Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews
Regular price $21.95Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews
Bruce is another of the recent new faces that have joined Rock Hard, wanting to test their skills and muscle against the best underground wrestlers on the planet. He’s got; movie star looks, a golden brown tan, and a Greek god physique, all perched upon massive tree trunk size thighs. He’s the total package, one that causes heads to turn when he enters a room. He also brings prior amateur wrestling experience and martial arts skills to the ring, and is determined to work his way to the top of the roster. His opponent in his debut match is Tyson, another new fitness model face to climb into the Rock Hard ring. He had the unfortunate experience of being matched up against veteran bad boy Ethan Andrews in his debut match, and after Ethan got through working over his abs and muscles, his fitness model body ached for a week. Tyson's more of a backyard brawler type, and is eager to chalk up his first victory to show he can compete against the big boys. Both guys are in their respective corners to start the match, Bruce decked out in black trunks with blue stripes and black boots, looking the part of a warrior. Tyson is in soft blue square cut trunks with white boots that highlight his fitness model physique. They exchange pleasantries amongst rookies before the smack talk starts. Bruce asks “where’d they recruit you from, Baby Gap?” and who trains your legs, your sister?. Tyson replies you talk a lot of smack, lets see what you got. They tie up and Tyson takes the early advantage with a double leg lift that has Bruce perched across his shoulder, the blond fitness model walks him around a little before dropping to his knees which drives Bruce's gut right down on his shoulder. This leaves Bruce gasping for air as he lay on the mat. Tyson connects with several jabs to his abs, before pulling Bruce's hair to lift him to his feet. He backs the bodybuilder into the ropes, whips across the ring , and delivers a clothesline that floors the Greek god. Bruce wasn’t expecting this in the first few minutes, and appears a little stunned. Tyson pulls Bruce's massive arms back over his knees and into a camel clutch, then begins taunting him and slapping his face and asking hows that feel Bruce? Tyson continues his control with an arm bar that works over Bruce's mighty bicep, and some of his home-style backyard brawler moves before driving a claw hold deep down into Bruce's adonis like abs. The blond lifts Bruce to his feet, backs him into the turnbuckle and begins pounding away on his abs. Tyson hoists the bodybuilder over his shoulder, backyard brawler style, parades him around the ring and then drops him to the mat. But just when you are beginning to think Bruce is all show and no go, he surprises Tyson with a direct punch to his pec that drops him. Bruce towers over him and asks hows that feel? before he begins to dish out some payback. He stands straddled over the startled fitness model, connects with a few fists to the chest, then locks an arm bar on him in retribution for what happened to him minutes earlier. Bruce stays on the attack, pulling the fitness model into a camel clutch then cutting off his breathing by placing his hands over Tyson's mouth. Bruce's superior muscle and size advantage begin to take over as he tosses Tyson around the ring in a series of punishing holds. He wraps his massive arms around Tyson's waist in a rear bear hug, squeezing and sapping the energy out of him, then tosses his limp body to the mat. The bodybuilder attacks Tyson's back with a few stomps of his black boot. Bruce grabs Tyson's ankles wanting to drag his body to the center of the ring, and even though Tyson tries to cling on to the lower ring rope, Bruce outmuscles him. The rookie bodybuilder has him where he wants Tyson now, and rolls him over into a double leg Boston crab, softening up his back before he drops him into an over the knee backbreaker. The total package Bruce has Tyson draped over his massive thigh, stretched to the max, and begins attacking his exposed abs all the while the backyard brawler is moaning in pain. Tyson tries to submit, but Bruce wont let him. He makes Tyson suffer a bit longer as he stretches him out even more until the blond fitness model cries out I give. Bruce shoves him off his knee, states of course you give, you’re nothing but a bitch, gets to his feet and poses his piping hot body to end round one.
Round two begins with Bruce asking hows that back feeling baby boy?, and Tyson not even offering a response. Bruce clamps on a headlock and hip tosses the blond brawler to the mat. He kneels down across Tyson's gut, driving his knee into his abs and then driving a fist several times into his chest. It doesn’t appear that Tyson's recovered from the first round. Bruce is having his way with the rookie fitness model, stretching his body out in all sorts of ways and pummeling his six-pack abs and chest in between. But about halfway through the round, Tyson mounts a comeback by ducking under a clothesline and then catching Bruce with a clothesline of his own. This re-energizes Tyson and he goes on the attack. He locks a full nelson around the Greek gods neck then uses his legs to spread Bruce's legs wide open and to the max. Tyson continues to use his muscles to pulverize his opponents bigger muscles. He inflicts punishment on Bruce's body both on and off the mat, and nearly gains a 1-2-3 pin count before the bodybuilder is able to kick out. When that doesn’t work, Tyson starts working over his well-muscled back with a series of stomps before clamping on a Texas cloverleaf leg lock. Tyson bears down with all his might putting immense pressure on the big bodybuilders back until he submits. Tyson evens the match up at one round flexing over his fallen opponent. Can Tyson keep the momentum going in round three and score his first victory over the total package? Or, will the Greek god-like bodybuilder Bruce flex his muscles and impose his will on the smaller blond fitness model to secure a confidence building win in his debut match?
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews
Regular price $21.95Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews
After Tyson had his ass kicked in his first two bouts, with both bad boy Ethan Andrews torturing him in straight rounds and bodybuilder Bruce Ballard over muscling him in his most recent match, the rookie was looking for somebody, anybody that could show him the ropes. So, he approached a number of the guys in the locker room about teaching him some new moves and how to succeed at Rock Hard but they all turned him down, except for one. And that one was current superstar Alex, though he’s had his own share of bumps and bruises to his ego in his last three matches. So, it makes you wonder; is Alex looking for a protege or future tag team partner and is willing to invest in Tyson, or is there some ulterior motive? You never know what is running through Alex's mind, he looks the part of the perfect fratboy but plays the part of the evil bad boy. The match starts with Alex in the ring and he’s prepared for the training session with a white board of holds he wants to cover with the newbie. But, things don’t start off too well. Tyson is late, and when he does show up he’s got an attitude. Alex tells him hell be learning from one of the best, and is ready to get started. Alex brings the blond fitness model over to the white board to show him the list of moves he wants to cover today, and you quickly notice the first 5 moves are basic wrestling holds, but theres a sixth move added to the list call the Super Alex. The cocky fratboy begins the training session with the first move, a hip toss. He locks up with Tyson and shows him how to perform a basic hip toss. Much to Alex's surprise, the newbie is mouthing off from the start. Whats up with this attitude? They move onto the second move, a bear hug. Once again, Alex shows the rookie how to perform the move, wrapping his massive arms around Tyson's waist and lifting him up off his feet and squeezing the shit out of him. He first shows him a reverse bear hug, and then a front facing bear hug. Again, more attitude from the rookie. Hey, wasn’t it him that asked Alex to teach him some moves. Apparently, this new guy just doesn’t know how it works around here. They’re 2 minutes into their training session and Tyson tosses the white board out of the ring, and after seeing that Alex says OK, let me show you how I kick some ass! They tie and the cocky fratboy scores first with a knee to the blond rookies abs then another knee to his thigh, and next thing you know Tyson is crumbling to the mat. He may have pissed off someone he shouldn’t have. Alex shoves him back against the ropes and delivers a few bitch slaps right across the fitness models pecs. He then lifts the rookie up and power slams him into to mat, driving him hard into the ring floor. Tyson's muscled body arches in pain, as he moans from the impact. He continues to beating up on the disrespectful rookie, suplexing him around the ring the wrapping his massive muscled thighs around Tyson's wait and then wrapping Tyson's arm around his own throat, chocking him out on the mat. Alex is owning Tyson at this point; thrusting his shoulder into Tyson's gut in the corner, lacing his smooth shaven body through the ring ropes to stretch him out with a full nelson, then drags him back into the ring and squeezes with a bearhug before suplexing him around the ring. Alex is grinning and enjoying every minute of this round. As Tyson lay beaten on the mat, the cocky muscular fratboy places his boots on Tyson's shoulders then grabs his wrists and pulls back with all his might wanting to rip the poor boys arms right out of his shoulders. The rookie squirms to escape but it isnt until Alex releases the hold that the pain subsides from Tyson's body. As the sweat starts to glisten off each of these muscle boys hot bodies, the fratboy lifts the blond to his feet then drops his helpless body across his knee into a backbreaker. As Alex pushes hard down on the rookies chin, stretching him out and inflicting severe pain on his back, it almost sounds like Tyson is crying in defeat. But He isn’t done yet, he is able to reverse the momentum and gets in a few good moves on Alex, but it doesn’t faze the superstar. He regains control, goes back to beating up in the rookies body, then finishes him off with move #5 on his list, a back breaking camel clutch. Alex compels him to submit twice before releasing the hold and laying claim to round one.
