseball sized biceps be enough to take Ethan down in defeat, or will the street punk be able to get back to his winning ways and ab bash his way to a victory over another RHW muscle boy. The loser gets power slammed into oblivion and is set up for an easy 1-2-3 pin count, a finish that you’ll want to see!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Cody Nelson vs Max Powers and Tyler Reeves & Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Cody Nelson vs Max Powers
Cody comes into this colossal showdown with some impressive recent wins that have given him more confidence and experience in the RHW ring. In this match up, he’s going up against Max, who has the muscle to match up against Cody but doesn’t have the same level of ring experience. Cody’s in his corner dressed in camouflage trunks and black boots, while Max is staring him down from the opposite corner dressed in grey trunks and black boots. Their gear sets the stage for this showdown as both wrestlers are seeking to claim victory in this battle of the titans. Round one opens with Cody in a cocky mood, taunting Max ‘you know what today is, today is trash day, and I’m going to be taking it out!’. These two muscle studs lock up in a test of strength to start the round, with Cody muscling Max to the mat and then stomping on his hands to set the tone for this round. He then attacks Max’s massive pecs pounding away and backing him back into the corner turnbuckle. Cody continues roughing up Max’s muscular torso with several knees to the abs, and then sets him up for a suplex that plants Max flat out on his back in the middle of the ring. Cody continues being the aggressor, showing Max he’s the boss for most of round one. Max makes a short comeback putting the muscle stud in a tight boston crab, but Cody proclaims ‘he’ll never give up’. Cody regains control and keeps pounding away at Max’s chest until his massive pecs have turned beet red. He then locks on a figure four leg lock that has the big guy crying out in pain, but refuses to give up. When that doesn’t get the submission, Cody picks him up, power slams him to the mat, and then locks on a camel clutch that Max has to submit to before Cody’s snaps his neck. Round one goes to the experienced, muscle stud Cody as he celebrates with flexing his massive biceps over the beaten Max.
In round two Cody goes back on the attack, and continues to pound those massive pecs on Max, adding a few chops to his chest for good measure. Cody seems intent on ending this match in two straight rounds, wanting to teach the big boy a wrestling lesson. Cody continues trash talking on Max asking him ‘how’s that feel, does it feel good?’ as he continues to dominate max and bash away at his well muscled torso. As both of these guys continue to battle it out in the ring, the sweat starts to drip off their perfectly sculpted bodies, highlighting every flexing muscle. Max is able to turn the tables on the muscle stud with a quick punch to the chest that floors Cody, and Max proclaims ‘its payback time’. Max lifts Cody by his ears to his feet, locks on a side lock, and then hip tosses him to the mat and starts working him over. The trash talking continues between these two warriors throughout the round and Max is determined to claim victory in this round. He whips Cody across the ring and delivers a clothesline, then backs him into the corner turnbuckle and delivers his own heavy pounding and stomping on Cody’s muscular torso. He locks on a boston crab trying to gain a submission from Cody, but Cody tells him to ‘piss off’. When that doesn’t work Max picks Cody up into two strength sapping bear hugs that ultimately sets Cody up for another excruciating boston crab, that has Max applying serious pain to the muscle stud’s back, and Cody finally has to submit round two to the powerhouse big guy Max. Max places his boot Cody’s chest and flashes a double bicep and bounces his massive pecs in defiance to the muscle stud Cody. This showdown is all evened up at one round a piece! Round three begins with Cody hunched over in pain in his corner, and Max walks across over to him, locks on a front face lock, and starts bashing away at Cody’s ribcage. Will Max have enough raw power and experience to bring down the reigning RHW muscle stud Cody, or can Cody turn the momentum and beat down the powerhouse Max into a submission that earns him another sweet victory? The loser gets power slammed several times before he’s laid out draped across the winner’s knee in an over the knee backbreaker bringing a sensational finish to this colossal showdown.
