Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews

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Alex Waters vs Tyson Matthews

After Tyson had his ass kicked in his first two bouts, with both bad boy Ethan Andrews torturing him in straight rounds and bodybuilder Bruce Ballard over muscling him in his most recent match, the rookie was looking for somebody, anybody that could show him the ropes. So, he approached a number of the guys in the locker room about teaching him some new moves and how to succeed at Rock Hard but they all turned him down, except for one. And that one was current superstar Alex, though he’s had his own share of bumps and bruises to his ego in his last three matches. So, it makes you wonder; is Alex looking for a protege or future tag team partner and is willing to invest in Tyson, or is there some ulterior motive? You never know what is running through Alex's mind, he looks the part of the perfect fratboy but plays the part of the evil bad boy. The match starts with Alex in the ring and he’s prepared for the training session with a white board of holds he wants to cover with the newbie. But, things don’t start off too well. Tyson is late, and when he does show up he’s got an attitude. Alex tells him hell be learning from one of the best, and is ready to get started. Alex brings the blond fitness model over to the white board to show him the list of moves he wants to cover today, and you quickly notice the first 5 moves are basic wrestling holds, but theres a sixth move added to the list call the Super Alex. The cocky fratboy begins the training session with the first move, a hip toss. He locks up with Tyson and shows him how to perform a basic hip toss. Much to Alex's surprise, the newbie is mouthing off from the start. Whats up with this attitude? They move onto the second move, a bear hug. Once again, Alex shows the rookie how to perform the move, wrapping his massive arms around Tyson's waist and lifting him up off his feet and squeezing the shit out of him. He first shows him a reverse bear hug, and then a front facing bear hug. Again, more attitude from the rookie. Hey, wasn’t it him that asked Alex to teach him some moves. Apparently, this new guy just doesn’t know how it works around here. They’re 2 minutes into their training session and Tyson tosses the white board out of the ring, and after seeing that Alex says OK, let me show you how I kick some ass! They tie and the cocky fratboy scores first with a knee to the blond rookies abs then another knee to his thigh, and next thing you know Tyson is crumbling to the mat. He may have pissed off someone he shouldn’t have. Alex shoves him back against the ropes and delivers a few bitch slaps right across the fitness models pecs. He then lifts the rookie up and power slams him into to mat, driving him hard into the ring floor. Tyson's muscled body arches in pain, as he moans from the impact. He continues to beating up on the disrespectful rookie, suplexing him around the ring the wrapping his massive muscled thighs around Tyson's wait and then wrapping Tyson's arm around his own throat, chocking him out on the mat. Alex is owning Tyson at this point; thrusting his shoulder into Tyson's gut in the corner, lacing his smooth shaven body through the ring ropes to stretch him out with a full nelson, then drags him back into the ring and squeezes with a bearhug before suplexing him around the ring. Alex is grinning and enjoying every minute of this round. As Tyson lay beaten on the mat, the cocky muscular fratboy places his boots on Tyson's shoulders then grabs his wrists and pulls back with all his might wanting to rip the poor boys arms right out of his shoulders. The rookie squirms to escape but it isnt until Alex releases the hold that the pain subsides from Tyson's body. As the sweat starts to glisten off each of these muscle boys hot bodies, the fratboy lifts the blond to his feet then drops his helpless body across his knee into a backbreaker. As Alex pushes hard down on the rookies chin, stretching him out and inflicting severe pain on his back, it almost sounds like Tyson is crying in defeat. But He isn’t done yet, he is able to reverse the momentum and gets in a few good moves on Alex, but it doesn’t faze the superstar. He regains control, goes back to beating up in the rookies body, then finishes him off with move #5 on his list, a back breaking camel clutch. Alex compels him to submit twice before releasing the hold and laying claim to round one.

The next round opens with Alex being coy, telling Tyson the whole objective in winning a match is for your hair to still be perfectly coiffed after the match. Typical Alex! The two start off with a test of strength, which not surprisingly Alex controls and backs the blond rookie back into the corner. He unleashes an attack on Tyson's gut, connecting with a series of punches and boots. The blond newbie falls to the mat, but Alex lifts him with a handful of hair and begins choking him over the rope. He follows that up with a tightly placed figure four around Tyson's throat to prolong the choking. Perhaps Tyson should have paid more attention to the training at the onset because he hasn’t shown much offense so far! Alex stays in control, again pulling the rookie to his feet by a handful of his golden locks, only to power slam him back to the mat. Alex is pissed at the fact that the rookie asked him for some training help and then steps into the ring and makes fun of him. Alex continues to pull him up and power slam him to the mat, then when Tyson cant recover, he straddles the newbie and connects with several bitch slaps across his muscled pecs. Alex's muscles look spectacular as his sweat gleans off his body while he continues to do what he does best, and thats pulverize and torture his opponent. The cocky fratboy is enjoying every minute of dishing out the pain, this is the Alex were accustomed to seeing! He continues the beating on Tyson; making him suffer in a surfboard, then smashing his face into the corner turnbuckle. The rookie shows little signs of putting up any offense and its pretty much all downhill for him in this round. Alex beats and batters his body until Tyson cant take it anymore. In a display of irony, Alex finishes him off with what was hold #6 on the training schedule, the Super Alex. He must have added this move to his arsenal after the setbacks in his last three matches because he’s never shown this move to anyone before. In an astonishing finish, the cocky fratboy uses the Super Alex to turn the rookies lights out to end this match! As Tyson lay slumped on the mat, Alex claims the victory.

All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!  This video download is presented in a high definition (HD) format .mp4 file. This common form of video file can be played in most all digital video player apps. You will be emailed a download link to download the video file within a few minutes after your purchase.