The next round opens with Alex being coy, telling Tyson the whole objective in winning a match is for your hair to still be perfectly coiffed after the match. Typical Alex! The two start off with a test of strength, which not surprisingly Alex controls and backs the blond rookie back into the corner. He unleashes an attack on Tyson's gut, connecting with a series of punches and boots. The blond newbie falls to the mat, but Alex lifts him with a handful of hair and begins choking him over the rope. He follows that up with a tightly placed figure four around Tyson's throat to prolong the choking. Perhaps Tyson should have paid more attention to the training at the onset because he hasn’t shown much offense so far! Alex stays in control, again pulling the rookie to his feet by a handful of his golden locks, only to power slam him back to the mat. Alex is pissed at the fact that the rookie asked him for some training help and then steps into the ring and makes fun of him. Alex continues to pull him up and power slam him to the mat, then when Tyson cant recover, he straddles the newbie and connects with several bitch slaps across his muscled pecs. Alex's muscles look spectacular as his sweat gleans off his body while he continues to do what he does best, and thats pulverize and torture his opponent. The cocky fratboy is enjoying every minute of dishing out the pain, this is the Alex were accustomed to seeing! He continues the beating on Tyson; making him suffer in a surfboard, then smashing his face into the corner turnbuckle. The rookie shows little signs of putting up any offense and its pretty much all downhill for him in this round. Alex beats and batters his body until Tyson cant take it anymore. In a display of irony, Alex finishes him off with what was hold #6 on the training schedule, the Super Alex. He must have added this move to his arsenal after the setbacks in his last three matches because he’s never shown this move to anyone before. In an astonishing finish, the cocky fratboy uses the Super Alex to turn the rookies lights out to end this match! As Tyson lay slumped on the mat, Alex claims the victory.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.
Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Regular price $21.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Uh oh, seems like Dash and Bruce are at it again! They teamed up recently as super heroes to narrowly defeat the much more experienced team of Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, and are looking to wreak havoc on the tag team scene here at Rock Hard. They both have enjoyed success since joining the roster; Dash is the reigning King of the Ring, and Bruce is racking up experience and wins in his quest for the top spot. They seem to feed off each other’s energy and confidence, and we all know they both possess mind blowing bodies. You have to wonder how this match ever got scheduled. It’s like feeding two twinkies to a pack of wolves! Dash and Bruce must have charmed someone to secure a match-up against two unlikely tag team partners in Colt and Tyson. The sly teen Colt has had some success and chalked up his first victory a short while back, but the backyard brawler style of Tyson has not translated well to the ring. He’s been manhandled by three superstars; Ethan, Bruce, and Alex. Honestly, there’s little reason to think these two blond boys have even a remote chance in this match. But then again, it’s always nice to see a total squash once in a while. Round one begins with Dash and Tyson in the ring, and Dash declaring ‘we’re going to kick your ass’. And that’s exactly what starts to happen! Tyson makes the mistake of locking up in a test of strength so the huge bodybuilder just powers him back to his team’s corner and begins bashing and stomping his abs. Bruce just looks on in a show of confidence knowing Dash needs no help, and shouts across the ring to Colt ‘you’re next pretty boy’. And indeed he is, Tyson crawls over to escape the torment and tags Colt. The sly teen climbs through the ropes and directly into Dash’s size 11 black boot that connects with Colt’s gut. Dash puts him through the ringer applying his massive muscles with a Boston crab and camel clutch on the poor boy. Dash tags in Bruce to give him a shot at the fun and the bodybuilder picks up where Dash left off, punishing Colt in a camel clutch as he flexes in the mirror. From there Bruce gets his shots in on Tyson, and Dash throws Colt's around the ring like a blond headed rag doll. Tyson tags in to take on the bodybuilder Bruce and the total package out muscles him by picking him up and slamming him into the mat. Colt’s seen enough and jumps in on a double team, connecting with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s back. Tyson does take advantage for a short minute, strongly applying a double leg Boston crab bending the muscle boy’s massive legs. But it’s short lived, Bruce escapes and locks an MMA arm bar on the backyard brawler wanting to rip his arm off. Tyson does survive and is able to tag in Colt, and at the same time Bruce tags in Dash. Colt’s thrown into the corner by the chosen one, but after a few shoulder thrusts into to teen’s abs, Colt sends a number of knees into Dash’s gut. Colt makes the big bodybuilder ache in a reverse ankle lock. But once again, any momentum Team Colt/Tyson gain quickly evaporates. Dash re-takes control with a stiff clothesline and follows that with a knee to Colt’s forehead that stuns the blond. Dash continues his beating on Colt, softening him up for his partner to come in and finish him off. That’s exactly what happens! Bruce enters the ring, throws and slams the teenager around the ring as Tyson looks on helplessly. Bruce hoists Colt up across his muscular shoulders and starts doing leg presses as the beaten teen lay lifeless with no way to escape. Bruce commands Colt to cry out a submission, and then drops his sweaty, battered body to the mat to end round one.