Tyler Reeves & Max Powers vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
After Tyler destroyed Jeff Hollister in his last bout, he approached Max about teaming up and forming a tag team partnership. With Max struggling in some of his singles bouts, he figured this would be a great opportunity to form an alliance with another of the RHW ‘big boys’. It makes a lot of sense for these two to pair up considering they’re almost equal height and weight, and they even look like they could pass for brothers, though they're not. In their first tag team match up, they take on the team of Jeff and Chris. Max squeaked out a victory against the boy next door Jeff in his first match, and Chris took out Tyler in their singles match. This sets the stage for an interesting showdown in this match up. Round one starts with team Tyler and Max in their RWH workout shirts, and Jeff and Chris enter the ring in contrasting singlets. Tyler and Max start with the trash talk asking ‘what do you think, this is high school wrestling?’ Jeff snaps back, nice shirts, and this gets the action started. Chris and Tyler lock up to start things off, and Chris gains the upper hand with a side headlock, and takes the big boy down to the mat. After Chris delivers an elbow drop, Tyler is able to shake it off and go on the attack. He picks Chris up and slams him to the mat, and then delivers an elbow drop of his own followed by several knees to the midsection. Chris is able to tag out, and Jeff jumps into the ring and takes Tyler down with a double leg and continues with a few flying elbow drops to Tyler’s lower back. Tyler’s able to crawl over to his corner to tag in Max, he enters the ring and starts exchanging shots to the abs with Jeff. Both teams gain the upper hand at points throughout the round, with Chris delivering a clothesline on Max, then backing him up into the corner and him and Jeff double teaming him with some swift punches to Max’s muscled midsection. Then Tyler tags in, and starts putting a beat down on the boy next door Jeff that has Jeff crying out in pain. Near the end of round one, it’s the powerhouse Max coming back to take control over the lean muscled Chris setting him up for a finishing bear hug submission that nearly breaks the back of Chris before finally screaming an ‘I give’ submission with the bigger boys claiming victory in round one, and Max flexing his huge biceps over the beaten Chris.
Round two starts with Max and Chris back in the ring, and the sweat starting to drip from their bodies. Max takes the early control over the still suffering Chris, and delivers a shot to the rib cage further softening him up and draining his energy. The powerhouse then backs Chris into the corner turnbuckle and starts bashing away at his abs. Chris is able to turn the tables on Max and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle and starts pounding away on Max’s muscled torso. He tags Jeff in, and Jeff picks up right where Chris left off, bashing away at Max. Tyler is finally able to tag in, and he uses his considerable size and strength advantage on Jeff to gain the momentum back in his team’s favor. Tyler hits Jeff with some punches and some kicks softening him up, places him in a standing full nelson, and then walks him over to the ropes and ties him up in a reverse chin lock that has the boy next door suffering in agony. Both of the teams get some good shots in on each other throughout the round, and Chris nearly submits Tyler in a tight camel clutch, but in the end, the bigger boys are just too much for the smaller Jeff and Chris to handle. Round two ends with Tyler lifting Jeff up over his back and placing him in a back breaker that has Jeff in total pain and suffering before submitting round two and the match to the big boys. Tyler celebrates by flexing over the fallen Jeff, and slapping a ‘low five’ with his new tag team partner Max. These two big boys make a formidable tag team, and the other RHW wrestlers better watch out!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Travis Storm vs Chris Cox and Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Travis Storm vs Chris Cox
The all-American Travis is warming up before the match, pumping out some bicep curls while pumping up his brawny arms. He hasn’t noticed his opponent for this match, Chris, is already in the ring decked out in a black leather jacket and sporting dark sunglasses. Chris looks hot and sultry in this outfit, and you can see he’s ready to take on the all-American muscle boy. Chris calls out to Travis, ‘show me some skills to go along with those muscles pretty boy’, which has Travis climbing in the ring to do battle retorting ‘ I hope your bite is bigger than your bark’. The two of them meet in the center of the ring, and Travis scores first with a takedown, and then taunts Chris to ‘get up’. Travis takes the early control, using his size advantage to start beating up on the taller, leaner muscled Chris. He targets Chris’s ripped abs, and starts pounding away on his midsection. Travis is lively in his attack, and picks Chris up over his head, scoop slams him down to the mat, and then whips across the ring and into the corner turnbuckle. Travis goes back to bashing away at Chris’s midsection, in an attempt to methodically wear him out. At one point, Travis challenges Chris to a test of strength, and Chris uses the opportunity to deliver a knee to the gut of Travis, which has the muscle boy crumbling to the mat. Chris seizes the opportunity to apply a backbreaking camel clutch on his opponent, stretching his impeccable torso out to the max, and searching for a submission. Chris continues to put a beating on the pretty boy until Travis is able to regain control and starts an all out assault on Chris’s abs. After he’s weakened him up by torturing his abs, he lifts him up from the mat, applies a standing ab stretch, and starts delivering a series of elbows to Chris’s weakened, sore abs. Chris is forced to scream out a submission, and Travis places his boot squarely on Chris’s chest and the all american muscle boy flexes his bulging biceps as he prevails in round one.
