Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister

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Cody Nelson vs Jeff Hollister

This match opens with the muscle stud Cody bouncing his 6 foot flawless physique up and down in his corner, decked out in camo trunks and black boots. He yells across the ring to his opponent, the boy-next-door Jeff, are you ready for this Jeff Hollister? Jeff, all 57, 135 lbs of him, answers with a smile on his face yeah, Ive heard about you, Ive heard what you got. Little did Jeff know the beating he was in for, when he entered the ring to take on the bigger, more muscular, muscle stud Cody. Cody comes out of his corner with a big smile on his face, eagerly anticipating putting the squash on the much smaller, blond boy Jeff. They exchange a few jabs with each other to start the round, but Cody isn’t going to have any of this, he walks over to Jeff and simply exerts his power by picking Jeff up, carry him across the ring, and then slamming him down to the mat to begin the beat down on the boy-next-door. Cody delivers some hard boot stomps to Jeff’s torso while he’s down on the mat, then picks him up and throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle, and delivers some well placed, hard knee drives to Jeff’s back. Cody then spins him around in the corner and continues with several kicks to Jeff’s chest and stomach before Jeff crumbles to the mat in pain. Cody continues to pound away on Jeff’s body in the corner with an all out assault of kicks, stomps, and punches. He then drags the blonde boy out into the center of the ring and locks on a Boston crab, that has Jeff wincing in some serious back pain. Cody keeps the domination of round one going with a series of punishing holds, including a figure four leg lock, picking Jeff up and slamming him back down to the mat, and continuing to stomp away at Jeff’s body. Jeff is able to get a few shots in on the muscle stud, locking on a Boston crab of his own, and also a standing full nelson that has Cody squirming in pain for a moment, but Cody just has too much of a size advantage in this match up and overpowers the boy-next-door with his brute strength and raw muscular power. Cody goes back to pounding away on Jeff, calling him a little pussy boy, and then picks him up for an over the shoulders backbreaker and starts parading him around the ring, bouncing him up and down to inflict more agonizing pain, and then spins him around in an airplane spin that has Jeff sailing across the ring and landing flat on the mat. Cody walks over, picks the blond boy up by his hair, lifts him up in the air and the power slams him to the mat. Jeff’s just about knocked out at this point, and starts to cry out I give, I give but Cody isn’t satisfied with that, he lays his muscular, sweaty chest across the worn out Jeff and counts out a 1-2-3 pin count to end the beating on the boy in round one.

Cody starts round two confident and cocky, with a big smile on his face, and the sweat dripping from his pumped up muscled body, knowing he has total control of this match. He taunts Jeff hows that back feeling? as he struts from his corner to lock up in a test of strength with him in the center of the ring. You can sense Cody wants to totally squash his opponent, and display his dominance in the ring, exhibiting his full arsenal of moves. The muscle stud starts dishing out the punishment on Jeff with a power slam to the mat, several stomps to the body, and then flips Jeff over into a Boston crab, which has Jeff crying out, no, not the back and Cody applying extreme pressure to the Jeff’s lower back. He mocks Jeff as he rocks back and forth on his back, asking I thought you were a real wrestler? The beating continues as he picks Jeff up, throws him face first into the corner turnbuckle and starts dishing out more hurt with knees to Jeff’s butt, and then spins him around and delivers some ab abuse to the blond boy. Jeff can barely stand up, but Cody drags him back up, pushes him back into the ring ropes, and then stretches him to the max across the top rope with Jeff’s feet dangling in mid air on the inside of the ring. Jeff is able to make a brief comeback and does everything he can to deliver some punishment on the muscle stud, but Cody will have none of it. Cody is back on the attack, and applies an MMA style arm bar and wrist-lock that nearly snaps Jeff’s skinny arm, and it isn’t long before he’s screaming out a submission. Cody releases the hold, but says Im still not done with you, determined to inflict more sting on the suffering blond. Cody picks him up by his hair and forces two more submissions out of Jeff’s withering body, to finally put an and to the pure pain and punishment that was inflicted in this match. Welcome to the big leagues little man, and a total one-sided squash victory for Cody!

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