Round two, and according to tag team rules, it starts with the same participants who finished the last round. Bruce is grinning wide and Colt is recovering as they come to center ring. As they’re circling, the sly blond teen reaches over and slaps Dash across the face, which just pisses off both Dash and Bruce. Bruce grabs Colt by the throat, shoves him against the ropes and begins choking him out with his powerful arms in retaliation for the cheap slap. As Colt struggles for air, Bruce adds insult to injury by telling him, ‘God, you’re ugly’, as he dials up the intensity. He then flips the blond to the mat, but is surprised when the sly MMA fighter catches him with a sweeping leg takedown. Colt may not be all that in the muscle department, but he’s as quick as a cat. Once he’s got the bodybuilder on the mat, this evens things up a bit, and he quickly locks a reverse ankle lock on the muscle dude. Colt has applied this hold hundreds of times and he knows how to inflict the pain, so he torques up the pressure as Bruce’s flexes every muscle on his glorious body searching for a way to escape. Will Colt and Tyson be able to maintain the momentum and take out the big bodybuilders?! NO! Bruce manages to tag in Dash, and when the sly teen see’s this, he hightails it out of the ring. Tyson comes in and is mauled by Dash. It’s all downhill from here for the blond rookies. The bodybuilders have their way with them for the next 10 minutes, toying with them and double teaming them along the way. Round two and the match ends with Dash punishing Tyson’s body until he’s compelled to scream out a submission saying ‘you’re the best’ to the powerful duo. Dash and Bruce flex their eye-popping guns in triumph as the sweat drips off their bodies, bringing to an end one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring! This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Ethan Andrews vs Tyson Matthews and Austin Cooper vs Alex Waters
Regular price $34.95Ethan Andrews vs Tyson Matthews
Street punk Ethan salivates at the chance to ‘welcome’ the rookie muscle boys to the Rock Hard ring. In his years since he joined the roster, this bad boy has had the pure pleasure of delivering pure pain to the incredible, mouth-watering muscled physiques of some of the hottest fitness models on the planet. In this match he takes on Tyson Matthews, another fitness model who believes his money making muscles will transition and help him prevail in the ring. Tyson brings amateur wrestling experience and a well-developed body that has the fitness photographers in South Beach standing in line to shoot him. This match opens with Ethan, in his red square cuts with yellow piping and black boots, starring down his next piece of muscle meat in the opposite corner. Tyson sports blue square cuts and white boots that highlight his model physique. Tyson starts straight away with the trash talking, calling Ethan a nerd and teasing him about his interests in gaming and comics. The bad boy admits to liking both, and claims he can be a street punk geek, just before he declares he’s ‘going to kick his …’ But before he can finish his sentence, the bad boy taunts back asking if Tyson is young or old cause he’s got this thinning hair line. You can see it in Tyson’s face he didn’t expect that and doesn’t appreciate it! The rookie locks up with the street punk and surprisingly is able to lift Ethan up in a double leg and places him over his back, walks him around a bit, before dropping to his knees into a ball buster to deliver the first cheap shot of the bout. Typically, Ethan likes to take the early charge of the match and set the tone, so as he squirms on the mat in pain to his much envied package he’s got to be thinking if Tyson might be different from the previous muscle boys. Tyson stays on the attack, lacing up Ethan’s arms in a full nelson to stretch out his lean body before backing him up against the lower ropes and connecting with a few stiff jabs to the street punk’s abs. Tyson then flips Ethan over into a back-breaking boston crab, and when the bad boy reaches for the ropes to escape, the rookie notices and drags him to the center of the ring. He continues to control the experienced street punk, locking his arm in a tight arm bar as he lay face up on the mat. Tyson’s muscular biceps pull on Ethan’s arm, wrenching it in pain. But, the bad boy is able to fend off the arm bar and escape to his feet. He jumps on Tyson’s back, wraps on a rear naked choke, and brings the rookie to the mat. Ethan transitions to a leg scissors, wrapping his legs around the muscle boy’s waist and begins to squeeze. He looks down on the rookie as he suffers, inflicting more pain with a claw hold on the rookie’s brawny pec. He brings him to his feet only to lock on an inverted choke hold that drapes Tyson over the bad boy’s knee, his muscular physique laid wide open for punishment. He continues to dish out a beating on the rookie, stretching him out in a standing surfboard and placing his black boot on the back of Tyson’s head, driving his face down to eat some mat! The street punk works on Tyson’s back, even trying to twist off his nose in the process, before lifting him up by all four limbs into a suspended octopus hold that has Tyson swinging in the wind. Ethan makes sure to grind the rookie’s face into the mat with each passing swing until he screams out a submission to end round one. The bad boy kneels down on Tyson’s back, flexes his baseball sized biceps in victory as his opponent lay defeated.
It’s round two and Tyson is in his corner hunched over in pain, as Ethan taunts him from the opposite corner, asking ‘how’s the back feel?’ As they come to center, the Tyson tries standing his ground by replying ‘it’s fine’ but to no avail. The bad boy connects with a boot to the gut that floors the naive rookie. Ethan starts on an all-out assault on the blond muscle stud’s legs, starting with a leg lock that includes a few stomps to the rookie’s abs, then a single leg boston crab, it continues with a reverse leg lock that has Tyson reaching for the ropes, then the street punk tops it all off by lacing Tyson’s legs around the ropes and exerting extreme pressure by twisting and turning. But just when you think this match is going to be over in two straight rounds, the rookie is able to make a surprising comeback. He catches Ethan with three straight elbows to the gut that drops the street punk. He clamps a full nelson and grapevine combo on Ethan’s lean muscled body and stretches him out. He pounds away on the bad boy’s body in the corners, then starts to attack his back. Tyson suplexes him around the ring, delivers a high flying fist into the small of Ethan’s back, then hoists him up over his shoulder. Can the rookie finish it in this round? He has the bad boy draped over his shoulder and arrogantly flexes his bicep for the camera. Ethan resists the pain, but when Tyson starts parading him around the ring like his captured prey, the street punk has no choice but to cry out a submission. In an astonishing turn of events, the rookie has claimed triumph in round two to even the match up at one round each! As the third and deciding round begins, the sweat has built up on both of their hot bodies and glistens like gold from the lighting. The rookie is full of vigor to start the action and gains the early momentum. His size and strength advantage is beginning to wear the bad boy down. But will it be enough? Can the rookie escape the muscle boy beating that Ethan usually dishes out in these matches? Or, will the dark haired bad boy take control of the blond muscle stud with his street punk style? One of these guys gets split and spladled, ab bashed and chocked out hard in the corner, before ultimately being stretched into submission to end this match. A match jam packed with thrilling action, unexpected twists and turns, hot bodies, and a shrieking screaming submission to a match you won’t want to miss!