Round two starts, and Travis is right back on the attack, targeting Chris’s midsection and whipping him across the ring face first into the opposite turnbuckle. Travis taunts him by asking ‘you like that?’ and is in control until he attempts to deliver a flying elbow drop on Chris’s chest, but Chris is able to roll away from it at the last second. Chris seizes the opportunity to grab the blond muscle boy by his head, pick him up to his feet, and then scoop slam him hard to his back on the mat. He picks him back up to his feet, throws him back into the corner, and delivers some ab abuse of his own to the muscle boy’s flawless midsection. Travis does attempt a comeback, pounding away at Chris, but when Chris delivers a dirty, low blow right between Travis’s muscular thighs, it brings the all american crumbling to his knees. Chris states ‘not so tough now’ as he pulls the sweat soaked Travis up to his feet and clamps on a full nelson, stretches him out, and then brings him back to the mat, wraps his long legs around Travis’s waist, and squeezes and stretches his sweaty, muscular torso out in full display. Chris makes the blond boy muscle boy suffer, asking for him to ‘give it up’ and submit, but Travis refuses to submit and asks ‘is that all you got’ before Chris releases the full nelson and pushes him to the side. Chris senses he’s got the all american worn down, so he picks him up for a scoop slam down to the mat, then backs him back into the corner for some gut punishment, locks on a head lock and forces him down to the mat, where he clamps on a tight camel clutch that has Travis’s back and neck arched to the max. Chris looks like he’s enjoying delivering the punishment, and it isn’t long before he has the muscle boy locked up in some serious pain, and Travis screaming out a second round submission. Chris gets up and celebrates his round two conquest by flexing over his bested opponent. Round three begins with Travis hunched over in his corner, still suffering in pain, and Chris taunting his fitness model opponent saying ‘so what’s up pretty boy, you need a break?’ Chris charges over to Travis, headlocks him, and hip tosses him down to the mat to show who’s taking charge in this round. Will Chris be able to tame the muscular Travis, or can Travis swing the momentum back his way and terminate the taller, leaner Chris. One thing’s for sure, both of these guys are dripping in sweat by the end of this match, and the winner subdues his opponent with a over the knee backbreaker that leaves him twitching in pain.
Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister
This match opens with the muscle stud Cody bouncing his 6 foot flawless physique up and down in his corner, decked out in camo trunks and black boots. He yells across the ring to his opponent, the boy-next-door Jeff, ‘are you ready for this Jeff Hollister?’ Jeff, all 5’7”, 135lbs of him, answers with a smile on his face ‘yeah, I’ve heard about you, I’ve heard what you got’. Little did Jeff know the beating he was in for, when he entered the ring to take on the bigger, more muscular, muscle stud Cody. Cody comes out of his corner with a big smile on his face, eagerly anticipating putting the squash on the much smaller, blond boy Jeff. They exchange a few jabs with each other to start the round, but Cody isn’t going to have any of this, he walks over to Jeff and simply exerts his power by picking Jeff up, carry him across the ring, and then slamming him down to the mat to begin the beat down on the boy-next-door. Cody delivers some hard boot stomps to Jeff’s torso while he’s down on the mat, then picks him up and throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle, and delivers some well placed, hard knee drives to Jeff’s back. Cody then spins him around in the corner and continues with several kicks to Jeff’s chest and stomach before Jeff crumbles to the mat in pain. Cody continues to pound away on Jeff’s body in the corner with an all out assault of kicks, stomps, and punches. He then drags the blonde boy out into the center of the ring and locks on a boston crab, that has Jeff wincing in some serious back pain. Cody keeps the domination of round one going with a series of punishing holds, including a figure four leg lock, picking Jeff up and slamming him back down to the mat, and continuing to stomp away at Jeff’s body. Jeff is able to get a few shots in on the muscle stud, locking on a boston crab of his own, and also a standing full nelson that has Cody squirming in pain for a moment, but Cody just has too much of a size advantage in this match up and overpowers the boy-next-door with his brute strength and raw muscular power. Cody goes back to pounding away on Jeff, calling him ‘a little pussy boy’, and then picks him up for an over the shoulders backbreaker and starts parading him around the ring, bouncing him up and down to inflict more agonizing pain, and then spins him around in an airplane spin that has Jeff sailing across the ring and landing flat on the mat. Cody walks over, picks the blond boy up by his hair, lifts him up in the air and the power slams him to the mat. Jeff’s just about knocked out at this point, and starts to cry out ‘I give, I give’ but Cody isn’t satisfied with that, he lays his muscular, sweaty chest across the worn out Jeff and counts out a 1-2-3 pin count to end the beating on the boy in round one.
