Double Match Video: Brody Hancock vs Ray Martinez and Cameron Davis vs Tommy Clark

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Brody Hancock vs Ray Martinez

As Brody is in the ring doing push ups, and wondering what opponent hell victimize next, up steps the cover boy model Ray onto the ring apron. Ray, known more for his looks than his wrestling ability, is just getting started with his wrestling career. He tells the indy wrestler he has all the right ingredients to be a superstar wrestler. He’s got great looks, nice smile, sexy body, and big muscles. Brody retorts, you think thats all it takes to be a good pro wrestler, and then offers the muscle boy a match. Ray doesn’t know what he’s getting into, as Brody has taken RHW by storm in his first few matches. Brody wastes no time in attacking Ray, literally ripping the shirt right off of his tightly muscled body. He’s determined that he’s not going to let some pretty cover boy come into his ring and end his winning streak! Ray has the size and strength advantage, but Brody clearly has the wrestling advantage. In the first fall, Brody systematically starts breaking Ray down, even ripping his shoes off, and making the muscle boy scream out in pain. Ray has his moments, and even catches the indy wrestler in a few painful holds of his own, but Brody just has too much wrestling experience and wont allow a first fall victory to slip by. Surprisingly, Brody plays dirty, and starts chocking the cover boy out with his own shirt. This leads to a first fall submission victory for Brody, and he celebrates by giving his signature single bicep flex over the nearly unconscious cover boy model.

Brody picks up in the second round determined to inflict more pain on his opponent, working him over good with some gut punching in the ropes, an over the rope choke hold, and few kicks to the body. All of this has Ray wondering what he ever got himself into? Brody picks the muscle boy up by the hair at one point, and has him mug for his mama to the camera. As Brody finishes him off in two straight falls, he again poses over Ray with his huge, bulging bicep flex and mutters another easy win. Look out RHW wrestlers, Brody is on a rampage!


Cameron Davis vs Tommy Clark

Both wrestlers come out from their respective corners barefoot, Cameron in blue/black square cuts, and Tommy in his royal blue MMA trunks. Each of them spend the first few minutes feeling the other out, and gauging each others skill level. Cameron more of a wrestler, and Tommy more the MMA style fighter. In this match up, Cameron has the height and weight advantage over his opponent, and plans on using it. After exchanging holds with one another, Tommy catches Cameron in a painful arm bar, then Cameron retaliates with a cross trip takedown. Lots of good give and take action in this match up. Cameron catches Tommy with a nasty arm drag, which seems to injure the MMA fighters shoulder. These are two technical fighters wanting to show off their skill levels to the other. Tommy takes Cameron down and starts working on the leg, but the skilled wrestler is able to break free. In a lapse of concentration by Cameron, Tommy is able to catch him in a tight arm lock MMA style move, forcing the big guy to tap out to a first fall submission.

Cameron, pissed off after losing the first fall, starts the second round off with a cross body throw that has the MMA fighter reeling. He goes for the quick pin, but Tommy is able to escape. As the sweat glistens off of each of their chiseled bodies, both of these guys show off some of their favorite moves; leg locks, arm bars, takedowns as they struggle for supremacy. Cameron catches Tommy in an excruciating leg lock that has Tommy wincing in pain, but he somehow manages to break free, with the intent of making it two straight falls over the more skilled wrestler. Tommy then goes on the attack, and catches Cameron in a reverse arm bar and chin lock that has him on the edge. Can it be, will the underdog Tommy take the match in straight falls?


All Rock Hard Wrestling matches are shot using several cameras from multiple angles using professional lighting, sound, and music. You'll see every sweaty detail, and nearly feel the pain and agony from right there in the ring!  

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