Austin Cooper vs Alex Waters
This match is a throwback to Alex’s very first match at Rock Hard. He’s been an instant hit with the fans since bursting onto the scene last year, appearing in and winning the majority of his 10 matches to date. This is an opportunity to see how this current superstar started out his career and is an exclusive superstar to RHW. He sure didn’t have luck on his side when he got matched up against the brawny veteran Austin for the first time he steps into the squared circle. Coop has been on top of the underground scene the last several years, and has acquired both the technique and the chops to climb into the ring with anybody out there. Both of these hunks possess huge biceps; Alex’s massive arms peak at 16 inches, while Coop’s eye-popping biceps measure an incredible 17 inches. This match is set up to be a battle of the biceps! Round one begins with Alex in the ring, sporting his now signature blue/black trunks and white boots. But any fan of Alex will know that he has since switched to black boots after becoming a bad boy on the roster. In this match, it’s clear that he’s been trash talking from the second he stepped into our ring. As he waits for Coop to arrive he starts running his mouth. Coop flies into the ring over the top rope, and doesn’t hold back, asking ‘is it Alex or Alexis?’ playing mind games with the then rookie. They circle and lock up, as Austin seizes control with a headlock. He hip tosses Alex to the mat, and wraps his brawny arms around Alex’s neck as he lay on the mat, nearly popping his head off from the pressure. He releases the headlock and straddles the rookie stud, pinning his arms to the mat with his knees sending a signal to the rookie that the redhead’s the one with the superior muscle in this match. Coop continues to school Alex by putting him through a series of painful holds; a tight leg scissors, a rear choke hold, a reverse bear hug, before scooping him up to slam him back to the mat. Coop lifts the bad boy up to his feet, shoves him into the corner then drives a shoulder into his abs and shoves his boot across his throat as Alex slumps in the corner. The veteran then drags the muscle hunk to the center of the ring his ankles, cleans the mat by swirling his body around the ring, then walks him over to the ropes and chokes him out over the lower rope. It’s fun to watch how Alex’s first several minutes in the Rock Hard ring transpired, and at this point it’s hard to envision the success he’s had since. Perhaps this rough start in his rookie debut helped form the foundation of his mental and physical toughness that he’s shown in recent matches. Halfway through round one, when Coop gets a little cocky and leaves an opening, Alex is quick to seize the control. He attacks Coop’s back with a series of stomps, then straddles over him and shoves his face into the mat asking if he likes it? That cocky attitude has been there since the beginning! He pulls back hard on Coop’s chin in a camel clutch, then ab bashes him while he has him backed against the ropes. But Austin can take a beating and keep on ticking. He reverses the momentum as the rookie proudly poses his money making muscles, and Coop will make him pay. He pounds on Alex’s muscles while he makes him suffer. Coop chokes nearly chokes him out with a rear choke hold, transitions that to an arm bar, then lifts him in a reverse bear hug and tosses face first into the corner turnbuckle. Alex’s body slumps to the mat, and Coop knows he has the cocky boy set up for a submission. Coop wraps his massive thighs around Alex’s neck, sapping the energy out of him, then laces Alex’s muscled body through the ropes and slaps on an ab stretch. Alex is tied up with no way to escape. Coop pulls back on Alex for maximum pressure and bashes his abs, he wants to hear the cocky boy cry out a submission not once but multiple times before he finally releases the hold. Once the rookie submits multiple times, Austin shoves him down to the mat, then places his boot on top of his conquest and flexes his massive 17” biceps to claim success in round one.
Round two starts with the cocky frat boy stating ‘round two’s mine’, and Coop responds asking ‘I don’t know why you’re even still here?, you just got your ass kicked’. The two studs lock up in a test of strength, their colossal arms flexing and straining to gain an advantage. Coop out muscles Alex, forcing him back into the corner turnbuckle and begins pounding away on his killer abs. Coop continues to rule the ring, driving his claws into Alex’s pumped-up pecs, then squeezing his powerful arms around his tiny waist, and continuing to stomp and pound away on the rookie’s piping hot body. That is until Alex reveres the action by throwing him across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle. The muscle hunk goes to work on the big redhead; pounding his face into the mat, connecting with knees to the ginger’s rib cage, and wraps his own powerful legs around Coop’s waist to squeeze the shit out of him. This cocky boy knows how to dish out the punishment, and is resolute in evening this match up at one round a piece. Once Alex has worked over every muscle on Coop’s body, he punishes him in the corner as a prelude to a submission. He drags Coop up to his feet and hoists him up across his back into a crucifix. The brawny redhead’s muscular body is stretched out on display across Alex’s broad shoulders. Coop claims he’s not going to give, but Alex says “I’m going to break your back’ as he begins to bounce the redhead up and down in pain. Coop groans in pain and ultimately cries out a submission to end round two. The cocky frat boy places his boot on Coop’s back, stares down on him and taunts ‘find me somebody else to torture’ as he triumphs in round two. This battle of the biceps between two powerful studs is going to a third round to decide a victor. Will Coop’s 17” python biceps be able to control the cocky stud, or does Alex and his 16” guns prevail in his debut match against the seasoned tactician? All the exhilarating action goes back and forth in round three, and with the sweat starting to drip off their mouth-watering physiques, one of these two claims the win by proudly posing his gigantic biceps in sweet victory.
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews and Dash Decker vs Colt Stevens
Regular price $34.95Bruce Ballard vs Tyson Matthews
Bruce is another of the recent new faces that have joined Rock Hard, wanting to test their skills and muscle against the best underground wrestlers on the planet. He’s got; movie star looks, a golden brown tan, and a Greek god physique, all perched upon massive tree trunk size thighs. He’s the total package, one that causes heads to turn when he enters a room. He also brings prior amateur wrestling experience and martial arts skills to the ring, and is determined to work his way to the top of the roster. His opponent in his debut match is Tyson, another new fitness model face to climb into the Rock Hard ring. He had the unfortunate experience of being matched up against veteran bad boy Ethan Andrews in his debut match, and after Ethan got through working over his abs and muscles, his fitness model body ached for a week. Tyson’s more of a backyard brawler type, and is eager to chalk up his first victory to show he can compete against the big boys. Both guys are in their respective corners to start the match, Bruce decked out in black trunks with blue stripes and black boots, looking the part of a warrior. Tyson is in soft blue square cut trunks with white boots that highlight his fitness model physique. They exchange pleasantries amongst rookies before the smack talk starts. Bruce asks ‘where’d they recruit you from, Baby Gap?’ and ‘who trains your legs, your sister?’. Tyson replies ‘you talk a lot of smack, let’s see what you got’. They tie up and Tyson takes the early advantage with a double leg lift that has Bruce perched across his shoulder, the blond fitness model walks him around a little before dropping to his knees which drives Bruce’s gut right down on his shoulder. This leaves Bruce gasping for air as he lay on the mat. Tyson connects with several jabs to his abs, before pulling Bruce’s hair to lift him to his feet. He backs the bodybuilder into the ropes, whips across the ring , and delivers a clothesline that floors the Greek god. Bruce wasn’t expecting this in the first few minutes, and appears a little stunned. Tyson pulls Bruce’s massive arms back over his knees and into a camel clutch, then begins taunting him and slapping his face and asking ‘how’s that feel Bruce?’ Tyson continues his control with an arm bar that works over Bruce’s mighty bicep, and some of his home-style backyard brawler moves before driving a claw hold deep down into Bruce’s adonis like abs. The blond lifts Bruce to his feet, backs him into the turnbuckle and begins pounding away on his abs. Tyson hoists the bodybuilder over his shoulder, backyard brawler style, parades him around the ring and then drops him to the mat. But just when you are beginning to think Bruce is all show and no go, he surprises Tyson with a direct punch to his pec that drops him. Bruce towers over him and asks ‘how’s that feel?’ before he begins to dish out some payback. He stands straddled over the startled fitness model, connects with a few fists to the chest, then locks an arm bar on him in retribution for what happened to him minutes earlier. Bruce stays on the attack, pulling the fitness model into a camel clutch then cutting off his breathing by placing his hands over Tyson’s mouth. Bruce’s superior muscle and size advantage begin to take over as he tosses Tyson around the ring in a series of punishing holds. He wraps his massive arms around Tyson’s waist in a rear bear hug, squeezing and sapping the energy out of him, then tosses his limp body to the mat. The bodybuilder attacks Tyson’s back with a few stomps of his black boot. Bruce grabs Tyson’s ankles wanting to drag his body to the center of the ring, and even though Tyson tries to cling on to the lower ring rope, Bruce outmuscles him. The rookie bodybuilder has him where he wants Tyson now, and rolls him over into a double leg boston crab, softening up his back before he drops him into an over the knee backbreaker. The total package Bruce has Tyson draped over his massive thigh, stretched to the max, and begins attacking his exposed abs all the while the backyard brawler is moaning in pain. Tyson tries to submit, but Bruce won’t let him. He makes Tyson suffer a bit longer as he stretches him out even more until the blond fitness model cries out ‘I give’. Bruce shoves him off his knee, states ‘of course you give, you’re nothing but a bitch’, gets to his feet and poses his piping hot body to end round one.