Cody starts round two confident and cocky, with a big smile on his face, and the sweat dripping from his pumped up muscled body, knowing he has total control of this match. He taunts Jeff ‘how’s that back feeling?’ as he struts from his corner to lock up in a test of strength with him in the center of the ring. You can sense Cody wants to totally squash his opponent, and display his dominance in the ring, exhibiting his full arsenal of moves. The muscle stud starts dishing out the punishment on Jeff with a power slam to the mat, several stomps to the body, and then flips Jeff over into a boston crab, which has Jeff crying out, ‘no, not the back’ and Cody applying extreme pressure to the Jeff’s lower back. He mocks Jeff as he rocks back and forth on his back, asking ‘I thought you were a real wrestler?’ The beating continues as he picks Jeff up, throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle and starts dishing out more hurt with knees to Jeff’s butt, and then spins him around and delivers some ab abuse to the blond boy. Jeff can barely stand up, but Cody drags him back up, pushes him back into the ring ropes, and then stretches him to the max across the top rope with Jeff’s feet dangling in mid air on the inside of the ring. Jeff is able to make a brief comeback and does everything he can to deliver some punishment on the muscle stud, but Cody will have none of it. Cody is back on the attack, and applies an MMA style arm bar and wristlock that nearly snaps Jeff’s skinny arm, and it isn’t long before he’s screaming out a submission. Cody releases the hold, but says ‘I’m still not done with you’, determined to inflict more sting on the suffering blond. Cody picks him up by his hair and forces two more submissions out of Jeff’s withering body, to finally put an and to the pure pain and punishment that was inflicted in this match. Welcome to the big leagues little man, and a total one-sided squash victory for Cody!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD:Tyler Reeves vs Max Powers and Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
Regular price $34.95Two Matches on One DVD!!!
Tyler Reeves vs Max Powers
This match up features two titanic, muscular bodies that tower over most of the other wrestlers on the RHW roster. Tyler Reeves has paid his dues since joining Rock Hard, and know has teamed his rock hard, perfectly proportioned body along with some strong ring experience and has started to dominate opponents. Max Powers has an equally impressive rock hard physique, but has struggled in some of his previous matches with his lack of ring experience. Round one starts with Tyler in his corner, looking confident, and saying ‘ this is the big Max I’ve heard of, you’re good, with a sly grin on his face. Max circles in the center of the ring, and before long, Tyler is throwing some jabs to the big boy’s chest, testing his toughness. Tyler backs Max up, whips him across the ring, and then clotheslines him across the chest. This has Max’s big body reeling on the mat, with Tyler starting to punch away at his chest and stomp away at his muscled torso. Max is able to endure and escape to his feet, and returns the favor on the amateur all star, tossing him into the far ropes and delivering his own clothesline on Tyler. Max continues, picking him up from the mat, scooping his body over his head, and then power slamming back down to the mat. This shakes the floor of the ring, and has the sweat soaked Tyler’s confidence shaken. These two massive, muscular titans continue to try and wear each other down throughout the round applying camel clutches, stomps to the torso, ab bashing, headlocks and chokeholds. After suffering thru a beating at the hands of Max, Tyler is able to turn the momentum on the big boy with a single leg takedown, and he starts pounding away at Max’s chiseled pecs. He then focuses an assault on Max’s back that weakens the big boy, and after Tyler drops him across his knee for a back breaker, he finishes him off with a camel clutch that has the muscular Max stretched out, and screaming out a first round submission.
Round two opens with Tyler asking Max if he has ‘a sore back’ and then proceeds to charge across the ring, deliver a shoulder to Max’s midsection and drives him back into his corner and starts ab bashing away. Tyler brings the powerhouse down to the mat and starts chocking him out with a figure four leg lock around his neck. Tyler watches in glee as Max suffers and struggles trying to break the hold. Tyler releases the hold, and goes for a quick pin count trying to end the match early, but Max is able to power his way out of it. They both get to their feet and Max takes control, backing Tyler against the ropes and goes to work by bashing away at his sweat soaked rippling abs. Max then stretches Tyler’s perfectly muscled torso thru the ropes and cranks back on his chin, putting enormous pressure on his back. After he’s suffered for a while, Max drags him back into the ring and starts a focused assault on Tyler’s back and rib cage. The big powerhouse uses his brute strength to toss Tyler around the ring at will, continuing to inflict pain and suffering on his back and rib cage. He picks Tyler up in a scoop slam, throws him hard down on his back, which has Tyler looking for a way out. Max has a slight size advantage and that’s what he’s determined to use to his benefit in this round. Max taunts Tyler asking him if ‘he’s had enough’ throughout the round, as he continues to dominate the amateur all star. When Max has worn Tyler out, he picks him up and drops him onto his knee in an over the knee back breaker that has Tyler is some serious pain and stretched out on full display over Max’s big knee. Max continues to apply the pressure until Tyler can’t take it any longer and squeals out a second round submission to the bigger powerhouse Max. Round three, the deciding round, opens with both of these wrestler’s muscular bodies drenched in sweat, and Max picking up where he left off in round two. Max charges across the ring and backs Tyler against the ropes and begins bashing away at his gut. Will Max have enough power and brawn to overcome Tyler’s superior ring experience, or will Tyler be able to take out the titanic Max using his ring savvy. The match ends in spectacular fashion with the winner choking his opponent out, and then finishing him off with a double leg boston crab. The winner slaps a high five, while the loser is nearly knocked out in the center of the ring. An epic ending to a titanic battle!
Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister & Chris Cox
When Jeff asked for a rematch with Cody, everyone thought he was crazy! Cody just beat the crap out of Jeff in their singles match, and put a whipping on the boy next door that had him squealing in pain for most of the match. It was one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history. But, Jeff may be small, but his sinister smile hints that he may have a surprise in store for Cody in this match. Cody stands in his corner of the ring and taunts the boy-next-door ‘didn’t I beat you last week’, while Jeff responds by flashing the muscle stud a double bicep flex and a smug look on his face. He knows what’s going to happen to Cody, he’s setting him up to be ambushed! Round one starts exactly like their last match, with Cody coming out and taking complete control of the much smaller, and weaker blond opponent. He picks Jeff up over his head, tosses him down to the mat, and then starts pounding and stomping away at his torso. He drags him to the center of the ring, flips him over, and applies a boston crab on him. At this moment, the surprise comes walking out of the locker room, it’s Jeff’s buddy Chris Cox, who’s there to ambush Cody as payback for the defeat he handed him a while back. Chris thought he should have won his match against Cody, so he was thrilled to be able to join forces with Jeff in this 2 on 1 ambush on the bigger muscle stud. Chris enters the ring, pounds Cody on the back a few times, which forces him to release the boston crab and fall to the mat. Jeff and Chris seize the opportunity to pounce on the muscle stud and start delivering some payback! Jeff locks on a full nelson, lifts Cody to his feet, and Chris starts bashing away at Cody’s sizzling, sculpted abs. They continue the beat down by stomping away at Cody’s torso, setting him up for a clothesline, and continuing an all out assault on Cody’s six pack abs. Jeff and Chris taunt him throughout the round, saying ‘show me what you did last time’ but Cody just can’t fend off the two of them. Cody attempts a comeback, but the energy has been drained out of him from the beating that the two of them continue to deliver. Near the end of round one, Cody is dripping in sweat and his abs are cherry red from the bashing they have taken from this beating. When Chris locks on a leg scissor across Cody’s throat, and Jeff locks on a leg scissor across his thighs, it is the beginning of the end for the muscle stud. When he won’t give up to that combination, the two guys toss him over to his stomach and place him in a suspended surfboard that has Cody stretched out in pain, and submitting. Round one goes to Jeff and Chris, as they mock the muscle stud by placing their boots on his chest and flexing their own muscles over him.
Round two opens, and Chris calls across the ring ‘ready for round two big boy’ as Cody knows what he’s up against in this round. His strategy early on is to separate the two and attack them one at a time. He first goes after the much smaller Jeff, shoving him to the mat, and then throws Chris down and starts punching him in the chest. This strategy seems to be working for Cody at the onset of the round, but when the two boys are able to gang up on him, they go back to delivering an all out attack on Cody’s sweaty abs. The both of them take turns pummeling away at Cody’s midsection, in retaliation for the beating he delivered to the both of them in their previous matches. At one point, Jeff picks Cody up, locks on a full nelson, brings him back into the corner turnbuckle, then Chris applies a double handed claw to the muscle stud’s beefy pecs that has him crying out in pain. They continue to torture his body throughout the round with arm bars, leg scissors, elbow drops, and stomps to his legs, but Cody won’t submit. Throughout the round, Jeff has this sinister smile on his face, seemingly enjoying every moment of his pre-planned ambush on the muscle model. Near the end, they toss Cody around the ring at will, delivering a clothesline that leaves him dazed and laid out flat. Both guys decide to end this pummeling with a double teamed 1-2-3 pin count to end the match. Jeff and Chris stand up and flex their sweat drenched muscles over their ambushed opponent as he’s sprawled out on the mat, and taunting him asking, who’s ass is whipped now?’ This was a stunning finish to a full body beating that Cody won’t soon forget!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.