Round two begins with Bruce asking ‘how’s that back feeling baby boy?’, and Tyson not even offering a response. Bruce clamps on a headlock and hip tosses the blond brawler to the mat. He kneels down across Tyson’s gut, driving his knee into his abs and then driving a fist several times into his chest. It doesn’t appear that Tyson’s recovered from the first round. Bruce is having his way with the rookie fitness model, stretching his body out in all sorts of ways and pummeling his six-pack abs and chest in between. But about halfway through the round, Tyson mounts a comeback by ducking under a clothesline and then catching Bruce with a clothesline of his own. This re-energizes Tyson and he goes on the attack. He locks a full nelson around the Greek god’s neck then uses his legs to spread Bruce’s legs wide open and to the max. Tyson continues to use his muscles to pulverize his opponent’s bigger muscles. He inflicts punishment on Bruce’s body both on and off the mat, and nearly gains a 1-2-3 pin count before the bodybuilder is able to kick out. When that doesn’t work, Tyson starts working over his well-muscled back with a series of stomps before clamping on a Texas cloverleaf leg lock. Tyson bears down with all his might putting immense pressure on the big bodybuilder’s back until he submits. Tyson evens the match up at one round flexing over his fallen opponent. Can Tyson keep the momentum going in round three and score his first victory over the total package? Or, will the Greek god-like bodybuilder Bruce flex his muscles and impose his will on the smaller blond fitness model to secure a confidence building win in his debut match?
Dash Decker vs Colt Stevens
This match introduces Colt Stevens as the newest rookie to join Rock Hard. Colt’s a blond hair, blue eye 19 year old who’s taking his shot in the modeling industry. He’s also an experienced MMA fighter who’s had success in the cage, and figures to know his way around the ring. The teenager must have got his dates mixed up this day, because he enters the studio thinking he’s there for a phot shoot, only to discover there’s no photographer there to greet him. Instead, he surprised to find the ‘chosen one’ Dash lurking around the ring. Dash is 6’1”, 220 lbs of muscle that looks like he was carved out of a slab of granite. He’s ripped to the max, and has destroyed every opponent that has stepped into the ring with him in racking up a 3-0 record to start his underground wrestling career. The ‘chosen one’ doesn’t take any shit from anybody, and isn’t amused by Colt’s misguided presence or his teenage model looks. Colt climbs into the ring in gym gear and sunglasses, and calling out ‘is the photographer here’?’ Dash walks around the curtain wondering what the hell is going on. Colt asks him if he’s a model or the photographer, and Dash simply answers ‘no’. Dash climbs into the ring with his signature ‘S’ shirt on and approaches the model. Colt sizes him up and says ‘you’re kind of a big guy’ and Dash retorts ‘well, I’m kind of a big deal’. Colt starts retreating and Dash asks him if he’s scared before delivering a quick punch to his gut, then smacks his sunglasses off his face and smashes them with black boot. Colt is stunned and calls Dash an asshole, and he’s probably going to regret doing that! Dash catches him with another shot to the gut , flips him to the mat, then strips the blond model of his gym gear. Dash pulls him up, whips him across the ring into a clothesline, and while Colt is suffering on the mat peels of his skin tight t-shirt to reveal his incredible physique in skin tight red briefs. The chosen one starts tossing the smaller teenager around the ring, manhandling him. He makes Colt suffer in a camel clutch, a single leg boston crab which he transitions to a leg lock, then applies a headlock on the blond boy with his massive, muscular arm and messing with the model’s hair. Dash continues to have his way with Colt, bounding, stomping and kicking away at his body while he’s backed into the corner. He continues to dominate Colt, whipping him across the ring and then scooping him up as he bounces off the ropes, and drops him across his knee into an over the knee backbreaker. Dash doesn’t seem to want to waste much time beating this rookie so he seeks a submission as Colt is draped over his knee in pain. Colt won’t submit so Dash stretches him out some more, and tells the model he needs to work out as he slaps his abs in amusement. Colt endures the pain and mounts an attack by playing possum with the bigger bodybuilder and knocks him down with a drop kick to his gut. Dash is down on the mat, and the teenager uses that as an equalizer. He starts bashing away at Dash’s shredded abs, wanting to slow him down. He pulls Dash up, whips him across the ring, then plants both of his boots in the chosen one’s abs as he slings off the ropes. Colt may look young, be he shows that he has an array of holds he can use, including several MMA submission holds. The blond model continues to beat on the bodybuilder, stretching out his crotch then rolling him into a banana split that has Dash ass up with nowhere to go. Colt sends a few jabs into Dash’s hamstrings while they are exposed, and he’s attacking every part of Dash’s glorious physique. He maintains the momentum; choking Dash out over the top rope, cranking on an arm bar, then squashes the bodybuilder’s head between his thighs humiliating the massive bodybuilder. But, the teenage rookie slips up when he takes a moment to flex his own biceps in dominance, and it costs him dearly. Dash seizes the chance to gain back control, and begins to maul and crush the inexperienced newbie. Once Dash knows that he has Colt right where he wants him, he lifts the blond model by his throat up off the mat and squeezes nearly his last breath out of him while Colt’s body goes limp. Dash lets him fall to the mat, places his boot on his gut and flexes his mighty biceps before wiping the sweat from his abs, and asks ‘how’s that for a photo shoot bitch?’ to end round one.
Round two begins and as Colt lay on the floor gurgling and in a complete daze, Dash wonders out loud ‘shit, did I kill you?’ He slaps the rookie on his cheeks a few times to wake him up, wanting to continue his destruction of the pretty boy model. Colt gets to his feet and begins backing up, so Dash forces him into the corner and starts to stomp away on Colt’s chest. Each time Dash stomps, the blond model’s chest gets more red. Dash toys with him, dragging him to the center of the ring and applying another back bending camel clutch, asking this is the way it starts again, it this the way it’s going to finish?’. Colt struggles to say ‘no’, and doesn’t submit to the pain. Dash maintains the upper hand with a series of punishing holds that include stretching the teenager’s lithe body out on the mat with a bow and arrow hold. But again, Colt refuses to submit. He’s showing that his experience in the MMA cage has taught him how to endure pain and punishment. So when Dash decides he wants to show off his awesome, shredded abs packed into his skin tight speedo, he allows for Colt to make a move. Colt lunges toward the bi bodybuilder and is able to drive him down to the mat with a double leg takedown. He defiantly begins bashing away at Dash’s prized six pack, again attacking his abs. The teen blond suplexes the big bodybuilder to the mat, then lifts him by his ears, then flips him back down on the mat, applies a leg scissors and continues to pulverize Dash’s abs. Has the young blond MMA fighter found the secret to bringing down the herculean like Dash? Or can Dash rely on his superior strength and fantastic physique to crush another rookie and maintain his impressive winning streak? It’s a model surprise ending you don’t want to miss!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews and Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
Regular price $34.95Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews
After Tyson had his ass kicked in his first two bouts, with both bad boy Ethan Andrews torturing him in straight rounds and bodybuilder Bruce Ballard over muscling him in his most recent match, the rookie was looking for somebody, anybody that could show him the ropes. So, he approached a number of the guys in the locker room about teaching him some new moves and how to succeed at Rock Hard but they all turned him down, except for one. And that one was current superstar Alex, though he’s had his own share of bumps and bruises to his ego in his last three matches. So, it makes you wonder; is Alex looking for a protégé or future tag team partner and is willing to invest in Tyson, or is there some ulterior motive? You never know what is running through Alex’s mind, he looks the part of the perfect fratboy but plays the part of the evil bad boy. The match starts with Alex in the ring and he’s prepared for the training session with a white board of holds he wants to cover with the newbie. But, things don’t start off too well. Tyson is late, and when he does show up he’s got an attitude. Alex tells him he’ll be learning from one of the best, and is ready to get started. Alex brings the blond fitness model over to the white board to show him the list of moves he wants to cover today, and you quickly notice the first 5 moves are basic wrestling holds, but there’s a sixth move added to the list call the ‘Super Alex’. The cocky fratboy begins the training session with the first move, a hip toss. He locks up with Tyson and shows him how to perform a basic hip toss. Much to Alex’s surprise, the newbie is mouthing off from the start. What’s up with this attitude? They move onto the second move, a bear hug. Once again, Alex shows the rookie how to perform the move, wrapping his massive arms around Tyson’s waist and lifting him up off his feet and squeezing the shit out of him. He first shows him a reverse bear hug, and then a front facing bear hug. Again, more attitude from the rookie. Hey, wasn’t it him that asked Alex to teach him some moves. Apparently, this new guy just doesn’t know how it works around here. They’re 2 minutes into their training session and Tyson tosses the white board out of the ring, and after seeing that Alex says ‘OK, let me show you how I kick some ass!’ They tie and the cocky fratboy scores first with a knee to the blond rookie’s abs then another knee to his thigh, and next thing you know Tyson is crumbling to the mat. He may have pissed off someone he shouldn’t have. Alex shoves him back against the ropes and delivers a few bitch slaps right across the fitness models pecs. He then lifts the rookie up and power slams him into to mat, driving him hard into the ring floor. Tyson’s muscled body arches in pain, as he moans from the impact. He continues to beating up on the disrespectful rookie, suplexing him around the ring the wrapping his massive muscled thighs around Tyson’s wait and then wrapping Tyson’s arm around his own throat, chocking him out on the mat. Alex is owning Tyson at this point; thrusting his shoulder into Tyson’s gut in the corner, lacing his smooth shaven body through the ring ropes to stretch him out with a full nelson, then drags him back into the ring and squeezes with a bearhug before suplexing him around the ring. Alex is grinning and enjoying every minute of this round. As Tyson lay beaten on the mat, the cocky muscular fratboy places his boots on Tyson’s shoulders then grabs his wrists and pulls back with all his might wanting to rip the poor boy’s arms right out of his shoulders. The rookie squirms to escape but it isn’t until Alex releases the hold that the pain subsides from Tyson’s body. As the sweat starts to glisten off each of these muscle boy’s hot bodies, the fratboy lifts the blond to his feet then drops his helpless body across his knee into a backbreaker. As Alex pushes hard down on the rookie’s chin, stretching him out and inflicting severe pain on his back, it almost sounds like Tyson is crying in defeat. But He isn’t done yet, he is able to reverse the momentum and gets in a few good moves on Alex, but it doesn’t faze the superstar. He regains control, goes back to beating up in the rookie’s body, then finishes him off with move #5 on his list, a back breaking camel clutch. Alex compels him to submit twice before releasing the hold and laying claim to round one.
The next round opens with Alex being coy, telling Tyson ‘the whole objective in winning a match is for your hair to still be perfectly coiffed after the match’. Typical Alex! The two start off with a test of strength, which not surprisingly Alex controls and backs the blond rookie back into the corner. He unleashes an attack on Tyson’s gut, connecting with a series of punches and boots. The blond newbie falls to the mat, but Alex lifts him with a handful of hair and begins choking him over the rope. He follows that up with a tightly placed figure four around Tyson’s throat to prolong the choking. Perhaps Tyson should have paid more attention to the training at the onset because he hasn’t shown much offense so far! Alex stays in control, again pulling the rookie to his feet by a handful of his golden locks, only to power slam him back to the mat. Alex is pissed at the fact that the rookie asked him for some training help and then steps into the ring and makes fun of him. Alex continues to pull him up and power slam him to the mat, then when Tyson can’t recover, he straddles the newbie and connects with several bitch slaps across his muscled pecs. Alex’s muscles look spectacular as his sweat gleans off his body while he continues to do what he does best, and that’s pulverize and torture his opponent. The cocky fratboy is enjoying every minute of dishing out the pain, this is the Alex we’re accustomed to seeing! He continues the beating on Tyson; making him suffer in a surfboard, then smashing his face into the corner turnbuckle. The rookie shows little signs of putting up any offense and it’s pretty much all downhill for him in this round. Alex beats and batters his body until Tyson can’t take it anymore. In a display of irony, Alex finishes him off with what was hold #6 on the training schedule, the Super Alex. He must have added this move to his arsenal after the setbacks in his last three matches because he’s never shown this move to anyone before. In an astonishing finish, the cocky fratboy uses the ‘Super Alex’ to turn the rookie’s lights out to end this match! As Tyson lay slumped on the mat, Alex claims the victory.
Austin Cooper vs Chad Daniels
In Chad’s debut match he went against the Z-man, Zack Johnathan, and though he had a slight size advantage the Z-man just had too much experience and he was defeated in straight rounds. But, during that match, Chad showed signs of brilliance, both athletically and with his determination. He knows he’s the new kid on the block but is determined to climb his way to the top of the roster. He’s not drawing any lucky cards with this match, because he’s going up against another seasoned veteran in the red head Austin. The Coop has been with Rock Hard for a long while and has certainly made his mark on the roster, having great success in his singles matches and huge success as a tag team with Jake Jenkins in which they never lost a match. So, this is going to be a big mountain for Chad to climb. The rookie is in the ring flexing his beach bod muscles in his red lifeguard board shoots looking like he just walked off the set of Baywatch. He likes the reflection he sees in the mirror as he slowly drops his shorts revealing his blue square cut trunks, red socks, and white boots. An all-American vision to be sure. As he’s jumping rope, Austin strolls around the corner eating an apple, looking like he just finished with his lunch break. He confronts the rookie, asking what he’s doing in the ring? Chad claims that this is his ring, it’s his zen zone, but Coop explains this is no swimming pool as he throws his half eaten apple in the direction of the newbie. Coop climbs into the ring and the two size each other up, before the veteran strikes first. He scoops the blond lifeguard up, proceeds to walk him around the ring, and then slams his beach bod to the mat in a display of intimidation. Coop straddles Chad as he lay on his stomach, then locks on a viscous arm bar and applies extreme pressure, then rolls him over and locks his tree trunk thighs around the newbie’s 28 inch waist and squeezes away on his ripped abs.The veteran lays on the mat enjoying seeing the blond boy squirm in an attempt to escape. Chad is unable to break the leg scissors and he stays in the control of the red headed veteran, once Coop releases the hold he brings Chad to his feet then makes him fly by suplexing him around the ring. Coop then induces some pain on the rookie’s muscled beach bod as he makes him suffer in a boston crab. Coop says he’s ‘not impressed’ with the rookie but Chad counters that he’s going to ‘kick his ass’.The rookie fends off the pain until Coop releases the hold, and once he does he’s able to get to his feet and quickly attacks the ginger with a scoop slam. Chad’s got some serious muscle and he intends on using it. He tells the veteran ‘you know what I can to do you’ as he stomps away on his back. Once Chad has softened him up, he places Coop in a full nelson with his legs locked around his hips, stretching the red head out and asking ‘who’s your dad?. Pretty cocky for a rookie! As Chad circles his prey and stomps his body, he asks Coop ‘who’s the dumb ass now?’ and the veteran doesn’t hesitate with the reply ‘some guy named Chad’. It’s going to take Chad delivering a lot more punishment to take out a seasoned wrestler like Coop. As Chad is lifting Coop to his feet, the red head makes his move, He hoists the lifeguard up and over his shoulder with a double leg, then drops him in a reverse atomic drop across his knee. Chad screams out ‘my ass’ as he squirms in pain claiming that was a cheap shot. The tactician veteran proclaims I’m going to kick your ass both literally and figuratively, as he kicks his black boot into Chad’s beefy ass. The red head locks on an arm bar combo, ripping Chad’s big muscled arm to the limit, while he flexes his own colossal 17” bicep. Coop asks the baby face ‘what do you think I do to little guys like you?’ as he hoists him up off his feet. Coop walks him around the ring, then drops him hard across his knee into a backbreaker. The tactician has the rookie right where he wants him, his beach bod draped over his knee in total control. He pushes down on Chad’s chin until he cries out ‘I give’ three times, even admitting Coop wins before he’s shoved to the mat. Coop sits down on the lifeguards butt flexing his killer biceps for a triumph in round one.
Round two begins with Austin asking ‘how you feeling buddy’, and Chad telling him ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet’. Coop mocks him by singing some of the lyrics from the old BTO song. The two muscle beach bods lock up and it’s the red head backing the lifeguard into the corner turnbuckle and stomping on both his legs which take his pins right out from under him. Coop then places his black boot across Chad’s throat, choking and cutting off his oxygen. Chad’s able to fend it off, but only to end up in a torture rack across Coop’s broad shoulders and back, not once but twice! The steamy hot, blond beach boy is able to withstand the attack and is able to reverse the action on the veteran. He picks him up then slams his body to the mat, then clamps on a camel clutch and tells Coop he is his bitch now while flexing his own impressive bicep. Chad’s in control and loving it, he’s shown himself to be a quick learner and he’s not going to let up on the red head. He delivers several flying elbow drops to Coop’s back, then flips him over and places his boots on his shoulders, grabs his wrists, and starts stretching the veteran tactician out. Chad’s muscles are pumped and so is his ego. He drags Coop over to the ropes and chokes him out, then whips him across the ring into the corner turnbuckle. He’s got Coop stunned and begins bashing away at his super six-pack. He continues stomping on his body and throwing the burly red head around the ring until he says ‘I got something special for you!’ As Coop lay on the mat, Chad steps out of the ring to grab his jump rope. He laces it around the veteran’s throat, places his knee in his back, then starts yanking back with all his might. The blond lifeguard is flexing every muscle in his incredible beach bod wanting to end this round now. His muscles look glorious under the lights as he continues chocking Coop out. The red head tactician has no choice and ultimately submits before he passes out. Chad flashes a double bicep flex, conquering his opponent in round two. Will Coop be able to come back from the viscous choke out and score a victory over the fast learning blond rookie? Or does Chad and his awesome beach bod continue the momentum and submit the brawny red head to notch an impressive victory? All the thrilling action leads up to a terrific finish in this battle of muscle beach!
All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.

TWO MATCHES ON ONE DVD: Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews and Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Regular price $34.95Dash Decker & Bruce Ballard vs Colt Stevens & Tyson Matthews
Uh oh, seems like Dash and Bruce are at it again! They teamed up recently as super heroes to narrowly defeat the much more experienced team of Austin Cooper and Zack Johnathan, and are looking to wreak havoc on the tag team scene here at Rock Hard. They both have enjoyed success since joining the roster; Dash is the reigning King of the Ring, and Bruce is racking up experience and wins in his quest for the top spot. They seem to feed off each other’s energy and confidence, and we all know they both possess mind blowing bodies. You have to wonder how this match ever got scheduled. It’s like feeding two twinkies to a pack of wolves! Dash and Bruce must have charmed someone to secure a match-up against two unlikely tag team partners in Colt and Tyson. The sly teen Colt has had some success and chalked up his first victory a short while back, but the backyard brawler style of Tyson has not translated well to the ring. He’s been manhandled by three superstars; Ethan, Bruce, and Alex. Honestly, there’s little reason to think these two blond boys have even a remote chance in this match. But then again, it’s always nice to see a total squash once in a while. Round one begins with Dash and Tyson in the ring, and Dash declaring ‘we’re going to kick your ass’. And that’s exactly what starts to happen! Tyson makes the mistake of locking up in a test of strength so the huge bodybuilder just powers him back to his team’s corner and begins bashing and stomping his abs. Bruce just looks on in a show of confidence knowing Dash needs no help, and shouts across the ring to Colt ‘you’re next pretty boy’. And indeed he is, Tyson crawls over to escape the torment and tags Colt. The sly teen climbs through the ropes and directly into Dash’s size 11 black boot that connects with Colt’s gut. Dash puts him through the ringer applying his massive muscles with a boston crab and camel clutch on the poor boy. Dash tags in Bruce to give him a shot at the fun and the bodybuilder picks up where Dash left off, punishing Colt in a camel clutch as he flexes in the mirror. From there Bruce gets his shots in on Tyson, and Dash throws Colts around the ring like a blond headed rag doll. Tyson tags in to take on the bodybuilder Bruce and the total package out muscles him by picking him up and slamming him into the mat. Colt’s seen enough and jumps in on a double team, connecting with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s back. Tyson does take advantage for a short minute, strongly applying a double leg boston crab bending the muscle boy’s massive legs. But it’s short lived, Bruce escapes and locks an MMA arm bar on the backyard brawler wanting to rip his arm off. Tyson does survive and is able to tag in Colt, and at the same time Bruce tags in Dash. Colt’s thrown into the corner by the chosen one, but after a few shoulder thrusts into to teen’s abs, Colt sends a number of knees into Dash’s gut. Colt makes the big bodybuilder ache in a reverse ankle lock. But once again, any momentum Team Colt/Tyson gain quickly evaporates. Dash re-takes control with a stiff clothesline and follows that with a knee to Colt’s forehead that stuns the blond. Dash continues his beating on Colt, softening him up for his partner to come in and finish him off. That’s exactly what happens! Bruce enters the ring, throws and slams the teenager around the ring as Tyson looks on helplessly. Bruce hoists Colt up across his muscular shoulders and starts doing leg presses as the beaten teen lay lifeless with no way to escape. Bruce commands Colt to cry out a submission, and then drops his sweaty, battered body to the mat to end round one.
Round two, and according to tag team rules, it starts with the same participants who finished the last round. Bruce is grinning wide and Colt is recovering as they come to center ring. As they’re circling, the sly blond teen reaches over and slaps Dash across the face, which just pisses off both Dash and Bruce. Bruce grabs Colt by the throat, shoves him against the ropes and begins choking him out with his powerful arms in retaliation for the cheap slap. As Colt struggles for air, Bruce adds insult to injury by telling him, ‘God, you’re ugly’, as he dials up the intensity. He then flips the blond to the mat, but is surprised when the sly MMA fighter catches him with a sweeping leg takedown. Colt may not be all that in the muscle department, but he’s as quick as a cat. Once he’s got the bodybuilder on the mat, this evens things up a bit, and he quickly locks a reverse ankle lock on the muscle dude. Colt has applied this hold hundreds of times and he knows how to inflict the pain, so he torques up the pressure as Bruce’s flexes every muscle on his glorious body searching for a way to escape. Will Colt and Tyson be able to maintain the momentum and take out the big bodybuilders?! NO! Bruce manages to tag in Dash, and when the sly teen see’s this, he hightails it out of the ring. Tyson comes in and is mauled by Dash. It’s all downhill from here for the blond rookies. The bodybuilders have their way with them for the next 10 minutes, toying with them and double teaming them along the way. Round two and the match ends with Dash punishing Tyson’s body until he’s compelled to scream out a submission saying ‘you’re the best’ to the powerful duo. Dash and Bruce flex their eye-popping guns in triumph as the sweat drips off their bodies, bringing to an end one of the most lopsided squash jobs in RHW history!
Ethan Andrews vs Bruce Ballard
Bad boy Ethan has been seething mad lately, since losing his King of the Ring match by the narrowest of margins against Dash. Who can blame him? He outwrestled Dash, but in the end Dash’s superior muscle was able to squeak out a victory to retain his KOTR title. Up until that, Ethan was riding high with; a 2 on 1 beating with Gage against Alex, the now famous Green Team vs Dream Team match where Ethan & Gage literally beat the shit out of Dash & Alex in a huge upset, and then Ethan knocking out the sly teen Colt sending him to la-la land. So the street punk gave it some serious thought to decide who he could take all of his frustration out on, and who better than the friend of his enemy! That’s Bruce! Dash and Bruce have joined forces recently to dominate the tag team scene; with a hard fought victory over Austin and Zack, and then total destruction of Colt and Tyson. They have set themselves up as the team to be reckoned with at RHW. So with Bruce flying high, the bad boy has his sights on bringing the bodybuilder with movie star looks back down to reality. Bruce is psyched for this match, seeing it as an opportunity for him to climb closer to the top of the roster. The bodybuilder is ringside pumping out dumbbell curls as a warm up to the match, and also wanting to get inside bad boy’s head. Bruce is dressed in his favorite black with blue stripes trunks and black boots, while Ethan struts into the arena in his signature red and black long tights which flaunt his infamous, enormous package, and also wearing black boots. Bruce takes the first jab, saying’ what’s up skinny?’ and Ethan fires back asking if he came in at the wrong times as Bruce is making love to himself in the mirror. Bruce asks ‘can you blame me?’ and the bad boy tells him he’s seen better and he’s beaten better! Bruce takes some time to flex, pose, and admire his perfect physique in the mirror, as Ethan looks on from the ring. And the bodybuilder plays one more card, wanting to get into the mind of the smaller street punk. He grabs an apple and crushes it in his hand seemingly in a display of what he’s about to do to his smaller opponent. Round one begins with a test of strength, which you think would favor Bruce, but Ethan’s been here before and scores first with a swift knee into the bodybuilder’s abs. Bruce crumbles, and the bad boy wastes no time in starting to put the bodybuilder through the ringer. Ethan’s been salivating at the opportunity to use and abuse the pretty muscle boy’s muscles, so he wastes no time locking on a single leg boston crab. Bruce can’t escape before Ethan transitions the hold to a reverse ankle lock and chin lock. He’s really stretching the back of the bodybuilder, then moves onto a surfboard. He yanks back on Bruce’s massive arms as his boot drives directly into the small of his back. Bruce playfully asks ‘is that all you got?’ and this only encourages the street punk to ratchet up the pain. He finishes the hold by driving his knee deep down into Bruce’s back. Ethan has all the momentum and isn’t about to let up, he’s intent on delivering a message back at Bruce’s tag team partner Dash that someone’s going to pay for that KOTR loss! He drags the bodybuilder to his feet, whips him across the ring then connects with a flying drop kick to Bruce’s prized abs. This not only floors the total package but also knocks the wind out of him. As Bruce lay on the mat, Ethan stays on the attack. He stomps Bruce’s six pack three times to soften it up, then literally steps up onto Bruce’s abs and taunts the muscle stud as all of his weight is driven into the bodybuilder’s gut. It’s clear the bad boy was ready for this match as he’s totally dominated the action to this point! Ethan continues to work over every muscle on Bruce’s body, even adding some insult to injury with a fish hook hold that gives everyone a clean view of the total package’s Colgate white smile. The bodybuilder does manage to get a few shots in with clothesline, arm bar, and reverse bear hug but that only slows down the inevitable. The bad boy Ethan is zeroed in on destroying the bodybuilder and he quickly regains the momentum. He continues to focus on demolishing Bruce’s back and pulverizing his fantastic abs. He drops the bodybuilder across his knee into a backbreaker and bashes his abs as he stretched out, and asks him if wants to submit and admit that ‘this skinny kid can beat the f*ck out of you’. But Bruce refuses to do that, so the Ethan shoves him off his knee, grabs one ankle and one wrist and starts to stretch the shit out of Bruce’s beautiful body. Bruce cries out in pain as Ethan has him torqued very tight, and when the bodybuilder won’t submit the bad boy stomps his boot into the small of Bruce’s back compelling him to cry out a submission. As Bruce’s hapless, sweat soaked body lay face down on the mat, Ethan kneels on his back and flexes his own bulging biceps in victory to end round one.
Round two opens with Bruce slumped in his corner, rubbing the soreness from his blood red abs. The bad boy asks him ‘how’s it going’, and the bodybuilder tells him ‘it’s about to get a lot worse for you!’ Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out that way for the total package. Ethan seizes control with a side headlock, then hip tosses him to the mat. He squeezes tight around Bruce’s neck for a bit, then transitions to a head scissors. He control’s the bodybuilder with just his long, lanky legs, and then rubs it in Bruce’s face by doing a series of push-ups as he’s in total control. Ethan dominates the muscle stud, using his full arsenal of holds to inflict pure pain and punishment on every one of the bodybuilder’s mouth-watering muscles. Bruce’s abs are sure to be sore for a week after the beating they just took. Someone call the ambulance! This is one VERY HOT match, and may well have been the bad boy’s finest performance ever! A MUST SEE!All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!
This DVD contains the two matches detailed above. It is a standard DVD that will play in standard DVD players worldwide. The DVD will be shipped to you by US Mail or International Air Mail.